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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

5:30 pm
so, not everything is pleasant, someone was a miner, someone was a mechanic, someone was a merchandiser, the motherland called, everyone came to fight, i am a retired police officer, berkut special forces unit, the city of donetsk, when the orange revolution came to power, that's it, when it all started, when the first missiles fell on the donetsk airport, i packed my things and went to serve. msta b
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is, by the way, a towed one, a dagger of this type, i have been building it since the mid-eighties, and it is still actively used, we caught the soldiers preparing the gun for battle, they were cleaning something there, checking, adjusting, what is it such a t-shirt, what is it for, for a shot. the main part, they hit the capsule, it passes, a shot, it is located just at the bolt, install today, the projectile folds , the bolt is cocked and a shot, msta b, a towed howitzer. caliber 152 mm,
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maximum firing range up to 28 km, so there is the main damage, the main damage to the enemy, in the conditions of the realities of war artillery, take medical statistics, 80% loss, what shrapnel wounds, infantry is of course good, infantry is the queen of the fields, the gods of modern.
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ready, when ready, fire, shot, shot!
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this, but if something is damaged, you can't repair it in the field, any equipment, the simpler, the more reliable, that's how it is with us, the key, a shot. i observe the target, one shell on the same ones with whom you are working now, guy, with what kind of aa crew, and the gun 25, the crew there is very precise, how much is the flight time, 23, 23, hazelnut, i am
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holy, i am ready, one shell fire, a shot. after each work, the gun is necessarily promptly camouflaged so that the enemy cannot detect it from a drone.
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mlrs gorad, the great-granddaughter of that same legendary katyusha, i have seen these combat vehicles more than once, lurking like a predator in ambush.
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this is a reference to the terrain and guiding the combat vehicle to the target. the actions are mostly the same, but the tasks are completely different. today we cover the infantry so that it can successfully retreat, tomorrow we hit the enemy field camps discovered by our intelligence, that is, it can be anything. every time i worry about our guys who are on the front line, about the infantry, about the assault battalions. my father himself took direct part in this and i can say that i am closely familiar with what can wait for their consequences, how important is their work, how important is our participation in their
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work, how important is our support . mlrs grad, a rocket system. fire, caliber - 122 mm, the number of shells for a salvo - 40 pieces, the maximum firing range is 42 km, the guys have to wait a lot, i have to wait with them, but nothing can be done, we wait until our scouts detect the target and give us the command to leave.
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is in the body, the operator reports, we transmit the coordinates to the control center that we are leaving, yes, we're going to this, there's a saying: an artilleryman saves the infantryman's blood, that's true, the faster we leave, the faster we work, the more accurately we work, the more we 'll save the infantry cows. our infantry , i'm driving
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, we'll be there in a minute, we'll set up the car, we'll work, 4004. sight 404 52 50 there's 52 now. 57-49 49 57 49 yes, get ready to work, give the car fire on command 333 yes.
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lesh, what are we doing now, we're leaving the position, we're making a circle to confuse the enemy, i have a slash, we arrived quickly, we worked, left, still hanging around there.
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i lived with the guys from the 2nd out of 7th malka calculation for several days waiting for combat work. while we were waiting, we did all sorts of household chores, stocked up on water, cooked food. we checked the equipment, an important point, the fighters do not live right next to the gun, it is not safe, they get to the firing position by car, i was interested in the fighter with the call sign kozyr, such call signs are not given out for free, by the way, he is a squad leader, 22 years old. my call sign is trump, they gave me such a call sign when they destroyed a battery of american self-propelled guns,
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the first, so to speak, the first week of our work, where are we going, we’ll go to a position in order to mark ourselves against a night landmark, for night work, if suddenly there will be any, 2.7 malka, a self-propelled gun of high power, caliber - 203 mm, maximum firing range - 47 km, well, here it is, the malka in person, well, true, as if camouflaged, yes, this doll weighs 110 kg, that is, it has such a teardrop shape, flies far and brings a lot of misfortune to the enemy, this is our basket into which this is inserted in this way in the panorama, the panorama, i
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call it, so to speak, the eye of this particular weapon, well, where through this device, so to speak, we aim at the landmark in order to open fire on the target, so so... so, well, here we have, holy cow, what's going on there, here he was aiming at the night aiming point, found it, yes, we... are now on combat duty, that is, we are in constant communication, the radio station is turned on there for a day for the flight, if suddenly some
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target comes, we all quickly get up, get ready and we're heading to a firing position to carry out the task, well, it's almost on the corner, it's a little bit to the north, okay, the main thing is good, we'll work it out now. write down 73 89 to 61 63 08 702 73 89 161 0. yes, request to work it out, the bird will hang for another 15 minutes , we need to open fire faster now in 5 minutes, everything is ready, come on, come on, come on, come here, where did you run, without me, everyone went from the propeller.
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everyone to the exit. guys, there's no time, come on, come on, come on, load, whoever hasn't heard, the target is two leopards,
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come on, come on! the whole front is thundering, a lot of explosions, now they are looking for where ours is and will give the next correction , okay, we will fly there, maybe there, by the way, we are observing an explosion, they generally need a small correction there, sight 663, 663 yes 663 yes 3345 yes
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men shot. what to keep up with the sky, you need to watch from the drones, the sky is clear, clear shot no , one more.
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prepare another one, one bastard, ready, fire, shot, oops, yeah, quiet, quiet, quiet, that everything is fine, rehearsal, oh no, what is it, sweetie, yesterday your cartridge jammed.
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don't touch the pipe, i naturally touched it, it was really very hot at that moment. i realized that i had just managed to capture the work of the largest and most powerful gun in the world, which, by the way, is deftly operated by the youngest combat crew. i visited
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different positions and captured the life of several artillery crews. and i realized that this is not just chaotic shooting towards the enemy, individual guns, connected into a single mechanism, big. work, oh, this is cool, yes, make a count, oh my god.
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5:53 pm
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let's translate from office to understandable, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction.
6:00 pm
let's return to the news review: the russian armed forces stopped attempts by mobile groups of the federal security service to break through to the belovsky district of the kursk region. operation to destroy ukrainian formations. according to the ministry of defense, the armed forces of ukraine lost in the kursk direction in a day up to 230 military personnel almost 40 armored vehicles. our special correspondent stanislav bernwald is monitoring the situation in the region. the situation in the kursk region remains extremely tense. the sudzhansky district is probably the hottest spot on the map of the region, serious battles are still going on there.


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