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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. pash, look, what magic, yes, 35% cashback for everyone. how did you find out? the most important thing, it won't pass me by. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything important, gazprombank.
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magnit - the price is what you need! formula adadatek takayama motor oil protects the engine, instantly adapting to any mode of its operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. i wanted to open a deposit for one rate? it turns out that you can at a higher rate. i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out that you can do it in different ones at once, your own marketplace for money, it turns out, open a deposit at a rate that is favorable for you, finuslugi, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, my grandfather disappeared in the garage for weeks, my father - for days, and for me in the garage a few minutes are enough, drive your car into the avito auto garage, you will immediately see suitable spare parts.
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avito auto garage. the garage of our time. register your car in the avito auto garage. and get a chance to win a new car. to get down to business, do not wait for the right moment. the moment is always with you. the moment for those who get down to business. baltika 8 non-alcoholic. shake the bottle before filling the glass to the end. and all the facets of impeccable wheat taste. look, pay through the sbp, modern, i'm trying to be rational, it's profitable, register on, pay through the sbp in grocery stores, household goods, pharmacies, naz, everywhere, as you are used to, save up greetings and exchange them for cashback in real money, and we are going to your concert tomorrow, me too.
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buy a children's furniture set anatomika for 7,690 rubles. hello, live on the air legal program, host duty part, in the studio maxim movchan. in the season as in reals in krasnoyarsk krai arrested deputy head of the railway for construction. the security forces suspect him of receiving. in an especially large amount, the manager allegedly received an impressive sum for patronizing local businessmen, willingly hired them , and provided them with new orders. details from olga zhurinkova. deputy head of the krasnoyarsk railway for construction ivan borisov was detained while signing papers. this is a joint special operation by employees of the economic security of the siberian linear department of the ministry of internal affairs with the support of the fsb, amon fighters, and the russian national guard. borisov did not resist. remove the pen.
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artery for kuzbass, khakassia, krasnoyarsk krai and tv. ivan borisov has already been interrogated. searches were conducted in the office at his home address. the siloviki seized documents and memory cards, everything that is of interest to the investigation. judging by the footage of the operational video, the top manager was drawn to the baroque style, though
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in a modern interpretation with a plasma wall, but as you know, there is no accounting for taste. this is not the first high-profile scandal in kras. earlier, on suspicion of corruption, he was detained, the former was arrested. we did not force everything to be redone, we were looking for a solution within the existing limit to complete the construction and installation work of the fully allocated project. in 2018 , the deputy head of akras-zhd for construction,
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albert ionsha, was convicted. he was found guilty of abuse of office. he gave orders to his subordinates to prepare fictitious acceptance certificates for the work. in fact, there was nothing at the construction sites. deputy head of krasd for construction , ivan borisov, was sent to pre-trial detention center. if his guilt is proven during the trial, he faces a long term. the railway line could take him away for 15 years. olga zhurenkova, dmitry manyshev, host duty unit. the head of the investigative committee of russia , alexander bastrykin, took control of the story of the attack on our editorial correspondent. the day before , the program host duty unit aired a story about illegal vegetable traders who. attack the approaches to the stations of the capital's metro, the eager businessmen, of course, were not particularly happy about the journalist, but they kept their cool, here is another suspicious gentleman who could presumably be related to the organization of illegal trade, the journalist reacted to the questions quite violently: don't film, put the camera away, no need to shout,
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put the camera away, don't film me, why are you beating me, put the camera away, after the report was aired, investigators began a procedural investigation. currently , a set of necessary verification measures is being carried out, aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. based on the results of the investigation, a procedural decision has been made. the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, has instructed his subordinates to report to him personally on the results of this inspection. the king of hostels is about to let guests in. in moscow, they are finishing building a gigantic hostel, which will house thousands of guests of varying degrees of dubiousness. moreover, the developer once promised parking for residents there, but something. is wrong, and now even the court cannot stop the builders, why did dmitry blinnikov find out? they say it will be the largest hostel in the capital, which will be able to accommodate hundreds of guests at the same time, the residents of melnikov street are horrified by such a neighborhood. here is a building, here they have, yes, for 5,000 places. here is 4 km, to the kremlin.
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when they bought apartments, they were promised to build an eight-story parking, here it is, highlighted in red on the map, but the developer, according to the residents, shamelessly deceived them, decided that it would be more profitable to arrange a hostel here and sold the building to ardeya's company. here are 5,000 places, accommodation per day is 500 rubles. that is, per day they will receive 2.5 million in black cash. ardeya, here is its director, judging by the extract from the tax office, is engaged in the hotel business, but people suspect that this is a front company of the developer itself, it does not have an office itself, and the building was somehow too cheap. why is the object with a cadastral value of about 700-800 there? million went for 100. vesti reported on the situation on melnikova several times already, and everything here is unchanged. now they are finishing the finishing work inside. dear, this is an honest territory, you have no right here to enter. any attempt to enter the parking inevitably ends in scuffles. the work
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continues day and night, yes, that is , we live here, we watch this, yes, that is, the process does not stop. partitions were erected in the complex, small rooms were obtained, all this without... a contingent, then we simply cannot exist here. the building had fire safety pumps, they are no longer there. in the event of a fire, the fire can spread to neighboring residential buildings. we are simply afraid of everything burning down here. the fire protection system was destroyed system, that is, to cause a fire, it is unclear who will be responsible for what. the city property department did not remain on the side, is suing, trying to return the parking lot to residents, but recently lost another case, and even just stop the work.
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the chances of returning to the parking lot, they tend to zero. and the hostel itself does not exist yet, as such, which means it cannot be closed. another thing is that when the hotel opens, it will be too late. dmitry blinnikov, vladislav dubtsov, lika dzhevakhishvili. vesti, duty unit. in khabarovsk krai, a group of minors the hooligans themselves provided a criminal case. they started fights, abused animals and filmed all their antics on video, then posted them online. they wanted to become famous, they became famous, only now all these videos have become evidence. in this footage
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of an attack by a peer, a random passerby tries to stand up for the teenager, but in the end the man gets it too, another outrageous video is dedicated to how teenagers throw a cat out of a window. in other videos, young people try to start a conflict with stall sellers or boast about fights. here, here just started. during the investigation , witnesses and eyewitnesses are being questioned. investigative and other procedural actions. a criminal case has been opened on the grounds of a crime under part one of article 213. considering that these horny animal abusers are minors, troubles now threaten not only them, but their parents. lifeguards malebu. lifeguards with soaring boards have appeared on the capital's beaches. they come to the aid of those who have lost control of the board and got into trouble. meanwhile, forecasters are promising heat again, which means the beaches and the reservoirs will be filled with vacationers. report. having thrown a sabort into the mushroom canal moscow, lifeguard-surfer vasily berendyaev deftly
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jumps on the board, using a paddle, he gets to the person floundering in the water in a few seconds shows an unexpected technique. lifeguards on sobboards appeared in the capital only 3 years ago, they ensure safety at sports competitions, work in popular recreation areas among muscovites. their appearance was facilitated by the development of subsurfing as a sport for practicing. almost any body of water is suitable, yes there are no age restrictions, so subboarding has quickly taken root in russia, and the number of incidents has increased along with it. one of these recently occurred in serpukhov, moscow region, in the oka river. a schoolgirl participating in a rafting trip decided to go for a swim. according to law enforcement , she unhooked the safety rope and jumped into the water, but never came back out. she was not wearing a life jacket. subboarding is also popular with businessmen; it is easy to open a board rental point. it quickly pays for itself, and it is in one of these sports the equipment for the girl was rented by her mother. after
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the schoolgirl's death, the investigative committee opened a criminal case on the fact of providing services that do not meet safety requirements. the equipment renter has now been questioned as a suspect; during questioning by the investigator, he confessed. gracefully working with a paddle, fans of subsurfing have filled the reservoirs of the capital and the moscow region, and many neglect safety precautions. here are two ladies in ... deer from the shore, noticing the camera, joyfully waving their hands, both without life jackets, and this is a living embodiment of a plaster sculpture of socialist realism, a girl whistling, swam to the middle of the river, please stay closer to the shore. alexander peterburgsky, an active employee of the moscow city search and rescue service on water bodies with twenty-six years of experience, trains future surf rescuers, tells how to pull people out of the water so as not to drown yourself, how to provide first aid when it comes to safety, recalls a story from practice: once, while patrolling on a boat, two rescuers discovered a drifting sub
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with a life jacket on the bow, and the leash, the rope that is attached to the subsurfer's leg, had gone under water. they came up and saw the leash going into the water, pulled it, and there was a man there. at this point, the life jackets begin to be pulled out from under the rubber bands and put on themselves. the rescuers have their own car, in which they transport deflated sobboards. in the event that a person feels ill or something else, he can either climb in there, or it is very easy to climb on it, you, so to speak, throw your body, if you have the strength, but you have little strength, but we help you, and you are already half resting on the board. according to weather forecasters, the heat will return to the capital, fans of subsurfing will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this and go to cut through the water surface, the main thing is not to forget
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about safety. fedor eliseev, konstantin piunov, yuri ermakov, news, duty unit. sverdlovsk regional. the court announced the verdict to us and russian citizen ksenia karelina, her found guilty of treason and sentenced to 12 years in prison. the 33-year-old los angeles resident was detained in yekaterinburg. since february 2022, she has been sponsoring the actions of the ukrainian armed forces, organizing a fundraiser that was used to purchase bulletproof vests, weapons, and ammunition for ukrainian soldiers. according to the court's press service, during the hearing, ksenia korelina fully admitted her guilt, while her lawyer has already stated that he will appeal the verdict. the king of russian chanson, mikhail krug, was killed in tver in his own home in 2002, when the musician was at the peak of his career, many years later the investigative committee named the kidnapper, to whom the famous chansonnier crossed paths, which became the reason for the reprisal against the popular musician. watch the investigation by eduard petrov. mikhail krug, an unplayed concert. this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel. the king of russian chanson for his time, and these were the dashing nineties, was considered a rich
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man, well, no one wanted to kill him. a few strokes remained, we took up this case and conducted our own investigation. in nizhny novgorod region police conducted mass searches and detained three suspects in the organization of the so-called money laundromat. according to investigators, the black bankers defrauded the tax authorities of 27 million.
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the search began immediately after the arrest. here are the investigators carefully. they laundered money on the orders of businessmen, taking 14% of the amount for their services. according to preliminary data, at least 27 million rubles passed through the financial laundromat. 24 searches were conducted, during which one and a half million rubles were seized. seals, documents, bank cards, electronic information carriers, means of communication and other items that have evidence. now the organizers of illegal business, defendants in a criminal case. the court has already chosen a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave. a tour of the police department in novosibirsk, more than three dozen people instead of a long-awaited vacation on an all-inclusive system, are trying to get money back from a young businesswoman. the adventurer managed to collect millions, and then wave her wing and disappear without a trace, leaving only a bunch of excuses. olga has the floor
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durnykh. we ask you to remain calm, everyone will be refunded. the kalinin family was left with a virtual promise instead of vacation photos. the couple planned to vacation in egypt, the tour was bought through an agent they already knew. previously , she worked in another travel agency as an ordinary manager, we flew through her in 2021, but then she organized her own, actively developed it there, she had good reviews. the first premium-class agency in siberia, the company's website says, and she promised evgeny and his wife with three children fabulous vacation. five people paid 310,000, took out a loan, closer to the departure, for us on the beginning - this citizen, says that there are not enough places for us, how it was not clear, although the trip for in advance was already paid for 3 months, an overcrowded plane, a tour transfer, difficulties with documents, the arguments for all
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the tourists who did not fly were approximately the same, indignant clients began to write reviews on the internet and so found out that they are not alone. we now have 31 people affected, that is, we contacted the department police for the iltsovsky district, many statements have already been recorded. among those whose dreams of a long-awaited trip and vacation were shattered, a mother and a child with disabilities, pensioners, large families. according to vacationers' calculations, manager anastasia collected more than 8 million rubles from people. for the luckiest, she booked one-way tickets and 2 days at a hotel instead of the required ten, for the rest, nothing at all. unfortunately, no booking was found. tour operator system. lyudmila, the widow of a volunteer, died at the very beginning of the special operation. a year later with an extra son decided to go on vacation for the first time, bought tickets, but instead of positive emotions again barely holds back tears. i read a review about the company online, asked to arrange a refund. anastasia agreed, but never transferred the money. we need to stop her, simply, she is smirking at us, she writes to people there: yes,
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nothing will happen to me, there are supposedly big people behind me, she is still smirking, the girl is 22 years old, the young director of the travel agency is even recognized as a successful woman of siberia by one glossy magazine and now and then flashes at social parties, while her clients are trying to achieve. meetings in the office, which is now closed, they managed to talk only by trickery, pretended to be new clients, when the girl realized that it was not so simple she ran away, leaving all the questions unanswered. there is information from the police that the funds have already been transferred to other individual entrepreneurs, they are walking somewhere, now they are looking for the ends, where these funds are. managers from other agencies contacted the victims, they regret that a shadow has been cast on the tourism industry again. they call it an outright lie. nastya writes nonsense, taking advantage of the fact that tourists do not understand the nuances. i see in the reviews about replacing the plane with a smaller one. this is nonsense. is it true?
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law enforcement will decide. a pre-investigation check is underway. most tourists hope, if not to return the money, then simply to save someone's vacation, because the company's website is still working. the director's phone is always busy. the subscriber is busy. please try calling back later. either the line is being cut off by offended customers, or new tours are being sold. the velvet period is in full swing - the holiday season. olga durnykh, evgeny zhivaev, andrey kuropatkin, duty officer. sheremetyevo customs officers found contraband teeth in a tourist's luggage, and quite large ones at that.
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one of the travelers tried to take 13 whole teeth of a cat whale and more than fifty fragments to asia. the foreigner did not declare the goods, apparently remembering that the cat whale is an endangered animal. the man explained that he bought them at a moscow vernissage, taking souvenirs for a relative. at the same time, he did not have the permits. it is possible that it was tooth porridge. exported for sale on the black market, in aziya powders from the remains of rare animals are popular with charlatan healers, experts from the state darwin museum confirmed: the incisors belonged to a toothed whale, it is included in the international red book. the cultural value will remain in the museum, and the tourist faces a fine of up to 1 million rubles. a criminal case has been opened. the filling and the prospect of a criminal case are tasty and seemingly innocent food additive can become the main evidence, the fact is that the magician can contain traces of narcotic substances, and sometimes the boundaries between the stock. sprinkles for buns of a large batch of prohibited substances are very thin. ekaterina lekhomanova sorted out the confectionery nuances. this is what one of the popular bakeries in the center
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of moscow looks like. shelves with hot bread, an open kitchen where buns and loaves are baked in front of guests. among all the delicacies, there are those from childhood. i see that you have very appetizing buns with poppy seeds here, these are potato burger buns with poppy seeds. this is where the assortment with poppy seeds in the bakery ends. further away, here they, those same buns with poppy seeds, in this establishment, although they work with it, but in minimal quantities, they use it as a topping, but no one excludes that even here there may be a minimal amount of traces of apioids. poppy is a universal plant in general, in addition to food products, it is used for medicinal purposes, but there is also a downside in russia poppy straw, as well as its extract, is included in the list of narcotic drugs. poppy seeds can contain up to 30 micrograms of morphine and, accordingly , up to 15 micrograms of cadeine, these are psychoactive substances that cause intoxication, a feeling of relaxation, lightness,
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growing poppies is prohibited, law enforcement officers regularly monitor this during operational and preventive operations, it would seem, what does this have to do with honest entrepreneurs, however, as practice shows, there are many examples of criminal cases due to poppy, among the accused were. bakers and even scientific employees. the so-called poppy case received particular notoriety. olga zelenina, a candidate of agricultural sciences, was accused of several years ago drug smuggling to russia. this happened after she prepared an independent examination for an entrepreneur who imported confectionery from spain in 2010. then the federal drug control service employees came to the conclusion that the batch contained prohibited substances. almost 300 g of morphine , more than 200 g of cadeine. they were not at all embarrassed that it was a batch of poppy seeds weighing 42 tons. and zelenina's only fault was that she honestly stated that a tiny fraction
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of narcotic substances are formed in the plant. naturally, to separate them technically impossible, why can't i express the opinion that was formed in my head, for so many years of working with narcotic active substances and there with poppy seeds, in the case of drug smuggling under the guise of confectionery poppy seeds, several more people appeared. olga zelenina the remaining participants in 2018 were acquitted by a jury. by that time, it had been 2 years since the federal drug control service was abolished, to combat illegal drug trafficking. police officers, changes were made to regulations, a separate government decree was issued that in a kilogram of candy poppy seeds is allowed to contain up to 6 g of the drug . what is used for confectionery, what is used in general for industrial for the food industry, is opium poppy, because this is a common practice throughout the world, and why is it so easy
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to grow, that is, it is a magician who ... does not require any care at all, is not affected by any diseases, any pests, however, cases where police officers initiate criminal cases on the trail of trade in confectionery poppy seeds continue, some traders specifically select poppy seeds where the natural drugs are in the maximum permissible quantity, and sell them not to bakeries, but to drug addicts, immediately with a solvent and medicines for making the potion, as a result, honest businessmen have to be very careful or... refuse the popular product, the entrepreneurs themselves, who are engaged in the issues of manufacturing kadir products using poppy seeds, then the protection is very simple, which means that it is necessary, unfortunately, to charge yourself with many papers, expert conclusions, it's all about the processing of poppies at the supplier, experts advise to be more attentive to the documents, if you buy poppy seeds for your production, just in case, request a copy of the consignment notes and certificates
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for the product you work with. in any case, the buyer of buns should not worry, if there are traces of something prohibited in the sprinkles, then in such minimal doses that it will not affect either the taste or health, but entrepreneurs should still be on the alert, especially for those who work with large parties. ekaterina lekhomanova, alexander bikarevich, vesti, duty unit. the entire operational feed of legal on... news in the telegram channels vesti duty unit and honest detective. subscribe, also our investigation, daily releases on the platform watch. go to the ether tab, turn on honest detective. and our release is over. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30.
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a federal emergency has been declared in the belgorod region, the ukrainian armed forces are shelling daily the territory of the region, in the kursk region our air defense shot down a ukrainian missile near lgov, two civilians were injured, data from the scene. horrible footage, ukrainian soldiers mocking an old man from kursk, pretending to be german nazis. their names are already known and passed on to the right people, that's the kind of russian soldier he is, the fighter fearlessly went one -on-one with an fpv drone, attacked it with his head, shot it down so that it flew off and exploded in the air, our guy, safe and sound, returned to his positions. russian troops liberated ivanovka in the dpr, shot down 12 hymers shells and 35 drones in 24 hours, kiev lost almost 500 soldiers there, latest information.
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from the air defense ministry to one million rubles , a one-time payment for participants in the svo in the tula region has grown. the president meets with the acting governor, how will the strategically important region develop? negotiations on the situation in the gaza strip have resumed in doha. representatives of israel and hamas are discussing the terms of a ceasefire. meanwhile , israeli air defense systems have intercepted a suspicious air target from lebanon. there are. prospects for negotiations. this is russia 24, again the main facts of the day. defense minister andrei belousov held a meeting of the coordinating council on security issues of the border territories of the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. its goal will be to increase the efficiency of providing troop groups solving problems in these regions.


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