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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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back and after 200 m i met poddubny, he was wounded, obedient, his clothes were burnt, all in blood, i constantly asked him to say something, to hold his head, not to switch off, not to fall asleep, i handed him over to the guys, the military volunteers took him apart, how it was, they told our channel, he talked to us all this time, behaved like a man, that is, no screams, looks, that he was in pain. scary, nothing like that happened, he held on, talked to us, without fuss, without panic, all he asked us was to contact his wife tell her that he was fine, at that moment everyone already thought that poddubny had died, but the volunteers reached the kursk hospital, from the ward zhenya recorded an audio message for everyone, everything will be fine, wonderful doctors, in general, they do their job perfectly, thank you for worrying about me, i always worry about you too. we will definitely win, victory
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will be ours, everything is fine. one of the first to come to his ward was komsomolskaya pravda war correspondent, zhenya's friend, alexander kots. first of all, he immediately asked about his group, like stass, like ruben, these are people with whom he has been working for many, many years, it seems to me that they live together more than with their families, he does not think about himself, but first of all about his comrades in arms, this is the most courageous war correspondent. russian federation, he is always like this, military-style collected, a legend among journalists. cavalier of the order of merit for the fatherland and courage, medals for bravery and other state awards. multiple recipient of the tefi. over the past 20 years, he seems to have worked in the zone of most military conflicts of the world, but has always paid special attention to donbass. the tank supports the actions of assault squads, which... knock
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the enemy out of a high-rise building, since 2014 he has traveled all over donbass and luhansk region, after the twenty-second, he worked in new territories, was where rarely any journalist managed to be, all because of the unconditional trust in him of our military, as soon as news appeared about the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the border, he rushed from belgorod to kursk region, we left at 5 am in two cars, we move from point to point, the last data on enemy losses in the kursk region, and more than 50 armored vehicles were destroyed in 24 hours. he had live broadcasts all day. at 19:17 zhenya went on air with kolga skabeeva in the 60 minutes program. at that moment , the war correspondent and his group were in the hottest zone in the sudzhansky district. this is the area where the most intense fighting is taking place , and according to the plan of the militants, the formation of the kiev regime, if it had not been disrupted by units. divisions of the russian army, they
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were supposed to take control of virtually the entire area and try to get to the key routes region, told how our troops are knocking out the ukrainian armed forces at the kursk border, and ukrainian nationalist battalions are shooting at civilian cars from armored personnel carriers, committing another war crime. he told about this in more detail in the evening news at 20:11. that's how, having stopped on the road, right in the car, he recorded his text for the broadcast on his phone. the kiev regime units got bogged down. in battles in a number of border settlements in the kursk region, immediately after this solovyov was supposed to go on the live broadcast of the program, but he did not. in fact, an attempt to murder a criminal case has been opened against journalist yevgeny poddubny and obstruction of his professional activities. he was wounded as a result of criminal actions by ukrainian armed groups that attacked civilian targets in the kursk region. investigators from the russian investigative committee are taking all possible measures to identify and prosecute
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those involved in the assassination attempt on the journalist. most likely, he was targeted; ukrainian militants have long been hunting for reporters in the svo zone. they worked all day yes, in that area. they set up a camera, went live, the enemy constantly has reconnaissance drones in the air in that area. leleki, valkyries, our intelligence officers note this. and of course, you can see from these drones that these are journalists . they were watching and could use these drones to direct the kamikaze drone, the kamikaze drone operator, to the machine itself. the un secretary general's office said that they were concerned about the attack on the russian journalist and wished him a speedy recovery. kursk doctors and their moscow colleagues did everything they could to zhenya recovered as soon as possible. vitaly kormazin, alexander rivunov, anna kolk, mikhail fedotov, anastasia zorina, darya podobedova and andrey netreba, news. now a short commercial, here's what will happen next in our. the enemy is betting on fast and
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maneuverable armored vehicles, but no one is faster than a lancet, our drones are mercilessly burning in the kursk border. bradley spartans, how do they manage to overcome rap systems? durable and not afraid of moisture, protect from heat and cold. plex foam. effective thermal insulation. alfabank is the best bank for business. we give
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business 3 months of free acquiring. and also a cash register terminal. open a free. account for business in august, anywhere appetite, only dad will steal, sausages, dadmay, i'll eat something wrong, what to do in case of poisoning enterum enterosorbent of the new generation removes toxins, preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, up to 200% more energy with gtec technology. try the new gp batteries, gp batteries: saw, bought! magnet, pasta posteroni, spaghetti, 109,999. magnet - the price, what you need! attacked by credit card debts? i'll show
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you a couple of tricks. collect all credit card debts on one holva, conveniently pay off in 24 months. and don't forget about purchases in installments. holva. simple installment techniques, this is a coffee machine that was bought with money that was saved on renting an apartment from the owner, natsian, rent an apartment with benefit for you, every 15 minutes, wherever you are, whatever you do, whatever you strive for, every 15 minutes a game, hunting, your chance to change everything, the main trophy from 180 million, hunting, test your instinct, 100 lotto: baltika 8 non-alcoholic, impeccable wheat, but only you can reveal its taste to the fullest. shake the bottle before filling the glass to the end, all the facets of the refreshing taste will be revealed for real.
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baltika 8 non-alcoholic, reveal the taste of wheat. petelenka - clean products without harmful additives. the time has come for alfabank, the time of benefit for everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with instant delivery of cards to thousands of cities, the time of the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs, the time of supercake and the best application for dozens millions of people. the red sun has risen, it's alpha bank time, alpha benefit time. today, the ukrainian media
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was seriously excited by the message from the german military-industrial concern rain metal, which assures that by the end of this year , the ukrainian armed forces will receive a new model of western armored vehicles, namely bmp links, a relatively recent release with relatively modern equipment on board, but it is important to clarify here, kiev has only been promised one example, so to speak, for testing, it certainly won't make a difference at the front, but apparently, the admiration of foreign handouts by the enemy has already reached the stage where this is enough for a fantasy about some...
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which took part in an attempt to cross our border. the enemy threw
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its entire motley fleet of armored vehicles into the raid, the defeats of american heavy bradleys and light humvees have been confirmed. european spartans and marders are burning, as well as our own ukrainian cossacks. ours have already knocked down at least 2 and a half dozen of them. for vysu, this is obviously a way to quickly throw in more meat under fire from the russian army. well, for us, it is clearly a weak point in ukrainian tactics. you need to aim where the armor is thinner , where the ammunition is, relatively
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light vehicles can be easily penetrated from almost all sides, for example, the vaunted american bradley, according to open sources, by now our army has destroyed about eighty of these vehicles, each, by the way, costs 5 million us dollars excluding delivery, so every fourth bmp hit is a strike by the lancet, well, okay, the lancet is still very powerful. the scheme of defeat of the formidable american is explained by the russian uav operator. what was the task? to fly out on a free hunt, to find equipment. so it flew about 8 km to the enemy's rear, there i saw a bradley ifv, i reported to the command, they told me, in it.
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vest, but this is not a panacea, this is not a vaccination, after which small air will not work at all, it will simply have to be done with a large, large, so to speak, delights, here are our big bred birds, which by the way that section of the front line was from the very the beginning is saturated, i mean the orlan hall, they worked as they did, they are affected, the air feels great, due to this we see, we see all the movements of the column and we can inflict a thin fire defeat on the aviation. i will add that the ukrainian armed forces have drones, but we also
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know very well how to deal with them. impressive footage from the border zone, russian drone operators catch an enemy woman with a net, an effective method of combating uavs, which we began to use relatively recently. no matter how sophisticated the enemy is, the russian army will find something answer will destroy it. confirmation of how serious the losses are suffered by the formation of the armed forces of ukraine border of the kursk region, the ministry of defense. today published a number of spectacular shots of objective control, here the dropping of ammunition, from a copter on a group of militants who unsuccessfully tried to hide in a forest plantation, and an epic strike with 500 fabs on a cluster of enemy equipment and a precise shot from a howitzer on a camouflaged ammunition depot the destruction of the ukrainian drone baba yaga in a spectacular air duel, when it was taken on ramming our uav. men and women with boxes in their hands lined up in a long line. to load their load into the car, the trunk is already full, in the background, officers in fbi jackets continue to carry out
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more and more material evidence from the house. mise-en-scene on doverdrive street in the city of bethlehem, new york, usa. this is where former un weapons inspector, now journalist scott ritter, lives, known to the russian public for his sober assessments of american reality, and this is apparently a reaction authorities on his public activity. a column of police cars arrived at the home of the us armed forces veteran, several dozen intelligence officers conducted searches, officially the fbi does not disclose any details, in a terse press release they only confirmed that investigative actions are indeed being conducted against scott ritter. it is specified that we are talking about some federal investigation, but no details of the charges are given, however, there is no doubt that the case is related to a certain political position of the journalist, so on objectivity is unlikely to be expected, why ritter became a target and how the american media reacted to it - anastasia ivanova found out. he was never pleasing to either the democrats or the republicans, because
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he criticized the administration of both, but until now no one had come to search ritter. as the former us marine said after the fbi visited him, the employees of the federal investigation service were especially interested in his contacts. he did not say exactly what was taken from the house, but it is possible suggest that it could have been a phone and a computer, among other things. rhetor has no doubt why they came to him with a warrant. without a doubt, they are treating me this way because of my statements regarding us policy in ukraine, because of my attempts to improve russian-american relations, to achieve peace and arms control. it seems that someone in the us leadership took offense at this, hence the search warrant. rhetor claims that the us government formally issued a search warrant in accordance with the registration act foreign agents, but added, did not violate anything. noted, always told the russian media, too, that in his blog, did not work for the kremlin. they are primarily concerned about my relationship with arti sputnik, specifically, that i cooperate with them and receive
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compensation for this, and this means that i work on behalf of the russian government. i make it clear that this is not so: compensation from arti sputnik is the same as from any journalistic organization that was provided with articles or video products. i am a journalist and receive compensation for my work. in essence, scott ritter did nothing new, after the start of the special operation he hosted his podcast, claimed that ukraine had no chance of winning, called on the us to make peace with russia, criticized washington for supplying weapons to kiev. by american standards, you could consider him a russian spy. russophobia is practically a state ideology in our country. even before the russian special operation, ritter was one of the main critics
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of us foreign policy in the middle east, for which he was fired from his post as a un weapons inspector and even declared a pedophile. in 2010, sexual harassment charges have been brought against him, which were falsified, in fact, this series of such persecutions, including the current one, why do i now think that the fbi has a very specific task, because i want to remind you that now all federal services, including the federal intelligence community, they are under enormous pressure for their incompetence and absolutely specific political bias. reeder is sure that the searches are nothing more than an act intimidation by the american government, said that he will not back down from his political position and will continue to host a podcast. scott benot, a retired us army psychological operations officer, is confident in this, but he clearly hinted that the us department of justice could manipulate ritter's family to keep him quiet, because even
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ritter's detention did not help before, let me remind you that the ex-marine infantryman had his passport taken away at the airport when he was about to leave for russia, namely...
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develop according to god's laws, in the basis you can't remain indifferent, children should human race marriage between a man and woman, excerpts from the debates that took place in the national assembly of bulgaria. for 4 hours, conservative mps tried to convince their colleagues to pass a law on the protection of minors from extremist lgbt propaganda. an official ban was introduced on talking about non-traditional sexual orientation in kindergartens and schools, and the education system also prohibited directly or indirectly persuading children to change their biological sex. for a traditional society, this is a victory. various ngos, of course, tried to rock the boat of protests, saying the ban on propaganda of perversion almost violates the rights of children. however, such theses did not receive mass support from the population. however, it is not difficult to guess that threats from european officials will soon follow, so that sofia does not deviate from the general rainbow agenda, well , ukraine, which is trying to be in the mainstream of the so -called european values, may well act as an example to follow. in kharkov,
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for example, they announced a pride week, and this will supposedly become the most significant event on the left towards the dnieper. the list of those invited to the sodomite show was studied by evgeniya petrukhina. the bad aftertaste of the french olympics. following paris, a rainbow mood is catching. kharkov, well, where else but there to hold the september extremist lgbt parade, approximately 60-70 km from the line of combat contact. here is the announcement of this colorful event, a real holiday for the community representatives, they write that they have planned a kharkov pride and photos with colored and yellow-cloud flags. look at the faces of these people. it is strange that there is only one man in the photo. are the rest of you unfurling colored flags in the trenches? those who support the criminal kiev regime, or have not yet decided, should fully taste this european life, european life without these perverts, it
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is simply impossible.
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i think russian drones will simply film this to then retransmit it to the whole world, they will not aim, it should just be so funny, they will go in bras, probably in the colors of the national flag, in yellow-cloud underwear, but you need to be open to the european community and under the slogans of together for equality and victory, so they will go along the streets of kharkov, at the same time the organizers of the pride will collect money for the armed forces of ukraine for components for drones, maybe...
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and don't stop, let's poke this anthill with a stick, throw in some dechlorvos here, but it doesn't react, it's nothing, we can continue to trample, here's the feeling that well, there is an outrage against everything, so in addition to the brutal mobilization of the energy crisis, the independent country is being overwhelmed by the lgbt wave, will this path be overcome by the one that has long been striving for the sake of eu, ukraine? two civilians were injured as a result of shelling of belgorod by the ukrainian armed forces; they were taken to hospital with shrapnel wounds. after the attack, windows were broken in several houses, 10 cars were damaged, four of which caught fire as a result of a direct hit by a shell. aleksandr korobov reports from belgorod. the armed formations of ukraine
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launched a missile strike on belgorod, the shells flying towards the city were equipped with a cluster warhead, according to information from the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav gladkov, two people were injured, they were hospitalized and taken to medical institutions. also, many residents were saved by the fact that when the air raid alarm started working and the missile threat notifications came, they did not ignore them, they left the streets, took shelter indoors. usually it was not scary before that, it rings, well , we'll wait it out, but i didn't even have time to say this, missile threat, it started right away, explosions started, first in the sky, and then on the ground, oh, we didn't see it anymore, we jumped in and clung to each other, well, it was scary, a preliminary door-to-door inspection showed that several apartment buildings were damaged, and quite a large number of windows were knocked out,


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