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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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rain floods flood the trans-baikal region and buryatia, the chis regime was introduced in three regions of the republic at once, in one of them a dam broke and was destroyed. baikal, a huge traffic jam. fsb officers detained a resident of the zaporozhye region suspected of espionage. submitted by the security forces, he collected and transmitted information to the kiev regime about the location of russian troops, and also planned to arrange tirak. the republic of mali breaks off diplomatic relations with ukraine. an african state has adopted one. decision due to the fact that kyiv
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openly supports terrorists in this country. the us state department believes that iran and hezbollah will strike israel in the next 24 hours. american media reported this. how exactly the blow will be delivered is still unknown. iran's midi announced that they do not intend to soften the reaction to the murder of the hamas leader. in the zaporozhye region , russian special services detained a suspect of spying for the kiev regime. according to the fsb, a resident of the region was recruited by the main intelligence directorate of the ukrainian ministry of defense. he collected information about where there were units of our troops and transmitted this data to the enemy so that he would strike at them. the detainee also admitted that he was preparing a terrorist attack. detained for manufacturing and possession of an explosive device. i worked on instructions from my friend, who went to zaporozhye and, in fact, in my opinion, worked for the armed forces.
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explosions occurred in three regions of ukraine at once at night, from kharkov and its suburbs, several such messages have already arrived in recent hours, a similar picture is in the kiev and vinnitsa regions, there is no word yet on the consequences it is reported that air raid sirens in ukraine sounded several times during the night, in total they were heard in eight regions of the country. in the donetsk people's republic, the russian military razed several fsu strongholds to the ground at once; the enemy had been preparing these fortifications for years, but they turned out to be useless against our weapons. the combat crew of the rapier cannon made precise strikes on targets. the russian troops significantly increased its effectiveness and made it truly mobile. our military correspondent sergei samokha will tell you what kind of modernization carried out. to the line of contact, a few
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kilometers away, high-precision rapier guns are conducting aimed fire at the enemy, who is trying to fill holes in the defense after the successful advance of russian troops in the ugledar area, they are trying to prepare a strong point there, or they are digging dugouts, that is, we receive a task, we leave and begin work on them. with such active shooting in the immediate vicinity of the front line, the position is revealed in a matter of minutes, and if these guns, as they say , came standard with... it would already be possible say goodbye, perhaps the main drawback of the gun is that it has little mobility; under normal conditions, the gun is towed, but now this drawback has been eliminated, the rapier has been installed on the mtlb universal tracked base. the artillery unit of the 40th marine brigade of the pacific fleet has several such guns; they are used only in special cases, when you need to approach a newly identified target quickly, close and shoot accurately. at any time... you can arrive at any
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time of the day to pre-prepared positions work and also successfully leave the position. and there are now plenty of such targets in the ugledar direction. several lines of defense in iisu have been prepared here for almost 10 years; these are serious and numerous fortifications, which the russian army is now methodically grinding down. well, basically we help the infantry, before they enter, we dismantle the fortifications, that’s all. and yes, we work at night and during the day, as it were, 24x7. the quantity and quality of both equipment and ordinary soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine has greatly declined; the enemy, being in deep defense, makes bet on a countless swarm of drones, the sky buzzes like mosquitoes in the evening, while god, thank god, everything is fine, everyone is safe, everyone is alive, most importantly, it is alive, intact, all thanks to the incredible mobility that was given to this high-precision gun, but the answer happens arrives quickly, sometimes we are already leaving the position when they are trying to work. they mainly work
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with projectiles, but recently they have begun to actively use drones towards the knife, but they still can’t keep up with us. constant movement, gun crew daily chalks up new targets, only during the last trip several strongholds were destroyed, which means that the vostok group unit is getting closer to ugledar every day. sergey samokh, aleksalshchuk, lead. the authorities of malia are breaking off diplomatic relations with ukraine, the press secretary of the country's government announced this. according to him, kiev openly supports terrorists on the territory of an african state. in ukraine itself, meanwhile, we met the first tranche with f-16 fighters. alika will continue the topic komarova. the planes will come first, and the pilots will be found later. kiev finally received 10 f-16 fighters, but only 20 people from all over ukraine know how to fly them.
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denmark and the netherlands provided four aircraft each, and two more from the united states. military experts say that the american aircraft will be dismantled into pieces, because they are so old that the glass of the pilot’s cockpit. have already turned yellow, the technical inscriptions on some fighters have been erased, such connivance on the part of kiev’s allies was called a banal desire to make money. the reason for the transfer of these aircraft to ukraine is that these countries got a good deal to buy the f-35, but that is another sensitive issue that they decided to get involved in. however, the f-16 is a legacy aircraft that would theoretically stand up to the best air defense system in the world. which has been unequivocally and indisputably proven by the russian air force, which, according to western media, has seven hundred aircraft in the ukraine region alone. at the same time, in fact, the planes were not even entrusted to kiev; judging by information from open sources, the fighters take off from a nato air base in
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romania, where they are refueled by a british military transport aircraft, then the f-16s are sent to the border airfield in the odessa region. it was here that zelensky held his ceremonial assembly, after which... the planes flew back to romania. even the american media write: in this situation , it is simply pointless to expect any progress on the battlefield. the situation on the diplomatic front is even worse. several representatives of african countries immediately said that kiev openly supports terrorists on the dark continent. in my opinion, everything as for diplomatic issues, it is not appropriate for ukraine to constantly violate the sovereignty of our countries. kiev obviously has differences. with moscow, but this does not give them the right to destabilize africa. a week ago, in the north of malipa, the station, among which were the commanders of the ukrainian armed forces, killed and wounded dozens of soldiers. in response, the authorities of the african country broke off diplomatic relations with kiev. the decision was made in connection with the recognition
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by the ukrainian side of support for the separatists, the tuaregs, who at the end of july attacked a convoy of malian government troops and fighters from private military companies fighting on their side. the fate of ukraine, unfortunately, is entrusted to puppets who confuse the international stage with the theatrical stage. political scientists say that the allies of mali, burkino fasso and niger may well support this diplomatic demarche, which a priori will make not only ukraine, but also the entire west, losers in the struggle for the global south and the so-called world domination. alek komarov, news! iran and hezbollah may launch an attack on israel in the next 24 hours, this was a statement made by the american... blinken, about this with reference to sources, reports the asios portal. blinken allegedly noted that the united states is confident of a retaliatory strike against israel, but does not yet know how it will be delivered. iranskamid said tehran is not going to soften its reaction to the killing of the hamas leader. israel
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must receive a decisive and brutal response to realize that violent security behavior has dire consequences. meanwhile, hezbollah units fired several rockets from lebanon into the israeli border region. as a result two servicemen were injured. according to israeli media, a bunker for the israeli leadership is already being prepared in the jerusalem area. this links to the expected massive hezbollah attack. earlier, the lebanese group showed a video of long-range missiles with the caption punishment is painful. at the same time , the israeli authorities do not exclude the possibility of a preventive strike on iran. iran blamed israel for the attack. venezuela is fighting against coup attempts related to the past elections. the president of the republic stated this
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nicolas maduro, he said that the united states is involved in destabilizing the situation in the country. this is done using prohibited social networks. according to maduro, it was possible to prevent a cybernetic revolution thanks to an idea. another village was flooded by 1,200 people that night, residents were promptly evacuated from there,
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and payments to the victims will begin today. residents who have lost their harvest will be given additional borscht kits. restoration work is in full swing; military personnel and volunteers are helping to pump out water and collect garbage. the precipitation has stopped while the water flow continues, but there is no additional precipitation, we are now collecting those waves that continue to collect. as for reservoirs, the situation is stable, that is, we have the sagan reservoir, it was the most in the area of ​​attention, there are 18 million cubic meters of water, but preventive measures are now limiting the inflow there, the dam reserve is sufficient, there is no drainage, in general, everything is provided for in reservoirs , in general, the situation is under control, we are working with people, we will provide assistance to everyone, the consequences of heavy downpours are being eliminated in the neighboring trans-baikal territory, the region was flooded all weekend, as a result... in some areas , the water level in the rivers approached critical values: dozens
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of houses were flooded, more than 100 people were evacuated. additional pumps were sent to the affected villages to pump out water; a huge traffic jam grew on the washed-out baikal highway between gulanu and chita the day before. only in the evening the bypass routes were opened and cars were able to continue moving. the bad weather is in no hurry to leave the region. forecasters are predicting rain again today strong wind. in the south of sakhalin, power engineers restored power supplies to three villages; their residents were left without electricity as a result of mudflows . the mud masses damaged five power line supports at once. over the weekend , heavy downpours hit the region, triggering mudflows. the nevelsky district suffered the most. about two dozen landslides occurred there, flooding 60 plots in the private sector and the basements of nine apartment buildings. to remove dirt from the streets of the courtyards, special equipment is pulled in from yuzhno-sakhalinsk and its neighbors. residents immediately several regions of russia
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could observe real northern lights tonight , now these shots are published on social networks, i will show a few, here is a natural phenomenon unusual for summer and for middle latitudes , including in the tambov region, nizhny novgorod, tver, novosibirsk, the night sky above painted the city crimson . in general, these are such beautiful shots, similar photographs. residents of the chelyabinsk region, omsk region of perm and khakassia. now economic news. konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning. russia entered the top three largest economies with the lowest level of public debt. roman, hello, yes, we are talking about the national debt in terms of one resident of our country. russia is one of the three largest economies in the world with the lowest level of public debt per capita. this is reported by data-driven updates. this year according to the g20 countries, from them it turns out that
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india has the most modest sovereign debt, just over $1,300 per person, indonesia took second place, our country has the third figure, per capita, russia has a national debt of just over $2,000, what is happening with the debt of the countries of the so-called collective west is not difficult to guess, here are the top five from the g20 in the anti-leaders of the united states, each american owes 104% by default. next on the list are japan, italy, great britain and france. experts believe that the lessons of the default of 1998 helped russia avoid such a result. we did not step on the same rake. we have moved to a policy of macroeconomic stability spend according to your income. and in this case, of course, we really didn’t accumulate any more debts. in addition, perhaps there was a period of time when the public debt began
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to grow, but then this situation changed; in recent years, indeed, from year to year the public debt, especially the external public debt, has been decreasing. the japanese nike index fell by more than 5.5% at the opening of trading today. this dynamics on the largest vazi tokyo stock exchange is due to a sharp collapse in... on american stock exchanges sites, in turn, the catalyst for concern among western investors was data on the us labor market, which turned out to be significantly worse than forecasts. well, that’s it, everything was created in july. only 114 thousand new jobs against forecasts of 185. because of this, the dollar index on friday fell by 7%, which was the largest drop since may 2. the market now considers it more likely that the fed will cut the rate in september. the regulator is obliged to somehow boost the us economy. warren buffett is rapidly selling off stocks
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american companies. the amount of cash in his berkshire fund jumped to a record. 277 billion dollars, just a quarter ago it was 90. baft, as they say in the market, went into cash, mainly at the expense of apple. berchsher's position in the apple company at the end of the first quarter was $135 billion, and now it is only $84. that is, the legendary investor sold more than $50 billion worth of apple paper in a short period of time. oron buffett is commonly called the oracle of isamaha, for his gift to see the future of the market. and judging by the actions. in his company he doesn’t see any investment ideas on us stock exchanges right now. at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar exchange rate today is at around 85.70, the euro costs 92 rubles, 82 kopecks. that's all the economic news for now. novel! thank you very much, now to the latest messages. fsb officers detained a suspect in espionage in the zaporozhye region, residents of the region worked
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for the kiev regime, collected data on the deployment of russian troops in order to transfer them to the eso. large-scale floods in buryatia in three regions, state of emergency broke through a dam under water houses, roads and bridges. in transbaikalia, rains flood villages, more than 100 people are evacuated. there are protests in the uk, hundreds of demonstrators threw firecrackers at a hotel in the city of tamward, where illegal migrants live, the building caught fire, and clashes with the police began. russian athletes won the first award at the olympic games in paris, tennis player mira andreeva. and diana schneider received silver medals. in the doubles final , the russians lost to the duo from italy. museum complex new hersanez for the first more than 50 thousand people visited the work days. it was opened to the public only last week, especially crowded on weekends. you can get there for free, but you just need to register on the website.
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our correspondent, jaana shcherbataya, assessed the impressions of visitors and the scale of the new museum. the scale is simply amazing, powerful, very beautiful, a majestic complex - practically a city within a city, new chersonesus, in just a couple of days more than 50 thousand people visited, i have traveled in my life, i was lucky, i saw a lot of countries, here you know, highlight one that is not found anywhere else, here is the warmth of the id, spiritual warmth, a land sacred to the entire country, an ancient city...
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the first museum that opened in khersanes tells the history of crimea and novorossiya, here is the central square of the ancient city, this is how it looked in the 20th century: musical instruments of the peoples who inhabit crimea, their varied cuisine. of course, the great patriotic war and the heroic defense of sevastopol, and this is modern history that is being written right now. crimea is a special region; people live together here. representatives over 160 peoples, multinational and multi-religious. a majestic building that can be seen from almost every corner of simferopol, the dream of many generations of muslims in crimea. the cathedral mosque is preparing to open its doors. the vaults are striking in their beauty, the painted dome at the base is, of course, a tulip. the cathedral mosque is the largest on the entire
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peninsula. it was planned to build it in crimea back in tsarist times. the project also appeared in ukraine, but the kiev authorities did not seem to plan to build a mosque. and after the reunion between crimea and russia , large-scale construction has begun in the capital of the republic. it’s been 10 years since we’ve been part of russia, frankly speaking that... i can’t believe what we ’ve built, we see with our own eyes, we’ve already held holiday prayers here, we’re happy, all muslims, crimea, the entire ummah, muslims, we thank. prayers were held in the cathedral mosque even before the opening. 300 people are imams of crimean regions and representatives of the spiritual administration of muslims. but when the mosque opens its doors to all believers, it will be able to accommodate up to 4,000 people. juma the mosque or the cathedral is ready to welcome muslims from all over the world; tourists are also welcome here, regardless of religion. yana cherbaty, andrey terentev
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and maria slyaguzova, conduct. crimea. time for sports news, ilya kostin will tell you about the most notable ones. ilya, good morning, they tried to provoke russian tennis player diana schneider with a question about politics after the final of the olympic tournament. yes, roman, good morning, a foreign journalist asked a question about her liking a post with support. mistakes, but an experienced italian couple who has been performing together for 5 years, took advantage of the opportunities. irani and pooline took the second set with a score of 6:1. according to the rules of the doubles tournament
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in paris, the fate of the gold medals was not decided in the third game, but in the championship tiebreaks up to 10 points, where the italians were stronger, 10:7. silver, seventeen-year-old andreev and twenty-year-old schneider became the first for russian athletes competing at the olympic games in a neutral status. novak djokovic is an olympic champion in singles tennis. in the final , the thirty-seven-year-old serb defeated the spaniard carlos al-qarasa. the tennis players did not return a single serve during the entire match. and the first and second set ended in tiebreaks, where djokovic was stronger. after the end of the match, both tennis players cried. the serb is happy, the spaniard is angry at the defeat. dlyakovic has 24 victories in grand slam tournaments, the current one. from the olympics became the first in her career. he previously took bronze in 2008 at the games in china. now the serb has all the major trophies in tennis. the next day
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of the olympics in paris was not without scandal. belgian triathlete claire michel was hospitalized with e. coli after a competitive swim in seny. according to media reports, the athlete was admitted to the hospital 4 days ago, but this became known only now. against the backdrop of these events, the belgian team's fate. michelle decided to abandon the mixed relay scheduled for today. on august 3 and 4 , the organizers canceled the training swims, on the first day due to thunderstorms, on the second due to unsatisfactory water quality in the hay. this is not the first time that training in paris has been cancelled. due to river contamination by bacteria. bulgarian boxer svetlana staneva refused to shake hands with her taiwanese opponent after their fight at the paris olympics. stanevo showed. hinting that she, unlike her rival, has only female x chromosomes. the fight in the weight category up to 57 kg ended in victory for
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lin. previously, she and another olympiad participant, algerian representative iman hililif, were disqualified from the 2023 world championships due to failed gender tests and exceeding the male level testosterone hormone. at the same time, both yuiten and iman received admission to the olympics. and iman have already secured at least bronze at the games in france. now let's talk about football. in two sunday matches of the third round of the russian premier league, defeats were recorded. moscow locomotive beat akhmat 5:0 in grozny. the capital club scored three goals in the first half. in the seventh minute the scoring was opened from the penalty spot. also made three assists
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and became the youngest author of four assists in one rpl match. another defeat happened in moscow, where cska was stronger than orenburg with a score of 5:1. only one goal was scored in sunday's other two matches. parenne defeated mahakala dynamo 1:0 on the road. the meeting between fakel and krasnodar in voronezh ended in a goalless draw. on saturday, the talyasinsky okron lost at home to the moscow one. 0:2 zenit in st. petersburg defeated rostov 5:0. khimki in kazan defeated rubin 3:2. the third round will end today in moscow with a match between spartak and samara wings of the soviets. the final of the international beach soccer cup took place in moscow, which took place on the territory of the russian railways arena in cherkizova. our colleague danilo makhalin watched the tournament. while the moscow football locomotive, which hosts its matches at
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the main stadium of russian railways. arena went to grozny this weekend to play against akhmat, while beach elbow is hosting teams from around the world at the moscow international beach soccer cup. with eight clubs from seven countries and four continents, the cup has the most diverse and extensive geography, both on the court and in the stands, where, for example, what stood out from the crowd was the support group of the senegalese team yov and the oman almirat, it was the atmosphere. the stands, the fans, a real holiday, i am very pleased and grateful to fate that i was able to take part in such a tournament. the argentine bokahurs, the iranian golsapush, the brazilian corinthians and the kazakh malay-sary also arrived there. russia was represented by stragino and lokomotiv. the tournament is actually wonderful, from the point of view of organization, from the point of view of the atmosphere created here. this is a very valuable experience, and we are glad that it got. all teams, starting from august 1,
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played group stage matches in... i have been to many competitions, but every time i come to russia, the highest level of organization is noticeable, thank you, you are great professionals, despite the friendly status of this cup and relaxed summer beach atmosphere, in addition to neutral fans , a whole sector of fans gathered to cheer for lokomotiv, which... drive the team forward, despite the result, because after two periods lokomotiv was losing to the brazilians with a large score of 0:6. today at in tactical terms, corinthians offered such a defense and it was interesting, yes, against which lokomotiv could not find an antidote. the muscovites found an antidote; they scored four in the final period, but did not reach a draw. if we ignore the results, it is such a small miracle for us
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that we can still play somehow, unfortunately. even these chances were not taken advantage of today, so a small brazilian carnival took place in cherkizovo, because it was corinthians who won the trophy of the third moscow international beach cup football. daniil makhalin, yuri zheksenbaev, dmitry maslennikov, karen melikyan, news! who are you? i, traveler, balloonist, jean ivan! oh, so we are getting bored! what's a fairy tale without ivan? uh, uh, what started? no cheating. and without fire.
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beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without traveling. flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.


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