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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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what does alexander senelnikov, professor of the department of sociology, family and demography, sociology faculty of moscow state university, say about this? listen, the extinction of a people may occur over the course of several centuries, but long before it dies out, its territory will inevitably be populated by people from other countries, where family values ​​are more firmly preserved, and...
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sides, after all, the danger is not in the abortion itself, the danger is in the flow, in the conveyor belt, in getting used to treating it as a natural thing, to the lack of respect for that very life, which has not yet appeared in the world, but it already exists, it is given by god, that is what we are talking about, in this there is in... in my opinion , just disrespect not only for someone else's life, disrespect for ourselves. how many families beg god, doctors, shamans for the opportunity to have a child, for some reason they do not succeed, at the same time, having received this opportunity, we have the right in a completely everyday way.
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what happened during the war, and how later after the war the front-line soldiers were not allowed to tell the truth, tame veterans were created, constantly telling about the fact that... come from those who have long forgotten how it really was, you know, i would do such an artistic experiment, for example, i would elect to the state duma both tamara edelman, and leonid gozman, and evgenia albats, yuria latynina, ekaterina shulman, ksenia larina, tatyana lazareva, dmitry, i would elect them to the duma, give them an office each, and it would be written that such and such.
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by the way, about advertising in general, here is the kind of advertising that deputy yana lantratova saw on the streets of moscow, this is how she assessed it in her telegram channel. i don't know who approved this advertisement, but it's doing it at a time when the birth rate in the country is terribly low, it's a crime. at first glance, the topic is clear and correct, men defend their homeland, their parents, children. and tomorrow he will go to war, so what is it? a mistake by the performer or an order? and who benefits from it? and don't we feel
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some kind of specific very psychological impact on such a subconscious level, seemingly by accident, seemingly, seemingly so just by chance, it seems... nothing special, this is what we talk about all the time, this is what is about those who are ready to open the gates of the rebuilt fortress from the inside, and you listen to what the doctor of the university of toronto, scientist and writer ian garner writes about our country, three cute white children, another one is on the way, icons on the walls, dad serves in the navy, russia. is full of this terrible ethno-nationalist, fascist iconography, i know that what i just said is beeping, but i have no other words, that is, think about it,
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a happy family of three children, the wife is expecting a fourth child, the father serves in the navy, an orthodox family, judging by the icon on the wall, all this together, this bastard named ian gardner calls fascist iconography, that is, a mockery of the last supper, at the opening of the olympic games, transgenders who grimace in front of the statesmen of all the guests invited to the opening of the olympic games in paris, men who call themselves women in the boxing ring who beat up a real...
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so that we exist in this world and i now this i will prove it to you once again, pay attention that the interest is only in us, in russia, not in brazil, not in poland, where the laws against abortions are much more serious, so to speak, but in russia, why? that's exactly where we come back to the question i asked a little earlier, because even the war that is going on in ukraine today, it follows...
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isn't that the answer? that's why, after stalin issued a decree banning abortions in 1936, they were allowed for a while, you know?
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four, which was ideologically a justified, and actually implemented, moreover, the first concept of surrogate motherhood we encounter in t-4, when - forced insemination of a woman, there one gives birth, another is given to nurse, a third to raise, so i'm not sure that many who today broadcast whether it is necessary to pay poverty, that they would have survived in this program at all, most would have been destroyed, well, let's go back to khrushchev on
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november 23, 1955, adopts a decree lifting the ban on abortion. why did he do this? this very interesting. look, there is evidence from one of our intelligence officers who worked in washington in the seventies, oleg vladimirovich pilipets, who received from the former ambassador of the united states to the soviet union. on july 18-23, 1955 , a meeting took place in geneva between khrushchev and western leaders. the united states was then represented by dwight eisenhower, england by prime minister anthony eden, france by prime minister edgar faure. at that meeting, the western partners issued a number of demands to the soviet union in order to improve relations with...
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constitution in 1993, in which the protection of human rights begins with his birth, but not before, and it is very interesting, how do they justify, say, the absence of children and the unwillingness to have them in today's world, to breed poverty, poor conditions, nothing to live on, which is largely fair, but ... it turns out that this is not the only reason,
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look, south korea, a very prosperous country with a very powerful gdp, a prosperous country, as we know, at the same time can you imagine that in 2023 in south korea, 57% of strollers were bought for pets that they walk with. only 43% for a baby in korea today the birth rate is 0.72, this is the lowest. indicator in the world for one of the most prosperous countries. how can we explain this? i do not know, but it seems to me that this is the hypertrophied egoism of humanity, the greed to share benefits with someone new, the desire to improve personal life
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at the expense of the life of another, this is the desire of today's man. to have everything at once, this is the artificiality into which our whole life gradually turns, artificial intelligence, artificial meat, artificial men, artificial women, artificial distance learning, you can exist in this artificial world and feel great, i want to remind you of one small episode from our film, a few days in the life of oblomov at...
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another 100 years, the fragment will earn another 100, but why? everyone thinks only about how to eat, what is harmful, what is useful, which doctor to see, which waters to go to, everyone thinks only about how to live, but why, no one wants to think, and this is a wonderful commonplace phrase: to live for oneself, and what does it mean? isn't it the very thing we 've talked about quite often, when the quality of life is determined by the quantity and quality of pleasures in this life. and remember alisan sergeevich pushkin, who wrote these lines at the age of 35: it's time, my friend, it's time, the heart asks for peace, days fly by,
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every hour takes away a piece of existence, and you and i together assume to live. and look, i'll just die, didn't pushkin live for himself, creating his great works, including these strict ones, because living for oneself, it turned out that he lives for entire generations, and for centuries, well, okay, look, for example, students who study to be obstetricians and gynecologists are taught to perform abortions in the sixth year of their sub-internship, this is a mandatory stage of training. right, because there are circumstances in which they must be able to do everything, but with all that , it seems to me that in the same academies there could be courses that teach a doctor to try to help a woman save the fetus, and not just help get rid of it, because if this
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there probably wouldn't be statistics like, for example, that in 30 years since 1991 , 50 million abortions were performed in state medical institutions alone, think about this figure, from 1920, when abortions were allowed until 1991, according to very rough estimates , 180 million unborn children were killed, think about these figures. remember what the great dmitry mendeleyev said, who was involved not only in chemistry but also in demography, he predicted that by the year 2000 there should be at least 600 million citizens in russia. he died in 1907, i could not imagine
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that in just 13 years, in 1920 , abortions would be allowed, from this year to 1991, 180 million would be deprived, plus their children, and how many great military leaders, writers, scientists, artists, doctors, and so on and so forth could have been among them. i understand that this can be considered speculation, such, so to speak, emotional lyrics, but if we were not standing today on the threshold of that catastrophe that the same dmitry sergeyevich peskov spoke about, then probably we would not was. this conversation, but i do not know whether this information is included in the training program for doctors of our medical schools. what does this lead to? remember at least this monstrous story with elina sushkevich. this monstrous kaliningrad case, which
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revealed a terrible problem. deformation, amorality, moral degradation was a monstrous force, manifested precisely in this case. the essence of the case was that the woman admitted to the hospital in sudden labor, premature pregnancy. she is from central asia, accordingly, she does not have any there there is compulsory medical insurance, insurance policy and everything else, she was not registered, she ends up in the hospital, the child is born alive, a live birth, the team starts saving him, the headman comes a day later and starts accusing them of saving this child, then they come to the conclusion that one of the teams that arrived, who were called to themselves... from the prenatal center, she asks her, well , how do you deal with these children? she filled a syringe with magnesium and killed this child.
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so, that was proven by the forensic examination, the court sentenced them, a serious article under preliminary assembly of a group of people. and what did the doctors who spoke in defense of the doctor say? they said: yes, he is not fit anyway, yes, some tajik, yes, you have seen these freaks, you understand, right? they said this. it says that for the average person it is horror, nightmare, blood, scary, for a surgeon it is commonplace, it is natural, yes, of course, for a surgeon it is naturally commonplace,
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right, but his activity is aimed at saving someone, and not at killing, there is a small difference here, although practically from the point of view of physical actions, it is all very similar to each other, and it's amazing, you look, in this demographic situation, which the president talks about, which scientists talk about , look at the problems that women who want to keep their child face, just as an example, listen, when she finished, let's say, the examination, she told me, what are you expecting, everything is as bad as possible for you, you have a frozen pregnancy, it's strange that all the tests were done in favor of having an abortion, we went to all the possible nearest ultrasounds, we looked, what she told me: don't worry, you 're fine, there was a weak heartbeat, it was quiet, but it was audible, i go into the office, i say, i need to register,
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then she went to examine me and said something like, at your age you need to study, and you're giving birth to children, maybe you should have an abortion after all, i say, no, well, i got pregnant with my second child, i started bleeding from the very beginning of the pregnancy, i went to the hospital. to our head, she said: you need to have an abortion, she said: you've already there was one, they cleaned it, well, the baby was born, after 2 weeks my bleeding stopped, everything is fine, the baby was born 4.800, 56 cm, it turns out, they did an ultrasound, to which she told me that there is a dense egg, there is no embryo, the embryo is not developing, supposedly you most likely have a frozen pregnancy, we went to another clinic on admiral yuma. this is what the geneticist says, look,
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hello, i am a geneticist, gynecologist, crisis line save a life, we analyzed the work of the lines from june to september 2020, out of nineteen requests pregnant women with fetal pathology, only four had valid indications for termination of pregnancy, the remaining 15... not a single woman was sent to the central city hospital, and not even for social assistance, not to mention psychological assistance, and we work in the corridor, that is, our specialist must consult a woman in the corridor, and from...
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psychological work, it has been elevated to the rank of law, look, there is a letter from the ministry of health of the russian federation dated july 17, 2017. consultations a medical psychologist becomes mandatory when a woman applies for
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a referral for... an abortion, it should be done at the beginning of the week of silence, to provide the woman with sufficient time for reflection and making a reasoned decision, here if the statistics are finally, in 2022 , 217,836 women applied for a referral for a medical abortion, of which 91. underwent pre-abortion counseling and a quarter ultimately refused artificial termination of pregnancy, and what is a quarter of this number? this is 50 thousand women who wanted to abandon the child and did not do so. in one of our previous bessagons we quoted the words of the chief physician of the orenburg
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city children's hospital.
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