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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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department of educational and training work sergey petrov, one of the topics was the results of the investigation of crimes committed in the department konstantin korpusov and the head of the department against the residents of mariupol in 2022, the circumstances of hundreds of bloody acts committed by the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine have already been established. it was established that ... 2022 obdikov, while in a combat
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position located in one of the apartment buildings in the city of mariupol, discovered a moving civilian car, suspecting that the persons in it could be citizens, supporting the special military operation with the aim of killing them, fired a shot from an rpg grenade launcher he had with him at a civilian moving in the said car. thanks to the work of investigators, specific officers from among the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine who gave criminal orders back in...
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week, what dangerous overtaking on country roads leads to, and how did he manage it? seven people died after a collision with heavy trucks. in olmsk, they are finding out the details of the incident with a passenger bus. it is known, that the driver did not react in time and pinched the pensioner's hand with the door. the woman has a fracture. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, gave the order to initiate a criminal case. investigators are currently conducting an investigation. the stop is on demand, third razyezd street.
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the second bus runs here most often, and the victim was riding on one of them. the incident occurred when the woman was getting out of the bus. according to relatives, the victim was getting out here, fell out of the bus from the back door and possibly hit her head here is this curb, she lost consciousness, what happened next, the police are now establishing and the main question is why the bus driver left. the female passenger, now in the kabanov hospital, having woken up at the scene of the accident, she called her relatives, and they called an ambulance. at the moment when she was getting out, she had bags. he began to close the doors, closed them, she fell, it turns out, fell out, she fell out of the bus with bags and it left, and i can't say for sure, but there was a mark on her hand, that is, there is a possibility that he ran over her hand, the traffic police officers began an investigation, the driver who works on the route was immediately identified, the man was not very talkative with journalists, do you want to somehow tell what happened, your version, however, the driver explained to the traffic police officers that the passengers in
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the cabin began to scream, in the rearview mirror he saw a woman lying at the bus stop, went out to her, helped her sit down, she said that everything was fine, then he simply drove away. the driver of the route bus, viktor, a man born in 1984, having dropped off passengers at a public transport stop, when the bus started moving, it ran over a pedestrian who was getting out of the bus. all the circumstances of the incident are currently being established, it can be said for sure that the bus could not have run over the passenger, the back door from which... the victim was walking is located behind the wheels of the groove, but it is quite possible to pinch the woman's hand when closing the doors , perhaps the situation can finally be clarified by the conclusion of the doctors at the hospital where the omsk woman was taken with injuries. drug courier, record holder in omsk, operatives seized 85 packages of heroin from a foreigner , 70 criminal cases were opened against the man at once. about this and other news in the final issue of the vesti program duty part omsk. colleagues, yes, thank you very much, it was my colleague irina lots from. omsk, well, we continue the federal
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broadcast. the hemp field has gone downhill. as part of operation mak-2024, security forces are conducting raids to eliminate drug-containing plants. so in the astrakhan region, thickets of narcotic grass were eliminated. there is a huge empty lot there turned out to be a criminal plantation. who harvests and how is the underground marijuana business organized? dmitry dubrovsky's report. from regular trainers to heavy equipment, all means are good in the fight against wild hemp. operation mac-2024 continues in the astrakhan region. the third stage.
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580 hectares is 830 football fields. the scale is amazing and there is more to come. the fight against wild cannabis in the region does not stop for a second. for a paid high, they are ready to go to the most remote areas of the astrakhan region for it areas, there would be coordinates, but the police are following suit, 405 hotbeds of wild drug-containing plants have been destroyed, more than 40 drug crimes have been identified, and more than 10 kg of drugs have been seized from illegal circulation, heavy equipment has raked the hemp into one pile, it will be destroyed right here on... they will not be burned together, a special fire-prevention regime is currently in effect in the ostrakhan region, so they will bury it here in a deep hole. planted, but who planted it? did they grow themselves, did they grow themselves? and why do you need the seeds then? enterprising the herbalist in the footage of the operational video is clearly
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being disingenuous: he cultivated 30 cannabis bushes in the yard of his house, connoisseurs of a higher quality and purer drug do not go to the fields for cannabis, this forty-two-year -old astrakhan. built real catacombs, the path from the entrance to the dugout to the well-appointed drug farm with artificial lighting and a ventilation system took the operatives at least a minute, here during the search, among other evidence, dozens of tubes of baby cream were found, but inside there is no cream, it's hemp for further use. the heroes of the film in guy ritchie and did not dream, several huge travel suitcases, filled to the brim with already ready-to -use intoxicating potion, marijuana and hashish, and
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foreign countries, as in this case in broken russian a young man tries to explain to the operatives why he grew weed. you have friends who smoke, you treat them, did i understand you correctly, right. in an islamic country, where this drug dealer comes from , the death penalty is threatened for the manufacture and possession of drugs. from the beginning years, the forces of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the astrakhan region and the special forces unit of the grom police have already closed several drug farms, there are still two stages of operation mak-2024 ahead. dmitry dubrovsky, viktor
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novoseltsev, damir maykenov, lead the duty unit. the head of the ministry of internal affairs of russia vladimir kolokoltsev is in the capital of belarus, he is taking part in a meeting of the heads of internal affairs of the cis member states. vladimir kolokoltsev thanked the host party and congratulated the president of belarus alexander lukashenko on the country's accession to the shanghai organization. cooperation, such international work will strengthen public safety and ensure counteraction to transnational crime, report by maxim movchan. the fiftieth anniversary meeting in minsk in the symbolic year of 80 years since the liberation
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of belarus from the fascist invaders. the solidarity and unity of peoples in the fight against evil, as if became a symbol of the meeting of the council of ministers of internal affairs of the cis member states. on the agenda of the main police countries to after a short introduction straight to the point discuss the results of cooperation, work on mistakes and introduce new methods of combating crime at the interstate level at... eight comprehensive, coordinated joint operational and preventive measures were carried out, including an annual operation,
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so in the russian federation the location of 213 persons wanted by the ministries of internal affairs of foreign states was established. partners detained 130 defendants who committed a crime on the territory of our country. as part of the speech our minister noted the severity of the problem of illegal migration, which significantly affects the crime situation. arriving...
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in addition, as part of the visit to the republic of belarus, the police laid flowers at
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the khatyn memorial complex in memory of the victims of the great patriotic war, honored the memory of the dead, a minute of silence in the very center of minsk at the victory monument. maksim ovchan and sergey ukhvarenok, host duty station minsk. on saturday at 18:15, don't miss the final issue of our program, its main topic will be presented by my colleague andrey ivlev. the most discussed legal topics of the week, and also unique journalistic investigations only with us. the hunt for the gold mafia, a large-scale special operation of security forces in the magadan region. we visited where journalists rarely set foot. these bags contain rocks, garbage goes to the right, and gold here. how illegal miners gild their hands, who are they, obsessed with gold. how many people do you have? 50. unique aerial footage. take up arms and exciting footage on the ground. olga
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zhurenkova went to magadan and saw how are fighting against the plunderers of the country's gold reserves. a daring gambit. a high-profile incident in the quietest sport. in dagestan , they are investigating the circumstances of a mysterious poisoning at a championship. some balls rolled out from under the board. i realized it was mercury. what kind of a hunt did the dishonest chess player commit? where did she get the poisonous substance? will she really have to put her career in check? she should be banned from all competitions for life, this is a pure criminal offense, we will tell you the details of the queen's vile move: star flights or where does the road from the stage lead? oh, let's go? state duma deputies propose testing artists for alcohol and drugs, are performers ready for such experiments? how come you don't play, why do the rich and famous often end up in
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rehab after concerts, what are these dubious centers and what should real rehabilitation facilities look like? people seem to understand that this is an unknown field for many, they just want to make a quick buck. who and how makes money on addictions why are elite places for drug addicts sometimes become hell, alexandra mostovaya found out. and other topics already on saturday at 18:15 on russia 24. the head of the moscow region posad dmitry akulov was summoned to the investigative committee the day before as a witness in a criminal case, let me remind you that mayor akulov has been running the city for a little over a year, and before that he was the deputy head of the administration, the official never came home from the interrogation, although his status in the case has not changed yet, he is listed as a witness, on what grounds dmitry akulov could have been interrogated,
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maxim shevchenko found out. at the administration building posada for lunch break. it was not crowded for friday, employees were running here and there, but seeing the tv camera, their faces immediately changed and they hurried to loudly slam the door. nervous tension in the air, it seemed , was not just like that, local officials knew in advance what question we would ask, but they did not know how to answer. dmitry aleksandrovich akulov, how long has it been since he showed up at work? well, you know, we don’t know, he has his own campaign, his own, of course, it’s just information on the internet that he is now with investigators. the nervousness of the security guard is more likely is caused by the fact that it is unlikely that dmitry akulov will be found in his office for several days now . sources report that on august 8, the mayor was summoned to the investigative committee as a witness in a criminal case, no charges were brought, but the official allegedly has not yet returned home from questioning, apparently the investigators had good reasons
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to continue the conversation. according to some reports , law enforcement officers began to monitor the activities of certain.
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news, duty unit. i remind you that the entire operational news lint is in telegram channels news, duty part and honest detective. that's all, with you was tatyana petrova, see you in this studio at 21:30. two cutlets with onions. special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary view, this is big hit, big hit, only in tasty point, attack debts on credit cards, i will show you a couple of techniques, we collect all debts on credit cards on one holva conveniently repay 24 months, and also do not forget about purchases in installments, holva -
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where does a person begin, i think that you will understand why we named our program that way, but as usual i want to first report to you that our previous program on the russia 1 channel, on the russia 24 channel, in social networks, vkontakte, telegram, odnoklassniki, zen and so on, watched more than 11.
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the real resources are the ones i just showed you, i can't help but answer the numerous questions that were asked of me about the olympics, you know, i don't want, frankly speaking, to dwell on this in detail now, because this topic has already been sufficiently covered, condemned , and so on and so forth, you remember what we're talking about, which seems to me to some extent encouraging, that...
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in a period of time when this could even be approved, all religions should be upset offended right now, seeing that happened at these olympic games, just sitting here allowing france to mock the country, your religion, you make fun of everything that you consider sacred, this is the last supper, this is sacred for christianity, what are we doing wrong, saying that this is disgusting, this is not art, journalists, public figures, bloggers and even athletes condemned the concept of the event on... calling it a disgrace, french journalist of the lancorect edition juliette brien wrote about the opening ceremony of the games as an african show and moreover, apologised to the world and refused to cover the olympics, as a true patriot,
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french i refuse to participate in this flash show and i apologize to you, world, the guardian columnist described the ceremony as a toxic spectacle, and even elan musk expressed his disappointment with the words, it was extremely disrespectful to christians, you yourself understand that this is not our, so to speak, such a tendentious attitude towards this, it is becoming a global disease, you know, as they say in russian...
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witty internet users have had this here's an image: look, well, you know what it means, 666, it's the sign of the beast, it's the sign of satan, by and large, it's really true, because it's absolute satanism, to mock the last supper for the whole world, it's punishable, maybe not immediately,
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but inevitably. but today i'd like to talk about something else, and i think that for us no less important than the olympic games, and by and large much more important, what is the basis of the future of the country, it's the people, it's the demography, look, what a deputy of the state duma speaks about this, listen, i will just say briefly that we want to ban the adoption of children from russia by citizens of those countries where gender reassignment is permitted, and an initiative is being developed that is aimed at improving the quality of medical services provided in the area of ​​providing services for artificial termination of pregnancy and an initiative is being developed, in fact, in the coming days it will be submitted to the state duma, on recognizing the right to life, health protection before birth child, it is very important, and
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our doctors talk about it. thank you for your support, that's what 's interesting, although the words spoken by pyotr tolstoy were met with applause, nevertheless, an absolutely opposite, negative reaction to what he said immediately arose. concerns immediately arose about a complete ban on abortions, about the middle ages, obscurantism , and so on and so forth. his proposal implies an amendment to paragraph one. article 18 of the law on the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the russian federation. and now it will be sound like this: everyone has the right to health care both before and after birth. that is, it means that assistance should be provided, including to the unborn child. fortunately, today medicine can do this while it is in the womb, and this is not like an operation
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that... these are slovakia, and the czech republic, ecuador, honduras, guatemala, chile, hungary, the dominican republic, madagascar and many, many other countries. and we do not even have to go far. abkhazia, a wonderful post-soviet country with quite a tragic story, in 2016 , an amendment to the law on health care was adopted. this is what it says, the state recognizes.
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the right to life.


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