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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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today in moscow, vladimir putin and mahmoud abbas will hold talks, discuss bilateral cooperation, the situation in the middle east and the palestinian-israeli conflict, what are the expectations of the press? donald trump gave an interview to elon musk, spoke about the recent assassination attempt, criticized the democrats, but the conversation began with a delay, valentin bogdanov will tell why. in the german army, the sss members are now considered examples for... trembling, nuances of modern euro-heroism, noted maria zakharova. will berlin react? ukraine slowly but surely turning into a black hole of europe. this is stated in a statement by the press bureau of the russian foreign intelligence service. the department noted that dissatisfaction with zelensky is growing among the american elite. thus, according to intelligence, the american authorities intend to launch a powerful information campaign to discredit him. it is reported that the united states
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has instructed affiliated npus to develop a scenario for the rise to power of former ukrainian interior minister arsen avakov. this issue is already being discussed with the heads of ukrainian opposition parties, as well as with deputies from the ruling party "servant of the people". iaea specialists inspected the cooling tower of the zaporizhzhya npp. they did not detect an increase in radiation levels. they also noted that the fire did not affect the nuclear safety of the station. monitoring was also carried out in the area of ​​the reactors. let me remind you that the armed forces of ukraine killed in ... border areas of the kursk region, there the situation remains tense , the evacuation of civilians is underway, our su-34s are hitting the enemy, during one of the assaults , our military also captured the starlink station. about the situation in the region, stanislav bernwald shot down today. in the sky over kursk
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region, notifications are coming to residents' phones that a uav attack is possible, be careful, well, and also last night there was a missile threat twice, the situation in kursk region is still tense, sudzhansky district is probably the hottest place now, there are battles there, although ukrainian information dumps report that the ukrainian armed forces control sudzha, this is not so, a very important point, i repeat once again, there are a lot of leaks going on now, the center is working... special psychological operations in ukraine, the purpose of these injections is to destabilize the situation as much as possible, it is necessary to sow panic, all this is what the tsypsoshniks are trying to do in the cto counter-terrorist operation mode, an operational headquarters has been created, which gives daily reports on what is happening and how the operation is progressing here directly in the kursk region, but it is worth saying that our armed forces are now pushing the enemy back to the border. does not allow
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reserves to approach, in addition to the sudzhansky district , there is tense tension in several other districts the situation, there is shelling, well, it is worth saying that the day before in the belovsky district of the kursk region there was an evacuation, again the ukrainian information dumps said that they control the nebelovsky district, this is not true, there are no battles there, the district is completely under the control of the armed forces of the russian federation, the evacuation is caused by the fact that people are safe, first of all they are taking out women, old people and children. we were in the settlement of belaya sloboda, people were evacuated there, we were in peskovye now, yes, we took two people, we are acting on behalf of the united party russia, we help people, well, like all ordinary citizens, we should do so, actually, a large number of people are now leaving the bilovsky district, they are placed in temporary accommodation centers, where they are provided with everything they need , food, things, medical care , and of course. the work of psychologists, humanitarian
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aid comes from all over russia, they even bring it from kamchatka, guys, volunteers come on their own, they bring everything they need, in addition to volunteers , creative groups come here to at least somehow support, morale to increase, violinist virtuos petr lunstrom, who has already given more than a hundred concerts in donbass, he came here to kursk yesterday, traveled to temporary accommodation points, held concerts there, hearts all.
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heroes of war criminals of the second world war, the official representative of the russian mid maria zakharova drew attention to this. those who served in the armed forces of the third reich, including the ss, were included in the lists of examples worthy of imitation when drawing up the curriculum. according to according to zakharova, the only thing the bundeswehr can achieve with such practices is the return of nazism. donald trump gave a long interview to elon musk, gathering a million-strong audience despite the ddos attack. in this dialogue, the former us president stated. having come to power, the democrats literally killed freedom of speech in the country. the head of the american news bureau, valentin bogdanov, will talk about trump's main statements and the reaction to them in the white house. the combined audience of elon musk and donald trump on the x platform is 282 million users, which is comparable
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with a population one and a half times the size of the american electorate, but neither at 8 p.m. nor at 8:15 a.m., none of these people, neither trump's voices nor musk's voices...
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i guess they don't believe in free speech or want to influence american elections. in the end, the interview still began almost an hour late, huddled over the phone, here's a photo to which powerbank was attached, trump was addressing an audience of almost a million, they began with the recent assassination attempt. when i raised my fist, people felt relief, joy, trepidation. this it was terrible, but at the same time incredible. speaking about what saved your life made you turn your head in time,
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the states, he did not want to leave, and he was told that he could leave either in a good way or in a bad way. trump spoke about ukraine for a long time and
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in detail, separately dwelling on the reasons for what was happening. you know, biden did something to russia, there was not the slightest chance that he would ever start an offensive. the words he uttered were stupid threats coming from a stupid person. i immediately said that this guy was going to start a war, this guy is going to hurt us, let me tell you, this could lead to world war iii, like... the situation in the middle east, there are many reasons why we could get into world war iii, for no reason at all. yeah, i think you're right, i think people are just underestimating the risk of world war iii. a couple of those people, american senators graham and blumenthal , just came to kiev the day before, met with
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zelensky, demanded that ukraine be accepted into the nato, and already this year. both of them got so worked up that it seems that, standing right in front of the ukrainian mfa building, they hoped to meet. offers kiev to recruit nato pilots, pensioners, that is , to make it so that western mercenaries... to block the interview, anything, the european commissioner reminded that legal proceedings have already been initiated against the musk platform
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so says the lighthouse. well, now on the sites of the military-technical forum army, which is taking place in the moscow region, there are questions. colleague margarita semenyuk answered the head corporation tactical missile weapons boris obnosov. boris viktorovich, hello, please tell us what products and developments will the corporation tactical missile weapons present at the army 2024 forum. well, you need to look at the list of tasks facing our corporation, it will immediately be clear that we
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specialize in all air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, this is an aircraft missile, in addition. well- known to everyone coastal complexes bal, bastion, ship weapons, part of the underwater weapons, well, besides this, we have a fairly solid display of civilian products. in connection with the special military operation conducted by russia, all corporations of the defense industry complex have significantly increased their production volumes under the state defense order from the ministry of defense, so how is your corporation coping now, what are the results? we are not different for the worse, therefore. our orders have increased, probably, by an order of magnitude, and today all enterprises work 24/7, as is now customary, and people work without fail, labor collectives understand that the security of the country depends on their solution of the problems that are facing us and them, well, i hope that with their work they
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contribute to the speediest victory in the svo, what missiles, complexes? and systems that corporations produce are now especially in demand in the zone of a special military operation, well, especially in demand, probably, almost all the products that we make today, with the exception of strategic ones, because after all, this is not a strategic war, it is purely local enough character in the european part of the country, here and e products are the most diverse, these are anti-radar missiles, the well-known missile kh31p, it... here at our exposition is presented the missile хsd it is the sixty-ninth, here it is also standing, it has recommended itself well, well, and we can list probably a couple of dozen more, but probably everyone has heard, this is a universal planning and correction module, thanks to which we taught free-falling bombs to fly, here they are in various categories,
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starting from 250 kg to 3,000 they found their place in the protrusion. boris viktorovich, tell us, is an analysis of those weapons that are currently used in the svo zone carried out, and maybe something needs to be modernized, improved, perfected? well, during the svo, and even before the svo, we stopped very close relationships with the customer and directly with those people who use our weapons, so we have this not involvement, a daily contract, contact, and i receive information about the use of this or that weapon system, as...
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in russia in many directions, including in crimea, and are intended to hit sea targets, but according to the ministry of defense in syria in the zone of the svo, now the complexes were used against targets on land. what is the result, how can you evaluate it? well, in fact, this is also another approach, because i think it is a logical development of weapons, that any missile should be.
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i hope that i hope for victory in the region, well, and these are those carbon-carbon joints that in perm we have been working on them for many years, but we have reached the stage where we have already
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received a number of licenses, certificates, which allows us to move on to their practical implementation, well, and besides this, there are many other areas, well, i don’t want to delay , it’s better to see once, welcome to us, boris viktorovich, thank you very much for your interesting answers, we wish your corporation development, good luck, thank you very much to everyone. dozens of modern drones arrive daily in the special operation zone, they help our soldiers conduct reconnaissance and direct artillery at the desired targets. drones are capable of work at any time of the day and even without the operator. our correspondent, dmitry pishchukhin, talks about how winged reconnaissance aircraft are created. this drone is called the eyes and ears of our soldiers on the front line. it can rise to 500 m and literally merge with the sky. one of the main reconnaissance drones, which is used today in the svo zone. this complex is capable of reconnaissance of the target , fire adjustment, artillery, barrel artillery, opening up
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enemy objects to a great depth and hitting the assigned targets. thanks to the high-definition camera clarity, the operator can study in detail the location of enemy troops. the optics can even see license plates on a car. this device is manufactured at one of the idmurt enterprises. manufacturing of the case, installation of complex. electronic equipment, assembly, all stages occur in one place. the task was set to expand production in a short time, we increased the output of products, production area, increased the number of our personnel several times. and at this st. petersburg enterprise, a well-established full production cycle of assembly of orlan drones. this is a real invisible one. a gasoline engine of our own design with a special muffler reduces the visibility of the drone in the air and provides. flight for more than 10 hours, and this is already a large bird, an older model orland 30, due to
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a wingspan of up to 4.5 m, is capable of carrying up to 6 kg of useful weight, but the main difference is an improved camera that can work around the clock without landing or changing equipment. uav operators are trained directly at the enterprise, the work is underway in close cooperation. the drone is easy to operate, to assemble and launch it in the field, it takes no more than 10 minutes, here the scouts who have recently returned from
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the combat zone are repaired, the guaranteed service life of the orlan is 500 hours or 50 applications, this is what the manufacturer claims, but there are orlans that have more than 300 combat sorties. the orlan can perform combat missions at any time of the day and in almost any weather, peel radio stations, mobile phones, block. gps signal, flying the cell tower passes all communications through itself. a whole flock of eagles is preparing to go to the special operation zone. the advantage of our scouts is that they can fly without the operator and are ready to continue missions even in conditions of loss of communication . a separate option, the so-called work in a flock. the eagle effectively exposes the enemy's air defense. while one device illuminates the target, another records the work of the radar, the third transmits coordinates to the position. our artillery only has to deliver a precise strike. dmitry pishchukhin, alexey sasyrin, alexander borushkov, galina orlova and alena suldina. news.
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it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it is easy to make a deposit fake, change the voice. we will expose all the fakes.
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now economic news in brief: the basic exchange rate of the rupee to the ruble will simplify trade in russia. and india are currently preparing such a mechanism for launch, writes the economic times. according to the publication, the basic rate will reduce dependence on dollar fluctuations and will significantly facilitate mutual settlements. now the central banks of the two countries need to sign an agreement. a similar system, i note, is already in effect between india and the united arab emirates. the russian market brought leroymer a quarter of all net profit, which is almost 300 million euros out of a total of
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one billion and 100 million. this is stated in the report of the parent company adeo for last year. this result is explained by the fact that the french network left russia quite recently, at the end of december twenty-third. a profitable business, and this is more than a hundred stores, handed over to local management. now the chain operates under the name limana pro. the fitch agency has downgraded israel's credit rating due to military actions in the gaza strip. instead of a very high creditworthiness level of a+, now it's just. while the forecast for the economy is negative with the possibility of further deterioration. this year, fitch expects israel's budget deficit to be around 8% of gdp, and external public debt to be above 70%. and global demand for electric cars and plug-in hybrids jumped 21% in july compared to the same period last year. over the month, there were 1,350 thousand cars were sold, reuters writes. the main buyer and manufacturer is
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china. there are their own. electric cars and hybrids. a real boom was recorded - 31% growth compared to last year. against this background, even the fall in demand in europe is not able to spoil the global sales dynamics. these were the economic news. briefly. secretary of the security council sergei shaiguu and his belarusian colleague inspected the exhibits at the army 2024 forum in patriot park. they visited the sites with captured equipment of the svo zone. they were also shown promising weapons. let me remind you that the tenth international forum and exhibition army is taking place in the moscow region. more than 20 thousand samples of military products of domestic foreign manufacturers are presented there, and delegations from 110 countries are participating in the forum. germany's consent to the use of german military equipment in the kursk region speaks of a complete lack of understanding by russian society.


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