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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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master plans for support cities of polynovation but also to enlist your support, because for us, of course, this is a very significant task, a significant decision, taking into account your instructions, here are three agglomerations included in the number of support cities, this is mormanskoye, which includes the mormanskoye city of severomorsk, the capital of the northern fleet, the main base, the kirov-apatitskaya agglomeration of manchegorsk, in total, more than 70% of our population lives in these cities, that is ... in fact, we have largely covered the majority people, well, when we made master plans, we , of course, based ourselves on what people want, conducted deep sociological surveys, held a large number of relevant strategic sessions , determined what is most important, if we take the murmansk agglomeration, then of course the main tasks for it are key projects that are important for the whole country, this is the development of the northern... route,
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of course, the protection of the arctic from the point of view of our security and the main emphasis on jobs, this is if possible, here is the first the first page the main questions of knocking here are investments here on the left, this is everything that concerns the sea, the ice-free kola bay, the unrestricted access to the world ocean, this is the development of the northern sea route, these are new port capacities, this is the development of ship repair and the fishing industry, well and... of course, the new competence that we have acquired is everything that concerns liquefied natural gas, not only the production of plants, but taking into account the decisions that you supported, this is the issue of lng production, and in order to increase the number working population, to keep a sufficient number of people for the implementation of these projects, of course, several important topics, this is the topic of housing, this is the topic of city improvement, although we are actively engaged in it, an emphasis on education, science and an emphasis on the development of medicine. because health in the north
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is one of the most sensitive factors, all the projects are named here, clearly calculated, which we are already engaged in and which are currently in development, including new rusatom projects for a special shipyard for the construction of semi-submersible nuclear stations, these are new ports, lavna, which we are completing this year, podugol, yes, and the topic, of course, of the port with belarusians and the modernization of the fishing port, which is now...
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the topic, of course, of the current coal handling in the city center, you know this, from soviet times, it is clear that it is dusty, very dusty , it is clear that there is no other, no other alternative, but for people this is now, in addition to the other issues, this is one of the most sensitive aspects, because taking into account that the main thing will be completed this year according to all forecasts and the status, of course i i would like to ask for your support for a phased.
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first microdistrict in the agglomeration, but today we are starting active housing construction, this is the first time since the soviet era that we are starting to build this year before that there was point development, because there is demand, incomes are growing, there is a future, more and more people want here at...
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a facility for team sports and a football arena, and of course, the main issue for us is a world-class campus for the university, we are very actively involved in the university, the chairman of the nobsoviet is denis valentinovich manturov, he seriously helps a lot, we passed the napsovet and everyone approved this campus, this is of course a growth point for us, why, because the university for murmansk should become one of the city-forming enterprises for young people, and in order to leave here and in order to attract here, in soviet times it was competently planned, now, of course, unfortunately, over many years this also does not correspond, so i would really ask for support so that the university receives federal funding, to do well a decent good arctic university that would train, like now , specialists for all those projects important for
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the country, well, and we need the same thing to create a new campus, essentially a large modern college, because the need... we laid these exits to the water to the sea, we also laid a project for the development of lakes, we have lakes inside the city, and we have already developed one in the center, it is such a favorite place, here is the topic of small embankments near the lakes, connections between these lakes of the microdistrict, such
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a pedestrian route, this is a project for improvements that we want to do, but of course without federal support, we simply won’t be able to do it ourselves, and a separate topic, which concerns not only us, but all... arctic cities - this is a comprehensive renovation of apartment buildings, we have practically renovated the entire center, we are additionally investing in addition to the contributions of the owners, but the houses in the arctic they... wear out more, these panel houses that were built a long time ago, they just need to be comprehensively modernized in stages, and these houses will last another 350 years, this is definitely much cheaper than even building new, and in terms of quality they will be absolutely decent, i would like to ask for such a systemic solution here in general on the topic of the arctic, here on the development of such additional support for capital repairs of houses in the arctic, this is for murmonsk, kirovsko-apatitskaya, if possible briefly, kirovsk and it is clear that the main economy there is apatite concentrate, this is what we mine in khibiny in the mountains, here
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the plans are very serious, we signed an investment agreement with fusagro for 160 billion rubles and everything is actively developing here, but there are two more serious growth points, firstly, a huge ski resort, here - we are in kirovsk in the most, well, it is very decent, it is developing, the company is investing in it. we are helping the infrastructure, and today competitions are held there in general in this zone and in skiing and alpine skiing, with federal support we have built a very modern children's, youth sports base for alpine skiing, experts all rate it as the best, that is, in the union, athletes have been training there now very decently, and god himself ordered it here in this agglomeration to place a federal sports and training center for national ski and mountain skiing teams. firstly, this will pull up additional infrastructure, and secondly, our athletes will have a place to train.
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we have the largest, longest season in russia, in winter, in alpine skiing, and our ski season is huge, so everything is ideal for this. and in apatity, the kola science center operates there, the russian academy of sciences, a very serious institution, but it, again, infrastructure, which is now, it, let's say, does not correspond to what these guys are doing, there are a lot of young scientists there, this is the first task, the second task for us is research in the arctic, they are spread thinly across many institutions, in this sense it would be right to invest a little there, small expenses, to create a normal infrastructure in this knc iran, they are doing very serious work, and of course to concentrate research on the arctic there, because our competitors are arctic, they are of course very much in this invest, and we would ask, we discussed this. with colleagues, to make a point here, here are the scientific research parties specifically at the kantsiran base in epatity, it
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was originally always a science city, and today, in essence, a small support is needed in the infrastructure for targeted, that is, scientific research, because we are in the arctic, so that we protect our territory, well, and the city of polar zori is the city of rusatom, energy, a new kul nuclear power plant will be built there in order to provide energy, all these projects. there is also a master plan there, we are working with rosatom, and we have put housing and the city in order, that is, it is definitely a very worthy agglomeration, but here are two tasks - this is a federal center for sports training for national teams and investments, that the polish scientific center has become such a basic scientific institution for the arctic, here i would ask you to support, and manchegorsk, this is a city of metallurgists, now nickel, cobalt are produced there, and literally now we are engaged in creating a new production there, a new industry in russia in general, this is
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casting processing, production of active cathode materials for lithium batteries. battery factories are being built in the moscow region in kaliningrad, here are the raw materials, taking into account that the kolmozerskoye deposit is already being developed by us as a point of the rusatomagnetel, here is the processing of this lithium raw material itself, it is planned in manchegorsk, this is a new growth point, in addition to the modernization of the production that exists and ... and here too we are already on the government site with the first deputy prime minister , literally the other day we held detailed meetings, all instructions on this matter given, which site was better was chosen, but everyone came to the conclusion that manchegorst is ideal for processing the environment that will be mined in our region, well, and the theme of the industrial park, local tourism, this is tourism for residents first of all, and part of the educational federal scientific and training center, this is also an agglomeration plan, here ... i clearly reported this to you in telegraphic mode, plans, they are very detailed, they are worked out, there are
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sources, the need for financing is determined, but we kept a clear principle, this is so that for one budget ruble there were 6 rubles of private investment, the need for budget financing according to the preliminary calculations that exist for all three agglomerations for 10 years is 554 billion rubles. this is a lot of money, of course i will discuss it now. so that those objects, it is not only us who make master plans, other arctic entities also do so, so that what is planned taking into account detailed development, and we at the level of the ministry of the far east and the arctic have passed this defense at the level of the presidential administration, maxim stanislavich, i listened to everything about the master plans, i would very much ask you to support us in
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the following: so that those objects that are necessary for implementation, when forming new national projects, so that they... were included, so that there was a clear source, if we planned this, if we discussed this with people, you supported it, the approval procedures were passed, but so that in the new national projects there was a clear fixation, the arctic support cities, their objects, so that they invested in them, i would ask for your support here, about comprehensive capital repairs, i said, this is the most important task, if we don’t have federal support here, we won’t be able to cope and...
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modernization of the hospital campus, the regional hospital, but in addition to infrastructure, i also told you about this, that we don’t have enough tariffs, thank you very much, because they added money to us, but for people to feel safer in the arctic, of course, history is needed, when the depth and frequency of research is greater than in a warm climate, then people will feel more protected, for this we need two things, the first is of course the introduction of modern... digital mechanisms, we agreed with sberbank that we are doing this program in a pilot mode together with directly with the financing of colleagues, german supported, but the second point, of course, medicine in the arctic is more expensive, in this sense, the average tariff is not enough, here is the topic of development, it is clear that we will have a lot of discussions on this matter, the standard of this arctic medicine in order to
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honestly decide what and how is needed, it is very important, everything has its own standards, hello, yuri, there are really a lot of candidates today, considering that the selection points work around the clock, and today during the day there really were a lot of people. the selection points for military service contracts work in krasnodar and novorossiysk and
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come here from different regions. at the points we see both young candidates and older people. of course, prefers to work with unmanned aerial vehicles, today this is one of the popular specialties. let's listen to what they say in general employees of the selection point, and those who come today to serve under a contract. basically , citizens from 30 to 40 years old come, but such men who went through the first chechin company, the second chechin company are not excluded, there are also quite a lot of them, about 50 men come, because they cannot sit on the sidelines, they cannot.
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payments for military personnel and volunteers from the krasnodar territory who have signed a contract with the ministry of defense, can exceed 1.5 million rubles, of which a million is paid by the region, there are also payments for service in personal units, krasnodar krai. and i will add that this year, the recruitment points for military service under contract in krasnodar krai alone sent 6,000 people to serve, even more than 6,000 people, and 1,200
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of them left this month. yuri, yes, anna, thank you, anna sorokina told how the selection of contract soldiers for service is carried out in krasnodar krai. and now the last minute message the ukrainian armed forces committed a provocation this morning by shelling villages in kursk oblast. border guards, military. took measures to repel armed aggression, about this reported the fsb public relations center. i remind you that this information was confirmed on his telegram channel by acting governor alexey smirnov. he also warned about possible information leaks, asked to trust official sources of information and not to succumb to the actions of provocateurs. at a meeting of the expert council of the ministry of science , approaches to updating historical education were discussed. the discussion was attended by experts, public figures, and chairmen.
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among whom the central place is occupied by history and philosophy. this decision will allow all our students to realize the right to know the truth about their history, and the university to educate talented and thinking young professionals with high moral principles of true patriots of our homeland. the subject of national history is the most important discipline that shapes the worldview of young people. in russia, regardless of their chosen
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specialty, are obliged to understand the main historical trends and through them feel their involvement in the fate of the country, guided by this approach, the ministry of science and the russian historical society together. have begun a step-by-step update of the history of russia course. the remainder of the maternity capital can be received as a one-time payment if it does not exceed 10,000 rubles. such changes have been made to the law on additional measures to support families with children. and what maternity capital can be spent on, irina matyushenko will tell you in the program instructions. maternity or family capital is significant financial assistance to parents, but it can only be spent on strictly defined by the state. we will tell you exactly which ones in this issue of the instruction program. let's start with improving housing conditions. what is maternity capital allowed to be spent on? first of all, this is,
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of course, the purchase of housing, it must be suitable for living and be located on the territory of russia. you can build or reconstruct a house with or without the help of a construction organization. we are talking about izh or townhouse, or you can reimburse the costs of construction or reconstruction. then a loan for purchase or construction housing: funds can be used for the down payment, repayment of the principal, payment of interest. if you took out a mortgage before the birth of the child, it can also be repaid using maternity capital; if you have more than one housing loan, maternity capital can be used to pay off several at once, and you can also pay off under a shared participation agreement or make a contribution to a housing cooperative. a question that arises very often: is it possible...
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parents with a small income can spend maternity capital in the form of monthly payments. the main condition is income for each family member there must be less than
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two subsistence minimums in the region. property, unlike, for example, a single benefit, is not taken into account here. to understand whether a family has the right to payment, the total amount of family income for the previous 12 months should be divided by 12 by the number of family members. only the income of parents and children under 18 years old, as well as children under 23 years old, if they are studying in a striped form, are taken into account in the calculation. if the resulting amount is less than two subsistence minimums, the family has the right to a monthly payment. social fund independently collects information about the income of the certificate holder and his family. the information is received through the interdepartmental electronic interaction system. and how much money can you receive? it depends on your place of residence. the payment amount is equal to one subsistence minimum for children in the region. the payment is provided until the child turns 3 years old and can be received for each child in the family. maternity
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capital can be directed to pension savings. one of the parents. we are talking about funds that are transferred to the management by a company or a non-state pension fund. you can then receive them in three ways in the form of an urgent pension payment, it is assigned for a period of 10 years. the next way is in the form of a funded pension, it is paid for life every month, well, the third way is to receive everything at once, in the form of a lump sum payment. this is possible if the funded pension does not exceed 5% of the old-age insurance pension. and in a number of other cases. what else can maternity capital be used for? it can be used to compensate for expenses on social adaptation of disabled children, that is, to reimburse the cost of purchased goods and services. it is allowed to spend maternity capital funds for all these purposes, but this cannot always be done immediately, the age of the child is also taken into account. immediately after the birth of a child, maternity capital can be used to pay off a loan,
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a housing loan, including for improving housing conditions, this includes the purchase of finished housing and the construction of a new one, the child's education, that is, payment for preschool, secondary, higher and additional education, families with incomes less than two subsistence minimums in the region can apply for monthly payments from maternity capital, its funds can be directed to the funded pension of the mother or father. in addition, maternity capital can be used to compensate for the costs of social adaptation of a
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disabled child. if you have any questions, want to learn more about the rules for assigning other support measures and benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will contact the relevant departments and will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next issues of the instructions. dear friends, i am with i am pleased to invite you to our next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called, where does a person begin. i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at this meeting. let's watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's watch, let's watch, in the application or on the website. let's return to
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the review of information pictures floating nuclear power plants, development of the northern sea route, arctic mortgages and medicine. vladimir putin discussed these topics today in the kremlin with the head of the murmansk region andrei chibis. i would like to note that this is a face-to-face meeting, the first since the assassination attempt on the governor, which took place in early april.
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in stages.


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