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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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let's translate from official language to understandable, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction. let's return to the news review, at the beginning of the statement of the russian ministry of defense on the situation in the kursk region. the armed forces continue to repel the attempt of the ukrainian armed forces to invade our territory. during the day, units of the northern group of the approaching reserves , with air and artillery strikes, prevented attempts to break through the enemy's mobile groups. and including in the belovsky district of the kursk region. losses in the ssu amounted to 230 servicemen almost 40. units of armored vehicles, including
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seven tanks, three armored personnel carriers, a buk self-propelled gun, three launchers and a patriot anti-aircraft missile system radar station. in total , during the fighting in the korsk direction, the enemy lost up to 1.35 servicemen. the operation to destroy the ukrainian armed forces formation continues. an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to break through to the belovsky district of the kursk region was thwarted. in the areas of the ozerki and ivanovsky settlements. army aviation destroyed two tanks, an armored combat vehicle, a field artillery gun and two vehicles with ammunition. a strike from an iskander-m operational-tactical missile system destroyed a self-propelled launch vehicle of the buk-m1 anti-aircraft missile system in the lyubimovka area. three launchers were hit near the city of lebedin in sumy oblast, and an anmpq-65 radar station of the patriot anti-aircraft missile system made in the united states was destroyed. aviation and missile
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forces struck reserves of the ukrainian armed forces in sumy oblast. four tactical missiles were shot down over kursk oblast, as well as 14 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles. over the past 24 hours, according to the russian emergencies ministry , more than 8.00 people left the border areas of the kursk region. there are about 6.00 citizens in temporary accommodation centers. work on temporary accommodation continues in the kursk region. russian federation. over the past 24 hours , more than 8,000 people left the border areas independently and in organized columns. there are more than 6.0 people in the temporary accommodation centers. the necessary reserve of free places is available. the kursk mayor's office reported that as a result of the night attack, a total of 1,000 people were killed.
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the district with the committee immediately begins social security to cash payments to our fellow countrymen who suffered as a result of... this attack, and for all questions you can contact the relevant district of the city of kursk to the social security committee, both at the regional and municipal levels , appropriate payments are provided, including for the loss of priority property. in the border area of ​​the kursk region , armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed. as a result of the strikes carried out by the calculations of the lancer munitions, three targets were hit.
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real-time objective monitoring footage allowed our troops to verify the elimination of ukrainian armored vehicles. trucks with humanitarian aid are coming to kursk oblast from all regions. volunteers meet them on site and distribute them to temporary accommodation points and homes. packages with everything necessary have also been prepared for those leaving the region. denis alekseyev provides details. here is footage from the ministry of emergency situations. russian rescuers delivered 80 tons of humanitarian aid, tents, mobile power stations to kursk oblast. products, every truck with humanitarian aid that enters kursk, as a reminder, the whole country is now with the region, helping with whatever they can, in boxes and bags, products, warm clothes, blankets, pillows, for those who were forced to leave their homes - this is now the most necessary, for those leaving the border areas, volunteers of the young guard organized drinking water distribution points, in the very...
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lugansk headquarters we are together, so much was collected in a little more than a day, essential items, medicines, water, in one the car didn't even fit everything, in the near future
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they plan to send the same amount from lugansk to kurdsk, in perm they collected 20 tons of food, medicine, water, baby food, the orenburg residents sent it. already on the way of the car from yakutia to kursk, columns from tatarstan, nizhny novgorod, vladimir regions arrived, this was only the day before, the next batch of cargo is already on the way, from several more regions. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, news. now a short commercial, and then our firm will continue the author's program nikita mikhalkova, besagon tv. pentalgin - means against different types of pain. pentalgin works against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentelgin, we will do without pain. you do not decide which option you will get. but you decide what
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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called where does a person begin, i think you will understand why we named ours that way. programs, but as usual i want to first report to you that our previous program on the russia 1 channel, on the russia 24 channel, in social networks, vkontakte, telegram, odnoklassniki, zen and so on, was watched by more than 11 million people, which we are of course very happy about and grateful to you for your attention to us, i also wanted to digress for a second to tell you the following, look, this is ... a list of our official channels, besagon, everything else,
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what you see in the telegram channel, on other platforms, these are swindlers, extortionists, fraudsters who cannot be trusted, they ask you to subscribe, they put up my photos, don't believe them, real resources, here are the ones i showed you now, i can't help but answer the numerous questions that were asked to me. regarding the olympics, you know, i don't want, frankly speaking, to dwell on this in detail now, because this topic has already been sufficiently covered, condemned , and so on and so forth, you remember what we are talking about what seems to me, to some extent encouraging, that not only we, not only in our country are outraged by what people saw at the opening of the olympic games in paris, but it affected a huge number.
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in the russian proverb god marks the rogue, you remember that when raising the olympic flag they first tried to raise it, it turned out that they raised it upside down, this is very interesting. the sign, it seems to me, it also has its own sacred meaning. do you know that, according to the etiquette of state symbols, an inverted the flag has several meanings. look, first of all, it's an insult to the nation state. secondly, it's an international sign that the country is in
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danger and is asking for help. thirdly, the science of flags says that an upside down flag is a sign of disaster or defeat in war, i don't know, it's not intentional, but i'll repeat it to you, the god of copper is a rogue. it was in this connection that, when the flag was already hung correctly, witty internet users came up with this image: look, well, you know, that this means 666, this is the sign of the beast. this is the sign of satan, by and large this is generally true, because this is absolute satanism, to mock the last supper for the whole world, this is punishable, maybe not immediately, but inevitably, but today i would like to talk about something else, and i think that for us
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no less important than the olympic games, and by and large... significantly more important, what is the basis of the future of the country, this is the people, this is demography, look at what the deputy of the state says about this duma petr tolstoy, listen, i will just say briefly that we want to ban the adoption of children from russia by citizens of those countries where gender reassignment is permitted, and an initiative is being developed that is aimed at improving the quality of medical services provided. in the area of ​​providing services for artificial termination of pregnancy and an initiative is being developed, in fact, in the coming days it will be submitted to the state duma, on recognizing the right to life, health protection before the birth of a child, this is very important, and they are talking about it our doctors. thank you for your support. here's what
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's interesting, although the words spoken by pyotr tolstoy were met with applause, nevertheless, an absolutely opposite, negative reaction to what he said immediately arose. fears immediately arose about a complete ban on abortions, about the middle ages, obscurantism , and so on and so forth. his proposal implies an amendment to paragraph one of article 18 of the law on the fundamentals of health protection of citizens of the russian federation. and now it will sound like this: everyone has the right to protection health. both before and after birth, that is, it is meant that assistance should be provided, including to the unborn child, fortunately today medicine can do this while it is in the womb of the mother, and this is not like an operation that is done to the mother, but it is an operation
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that is done to the fetus, that is, another creature, a living person, this is of course the greatest achievement. science and medicine, but what is surprising is that many lawyers believe that this law has little chance of seeing the light of day, it is strange why this is so, because, let's say, there is countries that legally protect the rights of an unborn person include slovakia, the czech republic, ecuador, honduras, guatemala, chile, hungary, the dominican republic, madagascar and many, many other countries. we don't even have to go far. abkhazia, a wonderful post-soviet country with a rather tragic history, adopted an amendment to its law on healthcare in 2016. here's what it says. the state recognizes the right to life of an unborn child from the moment
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of conception and prohibits artificial termination of pregnancy. and what about us again? skin, they can be of the same nationality, skin color, eye shape, but they are individual, and therefore, each unborn person is just that, unborn, but...
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that is, this embryo, it can be used for treatment, salvation, even saving other people from various diseases. but let's turn to the dictionary of biomedical ethics, here's what it says: the basis of the ban on the use of an embryo or its tissue for the purposes of biomedical research is the opposition of a hypothetical benefit for humanity and the real rights of a particular embryo, here is a short video, quite old, 2002, and so that
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our national perspective is not closed to us by talking about ethics, about morality, about religion, all this is very important, all this is very necessary, but at the same time we need to understand that there is a goal, fatal diseases, we can say, this is neurodegeneration, the patient to save his life by transplanting fetal, that is
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, liver cells or mesanchymal stem cells, taken from fetuses of the second trimester. in this video gennady tikhonovich sukhikh says that aborted human embryos can be used as medicinal raw materials for sick people. uses so-called fetal cells, but it is impossible to obtain them without, so to speak, killing the fetus, and quite a large one, as is believed, having reached 12 weeks of its, so to speak, existence, i want to make a reservation right away, gennady tikhonovich, sukhikh is a great professional, he is a doctor of medical sciences, he heads the center... obstetrics gynecology perinatology named after academician kulakov, where his merits are noted the state, he is a knight of the order of merit for the fatherland, he is a laureate of the state
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prize in science in 2022, and so on and so forth, he takes the most difficult cases, saves a huge number of people, his role is huge in increasing the birth rate. he says something completely fair, which is impossible to disagree with. the so-called fetal therapy, it can save from a huge number of diseases, for example, from diseases of the central nervous system, down's disease, parkinson's, alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, kidney disease, male infertility, impotence, diabetes and many, many other diseases, and if you look at it from a rational point of view, then actually, if there is such an opportunity to help.
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stem cells are associated with something controversial, the right to decide whether this pregnancy will develop or not belongs to the woman herself, tell me, where are these? is it ethical
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to flush biologically invaluable material that can not only save, but also revive another life down the drain, absolutely fair remark, and the authors of the monograph continue this thought, high-risk newborns. if abortion is considered a violation of the fetus's right to life, how should we treat the fact that in 2000 alone...
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and why were 2 million abortions performed, and what number of these 2 million abortions were mandatory, necessary to save, say, a woman's life, here a conflict arises between in the cause-and-effect relationship, you understand what i'm talking about, let's now look at how this law number 180 of the federal law relates. to article 17, paragraph 2 the constitution of the russian federation, look, the basic rights and freedoms of a person are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth, that is, a legal child in the womb of the mother, he is not considered a person, his rights are protected from birth, that is, in other words, our left hand does not
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know what the right hand is doing. on the one hand, we consider it immoral to use an embryo that has not been born, as if considering it protected by the state, as a person, on the other hand, according to the constitution, only the one who is already born, let's remember once again, who wrote this constitution for us in 1993? american advisers were sitting on two floors in the white house, writing the law for us, writing the constitution for us, by the way, and all the laws, all the decrees that yeltsin and gaidar adopted, i was a member of the government, i remember, they bring all this in english, and then they sit there urgently translating, translating, translating, at 12:00 at one in the morning they gather us, we still won't have time to read anything, all these pages are still hot, and
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the translation is like... it's done crudely there, unsuccessfully there these you know how not in russian everything is from there sits uh jeffrey sachs uh under yeltsin sat that's what they did and what they did for this for russian for citizens or what in favor of citizens worked no they worked in favor of uh the west in favor of themselves despite the fact that in september 1993 of the same anticipating what is written in the main law, our leading scientists prepared a conclusion, it is dated september 3, 1993. from the point of view of modern biology, genetics and embryology, the life of a person as a biological individual begins from the moment of the fusion of the nuclei of the male and female
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sex cells, the authors of this conclusion are the head of the department of embryology and the biological faculty of the lomonosov moscow state university, professor, doctor of biological sciences, vladimir aleksandrovich galichenkov and professor of the department of embryology, doctor of biological sciences, dmitry vasilyevich popov. well, okay, these are the letters of the law, this is the theory, this is the opinion of specialists, professionals and so on and
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so forth, but what do ordinary people think, by the way? this is a survey done.


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