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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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cards are used in fraudulent activities, this is the creation of bots, this is the creation of imaginary bot farms there. police officers, together with members of the national guard, regularly bring users of gray sim cards out of the shadows. republic of adegea, the apartment of a twenty-year-old resident of maykop turned out to be a fraudulent call center with hundreds of illegal sim cards. and these are shots from the volgograd region, here are legal sales representatives of the daily communication operator. engaged in illegal activities in his apartment. the kitchen has been refurbished to server room with simboxes, the bedroom resembled a warehouse. there was something like a communications salon in the hall. the man detained at home registered subscribers, sold them gray sim cards, and registered them with fictitious passport details. investigators from the ministry of internal affairs have yet to find out which criminals he assisted. the so -called gray sim cards are almost always material evidence in every criminal case, be it cyber fraud or...
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what happened, that is, if the volume of gray sim cards is destroyed, the call data is simply not available will. it’s a well-known fact: when organizing a terrorist attack in crocus near moscow, the bandits coordinated their actions in instant messengers, whose accounts were linked to gray sim cards. later, with the help of fake calls, the accomplices mixed up their tracks, trying to evade punishment. any sim card, including the gray one, has its own digital trace of its owner. as part of a journalistic experiment. now let's check for whom? this sim card is registered, we purchased it on the market without providing passport data, insert the sim card into smartphone, we are waiting for settings, this sim card turned out to be clean, the user is asked to enter his data, otherwise the card may be blocked. in russia , about 100 million sim cards are produced per year; at this enterprise, the technology is mainly a domestic telephone number linked to a microchip program, a tiny computer, which controls the process. robots under the guidance
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of people. this is what the shadow implementation diagram of a sim card looks like. the name is the manufacturer, the chips are supplied by the customer, the cellular operator. at this stage to sim cards numbers are assigned, then the products are sent to the shelves. intermediaries often appear between the consumer and the supplier. they act either independently or in collusion with some managers of the sales departments of cellular operators. this is where gray sim cards issued for dummies appear . well, yes, in many respects, thanks to the streamlining of the number of sim cards per person and the creation of a unified user base for mobile communications in government services, illegal subscribers will forever go offline. andrey ivlev, danil sukhorochka, alexey gorshkov, dinara yasipova and ekaterina romanova, vesti, duty department. turkey this week hosted the largest prisoner exchange since the cold war, involving several countries, including russia.
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geshkovich collected secret information about the activities of the ural carriage plant, a tank manufacturer. and this is american intelligence officer paul willan, sentenced to 16 years. the court proved that in 2018 he...
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you have a complaint or statement, you don’t have one, another participant in the exchange, a native of ukhta, sentenced to 13 years, a political scientist. secret information about the movements of russian troops in syria, to employees of the german foreign intelligence service. during his arrest, it turned out that he had two citizenships - russian and german. this passport, valid until 2028, was shown on television for the first time in our program. investigators proved that the spy's informant was journalist ivan safronov, who was later convicted of treason. in one country you are not to blame for this, in another country, well, the law is written so that you are to blame for this, there is a court that decided that you i’m to blame, i’ll add, as a result of the exchange , eight russians and their children were returned to our country; they arrived in moscow at the airport
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on their grandson’s morning by plane and were met by president vladimir putin. 3 million rubles for a place in a cemetery in sochi this week detained potential members of a group of funeral workers. according to investigators, it was headed by former mayoral adviser radion pishchur. as a result of a large-scale special operation by employees of the fsb investigative committee and the sochi police, several people were detained. how the accomplices managed to sell the plots, which by law must be provided free of charge, why was the main defendant in the high-profile case in porest not shy about boasting about his beautiful life. from sochi, investigation. against the backdrop of premium cars, the former modest adviser to the mayor of sochi, radion peshchur, now a defendant in a criminal case, he did not hesitate to pamper himself with expensive gifts, he loved to fly to moscow for shopping, to one of the most expensive stores in the gum, peshchur lived on a grand scale, according to our data, in
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this elite residential complex in the center of sochi, where a square meter costs more than half a million rubles, he has an apartment overlooking the sea, and this... searches in yet another property of radion pishur, in a house on one of the most prestigious streets of sochi, the security forces found millions of rubles in cash, a collection of luxury watches, jewelry, even the owners preferred to stir their tea with gilded spoons, among the many rooms there was room for a small sauna. waking up with a view of the sea and blooming gardens is a dream of millions for one of the main defendants in a criminal case; it has become a reality in an elite residential complex in the very center of sochi. the cost of apartments here is reasonable. up to 122 million rubles. from the house to the building of the central district court of sochi, where a preventive measure was chosen for the ex-adviser to the head of the resort city, he could have easily walked in a straight line only 200 m. but the investigators considered that peshchur could hide, detained him right in the apartment and brought him under escort . are there any complaints about
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the detention? no. radion pishur was detained as a result of a joint special operation of the investigative committee and the fsb of the sochi police. according to the security forces, he headed a group of funeral workers who traded. in some places on cemeteries, seeing off the deceased on his last journey, relatives are ready to give their last; in the churchyards of the city of sochi, as it turned out, there had long been an unspoken price list for a place, about 1000, but it was impossible for free, no, we are not local, our relatives died here, and we they buried themselves, and this can still be said for nothing, for the provision of some burial sites, local businessmen, as investigators established, asked for up to 3 million rubles. it was a real octopus, the group included employees of the organization department funeral affairs department of the city economy, workers of a private funeral agency and a municipal specialized service; they staged cynical performances for loved ones and the deceased right in the graveyard. relatives of the deceased were taken to
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the farthest and most inconvenient sections of the cemetery in which land was provided by them allegedly at a reduced cost, naturally, the relatives wanted to get a plot of land at... the better the plot, the greater the amount of money that had to be transferred from 2000 to 3 million rubles while that according to the law, places are provided free of charge, you only need to pay for burial services and, if necessary , landscaping, their cost varied and brought the accomplices, according to investigators’ calculations, up to 15 million rubles per month. you may ask how much i invested there, the last time i invested 10 million rubles in the support in the forty-first sector in...
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we passed by ordinary employees, it is noteworthy that the defendants in the criminal case worked in the same building, on the ground floor
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there is a specialized funeral service, on the second - a private funeral agency, and on the floor above the department for organizing funeral affairs of the city department of economy, which deals with the distribution of places in cemeteries, such a sochi octopus, during the search the security forces opened a small safe, found a large amount of cash, behind the scenes service employees timidly commented on the find. now the doors of the offices are locked, the corridors are empty, only from time to time eerie sounds are heard in the rooms: these are the growls of employees who remained free after visit of law enforcement officers, apparently the funeral workers decided to scare the journalists. first , a frail man in the pose of a bodybuilder appeared in a gloomy corridor; at the sight of reporters , for some reason he began to shout an extremist slogan; a piece of common sense was found only on the third floor at the reception.
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executive body, which specifically allocates the place and issues a certificate of registration of the burial after the burial, entering it in the registration book. the head of this department, stanislav garmash, as well as the alleged organizer of the criminal scheme, arrested. on custody for a period of 2 months, that is, until september 30, 2024. investigators found that, thanks to a well-functioning scheme, garmash received a significant increase in salary, and he was not alone. the head of department a of the municipal services department received illegal monetary rewards monthly in the order of 250 rubles and 300,000 rubles. his employees received around 100,000 rubles. according to experts, the funeral business has been one of the most criminal areas since the nineties, a scheme according to which accomplices operated in sochi. now one of the most common, and for every bribe, people who have just lost
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a loved one will persuade the person that he will not receive services in full, the place will be bad, although the land is always municipal property, the defendants in the criminal case were sure, if all the funds received from citizens are officially processed through the accounting department, then it will be impossible to get to them, but the security forces dug deeper than the funeral workers. pavel melnik, andrey romanov, nikita kalchenko, kristina kolesnikova and... khabarovsk territory evgeniy nikonov, there are few details; according to media reports , a high-ranking official may be involved in receiving so-called kickbacks in the purchase of medical equipment. nikonov allegedly entered into contracts only with the right businessmen, bought equipment of questionable quality from them at three times the price, and received his percentage for it. local journalists also write that there may be nikonov. involved in the scam with the health ship, the ship delivered doctors to a remote village
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who provided assistance to local residents, however, instead of a motor ship designed for 70 people, a small boat allegedly cruised along the amur river. evgeniy nikonov himself stated in court that he was not involved in crimes, i managed to talk about our program with his wife, she lives in moscow, the chief doctor, this is my husband, my beloved husband, he, you see, by definition he is always right, he never may be. yevgeny nikonov will spend at least the next two months in pre-trial detention, and it is possible that other defendants will be detained in this case. about other notable legal events and incidents of the past week in a brief review by vlada egorova. on monday , a major railway accident occurred in the volgograd region; a kazan-adler passenger train collided with a truck. several carriages derailed, more than 100 people were injured, dozens of them were hospitalized. according to preliminary data. the accident happened due to the fault of the driver of the heavy truck, who decided to skip the crossing at a prohibitory signal. the driver survived,
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having received serious injuries, a criminal case has been opened for violating the rules traffic safety and transport operation. on tuesday, notorious blogger edward bill was sent back to jail. this time for petty hooliganism and violation of public order. during the filming of another prank, he provoked a mass fight. let me remind you that beal and a friend posed as employees of a non-existent scooter patrol service. according to the court decision, the blogger was supposed to... be kept in isolation for a month, but he had to be urgently hospitalized, due to an untreated fracture, he was killed, swollen and my leg was inflamed and there was a risk of blood poisoning. on wednesday, the owner of the house of horrors was detained in makhachkala. where two quest participants died as a result of a fire. former kvn member gusein ibragimov is suspected of providing services that do not meet safety requirements. let me remind you that during the quest the texas chainsaw massacre , one of the animators used a flammable substance to enhance the effect, which caused the room to burst into flames. two clients died and another man suffered burns. on thursday in krasnoyarsk, a verdict was passed on lawyers who tried to steal 100 million rubles.
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oleg mitoval, an influential former official and businessman. his accomplices assured that they would be able to help him with a lenient sentence for... the theft of a billion during the construction of the metro, but the swindlers failed to outwit the families; when transferring the first part of the amounts, they were detained by fsb officers, and now the court sentenced the lawyers to 3 and a half years in prison . on friday it became known that a gang of fatal seductresses had been detained in stavropol, who turned out to be extortionists and blackmailers. fake beauties deceived visitors to a dating site. in the correspondence, they persuaded strangers to send them intimate selfies, and then began blackmailing them. men who simply used women's photographs operated on a large scale and became their victims.
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on friday, the procedure was non-public; local media wrote that the convoy took the maniac out of the correctional facility before the morning rise. well, no matter how quietly korochkin was released, the release of each such criminal causes a wide resonance. people are afraid that a maniac will take over old? for example, viktor mokhov from the ryazan region did not have time to leave the colony when he again became a defendant in a criminal case in the house of the skopinsky maniac. there was a murder, and he helped hide the body. this week it became known that mokhovo could be released from punishment. the statute of limitations is running out. why did it take so long to form a jury? are the residents of a small town still afraid of mokhov? report from the ryazan region by olga zhurenkova. skopin is
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an ancient merchant town in the ryazan region, the capital of the pottery industry. with their own it is famous all over the world for its handmade ceramic products, however, in the last few years the city has increasingly found itself in scandalous chronicles. the negative trail has been going on since the 2000s, when the whole country learned about the maniac viktor mokhov. he kept two schoolgirls in an underground bunker, and soon after his release from the colony he again ended up in criminal history. he was accused of covering up a murder. the skopinsky district court is currently considering the criminal case. do you agree with the charges? i am prohibited from communicating with the media. viktor mokhov is under a sign not to leave. he came to the court hearing himself and was clearly in no hurry. where are you going past the court? the crime occurred in mokhovo’s house in august 2022, his friend, halfway through an argument, hit another in the neck, death occurred instantly, i heard some sounds, some blows, and then he came in there, they said: guys, i’m in this, my, killed. it’s hard to believe, but the conflict allegedly occurred because of the theft of goose. viktor mokhov was not only
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present at the time of the murder, he helped hide the body. is this where you left it? yes, here for two days. didn't take it carried there in order to hide traces of the crime committed, moved the body of the victim into the courtyard of an abandoned house and did not report it, which prevented law enforcement agencies from solving the crime and exposing the criminal. the victim is forty-three-year-old sergei shchyukin, he did odd jobs, probably the killer is evgeniy poleshchuk. according to some reports , he was recently released from prison and again found himself in the dock. the judicial investigation has been postponed several times since november last year and could not be formed. board oath. assessors in april finally approved the composition of people's judges, and after a long break the process began. 2 years have passed since the crime, this week it became known that due to the fact that the process of forming a jury has been delayed, mokhov can avoid punishment, the statute of limitations is running out. when the statute of limitations expires, the accused, suspect, defendants, they have the right to file a motion to
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terminate the criminal prosecution or the case against them, and the court or investigator is obliged to make this decision. since this is stated in the law, therefore if such a decision is made, naturally there will be no punishment. the country learned about the skopinsko-manya kiev prisoners in 2004. a factory employee kidnapped two schoolgirls, katya martynova and lena samokhina, in ryazania. the girls were held captive by the fiend for 1296 days. he starved them, raped them, kept them without light, beat them with a rubber hose, and sprayed tear gas around the room. one of the maniac’s victims gave birth to two children and was pregnant with a third at the time of his release. girls, are you alive there? soon soon! about this creepy the story was told in detail by our colleague eduard petrov, the only journalist who visited that very bunker, 6 meters deep and two meters wide, concrete floors, iron hatches, with a metal garage box on top. mokhov thought through everything to the smallest detail, he spent 3 years digging a prison for girls, took out a carload of earth, brought electricity into the bunker, and created a primitive ventilation system there. a well-read book, virgin soil turned up, notebooks with
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english exercises, houses made of biscuits boxes, these are all the entertainments that we had captives during this time, katya wrote 321 poems, the last one turned out to be unfinished. former captive of the skopino maniac ekaterina martynova, even 20 years after her release, recalls with horror the time spent in the bunker. now she doesn’t give interviews, here’s what she said on our program earlier: of course, i’m very uncomfortable, and it’s unpleasant for me that he’s so close here, there are also children living near mokhov, there are neighbors, i can’t imagine how parents are there in general. well, they understand that he lives next to them this terrible man, a maniac. viktor mokhov spent 16.5 years in the colony, his neighbors say that in the first months after his release, police officers visited the maniac almost... every day, at some point checks began to take place less frequently, and mokhov allegedly began to behave asocially lifestyle, dubious companies began to gather in his house, and during one of the gatherings a crime occurred. the court
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prescribed as harshly as possible all the conditions for his life in freedom for the skopinsky maniac. among other things, there was a restriction on drinking alcohol, in addition, he had to be at home from 10 pm to 6 am, this was absolutely mandatory, and so on, in particular, not to approach... child care institutions, educational institutions, in order to exclude his contacts with minors, and another thing is that whoever monitors compliance with this administrative supervision does this, let me remind you, the police. we tried to talk to the local police, but we couldn’t get through to the local police officer. at the time of broadcasting, report on the air at the request of our program in the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for ryazan region, we did not receive a response. viktor mokhov himself pretends that he has changed, trying to create the image of a quiet, modest pensioner. the mokhovo house plot is hidden from... you can see the roof of the garage from the road, there was an underground bunker right under it,
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you can also see a small greenhouse on the plot, and you did the renovations a long time ago, i am prohibited from communicating with the media, no comments, according to the neighbors, dubious companies really don’t gather in mokhov’s house anymore, he goes to the shops, everything is fine, his place is quiet behaves, but of course they check him. the city is watching, but how can a maniac change? it seems that some residents of skopin are now in fear. at first they were afraid, i don’t see him, and it would be better not to see him, so to speak? for concealing a particularly serious crime, the murder of viktor mokhov, he could be sent to a colony for 2 years. whether this will happen or whether the skopinsky maniac will be released from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations may become known as early as next week. the next meeting is scheduled for august 7. anton fedotov, daniil bobov. shortly after us , watch the investigation of eduard petrov, the film cover your tracks, talks about the arrest of a gang of robbers from krasnoyarsk: its members
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attacked collectors, and then planted other people's hair and cigarette butts at the crime scene. with the help of false evidence, the accomplices tried to confuse the investigation, but the robbers were identified within a few days and the stolen millions were returned. our colleagues will tell you what the bandits got up to in the investigation. eduard petrov will continue to broadcast legally on the russia 24 tv channel. that's all for us, even more legal news in telegram channels from the duty department and an honest detective. happily.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story, we are used to watching all the videos, it stopped working, we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, it goes where it needs to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, but it’s a rotten thing, soon!
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petrovka cars came under fire, there were no casualties there. hezbollah has fired fifty rockets at israel, and sirens are sounding in the north of the country. sahal strikes back in lebanon. the french foreign ministry is already calling on fellow citizens to leave immediately. and american intelligence warns tel aviv that tomorrow it should expect an attack from iran. however, the dates appear in the press are different. today in russia, railway worker's day, a professional holiday, is celebrated by hundreds of thousands of specialists, machinists, dispatchers, conductors, engineers, each of them contributes vladimir putin congratulated employees and veterans of the industry for their contribution to ensuring uninterrupted work, the president thanked them for their work and dedication. us presidential candidates.


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