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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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middle eastern studies by murad sadyk zade. august 9 - day of military glory of russia. august 9, 1714 battle of gangut. during the northern war of umys gangut, khanku peninsula, the russian galley fleet under the command of peter i defeated the swedish squadron. peter said then, a state that has one land army, has one hand, and one that has a navy, has both hands. the battle of gangut was the first in russia.
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without pain. in britain, there is still a tense. after the most significant social unrest in recent years, someone even started talking about almost about the possibility of a civil war in this country, well, what is actually happening in london and its environs, we talked about this today with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of russia, great britain and northern ireland, andrei kellin. andrei vladimirovich, hello, thank you for finding the time, it is vacation time, but in this case we have work time and we are looking at what is happening.
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england, well, of course, in the center, in such large cities as manchester, birmingham, yes in london itself, here in the last 2 days, i must say, chaos is happening it became smaller, a counter-movement appeared quite serious, and according to general estimates it counts up to 25 thousand
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people, these are muslim self-defense units that appeared, and other manifestations that act against ultra-nationalists, this is of course... indicative, nevertheless, the police believe that although we have such a decline these days, nevertheless the weekend is approaching it can still resume. regarding the danger to our citizens, we really issued a warning not to appear in places of large crowds of people, and we have not yet noted any such appeals to the embassy that there were no victims, but nevertheless, of course, one must be careful. since, for example, in the center of london such demonstrations are constantly taking place every day, in no case do we advise going there - getting closer to these demonstrators. and andrei ilanovich, after all - these kinds of demonstrations, how large-scale are they, or what, in the sense that - many note that
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britain has not seen anything like this for a long time, or is this still a fairly common case for countries? i wouldn't say that this is an ordinary case for the country, but the performance is large-scale. well, for example, now the first results are being summed up, 480 people have already been arrested, and from both sides, and those who are a and troublemakers, you could say so and... those who oppose such demonstrations, the fact is that among those who participate in the riots , organize them, there is no such serious political force, it is a cool mix of ultra-nationalists, of ultra-nationalists, football fans, just hooligans, in towns in the north of england, and working towns, the population joins them too, of course it is very dissatisfied, and the low deterioration of the standard of living, its socio-economic... situation and so on, but all this is more spontaneous, i would say, in nature, it is stimulated by social
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networks, convocation, and once again we do not see such a serious programmatic political force , the authorities do not see it, andreyevich, the authorities, by the way, notice a certain organized character, they said, it is mainly spontaneous, but we see that in other countries sometimes people appear in some special caps and so on, well, and somehow... they identify themselves, organize a crowd, and has anything similar been observed, do the authorities note such events? but in rather small quantities, once again, the organization occurs mainly by gathering, there is a call in small towns on social networks, we go there, we go there, recently there was an attack on a hotel where migrants were accommodated, who are now undergoing a trial, or they will be illegal and on the side of migrants and muslim communities,
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there are reports that the police are not acting very well, it seems to me that they understand what to do, well, that's their business, of course, nevertheless, how do the residents of great britain feel about this, is that so? in general, the actions of the authorities are generally considered justified here, although initially they were distributing votes, it is necessary to see how starmer will cope with this, he is, after all, a former prosecutor, measures must be taken, and the measures turned out to be quite simple, the police are acting within the framework of the law, the forces are quite large, now 4,000 and 200 in are in reserve. and the arrests, as i said, are significant and now the first
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sentences have appeared, they are quite severe, there they give 3 years for participation in hooligan actions, although in general it is assumed that with ali borisov's course to try to free and relieve the prisons, they think that these 3 years they are there, which they have now started to enter as a sentence, they will not sit out their hooligans will be released earlier, that is why in general the population, well, the population, let's say so. voters, they support the actions police, since this is all happening reasonably, without going overboard, the police are deliberately acting on both sides, both of them, and the main thing here is that the police are not coming to someone, there is some specific movement or trend here, in general, to restore order, in this regard, perhaps, the government can feel quite calm, there were calls to reconvene parliament, but they didn’t even start calling it back from the summer holidays, which are now... taking place here, in general, it is believed that the government and the police
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are coping with these riots, that is, here these conversations about how keir starmer has not been coping with his duties from the very beginning, that he allowed such unrest, they are useless, these conversations are still in progress, as i understand it, i think yes, at the moment it is absolutely certain, if there is another escalation, it is not excluded, it is possible, but then actually this honeymoon of the new... this is being resolved, this is quite interesting, because when the government came, it announced that the largest investments in
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infrastructure, in the construction of hospitals and so on, all this social, as if to cheer up a lot, including investments, well, just a week ago the new finance minister spoke in parliament to cut all this, that is, he says we want to do this, but we don’t have money for this, yes, we would like to, but it turned out that the conservatives left 22 billion in the budget, and first of all we have to solve this problem, so they went under the knife and the construction of new railways, and the construction of thirty-five hospitals and so on and so forth. andrei ivanovich, and as i understand it, all these promises that you are talking about they said, that is, they have a little. more than a month ago the new government essentially some kind of clear program except promises on the contrary even came to power and began to say and there is no money, so we will not do all this, that is , the new government is not making any serious progress to solve strategic problems in britain at the moment, well, i would say that the government is
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more accurately the promise of the laborites during the election campaign and so were generally unclear. assistance to ukraine, i must say, this is reckless, well, on other issues, it's been especially bad all these years, what a government for 14 years. everything was bad with the infrastructure, so there's still nothing to pour into it, the government has no funds, yes, but at the same time, the head of the ministry of defense, they say that it's necessary to increase funding for the army, and as i understand it, finalstamps writes that there is no possibility of doing this, in general, this military hysteria, we talked a lot about it in
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britain, how things are now with this issue, well, there's been very little progress here. and the liberals have a slogan that they, in fact, they will maintain continuity, they will strive to increase defense spending by 2.5% to 2.5%, there it is more than others, others are trying to increase it to 2 somehow, and britain all the time wants to 2 from 2, but they refuse to name specific deadlines, unlike the conservatives, when this can be done, because they understand that there is no real money in the budget for this matter, well, as for the armed forces, they have been facing underfunding for a very long time now... and moreover, funds are needed for everything, literally, for modernization, for providing the personnel with what they need, there are many problems there, especially they talk a lot about the lack of motivation among young people to join the army, and in addition, it is necessary to replenish the reserves that were transferred to the kiev regime in recent years, in fact, here
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they just throw up their hands, there is very little left in the warehouses, but nevertheless... it must be said, these slogans about the british armed forces not being ready for war and so on, they need to be divided in two, since the army here is still very professional, and their combat missions, in fact, this is the principle on which we work nato, they are divided between countries, alone, including britain, here never to enter into war, it will not be with anyone, they will be part of the alliance and where the tasks are distributed, well, as for this ... about the need for financing, then this is, in general, rather such a moment , all the military and everywhere are engaged in this, but the main thing here is strengthening combat capability - this is an element of deterrence, i would say, in the fact that a potential enemy, well, and here it is clear, by this he means us, first of all in total, and he was sure that there should
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be enough forces. and andreyevich, you know, maybe, i don’t know, you haven’t seen a report that came out in america that says that america can’t fight two at once, and it can’t fight us at the moment, this, as you said, is a no-no, and the military is playing the poor guy, we can’t do anything, the russians, if they want to, will smash us all here and so on, i understand that britain, and you said the key thing here, it seems to me, it won’t attack alone, well, it seems to me, that's what she's doing. well, this is my personal point of view, she's doing it in ukraine, that's exactly what she's doing, she 's organizing, there's data now of all sorts of nasty things against our country, but she can't do it on her own, and what do you think, and in general , seriously, is there any serious discussion in the press in britain about what they should do
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with the war, and what they should do with us, that is, or is the rhetoric the same as before. well , you know, here i would say, the picture is quite mixed, in general - prevailed the mood is that ukraine, ukraine does not have much time left to resist first of all, now, of course, after this dash to korsk, the attempt at this terrorist act on our territory, and in general here they are sort of weighing up what is happening, what ukraine itself should do, whether to continue. defensive actions, or try to gain a foothold there, i must say that a number of fairly serious observers, they are inclined to think that this dash to korsk was an adventure of sorts, and - i i wouldn't say that there is a serious analysis and there is a serious movement towards the need to change the uk's position
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in this regard, and it, as it was, this line, and it continues to provide comprehensive support to ukraine, but frankly speaking, it is clear to me, because to declare now that the line was initially erroneous, initially incorrect, this, this would be... basically eating one's hat, admitting to london that its policy was erroneous all these years, but when this happens, and sooner or later it will happen, because right now it falls on the liberal government, then i think it will be very interesting, well, andrei vladimirovich, let's see when they finally start eating their hats, and we - in the meantime we will watch this, thank you very much, all the best, all the best, thank you. the fight against terrorism became the topic of vladimir putin's operational meeting with the permanent members of the security council. the president held
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it in person. security council, a very important issue concerning individual terrorists. in the kursk region, today information appeared that foreign mercenaries, in particular soldiers of the banned georgian legion, took part in the attack . boris ivanin will tell you the details. in this video, filmed in the kursk region , georgian speech is clearly audible. true, the commands to kill are cynically given in russian, shooting at russian territory. these are mercenaries from the georgian national legion, which is recognized as a terrorist organization in our country. from the very beginning of the ukrainian conflict, they are on the side of the kiev regime. and they are not embarrassed to pose for
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the camera now, the media effect is much more important to them than real actions. the legionnaires who invaded russia are few in number. the georgian legion, a group of volunteers from this country, has about 120 fighters who are helping ukraine, a source with direct information about the current operations in reported . the commander of one of the reconnaissance groups, georgy partsevanie, brags the most on banned social networks, posting photos and videos. georgian mercenaries are part of international legion of ukrainian territorial defense, it was formed from the first days of the conflict with western curators, who recruited outright scumbags, mainly from nato countries. now in the border areas, as the press writes, polish mercenaries have been spotted, they are armed with american carbines and rifles, among other things. that there are poles, my guys work there, they confirmed it too, i kind of called literally before the broadcast, they themselves heard the negotiations in
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polish, so i kind of know this with confidence i declare, the presence of polish mercenaries, this question is very interesting, because in reality these are polish servicemen, that is , it turns out that polish servicemen invaded the territory of the russian federation, and this is a casus belli. western mercenaries regularly fell into the sights of russian troops on the territory of ukraine, during the conflict their ranks thinned significantly, therefore in july warsaw and kiev agreed to create a new unit of ukrainians in europe, nato instructors train them in poland, and then throw them into battle, though in foreign media invasion of kursk region is presented as an independent initiative of kiev, like for example the american tv channel cnn, ukraine's decision to transfer most of its meager military resources across the border to russia in...
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ukrainian sortie and the commission of war crimes on russian territory, for which the participation of the west and nato in the organization all the ideological inspirers and performers
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