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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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the extreme fire hazard class continues to operate in the murmansk region, due to dry and hot weather in the region the tundra began to burn, when. rains will come to the arctic, vadim zavodchenkov will tell about this. some regions will have floods and cold, while others will have warm sun. the centers of no rain and good weather have now almost equally divided the russian plain. how long will this situation last when the heat returns to moscow. current meteorological analytics on the russia 24 channel, i am vadim zabuchenkov, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, russian plain in the coming days will remain. a battlefield between a giant
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cyclone and an anticyclone. some samara drivers were forced to escape the flood on the roofs of their cars on wednesday. a volley of rain turned the streets in the east of the city into rivers, the precipitation fell at such a speed that after going into a store for a few minutes, customers could no longer leave it, because the waves were already splashing at the porch. the steps accumulated. the elements showed themselves no less vividly in the sverdlovsk region, where a tornado was noticed near the city of kamensko-uralsky, its trunk was spreading almost parallel to the ground resembled a giant rein or whip, the threatening appearance of the tornado scared many, but most likely this tornado was water, so it did not pose a great danger, and local media did not report any destruction after it... for comparison, in moscow
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the day before there was calm sunny weather, by the middle of the day the thermometers reached +21.5°, that is, the temperature in the megapolis finally returned to normal. interestingly, it was even warmer in murmansk yesterday. recently, august has been spoiling residents of the arctic, but even very good weather has a downside side. the tundra in the region has started to burn, only recently. managed to localize the outbreaks on the middle peninsula. fires occur because tourists leave unextinguished fires, and the fragile arctic nature will take decades to recover from this. murmansk itself was shrouded in gray haze all tuesday and wednesday. such contrasting weather on the russian plain is a consequence of the collision of a cyclone and anticyclone in the region. as can be seen in the photo from space in the east. covered
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with dense rain clouds, so the air here warms up poorly, for example, in kazan in the middle of the day it was only about +15, but in the west, on the contrary, there were very few clouds left and even in the polar murmansk the thermometers reached +23. today on the kola peninsula it will still be dry and sunny, but now the abnormal warming will acquire a record character in the afternoon. the air will warm up to +25, this is higher than the previous maximum recorded in 1958, needless to say that in such a situation the high level of fire danger will remain. in the coming days, the cyclone stuck over the urals will continue to spoil weather in the east of european russia, while another mass of rain clouds will appear in the north of the region over the weekend, however, here the deterioration. weather will have
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a positive effect. in total, on saturday and sunday in some places on the kola peninsula about 10-20 mm of moisture will fall, so the fire danger in the tundra will begin to decrease. then the cloud vortex will begin to break through further into the russian plain. at the beginning of the new week , only the southern part of the region will remain in the area of ​​the solar anticyclone, in the middle latitudes the atmosphere will de... systems of frontal sections, so that here again massifs of rain clouds will form, for example, in moscow until sunday it will be sunny, and the temperature will continue to rise, if today the thermometers show about +22, then by the end of the weekend the heat will come to the capital, in the afternoon up to +26, only on monday torrential rains can refresh the air in the megapolis. now our joint
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rubric with ruscosmos is a photo from orbit, and today we will look into the rostov region, from a height it is already good. outlines of the future a catchment dam and a shipping lock, this is how the construction site of the bagaevsky hydroelectric complex currently looks like, the facility is very important for the region, it will allow removing a bottleneck, it is necessary to provide a guaranteed waterway depth of at least 4 m on a section of 85 km, this means a significant increase in the volume of cargo transportation. here is a hydraulic structure scheduled for operation in the second quarter of 2025. that's all for me, goodbye.
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's more profitable with prime at sber. ukrainian media. are distributing videos of imaginary victories of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region, showing videos from towns and villages that are allegedly coming under the control of kiev. well, what do our experts say about the authenticity of these videos, anton potkovenko found out. juggles facts, interspersing fakes with video preserves that were filmed a few days ago, the propaganda machine of the ukrainian tsypso according to western patterns, is trying to whip up panic in russia. here kiev militants at the broken door of the cultural center in plekhov, kursk region, this village is very close to the border, it is less than half an hour to it at a leisurely pace, the enemy did not enter there yesterday or the day before yesterday, they are laying out now after so much.
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then they are simply used as needed, for example, here they have one goal, this is natural, a regular information operation, to sow panic, a similar story with a pr sortie in sudzha, this story is being maximally replicated by the ukrainians, as the creation of the sudzhan boarding school, the russian tricolor falls, but that part of the material where the correspondent is among the flowers of calmly moving cars, this is not sudzha, these are sums, colleagues from the military informant have taken apart literally. frame by frame, and there is also confirmation from those who lived in sumy that this is a significant place near the monument
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to the unknown soldier, behind the ukrainian propagandist there is the second school, and the street used to be called kirov street, here it is manipulation of facts, ukrsmi are spinning this half-fake half-canned food, they are trumpeting how the armed forces of ukraine is advancing in the kursk region , they are trying to put pressure on the psyche, a large number of approaches with half-truth, half-yes - this is a terrible truth, in fact, because people think... that they see real evidence, and then a large, sufficient amount of lies is sprinkled in there, their systemic nature is that they have a single center for distributing the creation of information, information, of course, in quotes, because there they come to frankly clumsy crafts, remember the staging of the vsu with a fake lgov sign on one support instead of the two required, that's how they filmed all this, tiktoker sanya and other militants, moving from place to place, is generally unknown even where it was, divi.
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propaganda trained in donbass for 8 years before the start of the special military operation in terms of concocting disinformation, when it was reported about the control of certain points, but they were in fact either in the gray zone or under the control of the dpr or lpr, they have teachers in the west, teachers-curators taught the media armies of ukraine to use clip thinking, this is ...
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from august 11 of this year, how telegram channels were created for self-defense in the region in sudzha, how they posted posts and videos there, for example, like this, that allegedly in sudzha people spoke out against the central government, and this is what we read in the report: the information was presented in such a way that it was supposedly acting by the force of some resistance, the old song of tsypso, no need to subscribe to dubious ... publics, telegram channels that can disguise themselves as russian communities, in
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fact, are moderated somewhere in lviv, very often differs in that at some point they suddenly switch to the style of shouting, this is a very characteristic feature when the public starts shouting, the entire current psychological operation ukrainian media manipulators are designed for... a minute effect, because the maneuver groups of the armed forces of ukraine are caught, and our troops do not allow the enemy to break through. demonstration of russia's imaginary weakness is the main fake that is being promoted.
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a second smartphone and others in stores or on the website. only in megafon. find out. larisa dolina was acting from the territory of ukraine. the singer lost about 200 million rubles. now she is trying to defend the apartment that the criminals convinced her to sell. all the details from alexander karpov. i became a victim of scammers. today it became known shocking details of a daring scam that larisa dolina fell victim to. it seems that telephone scammers managed
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to keep her under control for several months. as a result, dolina lost almost all of her real estate. from april to july of this year. the tefunny scammers, posing as law enforcement officers, misled the victim and, under the pretext of saving money, persuaded her to transfer her personal savings and money from the sale of an apartment in the center of moscow to supposedly safe accounts and hand over to a courier, alienated at the behest of swindlers. these shots show the culmination of a criminal story, as we already reported yesterday, the new owners tried to move into the apartment stolen from larisa alexandrovna. dolina lives. well , i don’t know, we want to get home, the people’s artist, well, we don’t need to do this here, and why not, we do, we still love her, i love everyone loves her, but this does not mean that we should offend bona fide purchasers of real estate, as it turned out in the police for this five-room apartment in an elite residential area the complex in khamovniki, the buyers
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actually paid more than 100 million rubles, but larisa dolina was convinced that the sale was fictitious. agencies, and then transferred the money to the scammers, but no, i don’t know that, unfortunately, we do not comment on this situation, the victim transferred cash to the attackers through couriers? the material damage caused amounted to more than 200 million rubles. investigators of the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the khamovniki district, the city of moscow, opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime provided for by the article of fraud. after
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which the apartment in khamovniki was seized. the police also managed to detain a courier who took tens of millions of udolinas for transfer allegedly for safekeeping to the special services, a certain angela tserulnikova, a fitness trainer originally from kirov. according to the investigation, in addition to the apartment, the suspects also tried to steal. real estate in jurmala in the moscow region. behind this fence is the very same country house of larisa dolina in the village of protasovo, under which the attackers tried to get 50 million from the bank on her behalf. rub. and although the security service seemed to have stopped the deal, it is possible that the people's artist could have lost this property as well. in protasov they are proud of the valley's proximity and are very worried about her. the house is 50 million. not enough. we sympathize with her, yes, we sympathize very much. to be left without a corner. maybe it seems to suffer from this. so are you and i, who else, just a person, she is a very trusting, kind woman, so we took advantage of her kindness. about how and why the people's
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artist could have believed the scammers, we talked with artist nikos safronov, who recently found himself in a similar situation, well , a person i barely know, with whom i rarely communicate, and rarely, called me, this is the first, if it was a close person, i would have reacted differently, i would probably have double-checked somehow. and these are like key moments later, you uh fall for some mm, like a story related to you. fraudsters took over access to his accounts, in particular on public services under the pretext of creating an article about the artist on wikipedia, and also called safronov's acquaintances asking on his behalf in debt, fortunately they managed to stop them in time. alexander karpov, maria dobroradnykh, elena belyk, oleg ivanov. maxim shchepilov, news. children with rare diseases can get expensive drugs for free, they are purchased by a special fund created by the president.
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marya kudryavtseva will tell you about which drugs are available and how to get them in the program instructions. in russia, children with rare or scientifically orphan diseases can get unique and expensive drugs for free, and even before they are registered in russia. medicines are bought by the foundation created by the president, circle of good, what kind of foundation it is, what diseases it works with, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. circle of good has been working since the twenty-first year, it complements the already existing medical state programs. the foundation helps to solve a colossal social problem. with its help, children can get expensive and rare medicines for free, including the newest ones, that is , those that have not yet been registered in russia. in other words, as soon as they appear in the world.
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behind each child there is a story, a story of fighting the disease, a family story, by and large behind this figure there is a story of children, a story of a saved childhood, this is probably... the most important result, which we are all very rooted in, well, generally speaking, work in the circle of goodness foundation gives many reasons for joy and pride, the fact that people trust us, citizens of russia, taxpayers, we see this from the results of sociological research, you can find out what diseases and pathologies the circle of goodness works with on its website at section list of diseases, now there are almost 100 items, there you can also find out on the website what medicines, implants, other medical products the fund purchases, and what other help you can get from it. when the fund
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was just created, when we thought about how we work, we defined for ourselves such a principle, informal, completely, it is not recorded anywhere in the documents, that the parents of our patients are our main experts. i want to emphasize that we consider all requests, not only from doctors, not only from medical specialists. well, of course, from parents, and from patient organizations, and even from grandparents, children in need of help, we also consider these requests, we always work through and prepare a response, definitely, if you have a diagnosis , a doctor's prescription, you can leave an application on the public services portal, to find the right form, just type in the search circle of good, and the electronic assistant will offer it to you or you can find it through the foundation's website in the section for... also with the collection of documents , the regional ministry of health can help with the application, but doctors themselves can tell the family what to do, for example, based on the results of neonatal screening, that
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is, examination. screening reveals 36 hereditary diseases of their groups in some cases helps to start treatment even earlier than the symptoms of dangerous diseases manifest themselves. for example, in the case of spinal muscular atrophy , one injection of a special drug is enough to ensure the child's normal development and healthy life. and a very important project for this year, and we are also paying a lot of attention to this now, is reserve purchases. we we would like to work out this year already. all the mechanics for several drugs to purchase not just for applications, but to purchase in reserve - in stock of drugs, so that it would be possible to deliver faster, this should significantly increase efficiency, we will try on several drugs, and then maybe expand to other drugs from the list, this should significantly increase efficiency, children should receive help faster. so, let's repeat the main thing,
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you can contact the circle of good through the portal of state services website fund or regional ministries of health. lists of drugs and medical products that the fund helps with are on its website. want to know more about what medical services you can count on, write to us in telegram. send us your questions, we will ask the experts about everything in the next issues of our instructions.
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it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. in the pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it is easy to make a fake dep, change.
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in the kursk region, residents of the glushkovsky district are evacuated. our military continues destroy opponents along the entire border area using drones, howitzers, aviation, i will show footage from the ministry of defense. american media have thrown out a new version of the terrorist attack on the northern streams, in fact, they admitted that the cia knew all the details of the preparation of the sabotage, but allegedly told zelensky to cancel the operation, why did the explosions in the baltic sea still happen , who is now being blamed?


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