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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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two civilians were injured as a result of shelling of belgorod by the ukrainian armed forces, they were taken to hospital with blunt wounds, after... several houses had windows blown out, 10 cars were damaged, four of which caught fire as a result of a direct hit from a shell , alexander korobov reports from belgorod. the armed forces of ukraine launched a missile attack on belgorod, the shells flying towards the city were equipped with a cluster warhead. according to information from the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glatkov, two people were injured, they hospitalized and taken to medical institutions. many residents were saved by the
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fact that when the air raid alarm started and missile hazard warnings came, they did not ignore them, they left the streets, took shelter indoors, usually it wasn’t scary before, it rings, well, we’ll wait it out, but i didn’t even have time to say this, missile hazard, it started right away, explosions started, first in the sky, and then on the ground, oh, we didn’t see it anymore, we ran in and grabbed onto each other. well, it was scary. a preliminary house-to-house search showed that the damage received several apartment buildings, knocked out, well, quite a large number of windows, also came under fire residents' cars, now there are about ten of them, four were completely destroyed by fire, firefighters quickly arrived at the scene , extinguished the fire, but unfortunately, it was not possible to save the vehicles, also in the courtyards of numerous sons-in-law.
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territory is not allowed, the ministry of defense reports, attempts to break through individual units are harshly suppressed. air strikes are carried out, including on the advancing reserves of sumy region. in just one day, the enemy lost up to four hundred of its fighters and more than thirty units of armored vehicles, including a tank, four armored personnel carriers and three infantry fighting vehicles. in total, since the beginning of hostilities in the kursk direction, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to 660 servicemen. on thursday , the russian military department published numerous
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videos of the destruction of enemy manpower and equipment. the footage, in particular , shows lancet's filigree work on the kazak armored vehicle, as well as the hunt for two enemy baba ega drones right in the air. their neutralized with nets. and, of course, air cover, performing aviation tasks. the crew of the so-34 hit military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region with fap-500 bombs. after reconnaissance reported the destruction of the targets, they all safely. returned to the departure airfield. ukrainian media reported another series of explosions in kharkov. the sounds of explosions were heard in the city during the day. the air raid alarm in the kharkov region has been in effect for about 6 hours. in the sumy region, it has lasted for more than 7 hours. sirens are heard in the dnipropetrovsk region. vladimir putin spoke via video link with the acting governor of the kursk region. alexey smirnov reported on the situation in the region.
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the headquarters is working constantly, people were transported to a safe distance, from there they have already organized the removal by large -capacity buses, this work was carried out around the clock, it continues, according to the temporary emergency response, we now have free spaces, we are constantly freeing up buildings for this.
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economic entities have come to meet, plus we have agreed with russian railways, three railway composition, also immediately. the decision that the public sector employees who worked in these territories should retain their average wages, i ask you, hiv, to support a one-time payment to those people who were forced to leave their homes in
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connection with these events, 10,000 rubles per person, because many are in temporary accommodation centers. already on a full scale, all this will have to be done and as in such cases i always say, it is necessary to work directly with people, to reach each family. in it, izklefosovsky doctors
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are providing assistance to our war correspondent evgeny podubny, who was seriously wounded in the kursk region the day before. today , he was taken to moscow along with five other victims. all the latest information. from here, from the entrance to the sklefosovsky research institute , it is impossible to see the helicopter landing on the roof of the ambulance complex. the deafening noise of the blades informed us that evgeny podubny had been successfully transported to moscow, and only after that confirmed information appeared on the news agency feeds. the medical board had not yet touched the ground . teams. quickly to the intensive care unit, despite the wounds, burns, bandages, he is conscious and continues to joke, your friends, yes, of course, and friends help each other, and what is the plan now,
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the plan now is to go to the intensive care unit, we will check everything again, blood, tests, all the studies, then we will make a decision today, accepted, understood, conditionally stable, he is breathing on his own, this is very pleasing in his condition, here, but the final diagnosis a little later we will put everything together, because there is a lot of minor trauma, which is now being examined by specialists various profiles, stable, it was this stability that allowed poddubny to be transported from kursk to moscow, he was admitted to the local hospital late in the evening of august 7,
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anti-shock ward, patient stabilization, a long night under observation in the intensive care unit, the first news from dzhenya appeared this morning, temporary execution. a blow to the war correspondent's car. in the coming days , our colleague and friend will spend in the intensive care unit, after which the medical council will decide on the further treatment plan. varvara nevskaya, dmitry vaskoboinikov, yuri lepatnikov and valentina velichanskaya. vesti.
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among those evacuated to the capital's hospital are two children. it is reported that all the wounded have safely endured the journey, and doctors are currently conducting the necessary examinations. all patients are receiving comprehensive medical care. with details from alexandra perfil'eva: two minors have been brought here to moscow, the children were first evacuated by car from the kursk region. wrote that the children are being given all the necessary assistance. all have safely endured
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the transportation, are in serious, but stable condition. the necessary examinations are currently being carried out, complex treatment has been started with the involvement of leading specialists in moscow using the best technologies. in total, federal centers of the russian ministry of health, medical organizations of moscow delivered five victims. ambulances are transporting so carefully. the patient has multiple leg injuries, according to doctors, a number of plastic surgeries will be performed in the near future to restore the lower limbs. the patient received primary medical care at the site of injury help, surgical treatment was performed fixation of the external fixation device on. say thank you to our colleagues who carried out - first aid, that
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everything was done correctly, and this is already the emergency hospitalization department of the pirogovsky center of the ministry of health of russia, a woman with a severe mine blast wound and multiple chest injuries was delivered here from the kursk region. the patient's condition is currently assessed as serious, now the patient will be given the necessary assistance. a set of diagnostic measures will be carried out, laboratory diagnostics, instrumental diagnostics, intensive therapy will be continued, we hope that her condition will gradually improve, the fifth victim was brought to the burdenka national medical research center for neurosurgery, the russian ministry of health, the man is also in serious condition, doctors will provide him with all the necessary assistance in the near future, also...
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three missiles were cut up by fragments, they were packing in a hurry, they took only
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the necessary things and documents with them, the girl dasha i also managed to pick up my cat, my best friend, for the reception of residents of the kursk region in oryol, everything is ready in the temporary accommodation points, comfortable beds in hotel rooms, separate bathrooms for each family, places for games and rest, there is a canteen, since there are a large number of children , the education system is now representatives are coming... medicine will be arriving now, tomorrow will be the day of examination, maybe someone needs medical care, temporary accommodation points have been deployed, in different regions of russia in the novosibirsk region will accept 300 people, in stavropol they have organized a temporary accommodation facility for 100, if necessary, the number of places will be increased, in the moscow region from the kursk region they are planning to evacuate 100 children and 30 adults, 400 places have already been prepared in camps for children. today we are seeing off the children on vacation to the moscow region. the moscow region sent buses for the children and is providing delivery,
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now about 200 children will leave for us, the remaining buses will wait for the children until tomorrow, we are assembling new groups, since the situation remains quite complex and intense, naturally , the children are transported to this site, from where they are sent, both by organized groups - with delivery by buses, and by cash transport of parents. humanitarian aid for residents of the kursk region is collected throughout the country, in bashkiria the action was launched by the state committee on youth policy. all headquarters of the region were promptly notified for the collection of things and essential items: humanitarian aid is being formed in the tver region, caring people have been actively involved since the morning citizens bring clothes, shoes, personal hygiene items, food in khabarovsk krai. in tula oblast, more than 30 tons were collected. at the initiative of acting governor dmitry milyaev and a resident of the region,
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work was promptly organized to collect the necessary aid for residents of the kurdish region. the cargo included food. linen and personal hygiene items. despite food, water, folding beds, bedding missile danger to the sounds of sirens for residents of kursk oblast humanitarian aid packs in belgorod. the people's front organized the gathering. liliya shibelgut recently became part of the friendly team. for this, the woman specially came from germany. i arrived a month ago from germany and came here because i don't want... memory knot, flowers were laid, candles were lit. in memory of those killed as a result of the monstrous attack in the armed forces of ukraine. maria valieva, alexander parkhunov, news.
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human rights commissioner tatyana moskalkova in the belgorod region talked with border residents visited the point. the meeting participants asked for help in solving issues with housing lost or damaged during attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. the ombudsman promised that she would send employees of her office to the region so that they could conduct explanatory work and help draw up the necessary documents. tatyana moskalkova discussed issues of legal assistance to belgorod residents left without housing with governor vyacheslav glotkov. and then, in a conversation with journalists, she noted the region's global experience in supporting residents of border settlements. actions, when i see how the algorithm of actions to protect the right is organized to life, the right to health, the right to organize a normal life, despite the fact that people have found themselves in an extreme situation, our human rights ombudsman must help people convey information about the rights
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that they are receiving today in unique conditions and... help to realize these rights. the actions of the kiev regime in the kursk region correspond to us policy, this is how the pentagon commented on the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the region. at a regular briefing, the deputy official representative of the department sabrina sink called attacks by ukrainian military self-defense. how else are western officials trying to justify the crimes of their protégés, ekaterina shamaeva will tell. no claims against kiev in the world.
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has the right to defend itself, and this right to defense also includes striking the enemy on its territory. similar statements are heard from germany, whose equipment the ukrainian armed forces are using in the kursk region. the head of the defense committee in the bundestag justifies himself in a jesuit manner, saying that after the transfer of western weapons, they become ukrainian, and his the use is regulated by certain provisions of international law.
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sarah wagenknecht counters him, calling what is happening an extremely dangerous development of the situation. according to her. chancellor scholz should demand that zelensky stop using german weapons on russian territory, the fact that the western patrons of the kiev regime justify its terrorist actions was also stated at a meeting of the un security council by the first deputy ambassador of our country. the russian delegation has repeatedly brought a specific, based on the facts of the information about the true face of the kiev regime, written out by the west, which , with the filing under the supervision and in close cooperation with its curators and nato countries. has long been not averse to using openly terrorist methods. now we are seeing them with our own eyes during the terrorist attack of ukrainian militants on the kursk region, carried out with the help of. as well as in coordination with western intelligence services, the state duma is confident. the main role was played, of course, by the british. directly, because
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they are the ones who are engaged in sabotage preparations, sabotage raids and terrorist attacks precisely at the point of tension, where double actions are taking place, this is not only on the territory of ukraine, this is not only on the sof line, they do this all over the world, and in coordination with washington. now it is absolutely obvious that they use satellite reconnaissance, everything is coordinated by london, but the specific tasks, the strategic goals are set, of course, by washington. kiev is the executor. and this is clearly seen in the zeal with which the kiev the top brass reports to their sponsors. first, zelensky received a bipartisan delegation of congressmen, and then syrsky thanked the commander of the us armed forces in europe for military assistance over the phone, western analysts say that kiev is trying to curry favor with washington in its provocation. what is happening most likely has two goals: to gain a more advantageous position for peace talks and to provide the
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us population with positive news about harris's policies before the elections. this opinion is shared by washington post. the newspaper notes that the latest american tranche was allocated with a delay of more than six months, and military aid in the future is not at all guaranteed, especially if donald trump comes to power. that is why, the publication believes, kiev is in a hurry to improve its position, however, at the same time, observers point out, vysu is steadily losing ground around pokrovsk in the donbass, which is of strategic importance. ekaterina shamaeva, vesti. four syrian soldiers were wounded in an israeli air force strike on the province holmes. this was reported by the ministry of defense of the arab republic. the department noted that the raid was carried out from the north of lebanon. a number of objects were attacked. according to some reports, we are talking about a weapons depot on the territory of the shayrat military airfield. egypt, qatar and the united states called on israel and the hamas movement to resume negotiations on a ceasefire in the gaza strip
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on august 15, in doha or cairo. this follows from a joint statement by the leaders of the three countries. they call on the parties to begin to begin implementing the agreements without any delays. it is also reported that the mediators ready to present a final proposal, which contains the parameters of a possible agreement on a ceasefire and the release of israeli hostages, in catalonia they lost the leader of the movement for the independence of the region, carlos puigdamon, the politician returned to spain 7 years after the referendum, he spoke at a meeting in front of thousands of his supporters, his plans included a visit to the regional parliament, where they were choosing a new head of the region, but instead puigdamon got lost in the crowd and disappeared, the police tried stop the car in which the politician got in, but... after that, law enforcement officers began an operation to catch the fugitive, but it was unsuccessful, the security forces detained their colleague, who could have helped the puchdomon escape, let me remind you,
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a national arrest warrant is in effect against the former head of the region, the charge of embezzlement of state funds has not been dropped. the iba champions night took place in ufa, seven fights and six victories by russian boxers. details of the bright sports festival in the material of our colleague. spectators, but instead of ice, all attention riveted to the ring. several hours of intense fights in different weight categories with the participation of russians and representatives of hungary, colombia, india, tanzania, mongolia and
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was on the commission and she also performed well, and then she boxed quite recently in kazan at the brics games, won a stunning victory, azalea won here too, leaving no chance for riham abdallah from tanzania, there was no specific scenario about the fight, but in fact they expected it to be longer, as if they wanted to stretch it out a little, to feel her punching power, well, i've never boxed without a helmet, but it turned out the way it did. we won early in the first round. dzhimbulat bizhamov, who boxed against the colombian norvaez, won, despite the fact that it was not possible for him to study his opponent's style, videos
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of the south american's fights were on the internet. dzhembulat simply did not find any. this did not affect me in any way, i was preparing for this, or rather, to be ready for everything. and plus or minus boxers from colombia are about the same, they are all famous for their endurance, physics, like this opponent, but of course, their school is much behind ours. but hungarian roland gallas, who had never lost in his career until he met bashkir boxer artur suphankulov, lasted all eight rounds in the ring. unfortunately, i injured my left hand in the second or third round, you probably saw that it was so begging to be hit with my left hand, but i couldn’t deliver an accented blow, which prevented it, i think i’ll finish the fight early, but i have due respect to my opponent, he’s very strong, very resilient, thank him very much for such a fight, for that he gave this fight, in the main fight of the evening, the favorite of the local public artur suphankulov ultimately wins, who wins the title of european champion according to
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