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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called, where does a person begin, i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at this meeting of ours. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pintalgin works against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentelgin, we will do without pain. sale, where bought. buy a coffee machine "delonghi with 30% cashback". credit
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nosi numbers, it's normal, so we give. cbirmobile. i help with liver problems. i, essentiali forte nн. verified and ready for action in 24 hours. available on yandex market. hello, live legal program to lead the duty part. and with you tatyana petrova. moscow essentially began to consider the case against the former head of the anti -corruption department of the federal customs service of russia dmitry muryshov. fighter against bribes accused of receiving several large bribes totaling tens of millions of rubles. moreover, the money was allegedly transferred to him by intermediaries from among his subordinates. the former security official himself denies his guilt, for what reason muryshev could have been offered such sums, maxim shevchenko investigated. accompanied by a convoy with a zakin. dmitry muryshov silently
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enters the courtroom, he feels in the box, quite confidently, because at this trial he and dmitry nesterenko are defended by a total of five lawyers, who are located in a row right in front of the defendants. the 235th garrison military court of moscow is considering this case, all because the key defendant is muryshov, an fsb general, who recently, before his arrest, held the position of head of the anti-corruption department in the federal customs service, and, as the investigation believes, got caught on corruption. he is accused of several episodes. of receiving bribes, and the case was investigated by the central office of the investigative committee. in general terms, the prosecution's version is known. muryshov allegedly helped transport goods of a number of companies across the border, bypassing mandatory checks. and nesterenko is considered one of the main intermediaries in the transfer of money.
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the latter then headed a company from the list of large customs brokers. by the way, in march 21, muryshov himself, then still in office, gave an interview to our tv channel, commented. the basis for making adjustments to the organization of preventive and preventive work. it turns out that the preventive work that mr. muryshov announced to the press turned out to be ineffective, in any case, because a year after this interview he himself ended up in a pre-trial detention center. that's how the general was arrested, exactly on the day of the fight against corruption. in december of the twenty-second year from that day. this video was saved, a man very similar to muryshov, standing at the entrance to the escort room of the moscow obasmanny court, surrounded by security forces in civilian clothes, and then getting into a minibus that took him to the pre-trial detention center. now both muryshev and nesterenko are charged with two episodes of the case with a total damage
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of more than 8 million rubles. at the current hearing, taking into account such powerful legal support, of course, neither the defendants nor the lawyers with the prosecution's arguments. did not agree, if the guilt of both defendants is proven, they will face very impressive prison terms, but given the specifics and details of this criminal case, the consideration is unlikely to be quick. maxim shevchenko, yegor letvinov and evgeny mokunev, conduct the duty unit. and now urgent news, which our editorial office receives directly from the news agency feeds. employees of law enforcement agencies are conducting investigative actions in the ministry of construction of chuvashia, this is reported in the ministry itself. and there the documents were seized as part of the ongoing investigative actions, the ministry of construction noted, it is also noted that the head of the chuvash ministry of construction, mikhail koleda, was summoned to the investigators to give testimony, the former head of the clothing department of the russian ministry of defense
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vladimir demchenko was arrested by decision of the 235th garrison military court, he is suspected of receiving a bribe, the criminal case is being investigated by employees of the main military investigative department of the investigative... of russia, this is reported on the official website of the department. colonel zapasa dimchik held the position of head of the clothing department of the russian ministry of defense until april 2018. in the spring of 2017 , the general director of one of the commercial organizations, wishing to secure demchik's patronage when deciding on the involvement of the said commercial organization in the execution of state contracts for the supply of various clothing items for the needs of the armed forces. russian federation , gave the latter a bribe in the amount of 4 million rubles. as reported by the investigative committee, the company's representative, who could have given bribe to vladimir demchenko, as a result became a participant in almost three dozen state contracts worth more than half a billion rubles. in
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krasnoyarsk , members of one of the most influential and powerful gangs in the region will soon appear in court. we are talking about the criminal community of yaroslav malinovsky. his henchmen were engaged in robberies.
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its alleged leader is called an invisible bandit, even now, after the defeat of the group, he went to ...
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the authorities. investigators carried out meticulous work, interviewed dozens of witnesses, conducted a number of important examinations. distinctive the peculiarity of the criminal community of malinovsky was the audacity with which its members committed crimes, demonstrations of the power of the criminal community by committing crimes in public places where there were crowds of citizens, a large number of members of the criminal community, their cohesion. sergei skorokhodov, investigators consider another member of the gang. he also assures that he is not familiar with the criminal authority. i saw him only once. and where did they see him in the night
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cube i saw him once, i gave on this occasion also testimony. and i was standing with a girl, a man just came in, all the girls immediately ran up to him, i don't know why, i just wondered who he was. yaroslav malinovsky's love for girls is a separate story, they say he built an illegal business on feelings. malinovsky allegedly charmed the wives of local businessmen, and then extorted millions through his tame bandits. one man did not want to rewrite his pawnshops to malinovsky, these pawnshops, malinovsky's group came, shot, set fire, intimidated employees, there was everything there, and they turned off all the cameras, those same pawnshops, they were located on the first floors of multi-story buildings, one of them was in this building, the organizations bought and sold jewelry without the necessary license, in a couple of years the price business brought its creator more than 12 million rubles. and here is that very lady through whom malinovsky allegedly got his hands on.
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krasnoyarsk businessman yan davzhansky also suffered from the actions of the bandits, he lost both his wife and money. at first malinovsky joined love affair with his wife, this dark-haired sports fan, later demanded through her to rewrite his business and real estate in the amount of more than 40 million rubles. when threats did not work, yana was beaten. those who had cried staged. would have jumped out in masks and started to strike with brass knuckles, well, here is my left side, as if it still has an eye gone inside, now dovzhansky's ex-wife is under investigation as an accomplice of malinovsky, the probable leader of the organized crime group himself may be hiding abroad. the name of yaroslav malinovsky was involved in a high-profile scandal related to the construction of an aqua complex on tatyshev island. a swimming pool and a food court were built on the territory , but it is prohibited to build anything here, this is an archaeological heritage site. the beach and entertainment complex is now
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closed, the territory is cordoned off with warning tapes, investigative actions were carried out inside, after the arrests began, some of the bandits hid in neighboring regions, they were found and arrested. during the searches , weapons and money were seized from the defendants. some accomplices of malinovsky have already heard the verdict, others are just getting ready. by the court's decision, yaroslav malinovsky was arrested in absentia, as soon as he appears on russian territory, he will be immediately sent to a pre-trial detention center. for. the building of the leadership of a criminal community of extortion of damage to cultural heritage sites, he faces a life sentence. olga zhirenkova, denis bezlakovsky, mikhail mirzayans, dmitry manyshev. news, duty unit. and now more breaking news straight from the news agency's feeds. so, a major car accident in the krasnodar territory took the lives of two people, and another 11 injured. footage from the scene of the accident is published by the official telegram channel of the ministry of emergency situations. a truck collided in the city of armavir. a car and a minibus, as specified by the department, among the injured there are three children and another child
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among the dead. a criminal case has been opened, which is under the control of the head of the regional department of the investigative committee of the russian federation andrey maslov. in nizhny tagel, three employees of the gas service were detained, who were the last to check the equipment before the gas explosion in a five-story building. as reported by the investigative committee, the detainees face up to 10 years in prison. the criminal case is being investigated under the article on the performance of work that does not meet safety requirements. on suspicion of committing a crime, a foreman and two investigators of the gas service were detained. at present, with their participation, the necessary investigative actions are being carried out, in the near future the issue of collecting a preventive measure or detention on them on the filing of charges will be decided, a set of forensic examinations has been appointed, the necessary documentation has been seized and is being studied, investigative and other procedural actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. on august 1, as a result of a gas explosion in a residential building in nizhny tagil, two entrances collapsed, 10
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people died, and 16 were injured. according to the ministry of health, eight of them are still in hospitals, in a state of... a resident of krasnodar contacted our program, who is sure that he was deceived in a large car dealership. the client was promised a good car at a bargain price, but as a result, the man received a loan with huge payments and a bunch of imposed services for tens of hundreds of thousands of rubles. how do such dubious schemes work and is it possible to recognize them when buying? olga mazurak reports on this topic. it's all murky and worn out. when it shines, it has some kind of beam that goes slightly higher than the other beams, the engine rattles, oil leaks, the threshold is dented, the body is scuffed, a white sedan, which in reality turned out to be a junk car on wheels for its owner konstantin and is neither a luxury nor a means of transportation, a continuous headache, and also like a monument to his gigantic debt to the bank, smiling managers in the car dealership
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they hung an unaffordable loan on a man, they say that if you take these two services... then in 3 months you come to us, call, come to us, we will reissue a lower payment, which will be the payment after refinancing 26. in the sharashkina office for the sale of broken cars they assured, a large loan is only on paper, low payments are ahead, the main thing is to sign the contract as soon as possible, only after returning home, konstantin realized that he became a victim of a typical scam of unprincipled salesmen, i called the bank in the evening of the same day, a bank employee told me that for such... having studied open sources, konstantin found out that the sedan he bought 2 years ago was mercilessly exploited by taxi drivers , of course, they didn’t say a word about this at the dealership, now instead of the promised 2 million for the shabby car , konstantin is threatened to pay all five, and car dealers don’t even want to talk to him, the manager
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sluggishly waves off all the claims of clients, without looking up from his mobile phone. if i say, please keep quiet, i’m telling you, you pay. the first 3 months without delays, after 3 months you go to a bank, any bank, apply for financing, the employees of the salon are no longer interested in konstantin, they are waiting for someone else to impose debt bondage on, if you have not done this and have not tried, your grandmother told you there at the bus stop, please shut up, your grandmother told you at the bus stop, these are your problems, this is a classic scheme for imposing debts by dishonest car dealers, first they advertise cars at a price below the market price, then they deliberately exhaust the buyer. long negotiations in the salon, then they slip you an extremely unfavorable contract, promising change the conditions in the future, these are, of course, empty words, as soon as a person has signed, his interests are forgotten forever, they can also replace the car, the client will not escape from the loan anyway. an interesting detail, in order to protect themselves from constant lawsuits, the court, the offices draw up a contract, add such a small, barely
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noticeable detail, everything written and verbally stated above after signing is considered invalid, and after registration. both, if there are no such people as him
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who want to sue, her chances are extremely low, for some used car dealers such scams have already cost. freedom, so in the capital, law enforcement officers detained a gang of auto scammers, specifically for scams with interest rates and car options. it was possible to prove that the deceived people overpaid hundreds of thousands of rubles for air, hundreds of people were recognized as victims, the damage was more than 50 million rubles. clients were taken by exhausting negotiations and empty promises, suspiciously similar to konstantin's story. about five o'clock in the evening, and somewhere before 100 at 11 o'clock we left, of course and there and music. played and noisy, how many people could have already fallen into debt bondage because of krasnodar traders of used cars, lawyers are still finding out, konstantin does not intend to give up, together with a lawyer he is preparing a statement to the law enforcement. vladimir volk, from
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the family fund to the museum, they were transferred by his daughter , the official representative of the ministry of internal affairs irina volk. these are 11 paintings, as well as several graphic sculptures. irina said that her father always wanted his work to belong to the people. specialists note the value of his works for the tretyakov gallery. canvases. member of the union of artists of the ussr and russia, considers him one of the brightest representatives of the underground of the thaw period. millions of rubles
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in damages hundreds of deceived clients a fraudster operates in dolgoprudny under the guise of a window installation specialist. he operates according to a well-established scheme, takes an advance payment for his services, and then disappears, only periodically answering calls and messages. several statements have already been written to the police, but the case is you... only after the intervention of the prosecutor's office, report maxim oparin. these big ones are not worth touching at all, they can't close them later. the renovation in tatyana akulovskikh's apartment is clearly dragging on, she found a specialist through an ad to replace the windows. at first glance, the young man made a good impression, but after he received an advance payment for the work, more than 100 thousand rubles disappeared. tatyana has been waiting for the windows to be replaced since january. i paid him an advance, he did it under the contract, i even paid a little more there 100. well, as if at his request, it turned out that this window specialist anton silin was contacted dozens of clients and many were left with nothing. this miracle worker works in dolgoprudny, where the largest number of deceived clients are. 100
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thousand rubles. here is the confirmation, i have two receipts that i transferred money to him. silin also took 100,000 work with natalia, did not even start, answers calls every other time, and if you manage to talk to him, he comes up with an excuse and postpones the meeting. then tomorrow comes, he explains that his car broke down, some... he is an outright swindler, there is a
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lot of information about him, negative reviews on all social networks, in all social networks where there is an advertisement for his services, moreover, he continues to do this, we call on the current advertisement, preparation is about 2-2 weeks, yeah, in short, within 20 days. so now, to the question of why there are so many dissatisfied clients, anton silin yashin answers philosophically: well, yes, there are, there were negative moments, that i should work 100% without any bad reviews or misunderstandings with people. several statements have been written to the police, but for some reason the case was not opened, after the intervention of the prosecutor's office the situation changed. at the same time, earlier, at the request of the victim, the territorial police department issued a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case. the said decision. city prosecutor's office was cancelled at its direction a criminal case was opened under article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is fraud. the police do not rule out
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that there will be many more victims in this case. maxim aparin, egor mayorov and lika dzhevakhishvili. vesti, duty unit. what what to do if a wild animal breaks into your home or office, a dirty little animal that has gotten lost in the forest or escaped from the monster can cause a mess, or even bite a person, and you don’t want to hurt the uninvited guest. in such situations , specialists from wildlife rehabilitation centers, which work all over the country, come to the rescue. among their pets are monkeys, parrots, wolves and even lions. my colleague, fyodor eliseev, got acquainted with the animal rescue service and tried himself in the role of its employee. the usual calm in an uninvited guest broke into a business center in the west of the capital. bypassing the security post, a squirrel drove into one of the offices without signing a lease agreement. the brazen attempt at a raider takeover by a rodent did not initially frighten the building's workers, but rather touched them. she began to unpack her bag, took out some water, and suddenly
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saw some movement. she looked, it was a squirrel, she began to scream, oh-oh, look, but the business center workers' attempts to catch the squirrel themselves were unsuccessful, and they had to turn to a specialist department of nature management and environmental protection of the city of moscow. it is important to note that in such cases this must be done immediately, because wild animals can cause injury and be carriers of diseases. therefore, to catch the rodent, biologist alexander kolesnik armed himself with a goggle, strong gloves and a carrier. having shown how to use it, alexander suggested that we... try to catch this nimble animal, fortunately the small rodent did not have any injuries and did not need the help of veterinarians. the squirrel is already impatient to get out to freedom, so we drove literally 1 km from the place where we caught the animal and now we will release it to freedom. according to the specialist, the habitat of rodents is about 2-3 km, so it will not be difficult for the squirrel to find its way home by smell. even in slow motion
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, the squirrel disappears from the frame in eight times less than 2 seconds, but sometimes larger representatives of the fauna end up in the net of the specialists, for example, a beaver, weighing about 30 kilograms, climbed into the slough of the reservoir, the wild aggressive animal was caught for several hours, applications for the capture of our smaller brothers are regularly received by specialists, especially in spring and summer, if some animals are immediately sent from the cage to the branch, then others who have received injuries end up in a rehabilitation center, where they are given assistance, if...
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and many others. very often the animals are exhausted and require rehabilitation. the main goal is to return the animal to the wild. predators, for example, are kept in a large enclosure. they are practically not touched by hands and are given the opportunity to hunt. zoologists call this reintroduction. it is important that the animal perceived a person as a danger was able to get food for himself. it's okay, you'll be cured soon , everything will be fine. and the day before , another regular came to the center for supporting wild animals in the capital's ramenki district in a grocery store. they noticed a young man with a small. tiger cub, he was walking freely scared the locals, and they turned to law enforcement, after which the traffic police officers, during a standard document check of the driver, noticed an unusual passenger in the back seat. the animal was found in the man's car on a large semenovskaya street. he did not present any documents confirming the legality of his ownership of the tiger, explaining that he had found it on the road a few days ago. the tiger cub has already settled in at the wildlife rehabilitation center. he is currently undergoing the necessary
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examinations. for now, the little orphan is carefree playing with a sword and drinking formula from a baby bottle, but very soon the tiger cub will grow up and the question of his future fate will arise. it is important to remember that pets appear in our apartments in order to bring a little joy, along with which comes great responsibility. fyodor eliseev, dmitry kanavalov, emil musaev, news, duty unit. now we are returning to the car accident in the city of armavir, where a truck, a minibus and two cars collided. here are new shots from the scene. the accident. according to the latest data , the number of victims in the accident has grown to 14 people. it is known that there are children among them. another child and one adult died. emergency services investigators are currently working at the scene of the accident. a criminal case has been opened. let me remind you that the entire operational information in telegram channels, conduct duty unit honest detective. that's all, with you was tatyana petrova. see you in this studio already at 21:30.
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goals in the cabinet of ministers decided who will be responsible for areas of responsibility within the framework of national food security, who for...


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