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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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of the most influential economies on the planet. a new version of the undermining of the northern streams. allegedly , the operation was headed by zaluzhny. allegedly, the states wanted to cancel it. how convincing is the publication of the wall street journal. the scale of what is happening in the belgorod region is such that it will not be able to cope with the consequences of the emergency on its own. thus, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, aleksandrin, stated at a meeting of the government commission. a federal emergency regime has been declared in the region and our correspondent olga kurlaeva is now on the line. olga, hello, how is the situation at this minute? well, literally a few minutes ago the missile danger all-clear sounded. it is announced here over the loudspeakers, and the missile danger itself is announced by turning on the air raid siren, all the residents, all the guests of the city who are also here, they calmly, without panic, go to shelter
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and do not neglect, in fact, do not ignore the alarm signals, the situation is really serious, especially in the border regions, it was still developing, there was a serious situation in may and actually from the most affected by the shelling are the shibekinsky district, the krasnoyarsk district, and also the grayvoronsky district, from there residents are offered to voluntarily leave for the centers. temporary stay, i emphasize, voluntarily, there is no talk of forced evacuation, there they are provided with everything necessary, including psychological assistance, not to mention food and medicine, the head of the region, the head of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov announced the state of emergency of federal significance the day before, yesterday a state of emergency of regional significance was declared, today the head of the region left for... moscow at a meeting
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of the government commission, where, in general , a federal emergency regime was quickly approved, because the region needs help from the entire country. the meeting of the government commission under the leadership of the minister of emergency situations , aleksandr vyacheslavovich kurenkov, has just ended. the commission reviewed the situation in the belgrade region and made a decision to introduce a federal emergency regime throughout the entire territory. the city region, in detail, what this regime gives to the victims municipalities, for the affected residents, we will try to bring it to you as soon as possible. well, first of all, what the federal regime gives is that it is included in the work, to help eliminate the consequences of the shelling, and also helps to ensure a safe stay.
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yes, indeed, there is constant shelling in the region, especially in the border areas there is shelling from the ukrainian armed forces, from mlrs, excuse me, and also from smoothbore artillery, they do not give rest in the air force drone and kamika drone, not later than today it was shot down from by air defense forces, as reported. aircraft type, and
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drones attacked shebekina, there were four civilians injured, including a woman, felcher, who came to provide assistance, shebekina generally suffers very much from the so-called air raids of kamikaze drones, they do not spare either children, or old people, or ambulances, or services that are trying to restore. the city in total from shelling during this time more than 30,000 buildings and houses were damaged, 25,000 were restored, they are restoring as best they can, city services are working, they are also leaving repair crews, as far as the alarm sky regime allows, that is, the danger regime, also residents of belogorodzhinsk ask many questions, what is first and foremost for them, what restrictions are on them on...
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from the federal budget, let me voice the assistance, this is a one-time financial assistance of 15,000 rubles. for partial loss of essential property 75,000 rubles. for total loss - 150,000 rubles. payment by relatives of the deceased 1.5 million rubles.
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and for those who received moderate injury of moderate severity or harm to health - 600 serious harm to health 600,000 rubles. let me remind you that in the neighboring kursk region. there is also a federal emergency regime in effect, in russia such a regime was introduced 5 years ago, when there was a terrible, terrible flood in the irkutsk region, and forest fires were burning in transbaikalia, it was 2019. in general, the situation now, i will not say calm, because we are in a border frontline region and to declare a missile regime or ...
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the court banned opposition bloc deputy pobeda marina tauber from leaving moldova to for 2 months. she was going to fly to russia to participate in the congress of her political association to meet with russian parliamentarians, but now she has been forced to cancel this visit. she is currently in direct contact with us. so, marina aleksanovna, hello. hello. marina aleksanovna, you have already said that the court's ban on leaving moldova did not come as a surprise to you, so what are you accused of, on what basis?
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the media that have disseminated the message that i am going to leave the country for an indefinite period of time, that's what in principle, the materials were attached to the prosecutors' petition, a little earlier i received a threat on my personal number on telegram with a photo of a bloody knife and a not very pleasant message, i won't even repeat it, but... after that, a few days later, because i didn't immediately notice this threat, i published it in my telegram channel and wrote about what was happening, i wrote that someone was threatening me for my political activities, trying to force me out of the country, and
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the right-wing press and some telegram channels, which, apparently, they serve, they wrote that i had already left the country, although i... was in moldova at that time and literally a few hours later i went to the police in order to register a complaint on my behalf and report these threats, on monday the 12th at 9 21:15 i was supposed to fly to moscow, and via istanbul, i am not hiding this from anyone, i am often in moscow, and since monday morning calls from prosecutors and lawyers have started. that the court is urgently summoning, and there is a request from prosecutors to prohibit me from leaving, that's basically the whole story, no evidence no, i have not only said it many times, but also proved that i am not going to leave moldova at all, regardless of
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the pressure that is happening on our entire team, and the fact that i have business trips is absolutely normal for a deputy and a politician, including personal trips, at the time of planning this trip i did not have any restrictions, and accordingly i planned this trip, unfortunately, despite the fact that we tried - to submit ... an application at least for temporary departure, because this trip is very important for me, for our team, first of all for our country, i was not even allowed to leave during the period when the congress of the victory bloc will take place, when meetings with important russian officials, with state duma deputies will take place, in particular , an invitation was received from the chairman of the committee on international affairs, mr. slutsky, ms. arshinova, who is the chairman of the council of the ngo evratiev. marya aleksandrna, you have already started talking
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about the purpose of your trip to moscow, how important is communication with you and the bloc russian parliamentarians, was this trip important, which the moldovan court cancelled in this way? very important, critically important, and not for me personally and not for our colleagues, but for the citizens of the republic of moldova. we see, when i say we, this does not mean that i am talking only about the victory bloc, i am talking first of all about the majority of our population, and today we are already supported by more than half a million citizens, and this figure is constantly growing, we see a shoulder, support and real salvation only in the russian federation in cooperation with the russian federation with dense work effective.
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of course, with the unprecedented support of the russian federation, the import of fruits and vegetables was allowed, otherwise our products are rotting, and no one needs them, europe, of course, does not need anything from our country, they do not buy it, and moreover, our shelves in stores are flooded with various kinds of products, first of all, again the same.
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will you try to appeal in this regard the question of how politicized the judicial system of moldova is today? we have already appealed this decision in the appellate court chisinau, today the second session took place because the first one was postponed, today's session was also postponed because the lawyers asked the court to include me as a party in this process, because colleagues in the block.
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from the lawyers, we sent a recourse to a higher authority, it will have to speak out, and after that on tuesday there will be a new session of the appellate court, that is, the judges themselves postponed this session. marina aleksanovna, you have already spoken about the threats that are heard in your address, but by the way, i will note that in moldova a site similar to the well-known ukrainian database "peacekeeper" has been created, there are already personal data of many oppositionists, yours. data, as far as i understand, is also there, who is behind this, what do you think, and how do they generally react in the republic to the appearance
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of this resource? taking into account what happened after the creation or appearance of this site, i can already 100% responsibly state that our authorities are behind this, maia sandu and the ruling party are personally behind this, as well as sis and the competent authorities of our country. i 'll tell you now... a very quick example of what happened, they started this site, they did not react in any way to the fact that opposition politicians, and there are a number of opposition politicians, not only from the victory bloc. began to ask questions, we even invited the relevant structures to a hearing in parliament, we were, of course, refused, then after some time, from an account no longer a peacemaker, but a peacekeeper, i receive this threat, yes, well, some chain of events is traced, and as soon as i publish and i tell society about this,
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a massive, let's say, official data says that more than 500,000 of our fellow citizens live, including my trips and visit now implied that there would be communication with our compatriots who need support and some kind of dialogue with representatives of moldova, because maia sandu
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and paz cut them off, they do not communicate with them, so, if i say it very simply, this... i receive, especially in recent days, a lot of messages, information that they want to detain me in the near future, that is, it was the first step, so to speak, is to prepare public opinion, as if i had violated something, although i repeat, i have not violated anything, and no matter how many times i have traveled outside
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the country, i have always returned punctually, because yes, i have, although unfair, but for... the court that i receive all the time, i am sure that the authorities will do anything, because we, the team of elon shor, the victory bloc, we really are in their way, speaking about the congress, our candidate vasily andreevich, bolya, will speak at it, he is a very strong, competent, professional candidate for president, i am sure that he will become the president of our country and maia sandu is simply hysterical, realizing that such a person, a truly people's candidate, who is loved by the people, will be supported by our compatriots, now they need to intimidate, try to somehow block our activities, including a very important dialogue for us with the russian federation. yes, thank you, marina aleksanna, let me remind you, the deputy, secretary of the opposition bloc pobeda, marina tauber, was on a direct line with us, she was not
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allowed to go to moscow to communicate with russian parliamentarians. now urgent messages from the ministry of defense, which are coming to the news feeds at this very moment: the armed forces of russia have liberated the settlement of ivanovka in the donetsk people's republic. in addition, russian air defense systems shot down 12 heimer mlrs shells from 35 ukrainian drones in 24 hours. kiev also lost up to 470 servicemen in the area of ​​operations of the western group, and units of the southern group improved their tactical situation, the ssu lost up to 600 there. 50 soldiers, now a short commercial, then we will continue,
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time of supercake and the best application for tens of millions of people, when to forget me. the red sun has risen, time of alpha bank, time of alpha benefit. in the area of ​​the city of lgov, kursk region, our air defense systems shot down a ukrainian missile, two civilians were injured by debris, both were hospitalized, this was reported by the regional governor alexey smirnov. in the border areas , the evacuation is currently ongoing , our special is monitoring the situation in the region. destroy the bridge over the seim river in the village of glushkovo, but it survived.
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the counter-terrorist operation is also ongoing in the region, the cto regime introduced a few days ago. the authorities announced the evacuation of the glushkovsky district, this is more than 20 thousand residents, the evacuation will be carried out with the help of local administrations, as well as the military and ... volunteers, the first evacuees are already starting to arrive in the city of kursk today, they are being placed in temporary accommodation points, meanwhile the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region continue to be destroyed by our fighters, su-34 bombers of the russian aerospace forces, the blow was delivered to the accumulation of personnel and military equipment, and also the fighters sever groups repelled enemy attacks in the area of ​​the settlements of martynovka and olgovka during the day, up to thirty ukrainian armed forces soldiers were destroyed, four units of equipment, the rest either fled or were captured and there is an opportunity to listen to what the captured ukrainian soldiers are telling. i, stegor
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arsen andreevich, eight soldiers of the 82nd brigade, we were given the task of entering the kursk region, capturing the kursk region, we were told. registration of all pregnant women, they are being put under control here, directly in the regional center, now they are trying to find information about 93
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pregnant women who have not registered. work is currently underway to establish their location, and several women categorically refuse to leave the danger zones, the military is now helping to evacuate them, in addition to the fact that we provide high-quality medical care, qualified, specialized, we are also now actively engaged in coordination work, with which we are carrying out coordination work with the fact that six districts of the region are being evacuated from the border zones, as of today we have stanislav bernva, sergey soldatov, vesti
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kurskaya oblast. to kuban the train of the ukrainian armed forces, which kiev sent to the kursk direction, are melting away every day, this was reported on the air of our channel by the commander of the special forces akhmat abtilauddinov. according to him, our fighters are also helping with the evacuation of the population, on wednesday alone they evacuated 73 civilians from sudzha, including women and the wounded. all of them contacted the military themselves. in total , it turned out that in the area where i am now, the sudzha direction, so, here we really. very well - made screens have already begun to clear settlements, so - one settlement martynovka, we cleared it, so it turned out that cherkasskoe porechye and russkoe porechye, these two settlements we clear, but the enemy also understands that we do not give him a move, pulled there everything that is possible in order to try to break through this sin there to establish a route for himself. in order
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to advance, one of the pincers that he tried to advance. the armed forces of ukraine are deployed literally the last forces in order to hold positions in the kursk region, including removing entire units from the front line, and this, as allauddinov noted, is a losing tactic in advance. we are fighting in a border region, yes, they are pulling in here, throwing off now from the front line, everything they have, the remnants, throwing here, so that by any means.
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their military treats the local population with care, such entries appear on the internet: neo-nazis openly mock a man of respectable age, as if reminding him of the origins of their beliefs. russian ivan, russian ivan, hey, russian ivan, how's life, how's life, russian ivan, holy cow, me, me-me. du bist russische schweine, ja.
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