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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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specialists from the center for disaster medicine are heading to kursk. medical workers from st. petersburg will also provide assistance. report by maria ivalieva. they drove under fire without looking back, the car was shot at several times. the rear window of sergei dekserev's car was badly damaged. but these are minor details. the main thing is that everyone is safe and sound. refugees from the kursk region managed to reach orlovskaya. the fighting was already on the border of our village. the border control arrived three missiles were hit by shrapnel, they were packing in a hurry, they took only the necessary things with them and documents, the girl dasha also managed to pick up her cat, her best friend, for the reception of residents of the kursk region in oryol everything is ready in temporary accommodation points, comfortable beds in hotel rooms, separate bathrooms for each family, places for games and rest, there is a canteen, since there are a large number of children, the education system now...
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representatives are arriving, medical representatives will be arriving now, tomorrow will be the day of examination, maybe someone needs medical care, temporary accommodation points have been deployed in different regions of russia, 300 people will be accepted in the novosibirsk region, a temporary accommodation centre for 100 has been organised in stavropol, and if necessary , the number of places will be increased, 100 children and 30 adults are planned to be evacuated from the kursk region in the moscow region , 400 places have already been prepared in camps for children, families from the kursk region are waiting in kurgan. we are already ready to accept the first 50 people in a certain camp in the kurgan region, where they will arrive. in the future, if necessary, we are ready to accept more children. we have already called all the camps, they also expressed their readiness to work in august in september. humanitarian aid for residents of the kursk region is collected throughout the country. in the khabarovsk region , caring citizens have been bringing clothes, shoes, and items to collection points since the morning.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. russian digital solutions will be brought to a new height. there are prospects. dasha, more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal,
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there will be more than what the number helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about the production of raw materials in general? export, what is it, our product. official tourist. the great history of the past and new tourist geography, classic modern routes, great museums and creative spaces,
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the official tourist portal visit petersburg will help you plan the perfect trip for the whole family. feel the unique atmosphere of petersburg, the city where a good mood is born. russian president vladimir putin signed a law according to which payments to participants in the special military transactions will not be taken into account in the total amount of the debtor's property during the bankruptcy procedure. the corresponding document is posted on the website of the official publication of legal acts, where you can already get acquainted in more detail with the text of this law, today it came into force. also, vladimir putin signed several other laws today, they are also posted on the official internet portal of legal information, so the law was signed, allowing the recognition of an undesirable foreign or international organization, the founder or participant of which are government agencies of a foreign state. the head of state signed a law banning trash streams. the document amends
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the existing law on information, information technology , and information protection. it defines the concept of trash stream and also provides for. the law established the procedure and conditions for conducting such activities; the initially planned ban on organizing the circulation of digital currency in russia was not included in the law. at the same time , a ban on advertising cryptocurrencies and offer them to an unlimited number of people. it
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will come into force immediately after the law comes into force. well, and also today vladimir putin signed a decree approving the regulation on the management of the president of the russian federation on the state. party of the country, and the parties also confirmed their mutual intentions to develop a strategic partnership of cooperation in various fields. in addition, the presidents discussed the implementation of the agreements reached during vladimir putin's visit to vietnam. the heads of state positively assess interaction in the international arena,
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including taking into account russia's chairmanship in brics. well, now to the news from the special operation zone. over the past 24 hours, russian troops have inflicted damage on the enemy.
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work from a great distance from the line of combat contact, while mortar crews carry out combat. on the front line, so they have to work even more quickly. servicemen of the western group of troops use the sani 120-mm swinging gun. their targets are often armored pickups, uav crews, and similar mortar guns. the task of the fighters is to keep the enemy in constant tension, while the peculiarity of the swinging gun allows them not to fall under return fire. when we move from point to point, it will be more difficult to detect us all. all the time new positions, all the time new places, it happened that we left the position and this position was covered, artillerymen always
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work in tandem with drone crews, drones and the eyes of the russian army and striking force, fpv crews destroy armored vehicles, personnel, enemy shelter every day disrupt rotations, helping our military to move forward. here is footage of combat work of the fpv calculation, the central group of troops in the ovdeevka direction. and this forest regiment does not allow our infantry to pass. the only piece is a patch, it works there. machine gun, here it is, a green patch, according to information, there are four ukrainian armed forces fighters there, here are the hits, and this is the donetsk direction, for which the southern group of troops is responsible. an fpv drone equipped with a grenade launcher is sent out on another hunt, such a drone can move at a speed of over 100 km / h, which makes it virtually invulnerable on the way to the target. this time, the operator found and shot down an enemy bradley armored vehicle covering a unit of the armed forces of ukraine. it flew about 8 km. to work on it, i worked,
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immobilized it, then the artillery finished it off there. over the past 24 hours, the defense ministry reports, the enemy made two attempts to counterattack in the donetsk direction, both were repelled. the southern group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of chasov yar, grigorovka, ostrov, ivan daryevka and the donetsk people's republic pit. the enemy lost yes. 660 servicemen, two armored personnel carriers, nine vehicles, two m3 seven howitzers, two self-propelled artillery units, a british-made howitzer, d-20 guns, two d-30 howitzers, two electronic warfare stations, enclave. in total, since the beginning of the special operation, the russian army has destroyed more than 900 aircraft and helicopters of the ukrainian armed forces, 1,398 mlrs combat vehicles and about 13.00 field artillery guns, the defense ministry reports. stanislav vasilchenko, vesti. experts
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from the expert institute of social research today, a round table was held on the topic of a month before the elections, party activity and competition. the meeting was attended by participants and representatives of the party, as well as invited experts. the session was moderated by pavel danilin, associate professor of the financial university under the government of the russian federation, director of the center for political analysis, member of the public chamber of the city of moscow. important issues were discussed, such as, for example, in which regions political parties are most active, how they work with which audiences in these regions, as well as the prospects for systemic opposition in country? this is the main question and the main conclusion that was made as a result of this round table - this is that political parties of russia work on a similar agenda on the most important topics for society. almost all parties exploit.
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there are all regional branches, but due to the fact that we have only been working for 4 years, not all
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local branches are open, why is that? because we do not have municipal deputies, so we are paying a lot, a lot of attention to the municipal elections this year. now personnel from the presidential press service. alexey borisovich, good afternoon, hello, respected. not so long ago appointed to this position, not so long ago acting governor of the kurbsk region, but life puts before you extraordinary, complex tasks to help people, here only your professional knowledge, skills and professional experience, which you certainly have, is not enough, this requires from you e
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today's situation requires a certain courage, composure on... words about the organization of the work of the headquarters and coordination of the activities of various bodies authorities, please, thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, first of all i want to thank you for the trust you have shown in appointing me to a position in our
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border region at this very important moment for the support you provide to the population of the kursk region, our headquarters are working constantly, and as needed, we meet in person, also by telephone, every day, when the ukrainian armed forces attacked the territory of the russian federation, suzhansky district of the kursk region, this is 5 am on august 6, the enemy forces infantry, armored vehicles, tried to break through our state border, the headquarters immediately assembled, and i, together with all the members of the headquarters, practically around the clock coordinate this work, all the deputy governors are involved , our regional government and all the law enforcement
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agencies that are part of the headquarters, plus the ministry of defense, we are constantly supported by the federal government, i am in constant contact with the chairman of the government, deputies, i am in contact with the assistant to the president of the russian federation, dyumin alexey yanavich, with the minister of defense, here now are present the deputies of many ministers and departments, and first of all, having assessed the situation. we began to evacuate people, it was quite a difficult problem, because these vsu, they are shelling the civilian population, shelling ambulances, which sacrificed themselves at the cost of their own lives, there are
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cases where doctors died, evacuated the population, we involved the administrator. village councils, the regional administration, the dnd, we had cars in the dnd, transferred, armored, which we in our time received from the bank, collectors and plus now banks provide us with an additional 80 units, transported people safely to a safe distance, from there we have already organized removal by buses. capacity, and this work was carried out around the clock, it continues, according to the pvr, we now have free space, we are constantly freeing up buildings and premises for this , business entities have come to meet us, plus
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we have agreed with russian railways, three trains have arrived. where we can place an additional 2,400 people and eight additional trains arrived where we can accommodate people, give them humanitarian aid and send them immediately by rail, because almost all the heads of the regions of the russian federation responded and provide such places, that is, we will transport people from the kursk region and... in the first day we increased the number of ambulance teams to 34, freed up some places in
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hospitals, transferred there an emergency supply of medicines, medications, dressings, brought 16 teams of doctors to work as surgeons, traumatologists, now with the support of the ministry of health. of the federation, we have already increased the number of beds to 1,800, we have 61 teams that came from various regions, an additional 60 highly qualified doctors arrived, the federal medical and biological agency deployed an additional 100 beds in the hospital, a mobile hospital is on its way from...
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representatives of federal ministries and departments conducted, i also gave instructions to my deputies and the federal
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antimonopoly service for the kurovsk region jointly check, there are cases when retail outlets or in hotels, in public catering unreasonably inflate prices, that is , profit from these victims. of course, we will stop this, also with sechin ivanovich held negotiations today with our fuel and energy complex, so that all gas stations function, there was fuel, there were reserves, we also carry out systematic work with them so that all gas stations are equipped with means of rap armor protection, we have a call center 112, we receive calls there, every call we are working on it, and today a decision was made
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that - stockbrokers who worked in these territories, to maintain the average salary, those who worked, receiving funds from the regional budget, at the expense of the regional budget, who worked at the expense of the municipal budget or in business, they are recommended to support the same events, thank you very much for your support, i have already reported to you and the government of the russian federation yesterday also received the first funds for the resettlement of residents from potentially dangerous territories.
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at the expense of the federal budget, i have finished my report, i will continue to report to you systematically, just as i reported before, thank you, and then to answer the question, yes, alexey borisovich, we spoke with the prime minister quite recently, we will consider that the decision on a one-time payment of 1,000 rubles to citizens who need it has been made. and the necessary resources will be allocated, in addition to this, it will be necessary to assess other damages, please, together with colleagues from various departments, including along the line ministry of emergency situations, this work will need to be done, i mean the loss of property, the loss of housing, all of this will need to be done on a full scale, and as in such cases i always... say,
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it is imperative to work directly with people, to reach every family, work is being done through the ministry of health, you also noted this, we planned to hold today's meeting in person, but circumstances have developed in such a way that you, of course , now need to be on site, but we will continue this work and these contacts, among other things. this also concerns the development prospects of the kurdish region as a whole, and the kurdish region is a very promising area, very interesting, and i am sure that you will find it interesting to work there, and you, for your part, will do everything to ensure that the kursk region solves the development problems that it faces, and of course, now i want
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to return to this again, now we need to work with the affected people, with the affected families directly, to be as close to the people as possible, thank you and bye, these were shots from nova ogoreva vladimir putin in mode video conference discussed the situation in the kursk region with the acting head of the region alexey smirnov. well, now the international agenda: israel will pay a high price for the liquidation of the head. regardless of tehran's decision, but at the same time other experts believe that full-scale military actions should not be expected, anna voronina compared the points of view. it is impossible to postpone, to refuse, the lack of a promised response from iran forced the western press to guess, and will not
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the ligans refuse from ... using intensive diplomacy to try to avoid escalation, i cannot predict that we will succeed in this 100%, which is why the president ordered additional military resources to be sent to the region to ensure that if israel is attacked, the united states can... come to its defense. us allies are not ready to hand over the laurels of peacekeepers to washington. so president macron shared with the press his conversation with his counterpart from iran. they say he told masoud pazashkian to abandon the logic of revenge. whether such a call was also voiced to the israeli prime minister, macron somehow remained silent. the west insists that no iranian citizens were killed in the attack on haniyeh. in tehran, according to journalists, this is something they are thinking about. the iranian president begs
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the spiritual leader. avoid war with israel the desire for a place is obviously not shared by all high-ranking officials in tehran, as there are voices expressing concern about the possible consequences. in a recent meeting with haminie, president pechekian called for any direct attack by iran on israel to be prevented, to avoid tensions turning into an unwanted war. true, in iran itself the mood is different, take at least these images spread by local bloggers about what iconic israeli sites will turn into after the response that tehran promised, here the factor is very important for the iranian leadership, the internal factor of what people expect, well, what will be the outcome, what will be the response, everyone expects that national dignity will somehow be restored, because here with the characteristics of what...


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