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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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achieving technological sovereignty, when today new production facilities are opening in the regions, for us, as a specialized committee, the inclusion of regions in the scientific and technological agenda is very important. in this regard , i cannot help but say that the pilot project is being implemented quite successfully today, when in each region we have responsibility for the scientific and technological agenda. and 20 regions have already prepared their programs taking into account regional specifics, but with guidelines. for federal tasks, of course, for us it was remains important for the development of issues of interparliamentary diplomacy, in this regard , i cannot help but mention the eleventh forum of regions of russia belarus, where our committee very successfully held two sections, one of them was devoted to the scientific agenda of interuniversity cooperation, the other to issues of our humanitarian cooperation, culture, whether there will be any - what are the senators’ homework for the summer, what proposals do you have... yes,
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of course, there will be homework, i would like to draw attention to two important points: the first topic is the topic of wages payments for our teachers, we are also systematically working on it, today, thanks to our joint efforts with the relevant departments, with the regions, we have already developed a tripartite agreement, but unfortunately, so far across the country, as our monitoring has shown, 37. that is, different systems remain wages, and unfortunately, the salary of a teacher sometimes differs not just in different regions, but in one region in neighboring schools, so now it is important that these recommendations, which were adopted within the framework of the trilateral commission of the tripartite agreement, these approaches were implemented in each subject of the russian federation, so that we understand what difficulties there are, how much additional funds are needed, well, second, as you said, the homework concerns...
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cultural heritage sites, the committee is doing a lot of work in this direction with relevant departments, we have developed such an algorithm of action: firstly, in each region we need to conduct an inventory of such objects, understand how we are moving, what is needed in terms of changing the legislative framework, and moreover, in the autumn session we are going to large parliamentary hearings on this topic, which will be chaired by valentina ivanovna matvienko. i am sure that we will approach the hearing with concretely adopted laws, which are highly anticipated in the regions today. cryptocurrency and mining have been legalized in russia; without exaggeration, this landmark law was approved at the final plenary meeting of the federation council. many people are engaged in crypto trading today, from high school students to professional financiers, and some even i manage to make money from this. there are such people. the only problem is that the cryptocurrency itself and its mathematics. the central bank, but even it gave in
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under the pressure of circumstances. russia's international payments in conventional currencies have been greatly complicated in recent months due to secondary sanctions. we simply have nothing to pay our foreign partners with. cryptocurrency will help solve this problem. the rules for using new assets according to the law will be determined by the regulator in the near future. in the meantime, its head elvira nabeulina spoke at the meeting. development council financial market at the chamber of regions. together with senators, representatives of federal subjects, banks and the real sector of the economy, they discussed monetary policy in the country, and the same cryptocurrency, inflation, preferential mortgages. our special correspondent, alina maksimova, looked into what financial course russia is pursuing. in the fight against inflation, it is necessary to pursue a balanced policy, restraining rising prices does not stop the flow of money into the economy. in this phrase valentina matvienko said. formulated at the beginning of the meeting
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the main vector of the country’s financial development, with the help of the key rate the central bank increases the cost of money, encouraging people not to spend, to save, and this is the right tactic, valentina matvienko is sure. at the moment, it can be argued that despite high rates, lending has not fallen, as many feared; on the contrary, it continues to grow, enterprise profits are also growing, and this is an important source for... the influx of funds into the real sector of the economy. increasing the flow of money into the economy today is the main task of the state. we need to convince people and businesses to invest in the long term, and not with nice words, but with benefits and subsidies. among them , the federation council identifies priority measures, for example, strengthening the taxonomy mechanism: this is targeted support for projects that work for technological sovereignty, benefits for companies that list shares on the stock exchange, and information. by order of the president
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, by the end of this year it is necessary to attract 250 billion rubles to the program, for this a number of measures have already been taken, in particular from 3 to 10 years the period for co-financing long-term savings has been extended, but we need to see what else can be done to increase the attractiveness of the program for citizens; the federation council will support its proposals by law, for example, an initiative to insure money in individual investment accounts in the event of a broker’s bankruptcy. another bill will regulate the installment plan mechanism, which today has turned into a cunning marketing ploy, especially among developers. by the way, the proposal to fight apathetic schemes is also supported by
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central bank. behind all these enticements for people is either an inflated price for the apartment, or a rosy, sharp increase in payments subsequently. and all this is opaque to people.
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on companies that allegedly help write off debts for a fee. such advertising should be banned, the senators are sure. central banks, in turn, propose introducing a long cooling period for suspicious loans, so that a person has time to realize the mistake and withdraw the loan application. and, of course, it is important to increase the financial literacy of russians in in general. the governor of the krasnoyarsk territory, mikhail katyukov, spoke about this at the meeting. it is necessary to go wider in matters of financial education, to go further, and so that people can p'. reacts to news about an increase, decrease or preservation of the key rate, and what does this mean for each person? why does this also matter so much to him? it’s important to say here that it may be necessary to fine-tune our system of both education and regulation. another important element of the country’s financial strategy is the digital ruble. towards its mass implementation
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the central bank plans to switch from july 2025. elvira nabeulina is confident that russians will quickly appreciate the advantages of this type of currency: free transfers, low commissions, and within five. within 7 years, the digital ruble will already become a familiar instrument. in august , senators will continue to work on another landmark bill on fines for electric scooter drivers. traffic rules for this type of transport have been in effect since march last year. but there was no punishment for violating them. the new document involves the introduction of serious sanctions, for example, from 500 to 5,000 rubles. for speeding from 2 to 500 for causing minor damage to health. in case of an accident and from 10 to 15 thousand if the damage to health was of moderate severity. for driving a scooter while intoxicated, you will have to pay from 20 to 3,000 rubles. they will be fined for driving on the highway, for violating the rules when crossing intersections, driving on sidewalks, for
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leaving the scene of an accident, and for refusing a medical examination. read more about the new norms let's talk with the author of the bill, senator artyom sheikin. artyom gennadievich, the document was adopted in the first. which it was initially, it was up to 5,000 rubles. and for the second reading it is proposed to make changes to make it similar to driving while intoxicated, so it will be 20-30 thousand rubles there. will these standards apply to drivers of electric bicycles?
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they are now actively used by couriers who disturb pedestrians, and no less than scooter riders? as for electric bicycles, on the one hand they elude the law, on the other hand... works in the field of this law, mainly couriers - ride electric bicycles with a power of more than 250 w, they simply modernize them, increasing this power. while the supreme court of the russian federation has repeatedly stated in its decisions that electric bicycles whose power exceeds 250 watts are already mopeds, and that we have separate rules for mopeds, this means driving on the roadway in the outer and right lane , and also requires category m license, so in our situation - most couriers who move along our streets must have a license and drive on the roadway. violations of traffic rules
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by motorists have long been recorded by cameras; will the same system apply here? there are difficulties in identifying violators, the issue of law enforcement practice and recording of offenses in the automatic mode of their identification will be resolved after the adoption of the bill of the ministry of transport, the bill will create a register, a federal register of sim, as well as sim and bicycle owners registration numbers and registration marks will be issued for their identification. finding those responsible for road accidents makes it difficult for illegal kick sharing; these are services for renting electric scooters that operate without the necessary permits. how do you plan to deal with this problem? indeed, this problem exists and has been very active lately. are distributed on social networks, in instant messengers, even on specialized websites, there are offers that
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tell you that you can buy a fake account and use it to take rental - electric scooters and electric bicycles. such services operate illegally, and they are mainly popular among those people who are on the black list, or among young people who are prohibited from riding electric scooters due to their age. and i have already sent a request to the prosecutor general’s office about this, so that they check these services to determine their legality. as we said, the road rules for personal mobility devices have been in place for over a year now, but i it seems that not everyone knows about their existence, and they don’t even think about how to safely operate an electric scooter. which ones do you think? there should be measures to prevent these violations, i believe that kicksharing companies, at
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a minimum, perhaps, should conduct some tests on knowledge of traffic rules, even if they are some simple, general ones, if we are talking about companies that work, well, let’s say in the field of delivery, then internal work should also be carried out for them, they should keep records of transport funds, they must check couriers for licenses, if their electric bicycle exceeds the power of 250 w, they must equip their bicycles with devices that - firstly, can slow down in high-risk areas, secondly, measure speed, thirdly, display location, well, it’s important that they can independently fine their employees who... violate traffic rules so that they get used to following these rules now.
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another important law approved by at the final plenary meeting of this session , agro-aggregators are being introduced in russia. these are enterprises that will purchase products from farmers, process them and then sell them on special platforms. the adoption of the document will help small businesses promote goods bypassing retail chains. agricultural aggregators will be useful to buyers, after all.
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to saturate the market and, most importantly, to give an incentive to producers of small businesses to produce these products. this law solves another important problem.
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drought, rain, floods, you name it, in your opinion, how will this affect the prices of agricultural products, and do you see any risks of shortages, perhaps in some areas? for example, more than 50 million tons of grain have already been collected, and the agricultural enterprise confirms this year’s volume is about 132 million tons. this does not mean that we will be able to repeat the record, but it does mean that the internal needs of our market and... we will be able to fulfill all export obligations, and i would like to note that insurance companies behaved differently this year. partnership, regarding farmers who suffered damage, but which were insured, and quickly enough almost a billion rubles were transferred to agricultural enterprises, the agricultural enterprise provided serious support, working in such
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a headquarters mode for seed material, many fields had to be replanted. we are not recording any serious problems, we have the parameters of the food security doctrine, there for grain, meat, fish, they are exceeded with very serious volumes, farmers know that their first main task is to ensure the domestic market, the second the task is already to fulfill export obligations and extract foreign exchange profits, but we do not think about and do not record such risks, therefore... prices for food products will be stable, it is important to monitor the affordability of prices for socially significant groups of goods, we do this on a regular basis , look at them not from a country perspective, taking into account our size and extent, and respond promptly in specific regions. alexander vladimirovich, at the plenary meeting of the federation council, a law on the management of
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medical waste was adopted, this document is senators promoted for a long time, noting that now hazardous substances have actually, well... entered some kind of gray area, in your opinion, how this new law will solve this problem, in fact, a digital platform that shows all a picture of medical waste generators, there are more than 3 million tons of them, and they saw that 2 million tons are class a waste, that is , it is actually solid municipal waste, and naturally, it is absolutely logical that the legislative norm will transfer this waste to regional ones. especially hazardous waste is transferred to rosatom, which already works with the first and second hazard classes, that is, what is very important,
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this law does not give birth to new entities, it makes working with waste more efficient, more understandable for...
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that this is a reform. aquaculture remains one of the most promising and growing sectors of agriculture in russia. over 10 years, the volume of artificially grown fish and seafood
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in the country has doubled. among the leading regions in this area, of course, is the astrakhan region. only black one in the first half of the year, 16 tons of caviar were produced there. this is the highest figure in the country. in addition, other seafood is grown in the region. development of the fishery complex of the southern region. engaged in aquaculture, this year the permitted catch is 53,000 tons, about 29 tons - this is in the avan-delta, that is, the sea, and
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23,000 tons in the river part of the delta. the fishing industry is promising, i believe, this is mainly the development of aquaculture, we have pasture aquaculture, we have pond aquaculture, we have industrial, industrial. it's in mainly sturgeon species of fish, when in a year-round complex the enterprise grows sturgeon fish and caviar production in cages in a closed cycle; in 2023, our enterprise supplied 23 tons of caviar to the market, this is a good figure. what difficulties does the fishing industry face in the astrakhan region and how do the regional authorities solve them? one of the main problems.
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this program must be accepted and consistently implemented. our film crew also visited one of the fishery enterprises in the astrakhan region. group. oksana poturkina will talk about how fish are bred and caviar is produced, a delicacy that has become an astrakhan brand. the city of naremanov is 40 km up the volga from astrakhan. here is located one of the sites of a unique setter farm, the only one in the world where caspian beluga is raised. this fish is on the verge of extinction and is 100% reproduced only artificially. beluga lives on the farm. in cages, which does not require the forced creation of a reservoir, while water exchange occurs continuously, that is, for the most natural conditions have been created for river inhabitants. this cage contains beluga, about 20 individuals,
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by the way, this is not the largest fish yet. some white whales of this species weigh about 200 kg; in nature, belugas are found many times larger. smaller fish are also bred here, such as sterlet, thorn and russian sturgeon, about 80 in each cage, the total number of all individuals on the farm is approaching 100,000. now they have a period of maximum rest, which is disrupted by meals twice a day. the fish are fed with sprat and specialized food made from fishmeal. it contains the necessary ingredients, as well as vitamins, microelements and even antioxidants. the diet, as well as the condition of the fish , is monitored by a specialist from south america, who stayed in astrakhan after studying at a local university. in october, piranza orchiphyllumena will have more work to do. every year at this time an inventory of his cold-blooded charges takes place. goes for paralysis, for meat, we separate the sexes of the fish, and we check all the fish completely, this is a very important point. interesting fact: the sex of a fish is determined by
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using an ultrasound machine, then the females and males are sorted into different cages, immediately after wintering the fish farming season begins, the peak of which is in may, we are talking about milking, this is the name of the difficult process of obtaining caviar, when it is important not only to preserve the life of the female, but also not to injure her. this is the so -called injection cage, that is... uh, when we receive caviar, the fish are deposited here, the process itself takes about 2 minutes, then the fish is deposited back into the cage, and after 2-3 years, four, this process is repeated, almost 5 tons per year, that’s how much caviar receive from this enterprise, part is transferred for reproduction, the lion's share goes for processing, and then to the domestic market, and this is already the largest greenhouse complex in the region, they also grow here, but only tomatoes, from seed to fruit-bearing plant, well, in ours. .. tomato is grown in greenhouses, a hybrid f1 merlis, characterized by high yield, relative unpretentiousness, good resistance to certain diseases
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that... are found in greenhouse plants. every week on the counter of the country more than 200 tons of fragrant and fleshy fruits come from these greenhouses, mainly to retail chains. the harvest here is harvested almost all year round, with the exception of a few months when tomatoes grow in open ground, such as turnkey greenhouses. there are not many in russia yet. this is a climate sleeve where a very important process occurs. right now, air from the street comes inside and is processed there. in summer it cools, in winter it warms up accordingly. additionally , carbon dioxide is supplied, and if brought. to the hole, you can feel how it comes out of it humidified and cool air. this year alone, almost 25 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget with the participation of the federal treasury for the production of greenhouse vegetables. in general, state funding for enterprises in the agro-industrial complex, which occupies one of the key positions in the region’s economy, exceeds 600 billion billion. currently , 15 large-scale investment projects are being implemented in the astrakhan region, including the cultivation of rice, potatoes, and vegetables in closed and open ground. in the next 8 years, these companies
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are planning. attract serious investments about 50 billion and at the same time create more than 35 new jobs, it is not for nothing that the region is the undisputed leader in the volume of commercial vegetable production. oksana poturkina, yuri belov and andrey litvin, senate program from the astrakhan region. these were the results of the week in the federation council. see you in the new television season. modern technologies, confidence in stable operation, reliability and energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry, new quality for your success, russian electric motors.
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cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch them, watch them in the app or on the website, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where you need it, that’s what my name is, because the visa is not where you fool want, where you need it , fire, soon! the russian army repelled 10 attacks in the control zone. the center, west, east and south groups occupied more advantageous positions. about 2.0 more soldiers were lost in zelensky’s formation, mercenary officers. three tanks and eight other armored vehicles, as well as over thirty self-propelled guns, were destroyed.


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