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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply strong in spirit, the maroon beret is a symbol, it is worn, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should reach for it, it is impossible to do worse, it is possible to do better, such a thing... has always been in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up, but... we will take on this case,
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10:32 am
and now we continue the broadcast and messages are coming in now with the mark from... urgently from the ministry of emergency situations in the belgorod region a state of emergency of a federal nature has been introduced. let me remind you that earlier it was at the regional level. and the situation in the belgorod region is difficult tense. as a result of the attacks in so, houses and infrastructure were damaged. there are dead and wounded, these are also fresh messages that have now arrived on the newsagent feeds. meanwhile in it's already 10:32 in the capital that's what.
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fascists from the second world war, dressed in a helmet of a characteristic shape and armed with mobile phones, call a man of respectable age, while using phrases widely known from war films. the american press has singled out a new version regarding how the terrorist attacks on the northern streams were organized. the wall street journal claims that the operation was led by former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valeriy zaluzhny, and permission to carry out the explosion was given by vladimir zelensky. from the material.
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india is celebrating independence day, the ceremonial event was held in the historic red ford citadel. prime minister narendro modi addressed the nation. he noted the country's achievements and congratulated the people. the ceremony also included an inspection of the guard of honor and the raising of the flag. vladimir putin congratulated the indian leadership on the holiday. this was reported by the ministry of emergency situations. the department noted that extinguishing the fire is complicated by the high flammability of materials and strong winds. according to preliminary data, production facilities are burning on the territory of the plant. premises of the company, which produces decorations for various events. emergency services are working on site, according to the ministry of emergency situations, there are no victims. now we will be the first to do a short advertisement. on credit cards
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we left the pimlyansky vagzal for evacuation, once panic still caught us, rushed under the mattresses. talk about your family, this is the line, separating life from death, it turns out to be so thin. russian soldiers told how they saved a conscript in the kursk
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region, he entered into battle with superior enemy forces. all the details from evgeniya petrukhina. he reached the evacuation point from the encirclement of the ukrainian armed forces for two days, the enemy. fired directly at him. a soldier with the call sign mukha eventually eliminated two of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers who were shooting at him and reached his own fateful shots. mother saw, mukha was saved by soldiers with the call signs tikhiy and sibil, they are performing in the svo zone
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tasks in the artemovsk direction, working in a sapper battalion, here they came to their homeland in the kursk region, specially took a vacation to get their relatives out of the border areas, about a soldier with the call sign fly, tikhi and sibil learned from kursk volunteers, the soldier's mother turned to them, we led him out along the terrain along the streets, there the church should be on your right, stand with your back to it, turn your hand to the left, every half hour we were in touch with him, as soon as he came out into the area of ​​the villages, uh ulanok, we immediately moved out, they drew him a map of what and how to get there, or rather how to get through, it is our duty, as it were, to protect the local residents, yes, our land, and even more so if a soldier got into such a situation, this is my colleague, well, the guy is generally great, he is 1.59 meters tall, but you could feel his spirit and strength, a handsome man,
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they also led him out of the encirclement, here they are all together , dispersed, walking across the field, rap is playing so that the enemy drones lose their bearings, we are leading, we are leading, guys, the commander said that i have fighters there and there, they need to be led out, well, naturally, we did not refuse let's go there, well, what can we do, we went there, we took the rap, all the equipment, for this group, where there were 21 people, tikhyi and sibil had to move on foot, guys, the connection was very bad, the connection went back and forth and well, in general, we found them - then the guys, well
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, we did it wisely, they were taken out in small groups, everything is great. and volunteers from kursk jeep spas helped to take out the evacuees, here is their car. dudes, handsome, from kursk jeep spas, this is what brotherhood of their own looks like, where everyone is shoulder to shoulder with a comrade in arms, be it artemovskoe direction or kursk region, so in any case. brotherhood, it manifests itself, because it is one team, they all work in one direction, of course, all these factors affected the effective a performance of the combat mission, because it is in any case a combat mission, evacuation, in any case it is associated with a risk to life, because drones are flying there, there are a lot of birds, we know that there are some saboteurs who are disguised from the ukrainian side, that is, forces, well, how can he not disguise himself, a russian soldier of his... will find out right away, and will give the enemy a tough rebuff, a soldier with the call sign fly, he just
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killed two ukrainian armed forces fighters, vtb has a new credit card with a huge plus, plus 20,000 rubles for regular spending, imagine, with it you can do everything, everything, everything, and even more, no interest for 200 days, another category. apply for a free credit card at vtb, vtb, everything will work out, one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video, what a high speed, you haven't connected yet with 5g, although you better not need it, megaphone number one in terms of coverage speed.
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large purchases will become easier, apply for a loan with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in a mobile application. vladimir putin congratulated the president of india on independence day. the russian leader noted that moscow attaches great importance to the relations of a special privileged strategic partnership with new delhi. let me remind you. today , india celebrates the seventy-eighth anniversary of independence day. our correspondent evgeny davidov will tell you about the celebrations. historical citadel - indian capital red ford on rendromote in its ritual repeats the ceremony of august forty -seventh. then in the same place the first prime minister of independent india, jawaharlal nehru raised the national flag, symbolizing the departure of the british colonialists.
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not forgetting the merits of the founder of the modern indian state about his ceremonial speech fashion. we are proud to carry the blood of 400 million people who eradicated colonial rule in india. today we are 1.400 million. and if we move together in one direction, then to in 2047, the centenary of our independence, we will be able to become a developed country, overcoming all obstacles on the way. a colorful procession. demonstrating the country's successes in the economy , science, as well as its cultural diversity. a festive parade in the center of newdel. the colonial past is remembered here reluctantly. great britain built a strict system of governance in india, focused on maximum profit extraction. it was in opposition to the colonial regime that indian civil society began to form,
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in which mahatma gandhi and others deserve great credit. leaders of the independence movement. indian national identity. in the 20th century not because of the british, in spite of them. today, in addition to political independence, gained 77 years ago, india defends its right to independence of views. over the years of independence, india has come a long way from a third world country to one of the largest economies on the planet. today the country ranks fifth in the world in terms of gdp, and its influence on global politics cannot be overestimated. india is respected, people want to cooperate with it and invest money in the country. and more india is... a nuclear power one of the world leaders in the development of information technology. investment in india today is a good investment. the country's economy is growing rapidly. and, of course, indians understand that the world should be multipolar, built on international law and on fairer relations. it is precisely such relations against the background of mutual respect that moscow and new delhi are building. india is
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the largest importer of russian oil. also, our nuclear scientists, together with indian specialists, are simultaneously building four. the kudan kulam nuclear power plant units, and the international transport corridor project is being implemented. behind me, the port of mumbai, the main seaport of india, thousands of tons of goods daily, oil, building materials, food, coal, all of this is loaded and unloaded here, and this is also the end point of the transport corridor, north-south, from st. petersburg to one of the largest ports on the west coast of india, mumbai, more than 700 km of routes, sea transportation. roads and highways. the corridor passes not only through the territories of russia and india, but also armenia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan and iran. currently , cargo transportation links russia, iran and central asia. in the future, within the framework of the north-south project, we can guarantee fully loaded sea vessels from india, and this will be beneficial not only for russia, as a country with access to the world ocean, but also
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for countries that do not have access to the sea, such as afghanistan. this project will compete with the soviet canal in egypt and the basfor in turkey. in foreign policy, newdeli tries to maintain a balance. the recent visit of the indian leader to moscow showed that partnership with our country is clearly on the list of the most important priorities for india. in his third term as prime minister, modi hopes to significantly improve the lives of his own citizens. why do we need russian resources, among other things? modi promises to make the country that wants to lead in the global south the third economy in the world, and this no longer seems impossible. evgeny davidov, ladislav dadonov and maria bolatvina. news. from india. german defense minister boris pestorius called on armed forces to be more vigilant. this statement was made after the discovery of poisoned water at german air bases. emil mersayev found out whether it was sabotage or an accident. the health of 5,000 bundeswehr servicemen was at risk at two luftwaffe air bases at once. all because of the poor
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quality of drinking water. dozens of people have already sought medical help with acute pain. stomach. the facilities closed their doors to both civilian employees and career military personnel. we are talking about airfields in gailin-kirchin and cologne, which is located in western germany, the distance between the objects is about a hundred kilometers. the latter is home to nato reconnaissance aircraft, as well as the special aviation service of the bundeswehr, which is responsible for the travel of federal ministers and other high-ranking officials. well, in addition, the publication spiegel notes that the kolnwan air force base. is an important center for supporting kiev, it is from this airfield that ukrainian military personnel who are undergoing training in germany then fly to poland before returning to their homeland, but in many ways, therefore, the frg government as a priority option experts are confident that sabotage is being considered. the bundeswehr confirmed that it is very concerned about the health of the military personnel, who had previously complained of intestinal problems. we, as
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the german federal army , take the incident very seriously. there is a suspicion of a criminal offense. it is safe to say that the criminal tried to penetrate the hydraulic structures. investigators had to close the barracks for several hours, they were collecting evidence inside, looking for a saboteur. who allegedly damaged the autonomous water supply system and thereby poisoned the drinking water. the attacker got into the pumping station simply through a hole in the fence, the media write. the security did not pay attention to the suspicious stranger at first, but when they came to their senses, they found him running away, they were unable to catch him, and the police investigators were unable to find him either. the bundeswehr is not popular in german society today. it does not perform the tasks that
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the germans' stomachs have become sick, of course, because of the kremlin's actions, this is already a kind of manual. there are real dangers of a hybrid war that russia is waging against western democracies, against our society. cyber ​​attacks occur almost daily, the most widespread disinformation campaigns aimed at encouraging anti-democratic parties in germany, europe and the united states. and there is also espionage and sabotage, moscow has been accused of everything in the recent russian protests that engulfed great britain, and of course, in meddling in the american
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elections, this is already a kind of classic. naturally, all allies of the united states must now follow the methodological instructions, and this is the hand of moscow everywhere, everything the information space is flooded with analytical calculations, where there is. as a result , the information that the intruder penetrated the secret facility was confirmed, but according to the dpa agency , he did not commit sabotage with water damage. now the samples are undergoing examination, but who will care about its results if the media effect needed by the german government has already been created among the masses. then the time of alfabank, the time of benefit for everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with
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evacuation of residents of the glushkovsky district of the kursk region in the region for the third time declared a missile threat, two dozen militants surrendered, what evidence do they give ? monstrous footage of ukrainian armed forces soldiers torturing a pensioner in the kursk region, pretending to be german nazis. familiar tales, familiar intonation - the best illustration of what today's ukraine is. what other evidence is needed. the southern group of troops is striking
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enemy firing positions in the donetsk direction. our grads are working, the strikes are adjusted from drones, what else is on the front? independence day in india, a festive parade in the center of new delhi, vladimir putin has already sent congratulations, as one of the most influential economies on the planet is changing before our eyes. a new version of the undermining of the northern streams. allegedly, the operation was led by zaluzhny, allegedly the states wanted to cancel it, how convincing is the publication of the wall street journal. another rally. in north carolina, a republican criticizes harris promises to return the white house to himself, what kind of candy did he save and for what? well, now the floor is given to the fifth studio, we have the opportunity to talk with the commander of the special forces akhmat abti alaudinov, about the situation in the kursk region. yes, thank you, fifth.


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