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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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this was stated by the russian ambassador to berlin sergei nechayev. the diplomat called the cynical support of this attack by german politicians. the issue is that the ssu used german weapons, among other things. the situation in the kursk region remains tense. voluntary evacuation has begun in another district. our special correspondent stanislav bernwald has the details. the most important and most difficult situation is now in the sudzhinsky district and adjacent border
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areas today, as civilians say, the village of tyotkino was shelled by ukrainian militants, we are waiting for an official briefing, we will draw some conclusions from it, voice it, very important information, asks to convey it to people, a lot of disinformation is now appearing on the internet, please check the information, because the ukrainian special services are deliberately throwing out information specifically to destabilize the situation, and so ... medical assistance, but is engaged in a very important matter, searching for relatives who cannot get in touch with people, painstaking work, there are a lot of requests, at first stage, when the application is accepted, it comes to us and at the same time to the search center in moscow, we check in our databases, if we don’t have a person in our databases, it means he...
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hasn’t yet asked for help, then we check in at temporary accommodation points, we also try to call the hospital using personal connections, to clarify whether he is there, that is, well , such a process of calling all the places where he might be, we work here in kursk, because here we have all the personal connections, contacts, but people can leave to other regions, then the search center, which is located in moscow, comes into play, they have connections with other regional offices, accordingly, in the kursk region they accept everyone, the temporary accommodation centers will expand, because there are a lot of people, the belovsky district, for example, was evacuated yesterday, now people are being accommodated, a lot of people come to get help, and it is really extremely difficult for people, because they had to leave the shelled areas in what they were wearing, many simply did not take any things with them, that's why now the whole world, humanitarian aid is coming here, it's being distributed, people come every day to get bed linen. they grabbed a dog and left
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quickly from under the shelling, so the dog survived two moves, first to lgov, and then here, well, in principle, well , naturally the dog is stressed, but otherwise everything is fine, it wasn't worth taking from you , apparently, not like us, this is already the second time , we fled from donetsk. region, we always took her with us, and now we fled from here from sudzhansky district, they took her again, she is like a member of our family, we can't leave her, five dads were left at home, they managed to grab this one, what's his name, that one next to me, the end, how did he get used to it, bad, he is generally afraid of people, now he is shaking, he was generally afraid of everyone, in our arms like this in an armored car, well, nothing, they brought him.
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representatives of the veterinary services of the region said that the bucket drivers are ready to provide not only assistance in vaccinating animals, but in the event that an animal is injured during evacuation, they are ready to provide assistance, for this they have all the forces and means, about twenty dogs and fifteen cats are in temporary accommodation points, this only concerns the points that are located in the city of korsk, the same points are located in the districts of the kursk region, clinical examination. all animals that are placed here by people, if necessary, providing medical care, well, and conducting preventive vaccination against rabies if necessary, if the animal has not been previously nailed down, volunteers come to help not only people, but also animals, a representative of one of the large donetsk shelters irina volik is bringing humanitarian aid here to kursk, she says that despite the fact that we have a difficult situation there, we must help our neighbors, people from the kursk region and animals too. demanding to condemn
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the terrorist attacks of ukraine in the kursk region. let me remind you that tatyana moskalkova sent her appeal on sunday, now they are reporting the fact of its receipt. we will wait for a reaction on the merits. now the latest data on the progress of the special operation in the ministry of defense announced the active actions of the center group, as a result which another settlement of the donetsk people's republic lisichnaya was liberated. our military in this direction inflicted a defeat.
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45 cells, more than a thousand people were detained. the department noted that attempts to recruit people to create centers of social tension are undertaken with the direct participation of western intelligence services. this year , security and law enforcement agencies have prevented 110 terrorist attacks, the preparation of which was carried out. under the recruiting influence of the enemy , residents of municipalities where it was supposed these attacks. at the same time, international terrorist organizations are increasing the intensity of propaganda of radical islamic movements that are non-traditional for russia. in
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the future, among their supporters, primarily from among the residents of the north caucasus, emigrants from central asia, a search is underway for perpetrators of terrorist attacks in places of mass gatherings of people. and armed attacks on military personnel of law enforcement agencies. well, an urgent message that leonid pasechnik, the head of the lpr, published in his telegram channel, ukrainian nationalists today attacked lisichansk, using a cluster munition. the enemy hit a bus with people. it is known that one person died, and 28 civilians were also injured. 12 people are in serious condition. another six are in extremely serious condition, the beekeeper notes, adding that all the victims are currently receiving all the necessary medical care. emergency services are working at the scene. the beekeeper notes that the details are being clarified, the situation is under his personal control. now about the situation in zaporizhzhya
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npp, the gorodirne tower damaged by fire will be restored. of course, a serious examination is still to be carried out to assess its condition, but visually, the supporting structures are intact. this was reported in an interview with our channel by the npp director for communications evgeniya yashina, here is what she said about the visit of magat experts to the station. yesterday, mgt inspectors present at the site visited the gorodirne tower damaged as a result of the attacks on the ssu. based on the residual smell after the fire , they determined that plastic was burning and during bypass they did not find any tire residue. the group also. stated that there were no significant traces of ash or soot located at the base of the cooling tower. after that, magat published its release, in which it said that they were not yet ready to draw conclusions based on what they saw and would continue their analysis. at
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the moment, everything is fine at the plant, all six power units are in a state of cold shutdown, no violation of the limits and conditions of safe operation of the npp was recorded, traditionally. background, both on the site and in the observation zone, is normal, and corresponds to natural values. i will add that the magat experts, according to them, have not yet determined the causes of the fire. the statement says that during the inspection, they were not able to find fragments of the drone. the specialists confirmed that the nuclear safety of the station is not violated and the radiation background is normal. let me remind you that, according to the ministry of defense, the armed forces of ukraine attacked the zas using a kamikaze drone on the evening of august 11. after that, a fire broke out at the station, the head of rosatom alexey likhachev assessed the attack as an act of nuclear terrorism. another reaction: moscow hopes that the iaea will quickly assess the attack on zaporizhzhya. this was stated by the acting permanent representative of russia to the international organizations in vienna, roman ustinov. he also did not rule out that
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a meeting of the iaea board of governors could be convened on this topic. according to ustinov, russia will raise the issue of the shelling of the zaporizhzhya npp at the iaea session in september. well, now footage from novogorev. "we have not seen each other for 2 years, although we are constantly in contact, and i am very glad
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to see you and your delegation, everyone is fine it is known that russia today, unfortunately, must defend its interests, protect its people with weapons in hand, but what is happening in the middle east, what is happening in palestine, of course, does not go unnoticed on our part, we have very long-standing, deep ties with the arab world in general, with palestine in particular, and we value this very much and, of course, we are watching with great pain and concern the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine, for our part we are doing everything to support the palestinian people, you know, we... about 700 tons of cargo of various kinds, we are doing everything
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to use any opportunities to support the palestinians and the palestinian people, first of all, of course, we are worried about the losses among the civilian population, according to the un , this is already 40 thousand people, mainly women and children. i am very glad to have the opportunity. to meet with you today here in moscow to talk about the whole complex of our relations, but about the situation at the present time, as well as for the near future, you you know that we have always advocated peaceful settlements, we understand that we have a common position, it is that the roots of this problem go far back in the past and are connected, first of all, with ignoring
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the decisions previously taken at the level of international organizations, first of all at the level of the un, with the formation of the creation of an independent palestinian state. our position here is unchanged, it was formulated a long time ago and is not of any opportunistic nature. we believe that in order to ensure a long-term, reliable, stable peace in the region, it is necessary to implement all the decisions of the united nations and, first of all , to create a full-fledged. thank you very much, mr. president putin, i am very glad to be here in moscow, this is a friendly country, really for the palestinian people, this friendship has been binding us for decades.
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its mission is to give one solution, to adopt one resolution that would
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implement and ensure the implementation of the rights of the palestinian people. i know that you are concerned, follow what is happening, we always consult with you, always we maintain contact at the level of the ministry of foreign affairs, at the level of ambassadors. we are in constant contact, we always feel the warmth of our relations with the russian federation. and we feel the great attention and importance that our friends and brothers in russia attach to our problem.
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consult with you, we believe in you, we trust you, and we feel your support, and we are also with you from our country, and so we hope, always and will be, we feel that russia is the dearest, one of the dearest friends of the palestinian people, and as you said at the beginning of the meeting, we hope that the palestinian people will also get their state.
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ending the policy of expatriation, we will not accept this, we will not accept the expatriation of palestinians, the gaza strip from the west bank, from jerusalem, as happened before many times in the 20th century, in 1948, in 1967. and we believe that with your support we will achieve our goals, thank you very much, mr. president, i am glad to be with you here today to continue our discussion, thank you. so, vladimir putin in novogorev is holding talks with palestinian president mahmoud abbas. ukraine is slowly but surely
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turning into europe's black hole. this is stated in a statement by the press bureau of the foreign development service. russia, the department noted that dissatisfaction with zelensky is growing among the american elite, since according to intelligence, the american authorities intend to launch a powerful information campaign to discredit him. it is also reported that the united states has instructed affiliated ngos to develop a scenario for the rise to power of former ukrainian interior minister arsen avakov. question this is already being discussed with the heads of ukrainian opposition parties, as well as with deputies from the ruling party "servant of the people". psb, what kind of bank should it be? a strong country, reliable, it should support culture, build sports strength and be in sports, help reach your goals and be there in any, even
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the red sun has risen, time for alpha bank, time for alpha profit. russia's oil revenues grew by 5.5% in july. this data was presented by the international energy agency. dmitry marokko has read the report, he is joining the broadcast. so, dmitry, and thanks to what exactly did you manage to increase your revenues? hello, the reason: growth oil prices. russian oil rose to $72 per barrel last month. russia's revenues from oil exports continue to grow amid favorable price conditions, according to a fresh report from the international energy agency. in july, they amounted to more than $17 billion, up
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5.6% from june. export prices for russian eurols crude increased by almost $4.5 per barrel to $72, which is higher than the price ceiling set by western countries. at the same time, the oil export from russia in july decreased slightly it. there is nothing terrible in this, and in terms of figures, well, here it is also usually explained by the fact that even if sometimes the volumes decrease, and the general price of oil, oil products, it still remains at an acceptable level, the discount decreases, or at least does not grow relative to ours. oil, urals and other grades of oil, well, and this also applies to oil products, that is , there are no longer such wild discounts as before, therefore , in total, the budget receives better income,
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than it was last year, and significantly better, world oil prices have already returned to growth after falling last week, the brand is now trading at around $82 per barrel, the main reason, according to experts, is the expectation of an escalation of the conflict in the middle east. this is despite the fact that world demand for oil remains restrained, according to forecasts from the international energy agency, this year it will amount to about 103 million barrels per day, next year, about 104. in turn, opec lowered its forecast due to slowing demand in china. there is an accumulation of savings against the growth of expenses, this all limits on the one hand the activity of movement, the purchase of consumer goods, in particular cars, all this. meters fuel
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has risen in price by 8% in just one session, and only today there was a small correction. experts believe that the main reason for the growth is concern about the transit of gas from russia through ukraine. the fighting in the kursk region may lead to interruptions in supplies through the sudzha point. it is through it that fuel flows to europe, the volume is about 40 million cubic meters per day. today, this is the largest transit corridor for russian gas supplies to europe, if it is... the europeans will not be able to quickly compensate for the fuel shortage. in addition to russia , gas pipeline systems from norway, algeria , the netherlands, azerbaijan, libya, and great britain are also operating, but it is unlikely that anyone from these countries can significantly increase the volume of supplies. gazprom states that gas supply through the sudzha station is still continuing at the same level as in july. last year, the total transit volume
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was 15 billion cubic meters, which is 4.5% of the total gas consumption in the european union. people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. the cropped beret is a symbol, it is. wears, i believe that there should be a model in everything, they should follow it, worse is impossible, better is possible, this has always been our motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and sleep.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective. are you used to watching videos on the internet? stopped working, install, open, watch. russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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elimination of accumulated harm, landfills, emission reduction, forest restoration, cleaning of the arctic in the volga. in fact , there are a lot of programs. at the end of the twenty -third year, the results of 5 years of work of the national project ecology were summed up. funding has increased significantly, businesses are actively investing in environmental programs, already about half a trillion rubles.
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we will tell you how it all happens. in our program , made in russia, and the first story from the irkutsk region. at this place in the city of usolye, siberia. in the irkutsk region , a large chemical plant has been operating since 1936. during this time, it accumulated a huge amount of waste, some of which ended up in the angara, and lake baikal is not far from here. as a result, the site was recognized as an ecological disaster area. what happened next, we will now tell you.


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