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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country, russian digital solutions will be brought to a new height. there are prospects, even more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how exactly does the digital help? you do not have any original questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like, in the southern urals after extreme downpours , the reservoir... to overflow its banks, forecasters
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warn of heavy rains at the end of the week in other regions of the country, more about this let's talk to meteorologist ekaterina grigoreya, ekaterina, hello, will the rains in the urals stop soon and which regions will be in the epicenter today, not nastya? in the urals , the rains will already be declining tomorrow, the influence of the anticyclone will increase, here the european part of the country remains with cyclones, but for now the weather is not raging in the urals, such a stream today rushed onto the road between the cities of mias and karabash in the chelyabinsk region, travel along ... is closed, the forest lake syrkul overflowed after the rains, in the last hours the embankment that separates the reservoir from the quarry has been reinforced with soil from the quarry highway, behind it is the village of novoandreyevka, there are no flooded houses or plots in the settlement, the ministry of emergency situations is on duty at the site, in case of worsening of the situation, two temporary accommodation points have been put on alert, that's how the water is gushing, it's just a nightmare, there are all the wires. in the kurgan region after
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a heavy rain, a river also overflowed its banks, the road to the village of ust-uyskoye was flooded, a stock of food and medicines was created in the settlement, the most prudent villagers drove their cars to higher ground, a boat crossing was launched in the village in the morning hot bread has already been delivered to residents. heavy rain has hit barnaul.
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cloud fields of atmospheric vortices limit the warming of the earth's surface in the central region and on the volga the temperature background is close to the climatic norm, but still slightly behind it. during the day 20-22°, cooler than expected in the urals, in western siberia, in the south of eastern siberia in the south of european russia hot weather persists. but let's talk about the atmospheric processes that now determine such a distribution of precipitation temperatures. so, the south of siberia. remains under the influence of a large cyclone, while it is still pumping heat into eastern siberia, and the western siberia is in the rear of the vortex in the path of the northern winds. a slow-moving cyclone is circling over the volga region, and another vortex is approaching us from the atlantic. a large territory is under the influence of frontal sections, the most intense precipitation will occur today in the kemerovo and tomsk regions. heavy rain will be in the omsk and novosibirsk regions. in the zone of bad weather, the middle volga and the east of the central region. here the amount of precipitation.
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can exceed 20 mm per day, and the most difficult weather conditions will be associated with the passage of cold fronts, with a high probability the storm will peak in the middle of the day, when the daytime warming reaches its maximum and the temperature contrasts on different sides of the atmospheric front will be greatest. well, the volga region is under the influence of the occlusion front, its appearance is, on the one hand , a sign of the maturity of the cyclone, on the other hand, it is the cause of prolonged intense precipitation, because in this area there is a unification. cloud systems of cold and warm fronts, so that the middle volga period the bad weather will last for several days. in samara today, up to 20 mm of precipitation may fall, with the august norm being 41. on saturday, another 13 will be added. on monday, the showers will weaken, but only to hit the city with renewed force on tuesday. precipitation on august 13 will be comparable to today's, and up to 60 mm of precipitation may fall on samara by the middle of next week. well, in moscow
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today there will be variable cloudiness, short-term rain, which will bring 2-3 mm of rain, tomorrow a north atlantic cyclone will approach the capital, which, in addition to intense showers, will first bring... a portion of warmth on saturday afternoon +23, and then along the periphery of the same vortex in the megapolis cooler air will begin to flow, and the maximum temperature on sunday will no longer exceed 18°. these are the forecasts. ekaterina, thank you, ekaterina grigorova introduced us to the weather forecasts for the weekend. srednevsky shipyard today launched the ninth mine countermeasure ship afana. built by order of the ministry of defense. these ships belong to the new generation of minotralnye forces. afanas ivannikov was laid down in september 2021. details from ksenia yakubina. the work was accepted by the commander-in-chief of the russian navy. and the main feature of this ship
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is a monolithic hull made of fiberglass. according to experts, it is thanks to the use of this material that this impressive ship becomes virtually invisible in the sea. the fact is that most mines and torpedoes have fuses that are triggered by the abnormal magnetic field of massive metal structures, and a fiberglass hull makes it difficult to do this, it practically invisible for such systems of self -direction of torpedoes and for magnetometers, which are installed on submarines. these ships already serve in almost all fleets, and being the ninth in the series... i am convinced that this ship will serve on the northern borders this year. st. petersburg is the main city of our country, and the fate of the city has always been closely connected with shipbuilders. about 40% of ships and
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vessels are built on our verts. and our famous plant for its... ivannikov is designed to combat sea mines, which it can detect both in water and in the ground, without entering the danger zone, for this it uses various trawls, as well as unmanned underwater vehicles, vessels of this type are designed to protect naval bases, coastal areas, mineral deposits. not only the plant's employees came to the ceremonial launching today, but also members of their families, as well as ordinary citizens. the first time we came to the launch of the ship, i really wanted to for a long time, we were invited here
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took advantage of this opportunity. nobody works at the plant, but my son really wants to serve. afanasy ivannikov is the ninth ship in the series, but today it was announced that according to plans, the plant plans to deliver two ships a year. ksenia yakubina, andrey kupayev, vesti st. petersburg. ufa saw the iba champions night. at a large-scale boxing tournament, winners of the world and european championships, as well as olympic participants, entered the ring. a total of seven fights took place, including women's boxing. our athletes were opposed by boxers from four continents. who had to adapt to the opponent on the fly who won the iba champion belt, everyone.
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india, tanzania, mongolia and uzbekistan. she also performed well, and then she boxed quite recently in kazan at the brics games won a stunning victory. azalea won here too, leaving no chance for riham abdallah from tanzania. there was no specific scenario for the fight, but in fact
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they expected it to be longer, as if they wanted to stretch it out a little, to feel her punching power, like without a helmet i have never boxed, but it turned out the way it turned out, in the first round they won early. ulad bizhamov, who boxed against the colombian norvaez, won, despite the fact that it was not possible for him to study the opponent's style. videos of the south american's fights on the internet. jimbulat simply did not. he injured his left hand, you probably saw that it was so begging to be hit with his left hand, but
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he could not deliver an accented blow, which prevented her, i think, from finishing the fight early, but due respect to the opponent, he is very strong, very persistent, he has a lot thank you for such a fight, for giving this fight, in the main fight of the evening, in the end , the favorite of the local public artur suphankulov wins, who wins the title of european champion according to iba, mikhail. now before our eyes a new high-tech industry is emerging, in which
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russia has every chance to become a world leader. according to experts, in just 2 years this will attract more than 60 billion rubles of investment in the construction of data centers alone. also, the legalization of mining will create new jobs for it specialists all over russia and even those who are not so well versed in this area will have the opportunity to independently mine digital currencies. this can be done. by a representative of any working profession. so, the package of new laws is posted on the legal information portal. according to one of them , mining, that is , cryptocurrency mining, will be legalized in russia from november 1. it becomes clear what exactly is considered mining and who has the right to do it. according to the other two laws, in just over 3 weeks, from september 1, it will be possible will conduct cryptocurrency cross-border settlements cryptocurrency exchanges.
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asked, first, actually, what is it about, according to the law on mining , individuals and legal entities will be able to mine cryptocurrency, the latter, as well as individual entrepreneurs, will need to register in the register of the ministry of digital development. individuals will be able to engage in mining without being included in the register, but if they do not go beyond the energy consumption limits established by the government, it, by the way, will regulate the mining of cryptocurrency in agreement with the central bank. it is logical that in the law specific ones are prescribed. in particular mining, well, if in your own words, then this is the use of a computer to work with certain
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databases, as a result of which a citizen or organization receives a reward in digital currency. as for the mining pool, this is the unification of the capacities of several technical and software and hardware tools that belong to different owners and are also used to mine digital currency. let me remind you that this law comes into force on november 1. we are talking about the law on the law on mining, but it is very important to look at the two laws in conjunction, because the sputnik law on experimental legal regimes has also been adopted, and this law contains very interesting provisions that allow us to assume that either exchangers or cryptocurrency exchanges will appear in russia, where companies that are engaged in mining in russia will be able to sell mined bitcoins, indeed, already on september 1,
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very soon, several more laws on international payments in cryptocurrency and on exchange trading in it will come into effect. as for the use of cryptocurrency in cross-border settlements, we are still talking about an experiment, a digital platform under the control of the central bank will be created in test mode, and also, as an experiment, the bank of russia will be able to organize trades in digital currency, and also... create an operator that will use it to settle payments within the national payment system. the topic of mining and its regulation was raised at a meeting with the president just a few weeks ago. vladimir putin then said that russia spends annually on cryptocurrency mining 16 billion kwh, that is, almost 1.5% of the total electricity consumption in the country, this figure is growing. at the same time, the head of state noted that this is indeed a very promising direction of the modern economy, it is already beginning to change the usual schemes, including in international settlements,
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well, now it is important not to miss the moment. experts believe that the moment is right. our country has every chance of becoming the main crypto power, now a new influx of investors will go, new major players will go into this topic, in connection with the fact that in russia there is a lot of space, and there are a lot of generations all over the country, this is a big plus here, i hope that the twenty -fourth twenty-fifth year will be really very strongly developing, and this industry will be as advanced as once, you know, in soviet times they built... the koomur highway can be compared to the same thing, that now we will have an industry developing, which most likely, if everything is done correctly, will be the first in the world. experts from the cryptosphere confirm, legalization of mining will help russia bypass sanctions, it is believed that behind the new laws there is not just a new scheme of international settlements, but the contours of that very
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fair world that we, both on earth and in virtual space, must necessarily. build. training of qualified workers for key sectors of the economy is the task of the professionalism project. according to plans, in the next 4 years at least a million people should receive education in it. how to become a participant in the project, irina matyushenko will tell in program instructions, after a short advertisement. are you attacked by credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one hallway, conveniently pay off 24 months, and also don't forget about purchases in installments? simple installment techniques.
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cinema oh, the world i watch. hermitage paintings are now on credit cards. he is such a one pain in the groin, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langitas against prostatitis, we take loans, sovcombank, cash loan and cashback up to 10%. one of my friends himself. better not, megaphone number one in terms of coverage speed, still think about the ideal housing, you haven't connected yet with 5g, although it's time for you to switch to domclick to find housing for any, the most daring taste, with a mortgage for
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building a house, a new building or a secondary market, choose what you like. everyone on domclick everyone will find housing for themselves, to get down to business, don't wait for the right moment, the moment is always with you, the moment for those who get down to business! for headaches, there is ascafen p, at an affordable price and askafen ultra with enhanced composition for fighting headaches and migraines. askafen, when your head hurts. vtb has a new credit card with a huge plus.
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where does a person begin? i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at this meeting of ours. how to become a real professional in the industry find a job. get a sought-after specialty help the national project education and the federal project professionalism. how to choose the best college, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue
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of the instructions. let's start with what professionalism is. this federal project created for graduates of the ninth to eleventh grades. it has been in effect since 2022. this year, more than 1,200 colleges and technical schools from 79 regions of the country are participating in it. by 2026 , it should cover all 89 regions of russia and the vast majority of colleges. today , more than one and a half thousand enterprises are participating in the project; by 2030, their number should increase to 4.00. employers participate in the educational process. in fact, they prepare workers for themselves. therefore , up to 85% of students can count on employment after graduating from college today. graduates. the main principle of building connections with employers.
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the coverage by industry is the widest - this is mechanical engineering, agriculture , metallurgy, railway transport , light industry, chemical industry, nuclear industry, pharmaceuticals, forestry industry, fuel and energy complex , information technology, radio electronics, construction and so on. in many specialties, training takes only 2 years, the process is carried out with an emphasis on practice and it. practical classes are held mainly at enterprises, and enterprises participating in the project enter into a partnership agreement with colleges. and the entire schedule of practical classes is also agreed upon with the employer enterprise. in addition, enterprises provide mentors for students of professionalism. how to find the right college and employer? to do this , you need to go to the yaprov.rf portal. by the way, to
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begin with, you can take a test there, answer 25 questions. at the end, a list of industries in which you would be interested in working will appear. by clicking on one of them, you can select a region and employer. if you have already decided on your future field of activity, you can immediately click on the section "where to study". there, select the region, employer and industry, or go to the section where to work and select the direction, region and company there. among the project partners are such major employers of our country as the state corporation rostec, rosatom, and russian railways, as well as large metallurgical plants, located practically throughout the entire territory of our country, agricultural companies are also present in the project. if we say about personnel for small and medium businesses. then such employers are concentrated mainly and in such industries as tourism, services, information technology,
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more than 500 employers have already been included in the project from among small and medium businesses. the system of secondary vocational education is being rebooted, its prestige and demand are growing, colleges are being modernized and more closely integrated with the economy. companies that are not yet participating in the project will be interested. look at the employer section portal yaprov.rrf. it lists the advantages of professionalism. this is an investment tax deduction, the conclusion of target contracts, turnkey planning of personnel needs, reducing the costs of training qualified personnel, participation in the management of colleges and the formation of educational programs, as well as quality control of personnel training. training personnel at a college is much cheaper. is included than maintaining a corporate training center, and it is no secret that a training center is not a specialized area activities for an industrial enterprise,
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while... and the preparation of curricula, programs, and also does not apply to the key areas of the enterprise's activity, which is aimed at a implementation of investment projects, large -scale industrial projects, therefore, the enterprise is very willing to enter the educational and production cluster, in addition, there is a tax benefit for participants in the professionalism, already 29. regions have adopted at their level changes to the tax legislation, which allows reduce the income tax to 100% of the amount of investment in the material and technical base of the college. let us repeat the most important thing: to learn from a future employer and become in demand immediately after graduating from college, allow the federal project professionalism national project education. colleges
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work in partnership with the company. this makes it possible to obtain exactly the knowledge that is needed in a specific profession. students undergo internships at enterprises where they will then work. graduates of the ninth, eleventh graders. you can learn about colleges and employer companies on the yaprof.rf website. if you have any questions, want to learn more about how to get a new profession or get an interesting job, write to us in telegram. we will learn from experts about everything in the next you.
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let's get back to the news review, let's start with the personnel raven: the russian military prevented the landing of the ukrainian armed forces on the kenburn spit in the kherson region, the saboteurs tried to reach the shore on two speedboats, they were covered by two more fire boats support, but the first... lost 12 servicemen and two boats. in kursk oblast , a federal response level has been established due to an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. the introduction of this emergency situation regime was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. the consequences will be mainly eliminated.


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