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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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we return to the news review in connection with the attack in the ssu , a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced in three regions at once: kursk, bryansk and belgorod. the authorities are taking additional measures to ensure the safety of residents. reasons.
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bortnikov, a decision was made to organize counter-terrorist operations in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions from august 9, 2024. the counter-terrorist operation regime is a special legal regime in russia that is introduced in certain territories in order to prevent a terrorist attack or minimize its consequences. the legal basis of the cto regime is the law on countering terrorism. it implies a number of temporary restrictions. they are valid only in the territories where the cto was introduced. there , document checks and inspection of personal belongings of citizens' vehicles are allowed. the authorities can strengthen security at a number of sites, restrict traffic on the streets, roads and certain areas. it is possible to suspend the provision of communication services or restrict. use of
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networks, the organization's transport can be confiscated to deliver those in need of medical care to the hospital and to pursue suspects in terrorist attacks, temporary resettlement of citizens to safe areas is allowed, representatives of law enforcement agencies conducting counterterrorism operations can freely enter residential and other premises for counterterrorism activities , it is possible to restrict or completely ban the sale of weapons, ammunition, explosives and alcohol. the armed forces continue to repel an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to invade russian territory during the day with active actions of units northern groups of the approaching reserves, air and artillery strikes, thwarted attempts by enemy mobile groups to break through. rockets with a thermoboric warhead at a temporary deployment point of foreign mercenaries on the southern outskirts of sudzha destroyed 15 militants. over the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces reportedly suffered up to 175 servicemen and 36 armored vehicles, including 10 tanks and a salvo launcher. ognyagragrad.
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in total, during the fighting in the kursk direction, the enemy lost more than 1,100 people and 140 armored vehicles. the operation to destroy the ukrainian armed forces formation continues. the command post of a ukrainian armed forces unit was destroyed in the border area of ​​the kursk region. the strike was carried out by a crew of the iskanderm operational-tactical missile system. the missilemen hit a reconnaissance location where the command post of the twenty-second separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was located. there were 15 people inside. humanitarian aid is being sent to kursk from all regions of the country. the first vehicle with the cargo left omsk. more than 20 tons of residents regions were collected in just one day. household chemicals, medicines, cereals and canned goods, as well as gasoline generators, clothing. everything that is now necessary for people forced to leave their homes. another 30 tons of humanitarian aid were sent to kursk skostula. local authorities are also ready to provide ambulances and donor blood. and of course , to accept. for the victims. the day before
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, more than 120 residents of the kursk region had already arrived in tula. they were met at the station by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, volunteers, psychologists and doctors. people will be accommodated in hotels at recreation centers. in another 160 people will arrive in the region over the weekend. another humanitarian aid shipment collected by the ldpr faction, senators of the youth organization and supporters of the party was sent from moscow to the kursk region today . the support point began working in the capital on august 7. they collect applications there around the clock. operators are in touch with the victims and evacuees, the ldpr branch collects its humanitarian aid all over the country. we are sending humanitarian aid, not the first, several buses left yesterday, we will send constantly, we send water, we send towels, soap, diesel engines, we send everything that is necessary, we will. further
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based on the needs of the requests of the people with whom we are in constant contact around the clock, the president of belarus ordered. groupings of troops on the border with ukraine in the gomel and mozor tactical directions, this was stated by the minister of defense of the republic viktor khrenin. military units of special operations forces, ground and missile forces, including polones rocket systems and complexes, are being sent to the areas on the belarusian-ukrainian border iskander. earlier, alexander lukashenko reported that the previous evening , ukrainian, presumably attack drones, were shot down on the territory of the republic. another part of the drones was destroyed over our territory by the russian air defense system.
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a corresponding event in order to reliably ensure the security of our state.
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for millions of entrepreneurs, time for supercake and the best application for tens of millions of people. the red sun has risen, time for alfa-bank, time alpha benefits. in vyborg , the russian film festival window to europe has started, this is one of the oldest and most authoritative reviews in the country. it is being held for the thirty-second time. in the coming week, the jury and viewers will evaluate the presented films. which of the recognized masters is declared in the program? cinema, ivan kudrevtsev. every year in august , the author and host of the program industry
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will tell you about the modern history of russian cinema, the famous festival under the shadow of the vybok fortress, where 300 years ago, peter ii finally cut a window to europe, where in a few days the winners of one of the most authoritative film festivals in the country will be named. the festival, which the entire film world knows and loves, remains urban at heart. the traditional procession around the gulf of salaka lahti to the heart of the city's festival life, the vybbork palace cinema. the opening film was the story of romeo and juliet in the realities of the nineties. teenagers - the first love of svyatoslav podgoevsky. gangster showdowns, difficult growing up and menacing romance. favorite hits carmen and hands up. 90 films of the program reflect two noticeable trends. the first is the flourishing of cinema in the regions. the russian north is represented by natalia nazarova's film felotelye, about the romance of a sailor and a girl with cerebral palsy, cinematography. from yakutia, works theater and film director sergei potapov, my girl, about
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a hermit hunter and the unexpected love that ruins his sophisticated plan of revenge for his only daughter, and the ethno-thriller of the artistic director of the sakha studio , alexei romanov's film, legends of the eternal snows, the heroes are taking the bride to the old prince through the winter tundra, a blizzard forces them to stop at an abandoned house, which has a bad reputation, it seems to me that the more locality in cinematography develops, the more interesting and richer our cinema will be, the scale of geography, geographic coverage - this is a positive difference between modern russian cinematography and the soviet period, because in fact, it was in soviet times that cinematography was very centralized, there were republican capitals, where they had their own studios, but in the regions, for example, here in the russian socialist federation, yes, there were practically no films shot there, the second main trend is continuity, with a mystical drama lost roman returns to the show. karimov, the author of the inadequate people dilogy, who won prizes here in the tenth and twentieth years. the cult series of films by alexander
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ragoshkin, peculiarities of the national hunt, received a continuation in the main competition. peculiarities of the national hospital according to his script was entrusted to be staged by yesterday's debutant stanislav svetlov. vyborg is a strong documentary competition, in which, like in the feature competition, there are only premieres, and also author's animation. here - a lot, places for watching films, that is, at... a lot of programs, variety, and i do not like these big parties, well, like the carnival part of the festival, i am outside of this, so in general i go to festivals only to recharge with energy, to recharge with inspiration, to envy someone, to be jealous of something, because to go to the cinema like that, this is for me complicated, that is, everything is so concentrated here and... nearby, in addition to the main thing, at the window to europe there is its own unique, separate big prize named after
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armen medvedev, the vyborg score, for which vyborg's films compete with winners and prize-winners of other russian festivals, this year, among them liar, yulia trofimova, winner of the national competition russian premieres of the moscow international film festival and winner of four awards at once the international debut festival spirit of fire, the last price of naura garmelia. in this year the face of the festival symbol - inna churikova in the role of pasha stroganova, playing jean remind about this connection of generations, the winners of the window to europe will be announced on august 15.
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ivan kudryavtsev, ekaterina zagumena, chinna zolotareva, vitaly poretsky and olesya shempel. news from vyborg. the democratic candidate for the us presidency kamala harris has decided on her candidate for vice president. it was minnesota governor tim walz, who, however, few people know outside the state. what lolth can boast about and what she prefers not to remember, right now in program america with valentin bogdanov. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. putting aside. joe biden, the top democrats, even before the convention in chicago, eliminating any surprises and unexpectedness, solved the main problem, issued kamala harris as a candidate. the delegates were simply called. the final touch was applied, the potential vice president was named, it was minnesota governor
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tim walts, so who is he? aesthetically, everything. the logic of the democratic party's political strategists is on the surface, if it is too left-wing, then it is necessary someone who will pull to the right, a centrist from the midwest, that's how wahls is positioned, in the hopes that he will pull up the campaigns of democrats, swing voters. kamela
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harris is looking for someone who will be a good addition to her company, someone who can attract the part of the population with which she doesn't interact so well, white men , generally moderate people. the question of moderation is very debatable, because minnesota itself has never been a swing state, or has not been for a very long time. the last time a republican was elected there was in in 1972 under nixon. as for wals himself, the governor, the main problem with him is his recognizability, he is crude and wily. the main difficulty for governor walds is that no one really knows who he is. in general, this is the case when the main thing is for a person to be good, well , this topic, of course, is already being pedaled with all its might. he is very practical, he defends the interests of ordinary people. he is a teacher himself, not from the city, but from the province. i like the way he
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speaks, it resonates with people. but this for the electorate, if you look into it, waltz always thought he cared only about himself. were sent to the trash, like the story with the drunk driving arrest in ninety -five, since then waltz drinks only soda and rides in the passenger seat next to the driver, he does not ride in the back, because they say that he gets carsick. my father was a teacher, my brothers and sisters and i followed in his footsteps, three of us.
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undecided electorate, with this , however, there are certain problems, colleagues, unkind words, remember waltz's actions 2005, when he learned that their unit, an artillery battalion , was being sent to iraq, he urgently wrote a letter of resignation, citing the fact that he was going into politics, left the ranks of the national guard, and in general, all those he was counting on left for iraq, but he stayed in america to pursue his own political career. veterans accused minnesota governor tim walz of embellishing his military career and betraying his national guard battalion. in a letter published in 2018, retired sergeants reported that walz resigned after learning that his battalion would be sent to iraq, despite the fact that he allegedly assured
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his fellow soldiers that he would join them. another not entirely transparent story is walz's work in china. under the walt teach program, a program, by the way, from the state department . for a second, it was 1989, when student unrest broke out in tiananmen, amazing and, it seems, clearly not accidental coincidences, here is a newspaper article from that time. the past year spent in chinese school, according to tim walt, was unforgettable. he taught american history, culture, and english in foshan, southern china, at a school of 2,400 students. walt also tried to speak thai, and he received applause every time he got a word right. knowing the republicans' suspicious attitude toward the celestial empire, they will certainly return to this story more than once, but the most important and... claim is related to walz's actions as minnesota governor in may 2020, when in minneapolis, the largest city in this
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state, blm riots broke out. walls then withdrew, for three days in fact, the radicals ruled the streets of minneapolis. i saw national guardsmen on the streets for the first time, and we saw them not in minneapolis, not in those areas looted by rioters, blmists, but they then
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surrounded the minnesota state capitol, it is in the neighboring city, they are also called the twin cities in the city of st. paul, that's where the military first flashed, military equipment was seen on the streets for the first time, all these... somewhere in afghanistan or iraq. the blm pogroms, like covid, have sentenced the trump presidency. even if we do not agree that walz's actions, or rather inactions , were part of a coordinated strategy of the democratic party to destabilize the situation in general . there is also such a conspiracy theory that the minnesota governor has coped with the pandemic poorly, to say the least, if not worse. walt actually created a ramified system
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of denunciations, people had to call hotlines, report all violations, related to anti-covid measures, and also under him a gigantic corruption scandal flared up, the total amount of losses amounted to 250 million dollars, but the liberal... waltz was forgiven for everything here, but he really turned around on the grounds that were familiar to him, on the grounds of public education, or rather the promotion of the liberal agenda in schools, back in the nineties, while working as a geography teacher, waltz was noted for organizing a kind of gay-straight alliance in his school. as governor of minnesota, he ordered that in school toilets feminine hygiene products were available for boys too, well, and the goal... one of the most ardent defenders of the right of teenagers to change their gender at will, in general , he turned his state into what is called a refuge for transgender people, in this matter he
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is assisted by a militant transgender, leigh fink, this is such a battering ram of the governor in the legislative assembly, who promotes the most odious bills. we are responsible for giving our community the opportunity to live the life they want without fear of violence, censure of political attacks. but in another way, walls does not feel constrained, everyone remembers, for example, that it was he who introduced the definition of strange in relation to trump and his supporters, now he is in place and out of place, he trumps this discovery, and this was noticeable during his first joint speech with kammal and haris in pennsylvania. donald trump sees the world a little differently than we do. he knows nothing about service, he is too busy to serve society, trump weakens our economy to profit himself, he disregards laws, sows chaos and discord. well, as i said, this is their
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first rally, philadelphia, the swing state of pennsylvania, the opening act was governor josh shapira, the governor of the state. they say shapira had a better chance of becoming haris's right hand man, he was the one they were considering for this position until the very end, but then the left wing of the democrats intervened, and their main complaint about shapira is that he is a jew, he supports israel and takes an anti-palestinian position, which is fundamentally contrary to the ideological positions of these progressives, who are being attacked with all their might relies on harris. leftists and pro-palestinian activists who have nicknamed mr. shapira “josh genocide” have said they oppose his vice presidential nomination. not because of his faith but because of his sympathy for israel. some democrats feared that shapira’s nomination would reignite bitter intra-party battles over israel and
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the gaza war. for republicans, who are generally pro-israel , it’s a gift that trump’s vice presidential nominee, j.d. vance, has already called the party’s bones dems anti-semites, well and in general he actively joined the fight, he does not leave a stone unturned in his comments from harris wallace. this is a joke, he has always been one of the most radical.
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comes from the midwest from a small town, this is a man who took the republican seat in the house of representatives held it, the idea is similar to the choice of jaydee vance, to try to reach out to small communities to help the cause, democrats think he is smart, funny, love to be in his company, and this is also important for the company, camel harris needs loyalty confidence of his partner, because there will be many tense moments ahead, and many of these tense moments, of course, are connected with the name... donald trump, who calls walz nothing less than the keeper of the california dream in the prairies of minnesota. this is the most left-radical duo in american history, never has been and never will be. crazy camela is really crazy. i hear many are already demanding the return of the crook joe. trump, of course, wants things to be exactly that way, but there is no catastrophe in there are no democrats, on the contrary, according to
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some polls, harris is even ahead. a real electoral blitz, trump chased seven states in 5 days, including hawaii, sent vence after them, they almost collided at the wisconsin airport, the planes, the republicans and harris were nearby and he rushed straight towards her on the airfield, surprising the journalists who rushed to
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chase him. i wanted to see the plane i would be flying on, and at the same time say hello to the vice president and ask why she didn't want to talk to the media, her the press secretary looked so lonely, such is not only the presidential, but literally the vice-presidential race, and not only on the ground, but almost in the air. it was america, all the best to you. and we will continue the american theme. tucker carlson chose an unusual guest for the interview, his neighbor, an entrepreneur from the state of maine. and what do ordinary americans think about kamala harris, green energy and transgender people? watch in our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv. right after the commercial. pain can be different. it doesn't matter what caused pain, if there is pintalgin.
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