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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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evgeniya i tsypso's attack. nuclear terrorism by the ukrainian authorities, this is how rosatom assesses kiev's attack on the zaporizhia nuclear power plant. a targeted night attack by drones caused a fire, including internal structures. damage. it is still to be assessed, but it is already clear that the ukrainian armed forces tried to disable the npp equipment responsible for cooling the water. oleksiy konopko will show footage of the consequences. for another attack, the ukrainian armed forces chose the most recognizable element of almost any npp. the picture of burning pipes scared gradirin
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everyone who saw it, the firefighter extinguished the fire for 3 hours. the separation device for catching steam, which are inside the structure, they are made of plastic, there was a flight of a combat drone, through the top, it flew in, we can assume that there was also something like a conditional bottle of gasoline or some napalm, something like that, because very quickly for very ... a distance of 12 minutes is a desire to cover not only the object, but the firefighters, who, of course, are at the object for 5-6 minutes. no disasters happened because the station has been in shutdown mode for almost 2 years, i.e. it operates without nuclear reactions. if it were not so, the fuel could overheat, and this leads to an explosion.
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it is the cooling tower that allows hot water from the reactors to be quickly returned to the temperature norm, so that it can then be supplied to the next cycle. and the structure itself is located on the dam of the cooling pond. if the cooling tower had collapsed and destroyed or seriously damaged the dam, the water would have gone away, and this is a direct threat to today's, not tomorrow's, but today's level of safety of the station. we assess the attack that took place was not just a provocation, but a targeted attack on the security of the infrastructure. now the cooling tower needs major repairs, the internal equipment burned out completely, but this is the minimum, if the engineer finds out that the fire damaged the supporting structure, the pipe will have to be demolished altogether, they need a picture, you see, they have already resigned themselves to the fact that this is not their territory, they will never exist again, i mean energodar, about the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, because they do not treat their territory and their facility like that, all this is in front of the experts magate. the mission works here continuously,
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responded quickly, called to avoid threats, without naming the perpetrators, attacks, suspected, smoke was seen, but no fire. magate experts saw thick dark smoke rising from the northern part of zaes after numerous explosions, we hear them in the evening. the mission was informed by zaes employees about the alleged drone attack on one of the cooling towers of the station. zelensky even stated that the russians literally set fire to their station themselves. this afternoon, magate experts were taken to the damaged cooling tower to dispel the doubts. the alleged attack in the following statement by rafael grossi became reckless, that is, the attack did take place, but the culprit is again unknown, as he was unknown in april, when the power unit itself came under fire. as we warned, this is precisely the element that instills confidence in the ukrainians, if the ukrainian side is not named, this will be ...
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the situation in the middle east, including the grave humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. i will add that, on the eve of the negotiations, abbas again supported the concept of creating two sovereign states, arab and jewish. according to him, this is the option. since monday evening, exactly 24 hours in israel they fast, do not work, do not go to the beaches, even the sacred torah is forbidden to read, because it is a source of joy, and the ninth of av is a day of sorrow, incompatible with joy. believers remember and mourn the destruction
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of the jerusalem temples, the death of the state of exile, especially since the mourning day of the catastrophe two thousand years ago again fell at a time of anxiety and historical trials. we hear threats from iran, from hezbollah. i tell them, you will see a response that we have never dealt before. the israeli air force command has already banned regular pilots and flight crews from going on vacation, leaving the country. defense minister yoav galaland discussed with his american counterpart lloyd austin the arrival time of additional warships, an aircraft carrier and the us navy's georgia nuclear submarine.
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very close to the lebanese border, several floors of an underground parking lot have been turned over to a hospital. at this level of the underground parking lot of haifa's rambam hospital , a dialysis department is already operating, and operating rooms are prepared. a crisis control center with screens, communications, and autonomous supplies was built underground. the clinic's general director claims that rambam is today the largest underground hospital with 2,200 beds. in the world. the scenario we are prepared for is a 60-day war. we can work completely autonomously during this time. hezbollah is not hamas, it is much more powerful, its missiles are much more accurate and more terrifying. everyone in israel has probably stocked up on food and water, following the instructions rear services. haifa city hall, which also moved
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its offices to fortified basements, is completing the final checks of the city's shelters. this war will require many of them. at the beginning of the war, we are preparing the city as much as possible . the gaza strip is again under heavy fire from the israeli army. the idf resumes its operation in the largest city in the southern enclave of haniunisi. it is reducing the humanitarian zone where more than a million palestinian refugees were previously displaced. in the first hours after the strikes on the eastern part of the city began
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, 13 people were killed. the death toll continues grow every day, what can be done to stop the mass deaths of civilians in gaza for discussion. in 1967, whose capital is east jerusalem, is a guarantee of achieving stability and security in the middle east. meanwhile , the region continues to wait for iran's response to the murder of the head of the hamas politburo. the axius portal reports that tehran has not abandoned its intentions, but has only taken a break to better prepare.
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noting that revenge is a dish best served cold, not only hezbollah, but also other pro-iranian forces in the region are now preparing for a possible large-scale attack on israel, and the yemeni houthis, who also have something to get even with tel aviv for, are preparing their response. a certain response to the israeli attack on the fuel tanks in the port of hadeida is inevitable and will follow. the delay in the response from the asi resistance is purely tactical, since it is aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the response to israel. the prospects for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the middle east, first of all, allgas seem to be more vague. the new head of the hamas politburo , january, said he was ready to make peace with israel, but not on the terms that... the gaza ceasefire talks scheduled for thursday, if they take place at all, will
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, paradoxically, be held without hamas. the palestinian movement said it would not send a delegation to such meetings until israel took concrete steps to de-escalate the gaza strip. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and yevgeny kononov, lead the middle east. donald trump's trusted headquarters today officially confirmed that he will give an interview. a younger and more technologically savvy audience, and the goal of this conversation will be, first of all , to reach out to the republican candidate, who has already conducted a warm-up of sorts, showing how well he understands the capabilities of neural networks, especially when the latter is used to create fakes, his opponent kamala harris's team. for more details , see the report by our special correspondent in the us, valentin bogdanov. the democrats' image makers are not eating their bread in vain, and kamala harris's image is changing before our eyes, the hysterical laughter that irritated everyone disappeared, now
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tim walls laughs for her without closing his mouth. a wise look and the right words on the teleprompter. what is real and what is fake in this is hard to say. the border between reality and virtuality has completely disappeared in this election campaign. i am kamala harris, your democratic presidential candidate, since joe biden finally showed how decrepit he is in the debates. thank you, joe. this fake video behind harris's voiceover, created by artificial intelligence, was posted on his site elon musk, an example of how neural networks can deceive voters. of course, kamela harris never said anything like this in real life, but it sounds very plausible. for 4 years, i was under the tutelage of the main puppet of the deep state, the wonderful mentor of joe biden. joe taught me rule number one, carefully hide your complete incompetence. in just 5 days, the harris walls duo rushed with election rallies across six states, where
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they gathered tens of thousands of supporters. trump clearly did not expect such agility from his competitors and also rushed to accuse the democrats of using artificial intelligence. looking at a photo from a rally at the michigan airport, trump drew attention to the reflection on the physique on the engine of harris's plane, with a crowded runway in the reflection , an empty airfield, which means a crowd of supporters. investigations donald trump. someone drew separately, draws a conclusion from his drew attention to the fact that harris cheated at the airport, with the help of artificial intelligence, she showed a huge crowd of so -called followers, but they are not exists, it is deceiving, the same with fake crowds at her speeches, this is how democrats win elections by cheating, however, video footage from the airport and eyewitness accounts say otherwise, the crowd was real, and the audience itself.
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trump's campaign headquarters said they were hacked and suggested that the documents were stolen by iranian agents. trump himself reported the iranian connection, citing a report from the service. microsoft's security service, as he is sure, was used to gain access to the republicans' internal correspondence. a stolen account of one of the members of trump's campaign headquarters was used, and a 270-page document concerning vice presidential candidate j.d. vance was stolen. an anonymous user under the pseudonym robert sent a copy of the document to the editorial offices of american publications, including the washington post. analysts and intelligence experts.
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preferences have not changed. the american media do not provide any evidence for such an accusation, just as they did during the previous and previous elections. but republican voters now seem to be more comfortable being scared by iran than by russia, given trump's plans to increase support for israel. moreover, pro-israel voters are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the democrats, kamal and harris are being
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accused of anti-semitism, due to the report that she did not take governor josh shapira as her vice presi...
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the us has been repeatedly warned by the owner of the social network x, former twitter elon musk. this evening, he promised to conduct a long interview with donald trump. the announcement of the conversation is published by himself on social networks. he promises that this will be the interview of the century. trump is trying to regain the elusive attention to himself in every way, for some reason he has already announced three rounds of televised debates with kamala harris. in addition to the agreed upon september 10, he named two more dates: the fourth and the kamala and harris headquarters do not deny or confirm this information, and it is possible that the democrats can use this race ahead of the locomotive to show how insecure their opponent now feels. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. well, now urgent message of the news agencies of the armed forces of ukraine opened fire on
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the border zone of energodar the shelling was heard within the coastline. this message with reference to... the rector of communications of the zas. the leaders of the eu countries believe that the attack of the armed forces of ukraine on the korsk region will require kiev to mobilize enormous resources, including at the cost of exposing strategically important positions in the donbas. this is with reference to sources in the highest ruling circles of the eu. today several western media outlets write at once, which, however, admit that politicians express dissatisfaction with zelensky's adventure only behind the scenes, but are forced to support it publicly. a review of the foreign press in the material of our european correspondent
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. as a historian knows, what role kursk played in the russian patriotic war. here one can argue that what is happening is more reminiscent of the battle of kursk than the battle of lake balatun. for political reasons, hitler threw his most combat-ready ss and wehrmacht units into the breakthrough to budapest in march 1945, which initially made a breakthrough, but were then stopped and defeated by the soviet army. however, the fact that german
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armored vehicles appeared near kursk made this a particularly noticeable event for the german-language media. the fact that german tanks are appearing again in the kursk region, where the legendary tank battle between the red army and the fascist invaders took place 81 years ago, testifies to the historical amnesia and irresponsibility of the ruling coalition in germany, which allowed this to happen. nevertheless, among the most ardent supporters of the kiev regime, the operation in kursk border caused inspiration. for complete happiness , these figures just need ukraine to use all types of western. shows how much harm can be done to russia if restrictions on the use of weapons for ukraine are lifted. previously , we were constantly told: "for god's sake, in no
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case is this the worst-case scenario, red lines and so on, but as we see, nothing terrible has happened. ukraine can say, we are moving forward using these systems, and there are no consequences. so far, no consequences, if you don't count the losses suffered by the best brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. reporters visited a hospital in the sumy region of ukraine. they saw something themselves, and the wounded told them something. the hospital ward smelled of victims, earth, blood , and stagnant sweat; in the yard, patients, some of whom were wrapped in ribbons from head to toe like mummies, were smoking furiously. on the third night, the russians struck with gliding bombs, everything was burning, arms here, legs there, 12 people in a company were killed immediately. the ukrainian soldiers i interviewed yesterday near the border of sumy and kursk, and who were transferred there from the donetsk front to... participate in the ukrainian invasion of russia, said that they expect the capture of new york, this could happen even tomorrow. in the ukrainian army
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, the operation in kursk was subjected to sharp and harsh criticism. many soldiers fighting off the rapid russian advance in the donbass do not understand why so many resources and people are wasted on a short-term task. to what extent these losses, and the invasion itself, are meaningful is a question that, in addition to the ukrainian soldiers of british journalists, serious military experts ask. if ukraine holds these territories for months, this will lead to military expenditures that it can hardly afford. there is always a big question: where will ukraine get reserves from, does this weaken the front line in the east of ukraine in the donetsk region. here even röbki and ronsheimer, these are two full-time russophobes from the german newspaper bilt, constantly promoting the ukrainian agenda, both fell into a stupor from the lack of logic in kiev's actions. the armed forces of ukraine are risking the best reserves.
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why don't you break through the russian front in kharkov, lugansk, donetsk or zaporozhye? because let's not deceive ourselves. of course, ukraine will have to leave russian territory, perhaps not immediately, but certainly within the framework of peace negotiations and under international pressure. in this regard, the strategy of conquering the russian region remains extremely risky. the recent events around ukraine have made a strong impression on the western public. however, the effect may be the opposite of what was expected in kiev.
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the move and did not lead to anything, everything should be proportionate, support yes, but we understand that we, germany, are exhausting our resources. germany is moving confidently towards exhaustion. after the capture of the sudzha gas measuring station by ukrainian formations, futures prices jumped by 10%. today, gas is traded around $460 per thousand cubic meters, with an upward trend, which means that germany may be left by not 37% of german enterprises, as follows from the... question, but significantly more. at the end last week , the italian carrera della sera wrote about germany's industrial collapse. today , the turkish press makes a similar diagnosis.
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judging by what has happened over the past year and the past few months, germany, once called an economic miracle, has truly become the sick man of europe. no one expects that by 2030, the economic contraction will be replaced by significant growth. in a country where growth reached 5 years ago. medium-range missiles, which are supposed to protect germany from the russian threat, to until similar systems are developed by the europeans themselves. all this
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is presented as a concession to public opinion. which has taken all these plans ambiguously, but what is important is that regardless of the outcome of these debates, the germans will also be saddled with a missile program. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. a detachment of volunteers from the young guard of united russia is working in the kursk region, among the main tasks of which is sorting humanitarian aid at collection centers, which is sent from all over the country and from karelia has already sent more than one and a half tons of cargo, including medicines and a generator, and yaroslavl tambov activist. russia has transferred food, clothing, and personal hygiene products. residents and entrepreneurs in russian regions are helping to collect parcels, volunteers in the kursk region are already forming kits on the spot and providing targeted assistance. activists of the volunteer company of the combat brotherhood of the young guard of united russia arrived in the city of rylsk, kursk region. and we began to provide targeted assistance to those in need. guys from the volunteer company and young guards will travel to border areas, deliver
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