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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 14, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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russia values ​​its ties with palestine. and events in the middle east do not go unnoticed by moscow, despite the fact that our country is currently defending its interests with weapons in hand. this was stated by vladimir putin during talks with palestinian leader mahmoud abbas, who arrived in russia on an official visit. later, in an interview with russian journalists, the palestinian president assessed the meeting as honest and open. alexander khristenko will tell us about the topics that were raised.
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without attention from our side, we have very long-standing deep ties with the arab world in general, with palestine in particular, and we value this very much and, of course, we are watching with great pain and concern the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine. 3 days ago, the israeli army launched a missile attack on a school in the gaza strip, killing more than 90 people, wounding dozens, the bombing sharply... russia provides
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comprehensive humanitarian aid to the palestinians, 700 tons of various goods have been sent to those in need. all these years, we have felt russia's support, our countries always stand by truth respect human rights, without a doubt we are on the side of the russian federation. mr. president, we believe in you and trust you. the government. has a plan for the return of refugees and the comprehensive restoration of the palestinian enclave, but this is impossible without the withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza and the implementation of a political solution based on international law, - the palestinian leader said the day before, referring to the creation of an independent state. russia is a member of the so -called middle east quartet for a settlement, which also includes the us, the eu and the un, however, the work of this format has been frozen for several years now. washington has effectively monopolized diplomatic efforts.
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in this area, in addition, netanyahu's cabinet of ministers in israel includes ultra-right politicians who do not accept anything other than harsh force methods. according to un estimates, 40,000 people have already become victims of israeli military actions in gaza, 80,000 have been wounded, but tel aviv continues, relying on the political and military support of the united states. recently , an additional package of military aid worth $ 3.5 billion was allocated. the murder of the head of the hamas politburo ismail haniyeh in tehran and in general. we continue our struggle, we patiently endure all the hardships and, of course, we count on humanitarian aid for our people. we do not accept the expatriation of palestinians, the gaza strip from the west bank, from jerusalem, as happened before, repeatedly in the 20th century. russia has always advocated a diplomatic solution to the palestinian problem based on the creation of a sovereign state within the borders of 1967.
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the briefing of the operational headquarters here in the kursk region has ended, all the latest news and military in social areas we have now heard, if we talk about the military situation, it is indeed still extremely tense, several areas of the border, now the hottest spot is in the kursk region, there are battles there, but our reserves that have arrived, now slowly but surely begin to push the enemy beyond the state border of the russian federation and, as in previous days, it is worth noting, our aviation is working very, very effectively, beating off and knocking out approaching reserves, destroying expensive western equipment in in the same spirit, guys, continue, more detailed information was given today at a briefing about how
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things are currently, said the official representative of the northern group of forces, during the day , active actions of units of the northern group of forces and the reserves that arrived, strikes by army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, artillery fire, attempts by enemy mobile groups to break through on armored vehicles deep into russian territory were stopped. over the past day, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to 420 servicemen, 55 units of armored vehicles, including three tanks, eight armored personnel carriers, an infantry fighting vehicle, 43 armored combat vehicles, 31 vehicles, a launcher. system, a multiple launch rocket system and an artillery gun, well, and it is worth saying that hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid are now coming from all over russia, coming from ordinary people, coming from organizations, the acting head of the public humanitarian headquarters of the people's front, today said
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that humanitarian aid in large quantities is going to both the civilian population and of course, our military has been issued to date about 960 unmanned aerial vehicles of various types. other military property, equipped 32 vehicles with the system, these are primarily ambulances, evacuation vehicles, today we were in one of the centers for issuing humanitarian aid, a large number of people, there are currently receiving assistance, this is all the most necessary things and food, a ten-kilogram set per person, which... for 5-6 days, and also bed linen and mattresses are issued, the work is organized very, very well , volunteers work, and representatives of the people's front, that it's scary to talk about, it's just scary, that people, what's going on, this is generally, i never thought that they would ride on
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a bus like this, grandmothers, 90 years old, she went through the great patriotic war, again like this, we signed up for the red cross, here are people right here. all of russia is worried about the kursk people, everyone is helping as much as they can, a huge number of things are sent here, assistance for our military, they provide ordinary residents of russia in telegram, for example, many humanitarian volunteer channels, collected several million rubles in order to purchase purchased means of counter...
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this is one of the main, so to speak, the main place in obtaining, first of all - this is intelligence data, that is, intelligence, as we are accustomed to it, that is... foot, as, for example, we had in the chechen conflict, it basically does not exist now, now intelligence is carried out, these are either large birds, eagles, ailerons, supercams, or mavics, in our case, this is still a large part lion's, this is intelligence gathering, these are mavics, artillery fire adjustments are mavics, adjustments of anything, mortars, mlrs, all this is done with mavics, so at the moment it is simply impossible to imagine a modern conflict without this, well, and it is worth saying, probably, in conclusion, that the missile... danger today is declared significantly less than the day before, twice during the night, it was declared, once in the morning, i will remind you that the missile danger is declared when our air defenses begin to intercept incoming missiles to regional centers, populated areas, including the regional center. stanislav bernval, sergey soldatov, vesti kurskaya
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oblast. about 900 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to kursk oblast by emergencies ministry employees. aid for those who had to urgently leave their homes is being collected throughout the country. collection points are open in every russian region. in kursk oblast itself, where the situation remains difficult in the border areas, volunteers continue to work. our correspondent varvara nevskaya has details. everything we have goes to kursk, here there is a whole box of buckwheat, the tomsk headquarters is always crowded, local residents bring food, medicine, a blanket, pillows , warm clothes to help kursk, eighty-eight-year-old ivan bychikhin, without thinking, gave the region a warm down jacket he bought for himself, everything that might be useful to those who were forced to be away from home, is collected in penza, first of all, hygiene products that have a long shelf life, that is, not frozen, and there are cereals, some canned goods, and also separately for children
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these are diapers, baby food, there is a great need for this. since the morning, volunteers have been sorting valuable cargo, the first batch of humanitarian aid for the kursk region, a whole truck, they managed to collect it here in just two days off. i have only carried the food now, and i already have my things there, i still have a big bag, i will hire a taxi and bring the things after lunch. the distance of assistance is not a hindrance , thousands of kilometers from kursk, the most necessary things are also collected by residents of the far east. i think that people are now far from their homes, they need everything. is it possible to stay in side, when trouble comes to your home. more than 20 tons of humanitarian aid was handed over to the residents of the kursk region who had lost blood. yesterday, for 10 hours, we received the cargo from the territorial region, formed it. through gasoline generators, and also household chemicals and feed will be delivered in 2 days, refrigerators and
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for animals, several boxes were collected by the residents of the region especially for september 1, inside are notebooks, pens, erasers and pencils. when trouble comes to the house, we all unite to defeat this trouble, to cope with it. russian regions not only send help to residents of settlements affected by the terrorist attack in kiev , but also accommodate people. 51 children from the kursk region. children with disabilities who have lost their parents have already been accommodated at one of the recreation centers in the tula region. i really liked it, when we walked like an escafe, there was a landscape, it turns out, there is a house there, that is, a green house, and a forest behind, it is so beautiful. volunteers of the people's front provide round-the-clock assistance on site to residents of the kursk region, they clear away rubble after strikes in the armed forces of ukraine, unload and deliver humanitarian aid, people are being taken out of dangerous areas. now we'll get to the car and
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everything will be fine. in the affected settlements, help is needed not only by people, but also by pets. volunteers are rescuing abandoned pets and four-legged residents of the kursk shelter, located just 30 km from the line of fire. and in kursk itself , veterinary examinations and vaccinations have been organized at temporary accommodation points for pets evacuated together with their owners. now we'll vaccinate against rabies, she has not been vaccinated, yes, no, there is no rabies vaccine, it is impossible to remain indifferent everyone can help humanitarian aid collection points for residents of the kursk region who suffered from the inhumane actions of kiev militants have been deployed in every region of the country. varvara nevskaya, stanislav bernvalt, valeria sapegina and natalia uvarova. vesti. russia will develop space nuclear energy. this is necessary, among other things, for the exploration and development of the moon. this was stated by prime minister mikhail mishustin at a strategic session on space activities of russia.
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anastasia ponko found out what other priority tasks need to be solved. russia is one of the world leaders in the field of space exploration; a national project for the development of space activities up to 2030 and for the future up to 2036 has been developed to determine the future path . what needs to be done was discussed at the government coordination center. in order to fulfill the tasks set by the president in his may decree, it is necessary to increase the composition of the orbital group of spacecraft several times , which will significantly increase quality of services for the state, citizens and businesses. it is also necessary to establish a conveyor production of 250 units per year. such an approach, as the head of government noted, will make it possible to reduce the cost of satellites, maximally develop new technologies, and also support the production of domestic components and electronics. in the horizon up to 2030. we need to increase the number of satellites in orbital groups
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to 1200 units, bring the total number of launches from russian spaceports to 56 per year starting from the twenty-seventh year deployment of its own orbital station. an important federal project will be the development of space nuclear energy in russia, it is aimed at creating nuclear engines.
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private investments, the use of public -private partnership in the implementation of all federal projects. the national project, among other things, will help to significantly increase the availability of communication services, which is important for a huge country, and will also ensure the transition to a new level, both manned space exploration and fundamental space research. anastasia panko, lead. in germany, wehrmacht officers will become role models. the german ministry of defense intends to include. hitler's military in the list of those who should serve as an example of military valor. at the same time, the military department assures that nazi traditions will not form the basis of the country's armed forces. zinaida kurbatova investigated whether this is true. residents of germany are once again preparing for war, with the same enemy as in world war i and world war ii, with russia.
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for example, in the baltics, they began to directly approve of nazi criminals long ago, now a strange addition to the document on the education of traditions in the german army appeared. defense ministry spokesman arne kolac recalls that in the 1950s , the bundeswehr, that is, the armed forces of the frg , employed de-nozified officers of the third reich who passed on their experience to the youth, including ss officers. at that time, it was necessary to bring in reliable and democratic people who, on the basis of the bundeswehr, would monitor that it developed in the right direction. these people are listed as heroes, but there are many questions, here is erich top, a submariner and rear admiral in 1933 he joined the nsdap and the algerian sss, the part from which the executioners and camp guards were recruited. he shared the ideas of racial superiority, the idea of ​​the need to conquer living space, well, of course, from the point of view of germany's utter dependence on
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the united states, to include this list of heroes, a man who fearlessly sank american. going across the atlantic, but that's also so-so. in addition, such a member of the nsdap, merciless to the enemies of the reich, someone's kind grandfather, who lived out his last days in western germany. tradition should not be perfect, the decree says, that is, a soldier who killed, raped, took a fur cape from a russian woman he killed and sent it to his gredchen in a parcel, may well be a hero. they turn other people's houses into ashes, returned to ukraine by deception, returned to moldova by cunning, tried to return to russia. forces former nazis have once again become heroes of germany. germany's economy is falling. according to german experts, the country will be in 2024 will end with zero economic growth. as for the bundeswehr, the situation is dire. the reasons are incompetent leadership for many years, a corruption scandal and the transfer of the vector from defense capability to transgender issues in the army.
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the german armed forces bundeswehr are not capable of ensuring the defense of the country. that is, earlier. "all of germany must be prepared for war, this is the most important common task for politics, the bundeswehr, business and society in the broadest sense. this also concerns critical infrastructure, especially in hamburg, as well as about the importance of the port for the functioning of the alliance and support for nato. due to its geographical location in europe, germany is the location of the march country
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through which nato units march to the eastern flank." well-planned and ordered from outside betrayal. with details by alexander perfilyev. acted on orders from outside. the georgian authorities admitted that in 2008. attacked south ossetia. the fact that in august 2008, saakashvili's adventurous actions were the war was started by the country's president, mikhail
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saakashvili, on orders from western curators, was not the result of his mental instability, but the result of instructions from outside and a well-planned betrayal. the osce special representative, swiss diplomat heidi tellevini, confirmed that the blame for starting the war lies with saakashvili. this was also established by the international commission. on peacekeepers, the order was given by mikheil saakashvili, who would then be so afraid of the consequences that he would even
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hide from a passing plane. of course, the president of georgia was sure that nato would will come to the rescue, but after russia took countermeasures to georgian aggression, the alliance was afraid to interfere, but by august 10, armed... georgian forces were driven out of almost all areas of tskhenvali. then dbilisa transmitted a note about the cessation of hostilities. the peace enforcement operation was completed in just 5 days. the symbol of saakashvili's failure then became the tie, which he hysterically lived on during a live broadcast. the fact that it was the west that raised and made saakashvili a politician is also shown by his biography. after he was kicked out of kiev. institute of international relations for pornography, the future georgian president was sent to study in new york at the expense of the state department. then he worked in different countries
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defended the interests of american oil and gas projects in the former republics of the ussr, showed himself to be a diligent performer, when the usa organized the revolution in georgia ros, saakashvili became president. work in gaga, work with a large company of the united states of america, which...
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here are those very people in the footage from the surveillance cameras, and since there is no larisa herself there were no representatives of dolina on site, the security guards of the residential complex suspected something was wrong, they consider themselves the owners of the apartment, the security guards did not let them in, so, because we have no instructions to let strangers in, so, well, yes, but they presented documents for the apartment, no, they did not present them, but those who came insisted that they paid more than 100 million rubles for the apartment. why are they not letting your apartment in?
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fake video recording, the bank employees were completely sure that they were facing a people's artist of russia, this is a deepfake, this is generated by the network video or is it just. i am convinced that the new video recording is also cut director of the singer sergey pudovkin fake. i do not think that larisa dolina would report to anyone with a passport in such a demonstration format. we showed it to video experts. today, technology makes it quite easy to do anything on any, let 's say, person in we can now do something right now, well, let's say lionev sells his, well, non-existent asob for rubles. yes, we can,
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of course. you just need to upload it to the neural network the voice and photos of the potential victim and the result is obvious. my friends, i am valery leontyev. it is really me, and i want to sell my mansion on rublevka for 100 billion million. however , here is a real comment from larisa dolina that has just appeared, it seems that her apartment was actually sold. very sophisticated and planned fraudulent actions have been committed against me. a criminal case has been opened on this fact, i have been recognized. according to some information, back in april , larisa alexandrovna received a call allegedly from the special services asking for help in catching scammers, for which they convinced to fictitiously sell the apartment and transfer the money to safe accounts. a classic scheme of telephone fraud. it was established that the scammers are in ukraine , they just posted on social networks
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an appeal allegedly from me. sponsor the azov battalion to live the rest of their lives in odessa. during the initial operational and investigative activities, the police of the central district of the capital identified and detained a fifty-three-year-old female courier, for whom a preventive measure was chosen in in the form of detention. larisa aleksandrovna dolevna turned out to be a victim of fraud. and i hope that, given all her merits and relations with the state, they will help her overcome this problem, in no case should such things be allowed or allowed at all, so i wish sincerely, we treat larisa aleksandrovna with love, she is an outstanding person, she has an anniversary next year, and i hope that this problem will be resolved in her favor,
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the detained police... near the house in khamovniki, buyers of an apartment have already been interviewed police and released, they may not have known about the fraudulent scheme, and are likely to be victims in this story. alexander karpov, selat savichev, ada adamova, maria dobroradnykh, news. the head of the international olympic committee, thomas bach, said that the games in paris were his last in this status. and only one candidate is known for the role of successor, the current head of the international athletics federation. read more about how this will affect the russian olympic movement in danila makhalin's article. the next elections for the president of the international olympic committee will be held in march of the twenty-fifth year, and seventy-year-old thomas bach, whose regular statements have been destroying the foundations of the world olympic movement in recent years, has decided not to run for another term. as a result.


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