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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations. we will expose all the fakes.
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vladimir putin received the leader of palestine mahmoud abas in novogorevye today, discussed the escalation of the conflict in the middle east and humanitarian issues.
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we are watching the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine with great pain and anxiety, for our part we are doing everything to support the palestinian people, you know, we sent about 700 tons of cargo of various kinds, we are doing everything in order to use any opportunity to support the palestinians and the palestinian people, first of all, of course - we are worried about the losses among the civilian population, according to data, this is already 40 thousand people, and mainly, mainly - these are women and children. the roots of the current conflict go back to the distant past and are primarily related to how the decision taken at the level of the un and other international organizations on two states is ignored. moscow has not changed its position and remains confident that it is impossible to ensure stable peace in region is possible only through the creation of.
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in tehran, the key negotiator from the palestinian side, the head of the political wing of the hamas movement, ismail haniyeh, was not killed. and although the un security council resolution specifically noted that israel accepts these proposals. prime minister netanyahu's most ardent supporters oppose this approach. the day before, right-wing activists held a rally calling for the recapture of territories in gaza from which jewish settlements were evacuated in 2005. they are proposing that the palestinians leave their native lands. we are not entering today in gaza, but we are saying today that we are calling on the government to make the right decision. a complicating factor is the expectation of iran's reaction to the murder of a senior hamas member. influential american publications report that tehran's response to the death of ismail hanei will be such
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that iran can save face, but at the same time its strength should not lead to a full-scale war that could engulf the entire middle east region. at the same time , the israeli army radio, galileit sahal, without naming sources, assures. jewish state have notified the us and a number of european countries that any direct attack by iran will be met with a powerful strike on the territory of the islamic republic. they will drag this process out forever, they will try to lure the us into this trap if iran retaliates, and i believe it will, possibly this week. israel will have to think seriously about whether biden, kamala, as well as blinken and salewan, will approve the same degree of military involvement in the middle east with which the us is involved in the conflict in ukraine. at the official level. washington emphasizes, that does not want escalation in the white house said, the us expects that the talks on thursday will take place and bring results. all negotiators must return to the negotiating table to finalize this agreement. the details are such that we think they can be discussed more critically. it is time for hamas
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to release the hostages, among whom, of course, there are american citizens, and help us all bring some relief to the people of gaza. along with the us, hamas was called upon to participate. in the talks with israel, egypt and qatar. rator reports that iran may join the negotiations for the first time. yelizata khramtsova, vesti. 80% of russia's foreign trade already goes to friendly countries, the figure is planned to be increased further due to the updated national project and new federal measures. it is planned to create new transport corridors and foreign support mechanisms. konstantin churikov will provide details. russia. this was discussed at a strategic session of the government, as prime minister mikhail mishustin reported, in the first 5 months , trade turnover with friendly countries has already amounted to more than 80%, and this is despite
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the opposition of the west. the share of friendly states in foreign trade turnover continues to grow dynamically, despite all attempts by the west to interfere with the dialogue with potential current ones. and exports, its raw materials, not energy part by 2030 should grow by 2/3, this is more than 21 trillion rubles. well, and much here will depend on agricultural exports, it should increase to 4.700 billion rubles, this is significantly more than it was before. by the end of
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the current decade it is necessary by 2/3 increase the volume of neither raw materials nor energy exports in relation to the level of last year. well, and accordingly reach the target value of about 21.120 billion rubles, if we calculate this at today's exchange rate. supplies of agricultural products must also be increased by at least one and a half times, compared to the indicators of 2021, their volume should accordingly exceed 4.700 billion rubles. the updated national project should become an important element of the structural restructuring of our economy, it will include four federal projects: they will be related to the promotion of industrial goods and agricultural products, the development of foreign economic activity and the creation of foreign support mechanisms. well, as for these foreign mechanisms, first deputy prime minister denis manturov told us what we are talking about? we focus on the development of new
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international transport corridors, including the development of port infrastructure facilities of transport and logistics centers. the second direction involves the formation of russian industrial hubs abroad. the third the task is connected with scaling and realization of russian goods. in new markets, so, all this is part of the new federal project, it is called creation of foreign infrastructure, concerns new opportunities of delivery of our goods abroad and formation of industrial centers there. minister of industry and trade anton alikhanov called this federal project the main innovation in the approach to support of export. the innovation of the novella, this, this radio of the national project is the federal project of development. international export infrastructure, this is creation and support of industrial
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development zones in foreign countries, with support for the development of port projects abroad, which will allow us to reach more countries, solving, it would seem, external economic problems, the state will help solve internal ones, this was stated by the governor of the arkhangelsk region alexander tsybulsky, he also heads the state commission on international cooperation and export. the state council, the regions are also extremely interested in the efficiency of foreign economic activity being increased, since we we understand that export activities, export-oriented business - this is primarily income for the budgets of the subjects of the russian federation, these are new jobs, and this is an opportunity for the further development of high-tech production. thus, the growth of russian exports is becoming a matter of national importance, and the motto, buy russian? is redirected not only to the citizens of our country. the armed
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forces of russia will receive about 1 million weapons of various calibers. state contracts were signed at the military-technical forum army 2024, which is taking place in the patriot park near moscow. so what was agreed upon and what weapons are the troops expecting? yegor grigoriev will tell you about this. six government contracts have been signed and 11 are awarded. the day before , defense minister andrei belousov formulated the main conditions for success in modern military conflicts, one of which is the provision of modern weapons, primarily high-precision weapons, the signed contracts include , among other things, the manufacture and delivery of missiles for the iskander otrk, the complexes are effectively used to destroy concentrations of manpower and equipment in the ukrainian armed forces, including foreign mercenaries, last month was even called the month of iskanders by western media, since our operational-tactical missile systems inflicted serious damage on the enemy with high-precision strikes. the contracts signed today provide for the production and supply of large-caliber machine guns, universal
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diving equipment, anti-sabotage boats, remote-controlled underwater unmanned vehicles, mi-8 attack and transport helicopters, various modifications of guided and unguided missiles, combat machines, heavy flamethrower systems, sun-propelled guns, tanks, t-90m, communications equipment and many other weapons and equipment in demand and proven effective in the svo. increasing the number of these weapons will increase the advantage on the battlefield. the head of the main directorate of armaments of the armed forces of russia anatoly gulyayev noted that these are additionally signed contracts to those that have already been concluded 500 new types of weapons and 1 million weapons will be received by our soldiers. let me remind you that in principle we have the entire twenty-fourth year in terms of the volume of state orders, almost all 98% of today's tasks and volume of state orders of the twenty-fifth year are contracted and obligations are accepted by the ministry of defense and industrial enterprises for their
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implementation, therefore this is an additional signing of contracts, as a result of the implementation of which the armed forces will receive over 500 units of basic weapons and equipment. today, the best work collectives and defense industry enterprises were awarded for the implementation of defense orders, special purchases and certificates. many samples of their products are exhibited at the forum and have aroused great interest among foreign delegations; modern types of russian weapons and their use are closely monitored, for example, in saudi arabia, said one of the representatives of the defense industry sector of this country. such a variety of samples and their capabilities help us to improve ourselves, i hope we will be able to see even more exhibits. i will strive to come here again. i am very much from saudi arabia myself glad to be a part of it. delegations from 83 countries are participating in the forum, this year it is open exclusively to the professional
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community and does not include entertainment events. egor grigoriev, oleg ivanov, anton solovyov, dari lionova. vesti. the head of the international olympic committee thomas bach said that the games in paris were his last in this status, for the role of successor, so far only one candidate is known. this is the current leader. there is still a good word to remember about the departed thomas bach and about this danilo makhalin will tell everyone. the next elections for the president of the international olympic committee will be held in march of the twenty -fifth year, and seventy-year-old thomas bach, whose regular statements, in recent years have been destroying the foundations of the world olympic movement in every possible way, has decided not to run for another term. as a result
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of deep reflection, extensive discussions, i have come to the conclusion that my powers should not. go beyond the limits set in the olympic charter after 12 years as president could our organization best there would be a change of leadership, new times require new leaders. formally, bug really could not put forward his candidacy next year, because he became the head of the could in 2013 and the maximum term of the presidency prescribed in the olympic charter of 12 years will end exactly in 2025. but there was a possibility that the recently created initiative group of bach's supporters would push through amendments to this charter and nemets would still be able to be re-elected. true, after the speeches in which bach said that there is no scientific system for identifying men and women, apparently even his entourage began to doubt his ability to continue to lead the international olympic committee. if someone can scientifically prove what test can
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distinguish a man from a woman, we will be the first to use it, but unfortunately this is not possible yet. in order to decide, it is not enough to just look. after the news of bach's refusal to participate in the elections, the head of the international athletics federation, sixty-seven-year-old briton sebastian coe, quickly got his bearings, who told reporters that he was quite willing to consider such a career extension. i always made it clear that if the opportunity arose, i would seriously consider it, and now the opportunity has arisen, and i need to think about it. according to the world media'.
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zavalkov is the most famous russophobe in the sports world, although in 1980, when the western bloc countries boycotted the moscow olympics, sebastian coe became the only british athlete to come, compete, and win a gold medal in 1,500m. there is a saying: the next one is always worse than the last,
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i would not like it to be so. skou's option does not imply a warming of relations with the russian olympians, but there is. a scenario in which another candidate could be zimbabwean kirsty-coventry, who heads the athletes' commission. unlike coe, coventry has always been in favor of admitting russian athletes, but at the same time managed not to conflict with baham, who through her could maintain his influence on mock. danil makhalin, alexander stalmashevsky, news.
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the ruling party of georgia named the reason for the outbreak of the conflict in august 2008, and now a criminal case can be opened in the country against former president mikheil saakashvili, and under the article on treason, all the details and resonant statements were studied by alexandra perfilieva, acted on orders from outside, the authorities of georgia admitted that in 2008 the war was started by the president.
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tskhenvalvala and peacekeepers. the order was given by mikheil saakashvili, who would later be so afraid of the consequences that he would even
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hide from a plane flying past. of course, the president of georgia was sure that nato would come to his aid, but after russia took retaliatory measures against georgian aggression, the alliance was afraid to interfere, but by august 10 the georgian armed forces were driven out. from almost all areas of tskhenvala, then develis and sent a note about the cessation of hostilities. the peace enforcement operation was completed in just 5 days. the symbol of saakashvili's failure was the tie he hysterically twirled during a live broadcast. the fact that it was the west that raised saakashvili to be a politician is also shown by his biography. after he was expelled from the kiev institute of people's relations for pornography, the future georgian president was sent to study in new york at the expense of the state department. then he worked in various countries defending the interests of american oil and gas
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projects. remember exactly how it was led by george bush, jr., who drew the attention of political leaders of the world's states to the fact that there is such a promising georgian leader, a president, who needs to open the way, but god, saakashvili stole when the protests began, ordered the rallies to be harshly dispersed, then more than 500 people were taken to hospital, opposition channels were completely closed, in fact, in order to
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retain personal power, saakashvili agreed.
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representatives of the sbu in order to, well, of course, nato countries, in order to work on the mistakes was done, it was done, because those strongholds who really interfere with the work, they really interfered in ovdeevka, they really interfered in bakhmut, they are exactly, this is work on the mistakes, propaganda for decades assured the ukrainians that russia was their enemy, and then threw them to the slaughter. now tbilisi admits that the west is trying in every way to drag georgia into a war with moscow. the georgian european commissioner even threatened the prime minister, for example, with the same attack as on the head of the slovakian government robert fitz, who was shot several bullets, he survived miraculously, but the russian foreign ministry emphasizes that moscow is interested in peace in the caucasus and is ready to facilitate a peaceful dialogue between all interested parties. alexander perfileva and olga belotserkovskaya, news.
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so says the lighthouse.
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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll tell you about in the next hour. our guys are beating the ukrainian armed forces in kolotilovka. heavy flamethrower systems, mines and dragon's teeth. what else are kiev militants greeted with at the iconic checkpoint in the belgorod region. keep quiet about donbass. kiev.


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