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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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the ukrainian armed forces attacked the kursk region with the help of western intelligence. who made up the payment and provides the satellites, how did the cia and mi-6 prepare kiev militants for an attack on our border? ukrainian troops are deliberately striking orthodox shrines. why is the ukrainian armed forces unleashing all their satanic hatred on churches and monasteries? the enemy is counting on fast and maneuverable armored vehicles, but no one is faster than the lancet. our drones are mercilessly burning bradleys and spartans in the kursk border. how do they do it?
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they made a very curious statement, according to which nato and eu countries allegedly have nothing to do with the ukrainian armed forces attack in the kursk region, moreover, they say they do not monitor the operational situation at all, since they are not parties to the conflict. in particular, the official representative of the eu diplomatic office in st. petersburg spoke about this in quite detail, that is , there is a clear attempt to absolve himself of responsibility, but here is an interesting detail in contrast: zelensky held a meeting today with a delegation of american
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congressmen, and they spoke there, as he claims speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk, including the need to lift certain restrictions on the use of western weapons and technology for strikes on the so-called old territory of russia. well , of course, it is not difficult to understand which specific region of ours could be discussed in this case, although without the admissions of the ukrainian side, without its demonstrative reports to the owners, it is quite obvious that the collective west is maximally involved in ... the border adventure of the kiev regime, right down to detailed planning. evidence is ready provide anton podkovenko. western intelligence services were preparing the ukrainian armed forces for an attack on the kursk region. the suicidal military adventure of the kiev regime would have been impossible without plans, instructions, satellite tracking of nato countries. which countries exactly do the british intelligence services have a direct relationship with the attack on ours?
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they refer to the mailing list of us veteran movements, the mvt, and those to sources in the american intelligence community. the fact that the nato satellite group has long been working in tandem.
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or is involved in washington, london and parties of wars, all reserves were thrown here right now, the attack will be repelled, but after the attack is repelled on the front line, things will be...
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two years ago, western portals posted evidence that british military intelligence signed an agreement with the odessa branch of the sbu on the creation and training of a secret ukrainian army of terrorists for sabotage in crimea, the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge showed a characteristic trace of western intelligence, and when launched from akms and... khaimarsov is unlikely to even press a button, they do everything foreign, in quotes, instructors, guide nato missiles. in general, london is planning on the intelligence states, as this time with the kursk region, where the tanks of the kiev militants are now burning. during the day, in the border
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area of ​​the kursk region, up to 400 militants of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed, as well as a tank, four armored personnel carriers, three infantry fighting vehicles and dozens of other enemy equipment, the enemy's total losses were initially. according to data by this hour, five civilians were killed, 34 were injured, including nine children. about the situation, a report by alexander revunov. they are shooting at us! the window was knocked out in car, i see, we're leaving from here!
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behind the secure walls of the temple, then the priest began to take the parishioners away in his car to a safe distance, i brought some more people , soldier's, thank god, but the thing is that they're calling while i'm on the phone, everyone's calling and
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asking me to pick up their relatives, i'm just torn apart, i'm honest, i'm not complaining, but i just don't have time to take everyone away, we'll take out whoever we can, of course, if we have time, evacuate people for... we sent women and children, waited for a pause between the shelling, watched the sky and until there were copters, they were breaking through to kursk. old people, disabled people, mothers and fathers with infants, these are residents of border villages and towns of the sudzhansky district of the kursk region, they were lucky they were able to reach the regional center alive, almost every media outlet has a story of miraculous rescue. only a good reaction saved them from death, they managed to release the gas
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a second before the ukrainian armed forces drone with explosives dived. the drone was hanging above us, my son braked in time, the girl was driving in front of it, in front of us, it braked, it was right there... in front of us, well explosion, yes, the asphalt rose, we ran into the yard there, many are still shaking from what they saw, children flinch from loud sounds, wake up crying, psychologists are working with him, but the rehabilitation will be long, i'm closing, she's still very small , planes fly there right yes they fly here, yesterday we met this family with many children, yuri and yulia, today we managed to send two sons to moscow to friends, we ourselves were left with daughter anya, a disabled child, from 2:00 am it all started, there was practically no time for sleep until the morning in the morning already when the shells started flying it was just awful.
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we can take, no, the dog, where, risking their lives in their cars, volunteers go to sudzha to help the remaining residents. nikolaevichkov delivers water, canned goods, long-term storage products to the yards, yesterday he took out a family of pensioners. we came to pick up grandma, she was one soul, she said: my grandfather is there, i will not abandon him, but she started telling us the story right in tears, i have been with him since i was 16, we got married when i was 18, i have never met such guys, kind, smart, such... i i will tell you that in our time to travel for 3:9 lands, risking their lives, their personal
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time, these guys deserve the highest praise, in the regional center, meanwhile, the townspeople continue to go to blood transfusion points, almost 200 liters were donated per day, this supply will definitely come in handy, today from kursk, safe regions of russia are sending another group of children. alexander ilinov, andrey kutsov, oksana serzhantova, mikhail shum, news! work directly with people, help each family in need and promptly assess the damage caused, vladimir putin gave such instructions today in rio to the governor of the kursk region, the president spoke with alexey smirnov via video link, among the pressing issues were assistance to residents, organizing the evacuation of the work of the operational headquarters, how the regional authorities assess the situation and how the federal center helps in the material of alexey golovko. acting governor of the kursk region alexey smirnov is on the line with the president, he has headed the region since may of this year, and before that he worked there for almost 6 years, in
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the position of deputy governor, but now the situation in the border areas is extraordinary. you have not long been appointed to this position, not long ago you have been acting governor of the kurovsk region, but life poses extraordinary, complex tasks for you to help people. here, your professional knowledge alone is not enough.
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there are cases where doctors died, evacuated the population, we had cars in the dnd,
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transferred, armored, which we once received from the bank, collector, plus now we have an additional 80 units banks provide, transported people to a safe distance, from there they have already organized the removal by large-capacity buses, in conditions of round-the-clock evacuation to the energy complex, so that all gas stations function, there is fuel, there are reserves, we also carry out systematic work with them so that all gas stations are equipped with means of rap armor protection. people left without shelter have found shelter in temporary accommodation points, where they receive water, food, medical care and medical
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assistance. we currently have vacancies, but... we are constantly freeing up buildings and premises for this, business entities have come forward, plus we have reached an agreement with russian railways, three trains have arrived where we can place an additional 2,400 people, and eight additional trains have arrived where we can place people, give them humanitarian aid, and send them immediately by rail, because almost all the heads of the regions of the russian federation have responded and are providing such places. in the kursk region, the number of ambulance teams on duty has been increased, additionally 1,800 hospital beds have been opened, 60 highly qualified doctors have arrived from other regions, but people need more than just
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medical support, many have been left without documents, almost all without money. i ask you, hiv, to support. in addition, it will be necessary to assess other damage, uh, please, together with colleagues from various departments, including the ministry of emergency situations, this work will need to be done, uh, i mean loss of property, loss of housing, it is necessary - it is imperative to work directly with people, to reach each family. also
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special attention to prices in kursk stores, which in some places began to rise against the backdrop of the emergency situation. there are cases when... retail outlets or in hotels in public catering unreasonably inflate prices, that is , they profit from these affected people, of course we will stop this, in the meantime , money from the federal budget has arrived in the kursk region for the resettlement of residents from dangerous areas, lists have already been compiled, work has begun, we planned to hold today's meeting in person, but circumstances. have developed, so you, of course, need to be on site now, but we will continue this work and these contacts, including this concerns the prospects for the development of the kurdish region as a whole, and you, for your part, do everything to ensure that the kursk region solves the development problems that it faces. the authorities
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of the kursk region today announced another decision, to everyone who received a salary from the regional budget and was forced. a few hundred meters from the ukrainian border. it is, of course, impossible to confuse the monastery with a military facility, so we are talking about a deliberate attack on the faithful ministers of the russian orthodox church. this was confirmed by the evacuation from the shelling zone. the monks found themselves in a difficult situation and could not get out due to constant attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, from guns of various calibers, when people
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tried to leave, they were hunted. 17 people, including the abbot, were rescued, however, how to tell. his car came under fire from the ukrainian military. in general, the kiev regime once again proved that there is nothing sacred left for its henchmen. the consequences of the attack by the army of demons will show evgeniya nipot. it's just some kind of satanic ascal when drone strikes, artillery , armored vehicles or missiles are aimed at monasteries where people are hiding. the st. nicholas belogorsky monastery in the village of gornal. meters from the border with ukraine, that's what the militants did to it, they hit it with shells, threw mines, drones, the clergy and locals who were hiding in one of the churches say that from the shelling. they were closed by a recently built church, it took the hit itself. our colleague, stanislav bernwald, is currently working in the region, he talked to one of the monks of the monastery who managed to evacuate to kursk. to my great
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sorrow, one of the men who worked in the monastery died not without losses, his name was sergei. it turns out that it probably flew into his heart through his back right away, as if he had covered the people sitting in front of him with his bodies, probably with his body, the man, this one who died, he also walked weakly like that. how blessed he was, he was 51 years old, but he has the second group of disability, we were sitting and decided to slowly get out of the drone, drones are hanging right in front of you, we all went down basements and waited, after 11 o'clock drones started flying, drones started to throw these incendiary bombers, well, in komikazy, then they started to fly into the windows, hit the windows to set the hull on fire, we ran in where we could, put it out, hid down again. 2 months ago this big monastery was already shelled, here with all the demonic hatred they started to burn and destroy under fire and in the flames from the fire, the clergy saved the icons, a small part was taken out during
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the evacuation, and the miraculous icon of the mother of god from monastery, they took them out in advance. the icons, that means, we had time, when the temple was burning, we started, here the lord showed us miracles every minute, here we were carrying out the last icon, here a man went ahead, they were carrying an icon, kolya, and i... there was also an altar there, well , there is a special lamp there , i literally took it out, i went in there, here we have a temple , two such entrances, you can go through the corridors , also from the side ones, i took five steps and the ceiling completely collapsed , literally five steps, the blow was such that i was blown away and what threw us up like that we thought so they don't shoot every second they reload they adjust we probably have a minute to jump out and after another landing we ran to the basement we managed, as soon as we ran into the basement, a shell immediately flew into my cell, right away. where does such hatred of the kiev regime dogs for orthodoxy come from, their own instrument of godlessness, the schismatic
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patsiu in ukraine has been operating for a long time, it resembles an odessin icon, under whose face is hidden what is called a devil's mug, they have complete satanism already, it's even like go off the scale, demonically they destroy first everything that is connected with christianity, and then everything else alive, everything that can be destroyed, we all came out of...
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christianity, to the russian people, to the russian world. accordingly, we now see this social composition of the militants, which consists mainly, of course, of neo-pagans, neo-nazis. after all, orthodox monasteries for centuries have been places where residents try to hide from danger, but the experience of donbass shows that this does not stop the ukrainian militants. they they understand that the russians treat the ukrainians too well and believe that the co-religionists, that is, the orthodox, will not fire at churches, because that is where the world of the population, women, children, old people, gather, but for many years now,
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the ukrainian troops, on the contrary, wait for the moment when they gather in the church, then begin to fire. christian centers, such as the st. nicholas belogorsky monastery, have connected peoples for centuries, their enemy is trying to survive, to leave only ruins. what is this, if not satanism? healing. from kursk our friend and colleague, military correspondent yevgeny podubny, was delivered to the region today. let me remind you that he was seriously wounded as a result of a targeted strike by a drone of the ukrainian armed forces. the investigative committee classified this attack as an attempted murder, the ministry of justice reminded that the kiev regime constantly leads russian journalists on a real hunt with the silent connivance of the west, but the main thing, of course, is that zhenya is alive. doctors assess his condition optimistically, vitaly kormazin was convinced. from klifosovsky the emergencies ministry helicopter has our wounded colleague on board, one of the most famous war correspondents in russia, evgeny poddubny. the doctors carefully transfer him to a gurney. even from the video it is clear
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that he has very serious injuries, including his head. burns to his hands, but poddubny is not discouraged, how are you, tell me, i can't hear anything, i just laid down, they take him to a special elevator accompanied by nurses and the attending physician, zhenya asks what they plan to do next, and what is the plan now, the plan now is to go to intensive care, we'll check everything again, blood, tests, we'll accept all the research later decision today, made, understood, so everything will be... no brain damage, doctors' prognosis is stable, in fact, the condition is serious, but it is conditionally stable, he breathes on his own, this is very pleasing, a lot of minor trauma, which is now being examined by specialists of various profiles, ophthalmologists and vorinolaryngologists, but the burn injury predominates, yes, therefore, combostiologists have already looked, bandaged, therefore this is the main part, the main problem, zhenya's car
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is not far from the border of the kursk region. this is with my own eyes. ukrainian social networks are flooded drone, the operator of which sees everything this photo, which allegedly captured the moment of the attack on poddubny's car. behind him in the second car were the operator ruben mirobov and the sound engineer stanislav yalovsky. the shelling with small arms began, it was audible, the arrivals on the asphalt, well, such a peculiar high-frequency sound, this is already on us, well, on his wife there on his car. very tightly here he went to turn around just when they were leaving , as it turned out, it was fpved a flash flashed ahead poddubny's pickup truck engulfed flame, the car was burning, he was driving straight down the road and he started to twist in the cage in the cage, we drove into the cage because it was deep and it
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was safer, we ran. to the car, the burning car, and it was already engulfed in flames so much that it was difficult to approach, my head turned off at that moment, that it could explode again, we opened the doors, stas opened the doors, yes, yes, he opened the passenger door, i opened the driver's door, from there there was just flame, we thought that everything was already in general, because it turned over, there was no one in the front seats, and i thought that the car flipped over and moved the body somewhere, that is, in principle , it is impossible to survive. but it is all floating inside, they thought that zhenya burned inside, the film crew, expecting a second air strike, rushed to the nearest safe zone, it turned out that the wounded war correspondent was thrown out of the car after the explosion, nikolai rylsky accidentally saw him, we managed to contact him, he was driving to sudzha to pick up his parents, he was also attacked by a ukrainian drone, nikolai turned back and after 200 m he met poddubny, there was ranin, he is obedient, his clothes are burnt, he is covered in
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blood, i kept asking him... to say something, to hold his head up, not to pass out, not to fall asleep, i handed him over to the guys, the military volunteers took him apart, they told our channel how it was, he talked to us the whole time, he behaved like a man, that is, no screams, no looks, that he was in pain, scared, nothing like that, he held on, talked to us, without fuss, without panic, all he asked of us was...
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military conflicts of the world, but special attention multiple winner of the tefi, over the past 20 years he seems to have worked in the zone of most of the vagu and other state awards, always devoted to donbass. the tank supports the actions of assault squads that knock the enemy out of the high ground.


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