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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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35,000 cars, reuters writes, the main buyer and manufacturer is china, 880 thousand electric cars and hybrids found their owners there, a real boom was recorded - 31% growth compared to last year, against this background, even the fall in demand in europe is not able to spoil the global sales dynamics. these were economic news, briefly. the secretary of the security council with his belarusian colleague inspected.
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this was stated by the former head of the austrian foreign ministry karin kneissel. according to her, the sight of the b marder causes justified anger among russian citizens. the politician also notes that history plays a huge role, the memory of ancestors, especially the part that relates to the second world war. and the germans remain insensitive to such periods in the history of their native country. the yemeni movement attacked a ship off the coast of hadeida. this was reported by the british navy. the department noted that an investigation is underway and also issued a warning to ships to proceed with caution in this area and report any suspicious activity. the situation in kosovo will escalate until the beginning of september, with serbian deputy prime minister aleksandar vullin made this statement. he noted that there are many threats coming from the west and predicted an albanian attack on the serb-populated northern part of the region. before this , serbian president aleksandar vucic also stated that he expected unrest on the day of the opening of the bridge between the albanian and serbian parts of kosovska mitrovica on august 15. in connection with this , vucic called for... a contingent, it is called
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the kosovo force, to prevent the protests from escalating. in dagestan, they are eliminating the consequences of bad weather, after a heavy downpour, roads were washed away, bridges and water pipes were destroyed, as a result, at least nine villages were cut off from the outside world. more details, sarkar magomedov. only a truly large-scale natural disaster can shock the highlanders, accustomed to the vagaries of the weather. such mudflows have not been seen in the tsumadinsky and shamilsky districts for a long time. everything was carried away. mosk, the road, everything. the most powerful streams of mud filled the gorge and river beds, as in vaule kedi. it is now cut off from civilization. while some are watching with apprehension from the shore, others had enough... chips, some villages
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were left without a bridge and roads, heavy precipitation bring not only destruction, but also tons of garbage, behind me is the beginning of the sulak canyon, boats are visible, well, dark stains on the water, nine villages remain cut off from civilization, restoration can only begin after the water level drops. sarkar magomedov, salekhov and abdulla magomedov, vesti dagestan. buy a large combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions in a delicious point. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in cleansing and restoring the liver. alpha investments is to money. rubles for everyone, open a free
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account for investments in alfabank and get a gift, not just profitable, alpha is profitable, 7.2, what about the new headphones sveti, do not pay for smartphones note immediately, installment plan plus cashback, here are three, 7:2, installment plan plus cashback, emwidio eldorado, chief expert on technology, sale.
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events in the kursk region made the eu countries worry about whether they will have enough gas, so at the last trading session in london, fuel has risen significantly in price, which eu members may suffer first? will tell my colleague maria grigorieva. exchange prices for gas in europe have updated the maximum since december last year. almost 495 dollars per 1.00 cubic meters showed futures on the ttf index at the last trades on the london ice platform. thus, at the moment, the fuel rose in price by 8% in just one session. bloomberg experts believe that... uzhgorod, as gazprom previously reported, russia
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continues deliveries through it, the volume exceeds 39.5 million cubic meters per day, today it is the largest transit corridor for russian gas supplies to europe. per year through it. about 15 billion cubic meters of gas are transported, if transit here is suspended, it will be difficult to quickly redirect such volumes to another direction. as a result, the european union may face a gas deficit. because of these concerns, prices on the exchange are growing, especially since supplies from russia through ukraine are in reduced volumes. slovakia and austria may suffer the most from a possible blockage of transit, because they are significantly dependent on russian gas supplies, they have no access to the sea, and slovakia will also lose money for the transit of russian gas, which then goes to austria, and they will then have to look for gas on alternative markets somewhere in the world, in the form of lng, most likely buying it so that the tanker comes to a coastal european country, paying for unloading. according to llumberg, european
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officials are trying to find other options, but experts note that it is difficult to find a replacement, the volumes are too large, in just six months , gas exports from russia to europe have increased by three. almost to 15.5 billion cubic meters, in addition to russia, there are also gas pipeline systems from norway, algeria, the netherlands, azerbaijan, libya, great britain, but it is unlikely that any of these countries can significantly increase supply volumes like this. oil is also becoming more expensive, brand quotes on the london ice exchange have crossed the $82 per barrel mark. market watch experts named tensions in the middle east as the reason. meanwhile, opec has lowered its forecast for global oil demand for the first time since the beginning of the year, analysts believe the correction is small. fuel demand will grow at 2,100,000 barrels per day, instead of the expected 2.4, the gap for the next year is even less 1,780,000 barrels per day
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against 1,850,000. there is an accumulation of savings against the growth of expenses. all this limits, on the one hand, the activity of movement, the purchase of durable goods, in particular a car. all this partially leads to a decrease in oil consumption, according to opec analysts, in the future, oil consumption will grow, mainly due to china, india and other buyers from asia. lugansk plant marshal put into operation new high-tech machines, they produce specialized products for industry. funds for the purchase of equipment appeared after the enterprise entered the free economic zone. report by alexey alexeev. an industrial robot makes a weld seam as smooth as a ruler, it would take a person twice as long to make the same. the work-technical complex welds the workpiece of the ball part, for this part we needed increased precision of the weld
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seam, this is what the complex was actually purchased for, also in the process work, in the process of setting up the complex. at the marshal plant, they make shut-off valves and ball valves, which are widely used in industry, and the highest quality requirements are imposed on each part. it turns out, you see, it is tight, that is, it does not fall, it holds exactly as it should, there is no play at all, that is why we manufacture it here, and the deviation is literally a millimeter, a deviation of no millimeters, because you understand yourself. a millimeter is a lot for our country. since 2014 , the enterprise has been going through hard times. ukraine was conducting an economic blockade, there was a shortage of working capital, large borrowed resources were unavailable. everything changed with the entry of production into the free economic zone. a special project of the russian government for new territories with benefits and tax preferences.
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the freed up money is spent on development. with the saved funds , high-tech cnc machines were purchased for the enterprises . now they are being installed and adjusted. they haven't even removed the packaging film from this one yet, but it will pass very little time and they will start producing new parts. in 2021, the average salary at the enterprise was a little more than 15,000 rubles. now it is 65, all thanks to increased labor productivity. confidence in the future has appeared among workers and management. increasing wages , purchasing new equipment, this goes in parallel, then we already see this result, it has been, literally a year has passed since we became participants in the free economic zone, but the result is clearly already noticeable. less taxes, lower production costs, and therefore the price on the market is more interesting for the buyer, in order to satisfy all orders, they are increasing. there is demand and there are prospects for this demand, so of course we are building such strategic plans for more than one year in order to
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gain a foothold in the market and be able to improve our positions even more. for participants in the free economic zone , insurance premiums and taxes have been reduced several times, property and land taxes for coal and iron ore mining have been completely eliminated. this is long-term work perspective. having not received funds in the treasury now, the state helps enterprises to get back on their feet. it will not be long before powerful, growing enterprises of donbass, as in the old days, again. naz pharmacies everywhere, as usual, save up greetings and exchange them for cashback in real
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sale, where did you buy megamarket, school style, buy a women's shirt air for 799 rubles. megamarket, school style. hello, with you ivan kudryavtsev, summer studio of the film industry, works in the leningrad region, in vyborg, this is a special one. issue from the thirty-second festival of russian cinema window to europe. let's start with the premiere of the main competition. at the festival they showed a bold variation on the theme of the prince and the pauper summer will come, debutant kirill sultanov with mark idelshtein, and yakut magic thriller my girl, by sergey potapov. my girl, a paleogenre story from the republic of sakha, yakutia. in the center
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of its plot, a hermit hunter egor, who came to a large city to find people who became involuntary.
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cross the line between good and evil and how it is very, very shaky in real life, and an important idea for me about how easy it is for you not to notice how you violate your own principles, this is the struggle, defending your own principles, probably for me formed the basis of this film. the main the roles in the monochrome crime drama with elements of noir were played by the star of the films country sasha and 100 years ago. popogrebsky's student kirill also previously appeared at festivals with his documentary ishim, in which he arranged a meeting for divorced parents in the city of their youth. we understood that it would be best to tell this story, of course, in several genres, and
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we tried to make such smooth transitions between them so that the viewer, firstly, would be comfortable, but... so that he would not get tired, that is, we have such a classic three-act structure each of the acts belongs to its genre, at the end it seems to me that we even go a little into a parable, here we have such an unusual combination, i hope that it will work for the viewer. according to the results of the third festival day, the leader of the film critics' rating of five stars is kirill sultanov's summer will come. in second place is malika mukhamedzhan's swallow, and the third place is closed by fyodor kudryavtsev's drama, the same age. the rating is based on the voting of film critics and journalists of leading russian media and telegram channels. in vyborg, a festival premiere of one of the most anticipated large-scale multi-part feature films of the upcoming season. stalypin by alexey andryanov. explores the vivid tragic fate of one of the great reformers of russia, in whose figure the empire saw hope and chance in the years
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of escalating turmoil. history on the screen. 1906, the country is tormented by political. plunging into all these dry texts that we needed to revive to make some kind of spectacle out of it, of course, it was scary, because we could not miss not comma from what is said is recorded, therefore it is very difficult, it is very responsible, and such powerful characters, historical ones in general are difficult to make, here
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you can’t do something, invent, fantasize, add someone... the government has no such desire, there is a desire and obligation to restore order, truthfully in the series and the image. we teach, that
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is, telling about our famous historical figures, and there is certainly artistic fiction, but we invite very serious historical consultants and we adhere to all the facts as much as possible, remember, to give one's life swear? no, no, it was my life that i looked at, not someone else's, yes, enemies, but unusual people, mish, it's a sin, the authors depart from the unambiguous interpretation of the events that took place, extreme revolutionaries and people of the state are shown close and humanely, it turns out that everyone has the same intention, to lead the country out of the crisis, only the desired exit, everyone sees differently, in the midst of all the lights, it turns out that a person who, anticipating great upheavals, is ready to live.
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stands before the viewer as documentary filmmaker, this time with the film stalker of the beloved city. through the reflections of philosophers and artists, he tried to unravel the mystery of the charm of st. petersburg and to enchant the viewer even more. it turned out to be a meditative reflection on what attracts thousands of people to the cultural capital. we simply asked smart people, then, to express their feelings about the city. and since among the smart people there were people who thought philosophically and even fantastic people, for example, the philosophers sekatski, who only screamed from them, books wrote about 30 pieces, here is a university
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professor and all that, then it turned out to be a very profound thing, all that remains is to edit, with panoramas of the petrovskaya capital, filmed by ivan irchaev and to the music of the kino group, the secret interaction of man and the city on the neva is revealed, to finally unravel how... which the author entrusts to the viewer. on the fourth day of the window to europe festival, a creative meeting with the director of the filmography, who has a film about the one who cut this window, took place. vladimir bortko talked to fans, director of the film peter ii. testament and screen adaptations of bulgakov's the master and margarita and heart of a dog. according to the director, the film is not without reason losing its relevance. there is no need to change nature, and this is actually about it. the whole story is written that nature should not be remade, nothing good will come of it. you watched the fourth special issue of the film industry from the film festival "window to
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europe". tomorrow our summer studio in vyborg will again go on air on the russia-24 tv channel.
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mom, why do you need these letters for a fairy tale, in 39 kingdom, the thirtieth state.
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the belgorod region was shelled three dozen times, in the kursk region 12 enemy drones were shot down overnight. how is the evacuation going? let's ask stanislav bernwald, we are waiting for his live broadcast. the magate report was released. the agency did not detect an increased level of radiation at the zaporizhzhya ues, but not a word about ukraine. will it be possible to restore the cooling tower and how long can the work last. arsen avakov, according to the white house, is a real replacement for zelensky, our foreign intelligence service publishes the data. why the former head of the ministry of internal affairs suits the us and how does kiev react? today , vladimir putin and mahmoud abas will hold talks in moscow, discussing bilateral cooperation, as well as the situation in the middle east and the palestinian-israeli conflict. what are the expectations of the press? donald trump gave an interview to elon musk, spoke about the recent
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assassination attempt. criticized the democrats, but the conversation began with a delay, why? valentin bogdanov will tell. and in the german army , ss men are now considered role models, the nuances of modern euro-heroism, noted maria zakharova, will he react berlin? in the kursk region, where the counter-terrorist operation regime is in effect, the situation remains tense, evacuation is underway from border areas. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 400 temporary accommodation points have been created for residents across the country . our special correspondent stanislav bernwald joins the broadcast from the region. stanislav, hello. so, what is the situation in the region now and what about the evacuation, how is it organized? yes, hello, let's start, perhaps, with the overall situation in the kursk region, still, it is extremely tense, but the most important thing is the most difficult situation.


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