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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of petrol pumps. russian digital solutions will be brought to a new height. there are prospects. ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how exactly does the digital help, you are wrong. what is the general situation with production,
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raw materials and exports, what is our product, fizvala today dealt a blow to the northern part. islamic studies institute of oriental studies of the russian academy of sciences, doctor of historical sciences boris dolgov, he joins live to us. boris vasilyevich, hello. hello, boris vasilyevich, the first question is, should we assume that a large-scale strike by iran on israel will actually happen, or the diplomatic efforts that are now...
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opposing israel, they continue, and iran promised to strike, since these pinpoint strikes really knocked out a fairly large number of prominent figures and military political figures from the iranian leadership, but as for such a powerful strike on israeli territory, which would exceed all previous strikes from iran, it is hardly worth expecting, since and... naturally, after such
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a strike there will be losses among the civilian population of israel, and this will be a strike that both israel and the united states will have to respond to, so this will lead to the involvement of the united states in a direct military clash with iran, and this is not in the interests of either iran or the united states, so in my opinion, such a powerful strike on israel from iran, which would involve... a large number victims, especially among the local population, in my opinion, should not even be. boris vasilyevich, but nevertheless, experts say that iran is waiting for a pause in order to strike a balanced blow and choose, well, some special objects, critical infrastructure. now, can we say that the choice will really fall on some such objects that will cause, well, large-scale damage, or will it be symbolic - and iran is now choosing,
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so to speak, targets, in my opinion, here we can assume a whole range of scenarios, strikes on the headquarters of masada, which is primarily responsible for all these pinpoint strikes, strikes on the infrastructure of the idf, the israeli army, headquarters, some intelligence agencies, that is, important infrastructure of the israeli army, possibly strikes on some infrastructure, life support for israel, power plants, some supply facilities, but in my opinion, iran will not carry out strikes that can...
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has long been threatening israel, just as israel threatens hezbollah, and the yemeni, yemeni husidic movement has also declared the possibility of a strike on israel, but from the yemeni movement, these strikes, they
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will not be so effective, if i may say so, for the yemeni usites, since israel is located far from yemen missile strikes. will the united states behave at this particular moment, especially after today's strikes? yes, this is important, an important question, of course, how
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will the united states behave in the event of a strike on israel from iran. in my opinion, this will not be such a massive strike on iran, but on khazbera - since direct the involvement of the united states in a conflict, a direct military conflict with iran, i will repeat this, is not in the interests of the united states, because here we see that there is a socio-political crisis in the united states, this is obvious, this is an attempt to assassinate trump, and a long confrontation between trump and biden, the replacement of candidates for the presidency and the clash of opponents and supporters of various candidates for the presidency, so that the united states does not need a new major war at all, especially with iran, because iran, and hezbollah too , can respond to the united states, and will respond, of course, and there will be losses among the united states military.
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of course, you can’t compare the military potential of the united states, israel, perhaps their allies with the military potential of iran and hezbollah, of course, the united states has more, of course, this will be. this potential will be used, but i repeat, for the united states, now is not the time to start a big war, really, especially considering that in america there is an election campaign the race is in full swing, why start a big war in the middle east? boris vasilyevich, this may be a summary question, we are now discussing a specific turn of history around the middle east, yes, but in the long term, here is what kind of defusing of this situation could happen, what should happen, some kind of full-scale.
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a document was signed that they are coordinating their common position, but so far this has not yet happened in reality, this is the main question, well, and many questions that stand in the way of creating a palestinian national state, in principle , this is, so to speak, the most pragmatic or the most realistic scenario for the development of the further situation in the middle east, this is most likely all the same -
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tensions, which will lead to the fact that between iran, this confrontation between iran and hezbollah on the one hand. and israel on the other, it will somehow be minimized, this is, in my opinion , the most realistic, real prospect. well, we will follow the development of the situation in the middle east. boris vasilyevich, thank you. we spoke with the host research fellow at the center for arab and islamic studies at the institute of oriental studies of the russian academy of sciences, doctor of historical sciences, boris dolgov. meanwhile , secretary of the russian security council sergei shaigu, on a working visit to azerbaijan , met with ilham aliyev, as well as with secretary of the council of the security council under
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the president of azerbaijan ramil usubov. as shaigu reported, a wide range of issues were discussed, primarily security in the south caucasus. the peace agreement with armenia, the tenth edition of which was handed over to yerevan. they also talked about transport projects, in particular the north-south corridor. well, and during a visit to the azerbaijani capital, sergey shaiguu laid flowers at the grave of the national.
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at a meeting with the newly elected president with the secretary of the security council, they covered the whole range of topics, the whole range of issues, starting from syria, of course, the alarming events on the lebanon-israel border, of course, this also concerned the latest events that took place in tyageran, tragic events, this topic could not be ignored, well and ...
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this is a big number, 115,000, consider it there 60,000 per month almost, although this
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could have been stopped if the demands set out by our president had been met. well, shaigu reminded us that there has been no reaction from kiev to the conditions for settling the situation in ukraine proposed in june by vladimir putin. as for such formats as the geneva convention on ukraine, they are, in shaigu's opinion, pointless. negotiations without a chief negotiator do not look very clear. this was a quote from the head of the russian security council. well, let us remind you. in june, vladimir putin made new peace proposals for resolving the conflict in ukraine, which include recognizing the status of crimea, the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporizhia regions as regions of russia, as well as securing the non-aligned, non -nuclear status of ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification, and the lifting of anti-russian
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sanctions, but the ukrainian side rejected the initiative.
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agencies report that here is lightning marked urgent, it is reported that a car driver died in the village of komarovka kursk region as a result of an attack by a ukrainian drone. this was reported by the acting governor of the kursk region. we have already talked about this, that today there was an attempt to shell several villages in the kursk region, there was a special operation carried out by the fsb border guards and our russian military, 26 ukrainian drones were destroyed, but nevertheless, the kiev regime continues to attack peaceful regions of russia. and we continue our broadcast. supplies of russian gas to eu countries via a gas pipeline turkish stream has grown by 1.4 times. our colleague kristina kuruma will tell us about the reasons for the high demand for russian fuel
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. kristina, hello. kristina, hello, so what countries are the leaders in purchases? hello, based on the results of last year. the main buyers of russian lng in europe were belgium and spain, this year greece may also become a leader. the european union has once again confirmed the competitiveness of russian fuel. gas exports to europe via turkish stream have grown almost one and a half times. according to analysts, traditional supplies of american lng to europe in the first half of the year decreased by about 20% according to various estimates. russian supplies should now replace these volumes. us policy here is clear, they are looking for the most profitable markets, they least of all think about some kind of european solidarity, so they are trying to make money, so as soon as prices in asia became attractive, american lng went to asia, europe was partially left without gas, so they are looking for any sources in order to avoid a possible deficit and not allow a sharp increase in gas prices.
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russian gas supplies to european countries via the turkish stream increased by 40.5% year-on-year in the first 7 months of the year, to 9.26 billion cubic meters. the turkish stream consists of two lines: one of them carries gas to turkey, and the other to bulgaria and then to the countries of south-eastern europe. the total capacity is 31.5 billion cubic meters. currently, pumping to the european union exceeds its design level, about 43.2 million m per day along each line. the average daily pumping level for the month will be 48.9 million cubic meters. turkish stream - this is one of two routes of the european union for russian pipeline gas, the second is transit supplies through the gas transportation system of ukraine. this corridor is also working at the limit. according to analysts, high demand for russian fuel is maintained due to abnormal heat. in asia, there is
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a summer peak demand due to weather conditions, which? creates an additional premium and, accordingly, there is an outflow of liquefied natural gas to asian markets from europe. and russian gas allows europe in these conditions, not to enter into intense competition for these volumes and, accordingly , restrains, in a certain sense, the growth of prices in europe. the international energy agency reported a 9% increase in russian lng exports to europe. france is the leader. supplies from russia have more than doubled compared to the same period in 2023 and reached a level of approximately 4.4 billion cubic meters. it turns out that supplies from yamal to europe are growing relative to last year, but here it should be noted that last year they were slightly less than in
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the year before last, that is, in essence, they roughly correspond to the level of supplies in 2022, that is, we simply returned to approximately the level of supplies that was normal during this period of time, the main recipients of our gas in europe are france, spain, belgium, and belgium... it is rather a gateway for russian gas, that is , belgium does not consume this gas. according to the results of 2023, the main buyers of russian liquefied gas among the eu countries were belgium and spain. they accounted for almost 3/4 of all supplies. interestingly, greece is also approaching the top three this year. but the institute of energy and finance previously stated that by the end of 2024, the total volume of russian natural gas exports could increase by 15% and reach 158 billion cubic meters. last year, russian exporters managed to supply a total of 137 billion cubic meters of gas abroad. well
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, right now, in addition to the slent news agency, the investigative committee reports that this year , criminal cases on corruption in the defense industry have been sent to court in in relation to 88 defendants. and there is also a detail that 48 of them are defendants in bribery cases, that is, more than half, and i would like to return to the news about the death of a driver in the kursk region, there are details, so, i will report that the armed forces of ukraine attacked a village in the kursk region with the help of a drone, the driver died, as reported in the village of komarovka in the karenevsky district, as a result, such a tragedy occurred, the acting governor expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the deceased. for the development of the situation, as will appear we will definitely return to the details of this topic, well now to the olympics, the high-profile olympics in paris, more than 40 athletes
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have already been infected with covid-19 this time. yesterday there was e. coli, today covid-19, these are the olympic games in paris. records for morbidity, yes, this was stated at a briefing in geneva by the official representative of the all-russian society of the blind , the most cases of infection are in the national team. australia, where the virus was detected in seven swimmers, well, and observers write that in the french capital almost completely there are no precautions and according to their observations, the epidemiological situation in paris is worse than during the tokyo games in 2021, and then there was a raging covite, now no, yeah. find out your credit rating on the compare website or in the app. it's free. see if you have any overdue payments and if anyone has taken out a loan in
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664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could have turned out to be 21 backpacks for a son or 11 sneakers for a daughter, 73 t-shirts for a dad or 70 dresses for a mom, sort waste, give things a new life. well, now about the weather, the rains do not leave the south of russia in the krasnodar region at the resorts a storm warning has been announced, the consequences of heavy rains are being eliminated in siberia in the far east, not nastya, it seems, will not leave the last one i want details and particulars, we are waiting for them from ... the leading
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specialist of the phobos centers vadim zavodchenko, he is already with us on a direct line, vadim, welcome, well and where in the next 24 hours the weather will be most dangerous, warn, so to speak, the elements, in the sinking transbaikalia now the situation in the atmosphere has stabilized, here in siberia in the european territory of russia in some places there will be heavy thunderstorms again. today rescuers helped to drive cattle out of flooded yards in the zaigraevsky district.
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the west siberian plain is flooded with rain, the bus looks like a whale washed ashore, such a beautiful image the author chose for these shots from tabulsk. it seems that the driver was trying to avoid a water hammer in this way. truck drivers and car drivers are making their way through giant puddles as carefully as possible jeeps. a ten-minute downpour was enough to flood one of the most popular markets in rostov-on-don, and...
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will be in the area of ​​a small or, as meteorologists say, intermediate anticyclone, so significant precipitation is unlikely here and the flood wave will subside, but in the rest of the country, from the banks of the dnieper to baikal, frontal cloud fields will continue to shift and again there will be thunderstorms, during the day only in the north of siberia and the russian plain, the probability of precipitation is expected to be small, in southern half of the region... i repeat, unstable weather with showers and thunderstorms will persist. the highest risk of heavy rains is in the west of the russian plain and the south of the ob region, in the caucasus mountains and the southern urals. here, in some places , more than 10-20 mm of rain may fall per day. for example, the capital of kabardino-balkaria , nalchik, will be in the zone of extreme rains; rains will begin closer to midday.


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