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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 7, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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in the first half of the year, exports reached 6,700,000 tons, vedomosti writes with reference to the metals and mining intelligence agency. as for nitrogen fertilizers, there is a quarter increase in exports, but supplies of phosphorus fertilizers, on the contrary, have slightly decreased. in total , the volume of fertilizers sent abroad is estimated at 13.7 million tons. and exporters of russian coal have resumed deliveries along the northern sea route, a batch of raw materials from the baltic ports was sent towards asia for the first time in 3 years, kommersant writes with link to the argus agency. according to market participants, the route along the arctic ocean will allow avoiding the risky waters of the red sea due to houthi attacks. at the same time, this route is cheaper than going around the cape of good hope. these were the economic news. briefly. dear friends, i
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am pleased to invite you to our next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called where does a person begin. i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at our meeting. a third of the videos on the network stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competitions of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and
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what a sensation: they tensed up inside america, beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch now. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you only see part of the overall picture. chasing views. change entire locations, it's easy to make a deepfake, change the voice, we will expose all the fakes.
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now again in the kursk region, here's what the russian ministry of health reported about the victims as a result of shelling of the region by ukraine. as a result of shelling by ukrainian nationalists in the kursk region, 24 people were injured, including. children were hospitalized medical organizations 13 victims, including three children, one of the adults is in serious condition, the rest of the victims are in a moderate condition , all necessary assistance is provided to the victims in full, telemedicine consultations are being held with specialists from federal medical centers of the russian ministry of health, 11 people received outpatient medical care, a team of medical specialists was sent to the region to support medical workers of the kursk region on behalf of the minister of health of russia mikhail murashko. medical care
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is coordinated by the federal center for disaster medicine and healthcare of russia. next, our broadcast kirill vyshinsky's authorial program typical novorossiya will continue about how railways are being restored and developed in new regions of russia. hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the program "typical novorossiya". our name says it all. we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a close look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features , recognizable signs of the past. and here's what
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we'll talk about today. railways novorossiya, new routes and prospects. from military operations to peaceful tasks, a conversation about railways with the program expert. ilovaisk, a city of military glory in the cossack lands. in early august, the country celebrated railwayman's day, a professional holiday for people who help connect different regions of our country, the largest in the world. for novorossiya. the railway today is the main transport route and a kind of symbol of returning to its historical roots. a little over a year ago, by order of the government of several roads of four new regions of russia
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, the federal state unitary enterprise novorossiya railway was created. the merger made it possible to build a unified logistics and create a common management system. the main tasks are to restore the destroyed depot and contact network and repair the tracks. last year, 9.6 billion rubles were allocated for this, and another 11 billion in 2024. novorossiya railways are part of the never-unified road of the south of russia, which connected the krivoy rog iron ore basin with... their products for export through the ports of the black and azov seas. the road was originally called krivoy rog, but was then renamed
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ekaterinskaya, in honor of the russian empress catherine, who annexed novorossiya. it passed through the territory of the kharkov, ekaterinoslav, now dnepropetrovsk, kherson and tavricheskaya provinces. through the lands of the don army since 1936 it was called stalinskaya, since 1961 - pridneprovskaya. after the ninety-first year, the road was divided between ukrzaleznytsia and russian railways. in 2014, after the first transport blockade of crimea and donbass from ukraine, it lost its main character. today, not only is the restoration of what has been destroyed since 2014 underway, but... new highways are also being built. one of them runs along the coast of the sea of ​​azov and opens a new land corridor to crimea. the construction of this railway began in september 2023. during this time, it was possible to connect
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rostov-nona with donetsk, mariupol and berdyansk. 63 km of the road were rebuilt, 140 km were restored. the work was carried out in extreme conditions, constant arrivals and shelling from the armed forces of ukraine. nevertheless, freight trains have already started running on the new route this spring, and it is the turn of passenger trains. after the construction is completed , the road from rostov-on-don to crimea will be 200 km shorter than the existing one via the crimean bridge. the opportunity to build a new railway line to crimea opened up after the liberation of avdiivka. the highway, which will connect the rostov... region with crimea via donbass and novorossiya, should be operational by the end of this year, about how railways are being restored and developed today novorossiya in the story of anna efimova.
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the locomotive depot of radakov is one of the oldest enterprises of the lugansk people 's republic, here at the intersection of railway lines.
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also need to look. krasnodon, dolzhanka, debaltseve, so far the main directions of research for both freight and passenger trains. the longest route novoluyka is about 270 km. not a little. the drivers say that they want more, dream of the endless expanses of russia, direct communication with moscow and other cities, of course, and passengers are waiting for of the state is, perhaps, one of the primary tasks. the railway from rostov to donetsk, to mariupol and berdyansk has been restored, we will continue this work and soon trains will go straight to sevastopol, but gradually towards the global goal, a large-scale infrastructure construction project. the railway is planned to be completed by the end of this year. in practice, this means not only solving
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the logistics issue, but also a radical reduction in dependence on the railway connection with the crimean bridge. work on it is in some final stage. aspect, then from shelling from barrel and artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, the new railway line will be completely protected. the most important conditions for the restoration of train traffic - safety, uninterrupted delivery of goods, reconnaissance of tracks and demining are carried out by railway troops. this oldest, unique branch of the armed forces, first established in the russian empire more than 170 years ago, serves to this day. the special train yenisei is intended for technical reconnaissance, demining, as well as restoration of the railway track, this is special. a train that is armed with the latest technology, hello, comrades,
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hello, comrades, builders, signalmen, rear services, mechanics, drivers, training of railway troops is the most important task, in this part in shchelkovye near moscow it is in full swing, first theoretical classes in the classrooms only then practice on the training grounds, here they teach, for example, how to handle a portal crane, transmit messages via special communications, on simulators you can... in their arsenal they will have at least a dozen specialties that are in high demand in civilian life. my plan for the future
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is to go to bam-2, the beklamskaya highway, continue construction, and help the guys who are there. but such specialists are especially in demand in donbass, although here, in the land of heavy industry , mines and quarries are sometimes a family story. sergey budko came to practice at the debaltsevo-passenger locomotive depot back in 1980. sergey and his fellow railway workers made another choice: went to defend their native donbass from the nationalists, liberated mariupol, held the line in the zaporizhia direction, our depot went to fight, a little already. returned, some by age, some by wounds, injuries received, we have already buried, we preserve
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their memory, in the plans we still need to build a memorial to our guys who died on the territory of the depot, but let's hope, pray that there will be fewer of them and those who remained there, so that they will definitely return back. there is only one victory for everyone, therefore everyone, be it an electric locomotive driver, a depot repairman, a sapper clearing tracks or a builder restoring bridges of the most important. communications makes its contribution to it, a contribution whose importance cannot be overestimated. on the eve of the railway workers' day, the railway station in mariupol was finally opened, which was almost completely destroyed during the battles for the city in 2022. and this is not only an important infrastructure facility, but a symbol, a symbol of the fact that donbass is rising from the ashes. anna efimova, valery savelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. we will talk about the railways of novorossiya with our regular expert,
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political scientist and historian rostislav ishchenko. rastislav, good afternoon. good afternoon. rastislav, in the 19th and 20th centuries, railways became the basis for the industrialization of novorossiya. and what has changed today in the 20th century, especially in the conditions when novorossiya is a combat zone? well, probably, first of all, the railways that are used by the military and the railways that are used by industry, these are different railways... roads, that there are other rails, there are other rails, the military can use high-gauge railways for themselves, by the way, in in donbass, there is a significant part of the railways, at one time there were even up to half of them. these are railway tracks laid to mines, to enterprises and further, these are specifically high-gauge railways, and not the usual broad gauge, that is, the broad gauge is the railways, the beard and the main railways, so they also need to be distinguished, in addition, when military actions are taking place, the railway infrastructure is destroyed, often it is destroyed first of all, the station buildings are destroyed, the railway bed is destroyed,
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for example, retreating troops always destroy what they have behind them, bridges are blown up, the locomotive fleet is destroyed for... military needs, yes, railway troops lay, often even using their own available rails, they lay roads in the right direction, but this is used in the interests of the front now, whether it will be needed after the end of hostilities, no one knows, often a railway is laid, the army goes forward, it is removed and laid further behind the army, that is, it is not a fact that they will remain later act, we have already said many times that the structure of the economy in donbass is currently changing, it is difficult... the yushchenko government has been largely destroyed, and it was destroyed even before the war, the world market situation has changed, and this ukrainian metal has become largely unprofitable, the second blow was dealt by the policy of the yanukovych government, which haggled with russia for gas for so long that as a result gas for enterprises has literally become golden, this has also
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reduced competitiveness, it is clear that the civil war over the course of eight years finished it off, especially in... donbass, where the actual fighting took place, but now it does not contribute to the economic growth of this region. the question is what kind of transportation will be needed for the enterprises operating there, between the enterprises operating there, what will have to be imported into the region, what will have to be exported from the region. so, now, for example, we are talking about creating a tourism zone on the coast of the azov sea, where there was a zone of metallurgical enterprises. it is clear that for metallurgical enterprises to the tourist zone.
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what is happening there now is primarily work in the interests of the front, that's exactly what i wanted to ask about, today in the zone of special military operations there are four armored trains of the railway troops of the russian army, we are returning to the traditions of the twenties of the last century to the times of the civil war of the last century, and so not only the twenties are repeating themselves, because during the great patriotic war armored trains fought and even armored trains were used. in the soviet armies and in the post-war period, that is, they were never completely withdrawn from circulation, another thing is that the way they were used changed, for example, during the civil patriotic wars they often carried out artillery support for troops, now the main task of these armored trains is to cover the railway troops, who are restoring, building railway tracks, laying, repairing the same bridges
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along which they fly, well, plus control, naturally, whether the track is mined, not mined way. the donbass railway network was once one of the densest in the former soviet union. with the beginning of the esvo, it has become even more saturated, railways are being laid where they did not exist either in tsarist or soviet times. is this a military necessity, or are we already thinking about peacetime? the density of the donbass railway network.
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yes, it has always been a major transit corridor during the russian empire, in ukrainian times, in soviet times, and now it is a potentially major transit corridor, very important, it is no coincidence that the prc, and under ukraine
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, tried to create a transit corridor there, now it is negotiating the creation, including through this territory, of a transit corridor, that is, for a large economy there is no such thing as too little, now railways play a very important role in transcontinental container transportation, if earlier container transportation was still the lot of the sea fleet, now railways successfully compete in this, that is, but it is clear that for this business modern railways are needed, which can to withstand trains of enormous weight, moving at enormous speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour and more, and they need to be made with a reserve, because travel speeds are constantly growing, and this is a competitive advantage, novorussiya yes - this is a potentially huge transit corridor, very different, railways ... will form the basis of this transit, therefore new modernized railways must be built, including taking into account the needs of global trade. thank you for an interesting
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detailed story. 10 years ago, in august in 2014, the decisive battle for ilovaisk, a major railway junction 25 km east of donetsk, began in donbass. the ukrainian armed forces, together with nationalists from the dobrobaty, sought to capture the city and thereby cut off the capital of the dpr from supply lines, and in the long term, close the encirclement of donetsk. fierce fighting lasted for about 3 weeks. ukrainian armed forces and dobrobaty fighters entered the outskirts of ilovaisk and counted on success, but subsequently found themselves surrounded by dpr militias. as a result, kiev officially denied it. at the end of august, the president
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russia vladimir putin called on the donetsk militia to release the enemy from the cauldron on the condition that it was unarmed. the day after the appeal, the humanitarian corridor was opened, by the beginning of september the ilovaisk cauldron ceased to exist. in 2019, by decree of the head of the dpr denis pushilin , marriage, fortitude and mass heroism shown by its defenders, illovaisk was awarded the honorary title of city of military glory. the city owes its appearance on the map to the rapid industrialization of novorossiya in the second half of the 16th century. according to the lands that belonged to the noble cossack family of ilovaisky, the railway passed. the family was famous. russia was defended from napoleon in 1812 by sevastopol in the crimean war. after
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a short time, polustanok became a city and was named ilovaisk. the nobles from the cossacks, having received lands in the western part of the don host region as a reward for their military valor, became one of the founders. industrial development of donbass, about ilovaisk and the ilovaisky dynasty, in the story by olga mokhova. the first information about the ilovaisky dynasty dates back to the 17th century, in 1734 their family was included in the lists of the don army elders. the ilovaiskys took an active part in the demarcation and development of the territories of the don, by the end of the 14th century they owned huge lands in the mius district, right up to the sea of ​​azov. colonization, after all, the don moved from the don to the top, here up the seversky danets, and for quite
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a long time in our area, in the area of ​​​​there kaniusamius, there were no permanent settlements, even when there were disputes over land between the danish cossacks and the zaporozhian cossacks, they did not occur over the right to live, they occurred for the right where to fish. such a passionate attitude to life, when people do what they love , do it so that they remember it for a long time in the region. one of the most famous representatives
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of this kind in the donetsk region is ivan grigorievich ilavaisky. at one time, he went through all the stages of the career of a don officer and even served in the ottoman cossack regiment, the personal guard of the emperor. after retiring, he started a multi-industry farm in his homeland, both sheep farming and a distillery, and was engaged in breeding don combat and english racehorses. in 1859, he built a coal mine on his lands. he immediately began to create, as it were. technologically advanced coal mining enterprise, he bought steam boilers, three steam boilers, steam engines in great britain. already 10 years later, ivan ilovaisky had seven operating mines, daily coal production increased from 2.5 million poods to 5 million. he built a 14.5 versts railway access road from his mines to the khartsiyskaya station. in
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the taganrok port, his berth. wall deepens the seabed, thereby receiving the ability to deliver coal not only to the black sea basin, but to the external market. at the end of the 19th century, it was necessary to compete with english coal on the domestic russian market, english, not russian, but english, that is, it performed a very interesting , grandiose economic task, it created, so to speak, opportunities in the russian... empire to save money, because english coal was quite expensive. in 1882, ilovaisky's products were presented at the all-russian trade and industrial exhibition. in general, the contribution it is difficult to overestimate the contribution of ivan grigorievich, and then his sons, to the development of the donetsk region and its transformation from an agrarian to an industrial one. they brought peasants here from central russia, arranging their life, and invited the best graduates
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of the st. petersburg mining institute to work in the mines. the ilovaiskys continued the good work started by their ancestors, helping the orthodox svyatogorsk lavra. thanks to the financial assistance of the ilovaiskys, a bell weighing 400 poods was purchased for the monastery, and they were allowed to bury representatives of their family in svyatogorsk. monastery near the church of st. theodosius. it is not surprising that siding number 17, which appeared on december 23, 1869 on the kursk-kharkov-azov railway opened that same year , was named after ilavaisky in 1903. it began with a single-track cast-iron railway, and the first building was a small trackman's booth. dugouts and shelters began to be built chaotically , and by 1903, siding number 17 had 900 residents, who...
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12:00 pm
the ssu attacked the kursk region again, four drones were shot down, there are casualties, civilian casualties, situation on the border at this hour, live broadcast by evgeny poddubny. vladivostok is going under water, roads and underground passages are flooded in the city due to heavy rains, trams are stopped, traffic lights are not working, a new wave of flooding is expected in dalnerechensk. in case of an attack from iran, the usa will help israel.


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