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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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equipment as a whole until the thirtieth year due to co-financing of scientific and design work, technical re-equipment, creation of new capacities, we must master more than 500 types of means of production, such, well, in general, the task is quite complex, but the project was considered at the strategic session under the leadership of mikhail vladimovich, were supported, therefore we are confident that we will cope with this task. among civilian areas, we continue to lead in dynamics. the electronic industry is growing by more than 30%, this industry, according to your instruction, the government provides special support, the main priorities here are the development, including domestic electronic engineering , ensuring the transition of enterprises, organizations of different sectors of the economy, advantages to domestic software and hardware solutions. the implementation of all the planned industry plans, of course, largely depends on how capacious the demand will be from the spheres of consumption, while for industry there is a task in a unique for world
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practice short time to bring into series all the necessary range of our high-tech products and quickly ramp up capacity so that the supply volume balances the demand for new equipment and machinery. so far, judging by the growth rate of investments in fixed capital, this is what is happening. last year, they grew by 19%. for the first quarter of this year, 27. well, we expect similar dynamics for the half-year results. next, we will look at the impact. including monetary policy and, depending on this, we will propose some compensatory measures if necessary, to prevent a slowdown or shift in key goals for the implementation of national projects. that's it, thank you. thank you very much, vyacheslav andreevich fedorichev, acting governor of the samara region, but i would like to give you the floor as chairman of the state council commission on industry, please. thank you very much, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues.
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the state council commission on industry, and these are the heads of key industrial regions, industry leaders, experts, constantly monitors the support measures provided by the russian government for industries. the growth of the manufacturing industry that anton andreevich reported is largely based on the decisions taken by the government and your instructions , vladimir vladimirovich, including data on the results of the state council presidium in the direction of industry in the twenty-third year, in particular, you decided to support the direction. reverse engineering with the aim of import substitution of the necessary components i report in july of this year the government made a decision on additional funding of more than 1 billion rubles for about 30 reverse engineering projects, here together with the ministry of trade we are working to expand this program, there are a large number of requests from regions for support, it is effective not only in production, but also budget effects we also see, your second instruction, which is also very important for the regions, especially where it is present. complex with
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lean manufacturing technologies, well of course, this is the most important direction of all our work here, so that enterprises produce more of the relevant products, i report that a corresponding center has been created, about twenty enterprises are already undergoing it, receiving methodological assistance, recommendations, but we are looking at expanding this program and the samara region has been proposed to the ministry of trade as a pilot site, where all enterprises:
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existing solutions on the mechanism of preferential leasing for domestic machine tools and equipment have been prepared, and there are also proposals that are currently being worked out by the smenakan of development of russia on giving the opportunity to participate in the industrial mortgage program, which you vladimirovich supported, to the management companies of special economic zones and industrial parks, this will allow creating more brownfields in the regions, so that small high-tech companies that do not have the opportunity to invest, in fact, in fixed assets, but have potential, ideas and already
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specific projects could come and work in the regions. and the third direction is personnel scientific and production leadership. here i would like to highlight the direction of unmanned aerial systems, this is one of the. industries of the future , a national project is already being implemented at your request, which over the past 2 years has allowed supporting hundreds of companies that are successfully operating, in particular, three scientific and production centers were created in russia, which unite the university's production companies, one of them was created in the samara region in talyat, i report that it has already been possible to localize about 70% of the component base for free flying systems are produced as lithium batteries. engines, and well, about here again 70% of components, we will bring this figure to 90%, and here the connection of the university, production and the territory of advanced development is very strong. taking this opportunity, dear vladimirovich, i would like to invite you to visit the samara region, this very
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center, because here you can see how your instructions are being implemented, how a new industry is being created, there really is a unique solution there, which, if replicate, and we are already working on this together with our colleagues in the government. will allow us to be technological leaders here in the whole world. vladimirovich, i have finished my report, if you allow me, returning to what you said at the beginning, we contacted the kursk region government this morning, all the necessary assistance that will be needed, this is for doctors, medicines, building materials, accommodation of residents , we show everything, we have such experience, we are like the whole country together with our border territories. thank you. thank you very much, i hope that your other colleagues from the region. the russian federation will join in and do what we all must do in such situations, and the heads of regions have the opportunity to do more than ordinary citizens, so i really count on
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the support of your colleagues from the regions of the russian federation. colleagues, you know that the federal assembly has finished its autumn session. and the federation council and the state duma, well, that's normal, people are resting, they went on vacation, i know that many colleagues in the government, here is the minister finance just returned, but many colleagues are planning to rest or are resting, but i remind you that, unlike the federal assembly, this is a representative authority, the government, just like your colleagues at the local level, these are... executive authorities, we must not interrupt the work of the relevant authority as a whole for a single second, so we will be in constant contact with you, i hope that the government leadership has worked out everything that concerns, everything that
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concerns the schedule, vacations, interchangeability must be ensured, and i will be in constant contact with you, constant, yes, please, thank you, dear vladimir, dear colleagues, work has been organized on your instructions to provide assistance to residents of the kursk region, sunzhansky district, exposed to attack by the enemy, all departments have been mobilized, this is the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of health, the ministry of construction, the russian guard, the ministry of transport - work is underway to evacuate families from unsafe areas. 19 temporary accommodation centers have been created, medical assistance is being provided to the victims, teams of specialists from the federal medical and biological agency, a mobile hospital is currently being deployed, food and drinking
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water have been organized, as for interaction with alexey borisovich, smernov, the acting governor is in constant contact and... in agreement with the prime minister, the ministry of finance has been instructed to ensure that the first tranche of 1.8 billion rubles is sent through the ministry of construction today , within the framework of the applications collected, the amount of 11 billion rubles for 2,500 families to provide certificates for resettlement. and we will provide full assistance on special transport for delivery, as you have already said, that other regions should also respond, moscow region, parts of medical transport have already joined this work, we consider it necessary to create
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a regional headquarters for emergency situations, this will ensure higher quality, modern work, response. e for all e services and all federal executive authorities at the local level and we will report to you in the e world on the implementation of your instructions. okay, thank you all, denis mil'tinovich, come to me, please, this there were shots of agaryuva again, vladimir putin held a meeting with members of the government, the event was held via videoconference, vladimir putin called the event in the kursk region a large-scale provocation by the kiev regime, the president began the meeting with the government with a statement on the events in this region. according to the head of state, the enemy is shelling civilian buildings, residential buildings and ambulances. vladimir putin instructed first deputy prime minister denis mandarov to coordinate the work to provide assistance to residents of the kursk region. the president
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noted that the work must begin immediately. bearing in mind, as is known, the kiev regime has undertaken another large-scale provocation, conducting indiscriminate shooting from various types of weapons, including missiles, at civilian buildings, residential buildings, ambulances. immediately after our meeting, i will have a meeting with the heads of the power departments, the ministry of defense, the general staff of the fsb, bearing in mind the border direction of the federal security service, i hear another report from colleagues on what is happening in the kursk region. but i would like to say that following the conversation, my
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conversation with the acting governor of the kurov region, instructions were given to a number of civilian agencies to provide the necessary assistance to residents of the region, and i also ask the government to take up this immediately, coordinate this work at the first stage, asking the first deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, sumy region: basovka, zhuravka, belovody, novye sich and others. ukrainian armed forces losses per day amounted to 260 people, as well as 50 units.
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kiev regime in the sumy region to hit the front line on personnel and equipment in the kursk border area. it is known that ... the guys use heavy high-explosive bombs with planning and correction modules in order to destroy reinforcements of the armed forces of ukraine in the rear areas, and helicopters hit the front line, personnel, armored vehicles, which are located directly on the state border, fierce fighting continues, and it is worth noting that over the last 24 hours alone, more than...
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the kiev regime did not work out, i repeat once again, the enemy is suffering significant
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losses, the twenty-second brigade was brought into battle to form the kiev regime, i will remind you that it is staffed and armed with weapons and military equipment, and the production of the countries of the north atlantic alliance, this brigade participated in the unsuccessful, so-called counteroffensive of the enemy last summer in the south, the zone of special military... operations, while it is known that in as a result of terrorist attacks on peaceful settlements of the kursk region, 26 people received various injuries. and injuries, and some of the wounded are children, all the wounded are receiving prompt medical care in full, the situation on the kursk border remains tense, it is known that the enemy continues to form reserves in the sumy region,
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continues to transfer additional forces , means, armored vehicles are involved, systems are involved. electronic warfare, as well as air defense systems for fighters the russian army managed to destroy two ground-based missile launchers in the last 24 hours, which were in close proximity to the state border, and now the fighters and command of the state border cover group, together with the employees of the fsb border service of russia , are focused on the liquidation of those units -
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the bodies initiated after the attack in so on the kursk region, the investigative committee of russia reports. the department noted that as a result of the criminal actions of the kiev regime, several dozen civilians, including children, as well as military personnel. at the request of the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, investigators are identifying individuals from the armed formations of ukraine who gave and carried out criminal orders to attack civilian objects. several thousand people have left the shelling and combat zone over the past 24 hours. more than 300 people, including more than 120 children, are in temporary accommodation centers. this was reported by the acting governor of the kursk region alexey smernov. overnight, new temporary accommodation points were deployed in the region, with more than 2,500 places. at the moment, 302
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people are additionally accommodated in the temporary accommodation points, including 121 children. the supply of water, food, medicines and essential items is provided. representatives of other regions of russia are also ready to accommodate residents of the kursk borderland on their territory. this was confirmed by the governors of many regions of the country. a team of 16 highly qualified doctors arrived from moscow to kursk today specialists. doctor. the kursk region is currently providing all necessary assistance to the victims of the attacks in the ssu. among the wounded are children, ambulance workers. all the details were given to our channel by the ministry of health. as a result of shelling by ukrainian nationalists in the kursk region , 24 people were injured, including six children. 13 victims were hospitalized by a medical organization, including three children, one of the adults is in serious condition.
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the rest of the victims are in moderate condition . all necessary assistance is a victim. telemedicine consultations with specialists from federal medical centers of the russian ministry of health are being conducted in full. 11 people received outpatient medical care. a team of medical specialists from federal centers was sent to the region on behalf of russian minister of health mikhail murashko to support medical workers in the kursk region. the provision of medical care is coordinated by the federal center for disaster medicine of the russian ministry of health. moscow is sending doctors to the kursk region. they will help their local colleagues in the treatment of the wounded as a result of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. about this in his. according to him , moscow hospitals are ready to accept the wounded from the kursk region, he also expressed words of support to the residents of the region and noted that such attacks on civilians are unacceptable.
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installments. holva - simple installment techniques. the ministry of finance assessed the execution of the federal budget in january-july. this year, the deficit amounted to 7% of gdp (1.362 billion rubles), this is 1.226 million less than a year earlier. let me remind you that at the beginning of the summer the department raised the planned indicator for the results of 2024 to 1.1% of gdp. returning to the current figures, in january-july budget revenues exceeded 19.5 rubles. an increase of more than a third. expenditures also increased by 23% and amounted to 20%. 1 trillion rubles. as for the reduction of the federal budget deficit, this means exclusively positive information, this is good news, it remains for the trend to subside by the end of the year.
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the growth rate of federal budget revenues turned out to be higher than the growth rate of expenditures federal budget, from which the deficit was reduced, this means that the real sector worked better than planned. it is worth considering separately how the receipts of oil and gas and oil and gas revenues are changing, both indicators. are growing, the profit from non-oil and gas revenues for 6 months increased by a quarter in the budget, almost 13 trillion rubles were received. for example, the planned level was exceeded by the receipt of turnover taxes, including vat, oil and gas revenues amounted to 6.5 trillion rubles, an increase of 60%. as noted in the ministry of finance, the dynamics positive due to the increase in prices for russian oil. the receipt of these revenues at a level exceeding their base size, in accordance with the parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development. in the following months, an excess of oil and gas revenues is also expected, if at the beginning of the year, economists of the official forecast assumed a slowdown in the growth rate
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of the russian economy this year, that is ... now it is becoming clear that by the end of the year the rate will simply remain approximately on the previous trajectory and will amount to about 3.5% per year, this ensures further growth in non-oil and gas revenues, vat, profit taxes, personal income taxes and other items. in our country , the industrial production boom continues, we knocked the western giant out of the top 10, the times newspaper cites a study by the british association of manufacturing.
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automation, digitalization of industrial production, and in all areas of activity, especially in manufacturing, this factor will remain very high in the near future. as the british publication, the growth rate of production in russia has continued to increase since march 2023. last year, they added 3.5%. the activity of the real sector has reached record levels since 2017. an important role was played by the localization of production substitution of foreign
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the broadcast continues with facts: the information picture
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of the day in our. releases in the studio artem yamshchakov and olga armyakova, here are the main topics today. another large-scale provocation by kiev. putin assessed the events in the kursk region and instructed to coordinate work to provide assistance residents of the region. meeting of the president with the cabinet of ministers. also in the spotlight are the manufacturing industry, roads, housing and gasification in the regions. we will show footage from the meeting. russian military, together with the fsb border service, continue to destroy ukrainian militants, their advance into russian territory has been harshly suppressed. details of the operation on the border with the kursk region, as well as the success of our military on the fronts. active offensive in the ugledar direction. new leader of hamas, new target of the idf: israel and palestine on the doorstep.


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