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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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komikaze, who are hitting civilians, hitting absolutely peaceful social facilities, hitting ambulances, repair crews, not allowing the infrastructure to be restored, but despite this, naturally, restoration is underway, and housing , electricity, everything that is called city life, and this morning there were indeed four wounded in the shebekinsky district and now half an hour ago. this is the village of dunayka, grayvoronsky district, grayvoronsky urban district, four civilians were wounded, all four received moderate injuries, two were taken to the regional clinical hospital, two are undergoing treatment in the district hospital of graevoron, this can be said to be a daily report, because the residents of the border area suffer precisely from such shelling, because... if drones
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fly literally into the windows of civilians, into houses, into apartments, into open vents, hunt for agricultural machinery, for tractors, for everything, everything that moves, apparently, and the other side, which still calls itself ukrainian military personnel, in fact are engaged in pure fascism, and based on these difficult situations , the head of the region vyacheslav glatkov nevertheless made a decision. to ask the commission to consider the government commission to consider the status of a federal emergency situation, so that federal structures would be involved in helping the region. a meeting of the government commission under the leadership of the minister of emergency situations kurenkov alexander vyacheslavovich has just ended, the commission considered the situation in the belgrade region, made a decision to introduce a regime of oversound the situation at the federal level, throughout the territory. belgorod region, in detail,
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what this regime gives for the affected municipalities, for the affected residents, we will try to bring it to you as soon as possible. yes, the russian emergencies ministry supported the initiative , in general, they made the right decision to help the region with the whole country, and i will remind you that in the neighboring kursk region, there is also a state of emergency. on the territory of the russian federation 5 years ago, this was during the flood in the irkutsk region in tulun, and during the fire, forest fires in transbaikalia, here now the ministry of emergency situations is joining the work, they will be organized, they already exist on the territory of belgorod region operational headquarters, they have been working for a very long time, helping residents, but now funding will go.
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missile danger or air raid alarm, and is carried out through the so-called howlers, which loudly notify about the beginning of the air raid alarm, it operates either in a separate area, urban district, or throughout the belgorod region, and the border area is now a difficult situation, so residents are offered to leave, well, with the help of, it is proposed to leave with the help, with the assistance of the local authorities. tvr, but this cannot be called forced evacuation, in general , the word evacuation is not heard here yet, because residents can leave, they can wait, they can receive medical assistance directly at the tvr, there are several of them deployed in the toll parts, that is, in the north, in the northern part of the belgorod region, and they open as needed, let's say so, so that as many as are needed, they will open as much, for now... about the evacuation of the population from
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frontline border areas are not worth it, yes there are closed areas, this is krasnoeruzhsky and... krasnoersky district, we have one closed area, here, where entry is generally not recommended, and what residents often ask is what the state of emergency of federal significance means, and how it differs from the cto, which is also in effect here, here, as in the entire border area, a counter-terrorism operation regime has been introduced, but first of all for residents a there will be payments from federal budgets, this is a one-time financial assistance of 15,000 rubles with partial loss. essential property 75,000 rubles. in case of total loss 150,000 rubles. payments to relatives of the deceased 15 million rubles. for those who received moderate or serious harm to health - 600,000 rubles. in case of minor injury,
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minor harm to health 300,000 rubles. all this will be considered by the commission and naturally, payments will go to residents in the border area, to those who suffered from the actions. and the fascist ukrainians who are holding weapons in their hands, the studio, this is the situation we have here now, yes, olga, thank you, we are following situation, our correspondent olga kurlaeva was in direct contact with us. now the kursk region is in the lgov area, our air defense systems shot down a ukrainian missile, two civilians were injured by debris, both were hospitalized, this was reported to the rio governor alexey smirnov. evacuation is currently ongoing in the border areas, the situation in the region is being monitored. our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald: the situation in the kursk region remains difficult, the ssu tried to destroy the bridge over the seim river in the village of glushkovo, but it survived. in the region the counter-terrorist operation is also ongoing, the cto regime was introduced several days
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ago, the authorities announced the evacuation of the glushkovsky district, this is more than 20 thousand residents, the evacuation will be carried out with the help of local administrations, as well as the military. russian aerospace forces, the blow was delivered to the accumulation of personnel and military equipment, and also the fighters of the sever group repelled enemy attacks in the area of ​​the settlements of martynovka within 24 hours.
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we were told that it would be an easy walk, no one would offer us any resistance, three cars drove up to us cougar, two cougar cars, commanders began shooting at houses and civilians, the regional perinatal center is working in a tense mode, but everything is under control, expectant mothers who lived in the border areas are now being admitted there, now... all pregnant women are being registered, they are being put under control here, directly in the regional center, now they are trying to find information about 93 pregnant women who have not registered, work is currently underway to establish their location, well, and several women
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categorically refuse to leave the danger zones, now the military is helping to evacuate them, in addition to the fact that we provide high-quality medical care, qualified,
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this is a losing tactic in advance, we are fighting in the border region, yes, they are pulling in here, throwing everything they have left over to the front line. we will destroy what they collect and throw it here, the question is automatically, what happens, does it mean that we have already won? russian troops defeated the ukrainian armed forces in a number of key areas of the special operation, and also liberated the settlement of ivanovka in the dpr. in addition, according to the ministry of defense , 30. five drones were shot down, and russian troops also inflicted losses in the ssu in the areas of seven settlements of the donetsk people
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's republic. the center group repelled seven ukrainian counterattacks, in this direction the enemy's losses amounted to 470 servicemen. also, ukrainian troops lost american bradley infantry fighting vehicles and a maxpro combat armored vehicle. a unit of the north group of troops in the volchansk and leptsovsky directions also inflicted losses defeat of the ukrainian armed forces' manpower and equipment. and the western group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, destroying three ammunition depots. the one-time payment for svo participants in the tula region has increased to 1 million rubles. on the instructions of the president, the regional part has also been indexed following the federal one. this was reported at a meeting with vladimir putin by the acting governor of the region, dmitry milyaev. according to him, support for svo fighters remains a priority. among the important areas of work, milyaev also named solving personnel issues. the priority area for us today is
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supporting the participants of the special military operation and their family members. i would like to note that the region is working systematically, it is being improved. today we have 67 financial and non-material measures. we are adding these measures. we continue to support our tulikov fighters. this work was built starting in 2022, today it is also being carried out quite actively. we pay special attention to this, we are working in new territories, our sponsored territory is located in mariupol in 2022-2, 3.7 billion rubles were allocated for these needs, in fact, we restored a school, a kindergarten, a dormitory of a professional lyceum, 21 apartment buildings, adjacent territories, engineering and technical communications, the most important area is healthcare, you have repeatedly noted this in relation to the tula region, thanks to you and your instructions, we have implemented.
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is not enough, but at the same time, a whole range of measures has been developed over the past years, since september we are launching additional measures, 8 september, a single voting day in the tula region.
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shopping will become easier. apply for a loan with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in a mobile application. this is not the first time antonina has rented out her cozy apartment on avito real estate, so she knows how it will all turn out. 12 years in a general regime colony, this is the sentence handed down by the sverdlovsk regional court, to russian and us citizens ksenia karelina in the case of treason, it has been proven that she financially assisted one of the ukrainian organizations,
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our correspondent albert musin is now on the line from yekaterinburg. so, albert, we went through it. in a closed mode, but here's what you information in what, actually karelina, what exactly was she found guilty of? yes, alexey, in fact today the sverdlovsk regional court put an end to another such rather high-profile international case, only this time it was about treason, ksenia karelina, a citizen of the usa and russia, was accused of it, according to the investigation, and this was already proven today by the court, she sponsored the armed forces of ukraine. through the fund, while still in the usa, she collected donations and sent them to supply the armed forces of ukraine, and although yes, the case was heard in closed mode, today the prosecution revealed some details about what exactly the money she collected was used for, let's give the floor to the prosecutor. during the trial, it was established and documented that in february 2022, korelina
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financed representatives of the ukrainian armed forces in activities directed against. the security of the russian federation. in particular, karelina collected and transferred funds to an organization that subsequently used the funds to purchase equipment, ammunition and tactical medicine for representatives of the armed forces of ukraine. she was actually detained back in january of this year here in yekaterinburg, where she flew from america to visit her relatives and in general , initially this case concerned petty hooliganism in the ural-mash area in... she was loudly swearing in the street in the evening, behaving somewhat violently, inadequately resisting the police, for which she was detained for 14 days, and while she was in the special detention center, the facts of her sponsorship came to light. at the trial, karelina herself admitted her guilt, but did not agree that that she sponsored the armed forces of ukraine, according to her version, which the lawyer voiced today, she allegedly
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collected money for humanitarian needs and did not know at all what kind of fund it was and she... some acquaintances simply recommended it, let's listen to the lawyer, how he presents her position. she admitted guilt in part, that she transferred the funds, but did not admit her intent. ksenia, now i do not remember how long ago it happened, where from who gave her the details of this fund. she was in a foreign country, around a huge number of people, representatives of foreign countries, who recommended this fund to her, were examined, they recommended this fund as the one where you can send money. in order to support people who suffered from a special military operation, as a result, under the article of high treason , the prosecution demanded 15 years of imprisonment for ... since ksenia nevertheless admitted guilt and somehow cooperated with the investigation, immediately gave her phone, without hiding the correspondence, and today the sverlovsky regional court announced
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the sentence of 12 years of imprisonment in a penal colony general regime with a fine of 3,000 rubles and restriction of freedom for a year and a half, that is , for some time after serving her sentence, she does not have the right to leave yekaterinburg or move in any way. the defense has already stated that it intends to appeal this sentence, as well as insist on holding a city court hearing on the high-profile case of treason. ldpr campaign buses left moscow for nine regions of the country today. the activists will visit two hundred
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settlements, covering more than 70,000 km. based on buses within the framework of the program the ldpr's honest plan is to deploy mobile points for receiving citizens' appeals at each of the planned stops. our buses will travel around the country and, as zhirinovsky taught us, these vehicles should always be on the road, they arrived, loaded up, the drivers changed, the activists rested , and then our citizens were on their way again. our task is to reach every person, every family, every smallest settlement. it is precisely thanks to such active work that we do not fall into hibernation between elections, probably the only party, we are on the political olympus, this year we are 30... 5 years old, today our buses will go to tula, bryansk, vologda, moriel, to crimea, to tatarstan, they will go to talk to our people who are waiting
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for the authorities to solve their problems, all the information that we will collect during this period, when we will have public receptions on wheels, we will collect and make a real, good plan for the ldpr. with which we will move forward. the olympic movement has turned from a unifying force into a tool for separating people and entire countries. results olympic games in paris, sports and political, today became the main topic of the round table of the expert institute of social research. here is how its participants commented, in particular , on the attitude towards athletes from russia and belarus at the games. and for him, this was the goal. sport becomes a tool. and
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it does not even protect conservative values, but normal human values, the values ​​of fair sports, the values ​​of justice, well , in fact, the triumph of science, because i repeat, so that we, so to speak, touch bang spoke on the topic of the fact that it is impossible to find out whether a man is an athlete or a woman, this is not true, since the sixties of the 20th century, all this has been perfectly clarified. numerous messages from the ministry of defense are now appearing on
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the informagent feeds, the armed forces continue to repel an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to invade russian territory. some details are emerging, so the armed forces struck the manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces brigades, the national guard and the territorial defense near seven settlements in the kursk region, the ministry of defense reports. active actions of the units of the group of troops north, air strikes and artillery fire repelled the attack of assault groups of the 115th mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the direction of kremenovo. the destruction of the enemy was also completed and control over the settlement of krupets was restored. the ministry of defense adds that operational-tactical aviation struck reserves of the armed forces of ukraine, ammunition depots, and material resources in the areas of yunakovka, khatene and kondratovka, this is the sumy region.
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during the military operations in the kurdish direction, the enemy lost up to 2,640 servicemen, as well as 37 tanks, 32 armored personnel carriers, 23 infantry fighting vehicles, 206 combat armored vehicles, 96 vehicles, four anti-aircraft missile systems, three multiple launch rocket system launchers, 20 field artillery guns, there are many reports, it is reported that the iskander strike in the area... well, they add that the operation to destroy the formation of the ukrainian armed forces is ongoing. russian singer yaroslav dronov, known as a shaman, gave a concert on the territory of the zaporizhzhya npp as part of his tour of the russian federation. according to the performer, this is how he decided to support employees of the nuclear power plant who recently experienced a tense moment due to the attack in
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the ssu. continues here as part of the tour i am here, also one of the reasons why i came to the station, because literally just recently there was a rather tense, difficult moment, and i came here to support the workers, the employees of the nuclear power plant, with my songs, my creativity, and i hope that i will succeed. let me remind you, on august 11 in
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the ssu they struck the nuclear power plant with a drone. the explosion and fire seriously damaged the cooling tower, the water cooling unit, about how important it is to support the plant's staff and everyone who, despite everything, continues to work in such difficult conditions, the director of the zaporizhzhya npp, yuriy chernyachuk, also spoke today. someone is standing with a gun at the front, yes, unfortunately, we will stand up this song is about such guys who... with us now, uh, someone with their song inspires us to do what we do, these people who are in this hall, they work in an environment that no one has ever worked in this world, dele.5, yes, peсna, yes,
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and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, watch. russian channels, all tv series. movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. watch, watch in the app or on the website.


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