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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 11, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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nucleus containing unique genetic material, it cannot be likened to an organ or part of an organ of the mother's body, so it is obvious that abortion is a deliberate termination of human life as a biological individual. look how this fetus develops. look, this is a person. the authors of this conclusion are the head of the department of embryology and the faculty of biology of the lomanosov moscow state university, professor, doctor of biological sciences, vladimir aleksandrovich galichenkov and professor of the department of embryology, doctor of biological sciences, dmitry vasilyevich popov. well, okay, these are the letters of the law, this is theory, this is the opinion of specialists, professionals, and so on and so forth, but what about just people? moreover, this survey was done. not in
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the middle ages, not in the last century, it was done in 2024, here is the opinion of people, the opinion that a child is already a person before birth, is held by 77% of russians, 72% allow abortion only for medical reasons, data from a study by the institute of sociology of the federal research sociological center ran, now listen, just this is a point of view...
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when i give birth to a person, and there was a person inside me for 9 months, he lived in me, a living person, a small one, that is, she walked around with a person all the time, you understand, can you imagine, there is a living person in a woman, not just some kind of organ, but just a living person in you, he pushes there, imagine what is happening in a woman's head emotionally, then she gives birth and says: this is him, and you, she takes it like this, we are familiar in principle, good, good day, and what can you do to a man later, what can be done to him that is stronger than a woman giving birth to a man, i just... imagine, nothing, nothing, i really want you to understand me correctly, there is no talk about such a thing at all - a ban on abortions, that is not what we are talking about, we are talking about individual attention to each case, if i may say so, especially since we have world experience, very serious experience, abortions are completely banned, for example, in andorra, honduras, nicaragua, el salvador , malta, the philippines, the vatican, in a huge
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number of countries, they are banned, except exceptional cases, most often these are medical indications: venezuela, egypt, indonesia, iraq, iran, liechtenstein , micronesia, mauritania, the united arab emirates, algeria, brazil, bhutan, qatar, costa rica, mali, morocco, monaco, libya, nigeria, peru, poland, saudi arabia. uruguay, chile and many, many other countries. these issues are very cleverly resolved in the united states of america, by the way, in the country whose representatives wrote our constitution, as well as with the death penalty, which is permitted in some states. abortions are prohibited in some states, such as alabama, arkansas, louisiana, missouri, oklahoma, tennessee, texas, south dakota and others. states in america since 2022, the supreme
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court of the united states has overturned the right to terminate a pregnancy at the federal level adopted in 1973, that is, the state, it has abdicated responsibility for this act, that is, it is decided, it is decided by people living in this particular state, despite the advancement. "lgbt values ​​in america in the countries of the civilized world, at the same time, here are the very farmers who feed america, they continue to live by their own laws, this, by the way, can become a reason for very serious problems within the united states itself. elder pais and svyatogorets, a monk of mount athos, who in 2015 was canonized by the russian orthodox church."
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said that when the state takes responsibility for committing an abortion, then the lord punishes the entire people, when the state renounces... why is that? this is what demography, professor of moscow state university, doctor, writes in his report sociological sciences, milekhin andrey vladimirovich. according to the un forecast, if current trends continue, by the year 200 the population
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of russia will decrease to 112.2 million people, which threatens the automatic rollback of the country to the level of an ordinary agrarian power. losing any chances to form any significant, sovereign geopolitical contour, that is, in fact, exactly what those who want to destroy our country are trying to achieve, but only without any bombs, without blood, without violence, with their own hands. but this issue is already being raised at the official level. listen to what the press secretary of our president dmitry sergeyevich peskov says. every year there are fewer of us. we live in the largest country in the world. there are fewer of us every year. and this can only be dealt with by increasing the average
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birth rate. it is currently at a terribly low level, 1.4. this is comparable, comparable with european countries, with japan and so on. but this is catastrophic. precisely due to what? due to immigration, and this somehow relaxes us, if you just look at it figures. this is what alexander senelnikov, professor of the department of sociology, family and demography, sociology faculty of msu, has to say about this. listen,
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the extinction of a people can happen in a few centuries, but long before it dies out, its territory will inevitably be populated by people from other countries, where family values ​​are more firmly preserved, and the remnants of the indigenous population will be assimilated by migrants, it is not the indigenous population that assimilates migrants, what do we hope for, on the contrary, can this really help us arrange, i want to be understood correctly, it is naive to assume that, for example... a ban on abortions can solve the demographic problem, absolutely not, but i am trying to approach this issue from a slightly different angle, because the danger is not in the abortion itself, the danger is in the flow, in the conveyor belt, in getting used
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to treating it as a natural thing, in the lack of respect for that very life that... has not yet come into being, but it already exists, it is given by god, that is what we are talking about, in this there is, in my opinion, precisely disrespect not only for someone else's life, disrespect for ourselves. how many families beg god, doctors, shamans for the opportunity to have a child, for some reason they can't, at the same time... having received this opportunity, we have the right to lose this opportunity in a completely everyday way, that is, to stop someone else's life, let's see who is really
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promoting this magical right to preserve absolute freedom for abortions in russia, for example, listen to what... tamara edelman, already well known to us, how she tries to convince us of what needs to be done. abortions, which were done on the initiative of the woman, but i had a relative who died as a result of a criminal abortion after this law was passed, but we see how today absolutely barbaric propaganda is being carried out, and propaganda against abortions, which is actually quite meaningful, but it is carried out in wild ways, and is not accompanied by an offer of any other alternatives, that is, the only... just give birth, give birth and give birth, they explain, oh, how good, this is, of course, your main goal in life, and if you
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you won't give birth, it will be terrible, how wonderful, how wonderful, then it turns out that these are diapers, that these are sleepless nights, that these are problems everywhere, from the moment of birth from the maternity hospital, where they bully you, yell at you, god knows what antediluvian methods they use to help you give birth, and then, then, then, kindergarten, school, problems...
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at the level of a crime. at first glance, the topic is clear and correct: men defend their homeland, their parents, children, they are our heroes. and how will a woman, a mother, perceive this picture, today save the child, don't have an abortion, and tomorrow he will go to war. so what is it? a mistake by the performer or an order? and who benefits from this? and don't we feel a certain psychological impact on such a subconscious level, seemingly by chance, seemingly, seemingly
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by accident, seemingly even nothing special, this is what we talk about all the time, this is what is about those who are ready to open the gates of a besieged fortress from the inside, and you listen to what the doctor of the university of toronto, scientist and writer ian garner writes about our country. three cute white kids, another one on the way, icons on the walls, dad in the navy, russia is full of this horrible ethno-nationalist, fascist iconography, i know they're bleeping out what i just said, but i have no other words, i mean, think about it, a happy family of three, expecting a fourth child, dad in the navy, an orthodox family, judging by the icon
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on the wall, all of this together, this bastard named ian gardner, calls it fascist iconography, that is, a mockery of the last supper, on opening of the olympic games, transgenders who grimace in front of the government officials of all the guests... at the opening of the olympic games in paris, a man calling himself a woman in the boxing ring who beats up real women, swimmers who hide their... italy, because they stick out and so on. this is all normal. and a family with white children, with a pregnant wife and a military father icons - these are fascists. so you understand what level of hysteria about us reaches, among those who
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do not want us to exist at all on light and i now. i will prove this to you once again, pay attention that the interest is only in us, in russia, not in brazil, not in poland, where the laws against abortions are much more serious, so to speak, but in russia, why? that's exactly where we come back to the question i asked a little earlier, because even the war that is going on in ukraine today, it follows the testament of, you know who, the personal secretary.
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that's why after stalin issued a decree banning abortions in 1936, they were temporarily allowed, you know, when in during the great patriotic war in the occupied territories of the german administration, it was the nazis who put this issue on the conveyor belt, to decide who should live, who should not live, who is needed, who is not needed , who is important, who is not important, listen to the interview with inna yambulatova, this is... we can't show it in its entirety, so we will only show fragments, but i highly recommend watching it in its entirety, there was a man with a mustache who believed that poor ugly schizophrenics should
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be sterilized, or better yet killed, and those they conceived should be destroyed in the embryo, as he did said, well, actually, do you like it like that ? morality, was it his fight? it was the third reich, yes, it was adolf hitler, it was the t-4 program, by the way, a very serious annerba program, t-4, which was ideologically justified, and actually implemented, moreover, we encounter the first concept of surrogacy in t-4, when m forced insemination of a woman, there one gives birth, another is given to nurse, the third to raise, so i'm not sure that many who today... broadcasts should we pay poverty, that they if they had survived at all under this program, most would have been destroyed. well , let's go back to history, stalin dies and my namesake, nikita sergeyevich khrushchev, on november 23 , 1955, issues a decree lifting the ban on abortions. why did he do this? this is very
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interesting. look, there is evidence from one of our intelligence officers who worked. washington in the seventies, oleg vladimirovich pilipets, who received from the former united states ambassador to the soviet union, gariman. on july 18-23, 1955 , a meeting took place in geneva between khrushchev and the leaders west. the usa was then represented by dwight eisenhower, england by prime minister anthony eden, france by prime minister edgar faure. at that meeting. western partners issued a number of demands to the soviet union in order to improve relations with western countries, the three most important ones were the reduction of armed forces, condemnation of stalin's activities, lifting the ban on abortions, and as we
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remember very well, all three demands were met, and the demands that these countries themselves, they were in no hurry to settle the issue of abortions, for example, in abortion was legalized in great britain in 1967, in the united states in 1973, but in 2022 this law was repealed and is only legal in certain states, and in france
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abortion was only legalized in 1975, look what an amazing coincidence, so - who demands that khrushchev in 1955 allow abortion, who writes our constitution in 1993, in which... the reason, look, south korea, the most prosperous country with a very powerful gdp, a prosperous country, as we know, at the same
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time can you imagine that in 2023 in the year in south korea, 57% of strollers were bought for pets, with which happy couples walk, only 43% for babies. in korea today , the birth rate is 0.72, this is the lowest in the world in one of the most prosperous countries. how can we explain this? i do not know, but it seems to me that this is the hypertrophied egoism of humanity, the greed to share benefits with someone. but the desire to improve personal life at the expense of the life of another, this is the desire of today's man to have everything at once, this is
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artificiality, which our whole life is gradually turning into, artificial intelligence, artificial meat, artificial men, artificial women, artificial distance learning, you can exist in this artificial world and at... feel great, i want to remind you of one small episode from our film a few days in the life of oblomov, about naturalness, look, his life is subordinated to a goal, work, not a single unnecessary action, unnecessary step, word, here he is healthy, rich, at 60 years old he looks younger than you, and why andrey, at 60 you need to look 60, not 35, right. only then at 35 you don't need to look 50, like you, ah andrey, but your gold miner will live another 100 years,
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earn another 100 oblomovki, but why? everyone only thinks about how to eat, what is harmful, what is useful, what doctor to see for treatment, what waters to go to, everyone only thinks about how to live, but why? no one wants to think, and this is a wonderful common phrase: to live for yourself, but what does that mean? isn't this the very thing we are quite it was often said, this is when the quality of life is determined by the quantity and quality of pleasures in this life. remember aleksandr sergeevich pushkin, who at 35 wrote these lines: it's time, my friend, it's time, the heart asks for peace, days follow days and every hour takes away a piece of being, and you and i together assume to live, and look, we'll just die.
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didn't pushkin live for himself, creating his great works, including these strict ones, because living for himself, it turned out that he lives for entire generations, and for centuries. well, okay, look, for example, students who study to be... obstetricians and gynecologists, they are taught to perform abortions in the sixth year of their residency, this is a mandatory stage of training, absolutely right, because there are circumstances in which they must be able to do everything, but with all that , it seems to me that in the same academies there could be courses that teach a doctor to try to help a woman preserve the fetus, and not just to... get rid of it, because if this were the case, there probably wouldn't be statistics such as, for example, that over 30
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years since 1991. 50 million abortions have been performed in state medical institutions alone, think about this figure, from 1920, when abortions were allowed until 1991, according to very rough estimates , 180 million unborn children were killed, think about these figures. remember what the great dmitry mendeleyev said, who was involved not only in chemistry but also in demography, he predicted that by the year 2000 there should be at least 600 million citizens in russia, he died in 1907 and could not have imagined, that in just 13 years, in 2020 , abortions will be allowed, from this year to 2091, 180 million will be killed, plus their
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children, and... i don't know if this information is included in the curriculum for training doctors in our medical schools, what does this lead to? remember at least this monstrous story with elina sushkevich, this monstrous kaliningrad case, which revealed a terrible problem: deformation, amorality, moral degradation was
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manifested with monstrous force precisely in this de. the essence of the matter consisted in the fact that a woman who was admitted in sudden labor, premature pregnancy, she is from central asia, accordingly, she does not have any compulsory medical insurance, insurance policy and everything else, she was not registered, she ends up in the hospital, the child is born alive, alive, the team starts saving him, the headman comes in a day later begins...
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they said, yes, he is not alive anyway, yes , some tajik, yes, have you seen these freaks, you understand, yes, these were people who were called to save lives, they said this about human life, really, that is , look, a certain professional deformation occurs, when it becomes a stream, it becomes a convert , it becomes habitual, it becomes natural, that is, the naturalness of a... abortion is equated with the naturalness of the birth of a child, you will tell me, well, how, well, well, of course, it is natural, but for a surgeon who operates every day, what for an ordinary person is horror, a nightmare, blood, scary, for a surgeon it is commonplace, it is natural, yes, of course, for a surgeon it is natural ordinary, right, but his activity is aimed at saving someone, and not at killing, there is a small difference here, although practically from the point of view of physical
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actions. it is all very similar to one another, and it is surprising, you look, in this situation, demographic, which the presidents talk about, which scientists talk about, you look at the problems that women who want to keep a child face, just as an example, listen, when she finished, let's say, the examination, she told me, what do you expect, do you have is it as bad as it can be? you have a frozen pregnancy, strangely all the tests were done in favor of having an abortion, we went to all the possible nearest kuzi, we looked, to which she told me: don't worry, you're fine, there was a weak heartbeat, it was quietly audible, but it was audible, i go into the office, i say, i need to register, then she went to sort of examine me and says, like at your age you need to study, and you're like...


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