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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 9:30pm-10:02pm MSK

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program host duty part, with you tatyana petrova. kirovsky district court of astrakhan arrested for 2 months former mayor of the city oleg polumordvinov in the case of attempted fraud on an especially large scale. according to the judge, the amount of damage was 27.5 million rubles. that is how much, as the prosecution believes, polumordvinov demanded from the businessman in the form of a kickback in order to conclude a large municipal contract with him. report by alexander polivka. the kirovsky district court of astrakhan is bringing former mayor oleg polumardvinov into the courtroom. the reason why he and his probable accomplice were handcuffed was announced the day before by the press service of the regional governor. they are suspected of providing general patronage for a certain monetary reward when carrying out a municipal order for work in the road sector. pol mardvinov was charged with fraud, the damage from his actions is estimated at 27 million rubles. according to unofficial information, we may be talking about too close ties between the official and road companies. i am far from thinking that you
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tried to mislead me at the end of 2023, but i believe that warranty obligations for poorly executed work must be fulfilled, and last year polumartvinov held the position of minister of construction and road management of the region, it would seem that he should have understood the specifics of the issue, now kickbacks for unfinished roads have led him from the mayor's chair of astrakhan, a defendant in a criminal case. having listened to the investigators' arguments, taking into account the former mayor's connections and possible influence, the court came to the conclusion that it was safer to imprison the semi-mordvin. guard, for now until october 6. alexander polivko, mikhail shirin and maxim shevchenko. news, duty part. we will be back on air in 3 minutes. immediately after the commercial, stay on our channel. alfa-bank is
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your car in the avito auto garage and get a chance to win a new car. buy a large combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions. that's a delicious point. giving 30 gb every month when transferring a number is normal, so we give cbirmobile, attack debts on credit cards, i'll show you a couple of tricks, collect all debts on credit cards on one holva conveniently pay off 24 months, and let's not forget about installment purchases, holva - simple installment methods. live legal program to lead the duty unit, we continue: terrible footage from brazil, a passenger plane crashed there, this video was filmed by eyewitnesses in the state of sao paulo, the plane is rapidly spinning, spiraling
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down, while there are no traces of smoke or fire in the area of ​​its engines, it is known that it was a domestic flight, there were 58 passengers and four crew members on board the aircraft. judging by the video, the plane crashed in area of ​​residential buildings, where there could also be people. the head of the moscow region sergigiv posad dmitry akulov was summoned to the investigative committee the day before as a witness in a criminal case. let me remind you that mayor akulov has been leading the city for a little over a year, before that he was the deputy head of the administration, the official never came home from the interrogation, although his status in the case has not changed yet, he is listed as a witness, on what grounds dmitry akulov could have been interrogated, maxim shevchenko investigated. at the building of the sergigiv posad administration, employees were running back and forth, but seeing the tv camera, their faces immediately changed and they hurried to slam the door loudly. the nervous tension in the air, it seemed, was not just like that, the local officials knew in advance what
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question we would ask? dmitry aleksandrovich akulov, how long has it been since you showed up at work? we don't know, he has his own campaign, his own, of course, it's just that the information on the internet that he is now with the investigators will help, no need to come here, take it away. it is unlikely that you will be able to catch dmitry akulov in his office for several days now. sources report that on august 8, the head of the cities were called after.
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went with the unanimous support of the local apparently was effective, to increase the council of deputies. who is for electing dmitry aleksandrovich akulov to the post of head of the sergiy posadsky urban district of the moscow region. i ask you to vote, who is for.
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compare his story with the testimony will answer all their questions they will be able to defendants in the criminal case. maxim shevchenko, vasily yurchuk and yuri ermakov, lead. duty unit. suspected members of a sleeping cell of extremists have been detained in the capital, suspects arrived in moscow and, in order not to attract attention, settled in an inconspicuous cheap hostel for migrants, which is curious about...
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hundreds of newcomers were taken to police stations, vladimir bazov found out all the details at the scene. the morning for the guests of the trizvezda hostel did not begin with coffee, the law enforcement officers arrived at dawn so that no one had time to go to work. on the tables there are traces of a torn breakfast, someone got by with sandwiches, a goy indulged himself with a sweet melon, did not have time to finish it, the beds were not made, apparently they were getting ready in papykhkhas, an endless line almost 400 people come out one by one. it is likely that many of those detained were working illegally, using forged documents or without them at all. everyone was taken to the internal affairs agencies for document checks. the building was literally empty. the blue building on novatorov street stands alone, surrounded by a solid fence, behind which nothing can be seen, and entry is only possible with passes. they simply
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hang up, but our film crew managed to look into the star hostel and talk to the few remaining guests, whose documents were in order, and everything is in order with you, but contrary to the name , the hostel barely reaches one star, endless corridors and cramped rooms for 10-12 people, one kitchen per floor, so the kitchen is called ... some kind of dirt, here you can see that the guests cooked on these stoves, they clearly did not bother with ... wiring safety, here, for example, you can see that something has clearly burned, there are wires right outside, in general, yes, there is a problem with security in this hostel, law enforcement officers have reason to believe that some of the foreign citizens delivered pizza and worked on construction sites just to divert
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attention, in fact , an extremist community could have been born within the walls of this building, perhaps even with the connivance of the administration of the rubber shelter. the management of the khostovo administration was taken to a division of the capital's investigative committee for investigative actions. it is possible that some of the residents were given testimony by radicals convicted last year. the investigative committee then proved that the migrants held secret meetings and studied extremist literature. six were sentenced to real terms. thanks to the coordinated actions of the security forces, it is quite possible that a potential cell of extremists was eliminated. vladimir bazov. igor stepanov, vesti, dezhurnaya part. the head of the ministry of internal affairs of russia vladimir kolokoltsev is in the capital of belarus, he is taking part in a meeting of the heads of internal affairs of the cis member states. vladimir kolokultsev thanked the host party and congratulated the president of belarus alexander lukashenko on the country's entry into the shanghai cooperation organization. such
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international work will strengthen public security and ensure counteraction to transnational crime. after a short introduction, we got straight to the point of discussing the results of cooperation, working on mistakes and introducing new ways to combat... the main topics were countering external threats that could affect stability, terrorism and cybercrime. often, lawbreakers can coordinate their actions in one country, operate in the second, and then hide in the third. this significantly complicates the work
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of the security forces. the head of our ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, noted that the new cycle of the interstate program search already. affects the crime situation, citizens who are staying may have an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction, and then continue to violate the law. vladimir kolokoltsev proposed a solution: it is necessary to update and promptly update the databases, and it is necessary not only to report the presence or absence of a criminal record, but also to briefly describe the acts committed. this can greatly help the police. of course,
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the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs touched upon the issues of cybersecurity and terrorism, which often merge with the development of digitalization . according to the results of the first half of the year , there has been an increase in crimes of an extremist and terrorist nature, while a significant part of these acts were committed using the internet. in order to prevent such criminal risks, we are conducting comprehensive preventive work, including with foreign citizens. the purpose of the council's work minister of internal affairs of the state, members of the cis, actually erase the boundaries between police departments in the name of fighting criminals, who. by the way, have long been using bureaucratic obstacles to avoid punishment, an example of successful interstate cooperation between our ministry of internal affairs and colleagues from belarus, vladimir kolokoltsev cited in an interview that he gave only to our program. we jointly documented the criminal activity of an international organized crime group. already at the present moment 60 citizens who
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were involved in these cyber frauds and other crimes were procedurally detained. dozens of searches were conducted, one of the alleged organizers lived in the near moscow region, they conducted a search, 30 computers were seized, you can imagine how many citizens were subjected to this kind of illegal acts, here is footage of a joint special operation by russian and belarusian security forces. while our police were detaining the organizers of a large-scale scam in moscow, the minsk police officers. we have recorded an increase in the activity of these scammers after the start of a special military operation, including call centers
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operating in ukraine, especially from there they attack us and you. in addition, the delegation members studied the practical experience of belarusian security forces, so in the center for training, advanced training and retraining of personnel of the republican ministry of internal affairs, future and existing security forces demonstrated their skills in combating threats. including mass riots. in addition, in during the visit to the republic of belarus, the police laid flowers at the khatyn memorial complex in memory of the victims of the great patriotic war and honored the memory of the dead with a minute of silence in the very center of minsk, at the victory monument. the stele was erected 70 years ago in honor of the victory over nazi germany, and an eternal flame was lit at its base in 1961. the ceremony was attended by the head of our ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev and his colleagues from the cis member states. maxim ovchan, sergei ukhvarenok and olga mazurak. vesti dezhurnaya part of minsk. don't miss this weekend on
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the russia-24 tv channel eduard petrov's investigation of the fall of afghanets. explosion at kotlyakovka. battle for financial flows. under their auspices there are markets, customs, warehouses, in general, what? to kill. during a working trip to the lugansk people's republic, the chairman of the ska of russia alexander bastrykin visited the lugansk
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academy of the investigative committee. the head of the department checked the progress of construction of the institution and the readiness of the academy for the start of the school year. then bastrykin held a large meeting, the main topic of which was the investigation of the crimes of the kiev regime. all the details from andriy. romanov. on the interactive board, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia is shown how the adjacent territory of the lugansk academy of isk will be developed. the head of the department began his working trip to the lpr with a visit to this most important facility. finishing work is currently being completed here. alexander bastrykin gave a fundamental instruction: on september 1, the university must be ready to receive students. this means, we need to maintain this pace, as you agreed on september 1. it is clear what the question is. immediately after inspecting the construction site, alexander bastrykin held an operational meeting of the headquarters for the investigation of crimes committed by supporters of the kiev regime. the event
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was attended by the first deputy head of the department eduard kaburneev, the head of the main military investigative department konstantin korpusov and the head of the department of educational and training work sergei petrov. one of the topics was the results of the investigation of crimes committed in against the residents of mariupol in 2020. the circumstances of hundreds of bloody acts committed by the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine have already been established. it was established that in march 2022, abdyukov, while in a combat position located in one of the apartment buildings in the city of mariupol, discovered a moving civilian car. suspecting that the people in it could be citizens supporting a special military operation with the aim of killing them, he fired an rpg grenade launcher he had with him at the person moving in the said car civil list. thanks to the work of the investigators, specific officers from among the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine became known, who gave criminal orders back in 2014-15, charges were brought in absentia against the former
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first deputy commander of the national guard of ukraine oleksandr krivenko and the former head of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine yuriy pavlov. as a result of their criminal actions, during the specified periods, the militants under their control carried out numerous shellings of settlements in the lpr and dpr police.
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garbage goes to the right, and gold here, how illegal miners gild their hands, who are they , obsessed with gold? how many of you are there , only 50, unique aerial footage, let's go, they put on a bulletproof vest and take up arms, and exciting footage on the ground. olga zhurenkova went to magadan and saw how they fight against the plunderers of the country's gold reserves. a daring gombit. a high-profile incident in the quietest sport in dagestan is being investigated. the circumstances of the mysterious poisoning at the championship, some balls rolled out from under the board, i realized that this was mercury, that the knight's move was made by an unscrupulous chess player, where did she get the poisonous substance, will she really have to checkmate her career, should she be banned from all competitions for life, this is pure criminality, we will tell you the details of the queen's dirty move, star
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flights or where does it lead to... the state duma proposes testing artests for alcohol and drugs, are performers ready for such experiments? why do the rich and famous often end up in rehab after concerts, what are these dubious centers and how should look like real rehabilitation facilities. who and how makes money on addictions, why elite places for drug addicts sometimes become adam, alexandra mostovaya found out. these and other topics are already on saturday at 18:15 on russia 24. the hemp field has gone downhill. as part of operation mak-2024, security forces are conducting raids on ...
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dmitry dubrovsky will tell you. from ordinary trimmers to heavy equipment , all means are good in the fight against wild hemp. operation mak-2024 continues in the istrokhan region. this is 830 football fields, the scale are striking, 405 centers of growth of wild drug-containing plants have been destroyed, more than 40 drug crimes have been identified, more than 10 kg of drugs have been seized from illegal circulation. heavy equipment has raked the hemp into one pile, it will be destroyed right here on the spot, they will not burn it, in the ostrakhan region
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there is currently a special anti-drug. connoisseurs of higher quality and pure drugs do not go to the fields for cannabis, this forty-two-year-old astrakhan resident has built real catacombs, the path from the entrance to the dugout to the well-appointed drug farm with artificial lighting and ventilation systems took the operatives at least a minute, here during the search among other evidence were found dozens of tubes of baby cream, but inside there was no cream. this is hemp for further use. the hero. film in gayrichi and did not dream, several huge travel suitcases, filled to the brim with a ready-to-use intoxicating potion, marijuana and goshishim were found by the operatives at the home of an ordinary locksmith, the defendant smiles, either nerves, or the consequences of using prohibited substances, some fertilizers bought, didn't buy, shit, collected, that is, somewhere, yeah, just everything-everything for yourself, for
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yourself, yes, everything for yourself, i don't know, the first time i... i say, for how many years would this supply be enough for you? for life, for life would be enough, well, probably, yes, a freudian slip: punishment under article 228 on the illegal production of excess drugs in exceptional cases does provide for life imprisonment. since the beginning of the year, the forces of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the astrakhan region and the special forces unit of the grom police have already closed several drug farms. there are still two stages of operation mac-2020 ahead.
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lotans are in almost every major city in the country, patients after such an execution only get worse, some even end up confined to a wheelchair , only later do they find out that the semi-basement hospitals are not even officially medical centers. let me remind you that the entire legal news feed is in our telegram channels, conducted by the duty unit honestly detective. that's all for now, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon at tv channel russia 24.
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the fight against terrorism became the topic of vladimir putin's operational meeting with permanent members of the security council, the president held it in person. today on the agenda.


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