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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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it should also be said that this is not the first case, i repeat, when ukrainian militants strike at shopping centers, they strike specifically at places of large mass gatherings of people, where people make purchases, so galaxy, i remind you, was destroyed in the neighboring kiev district, in leninsky...
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there are no casualties, it continues to come in, we will, we will wait for confirmation of information, because they do not give, if we approach rescue services and operational services, the militants continue shooting. vadim, you already said that this is a district, petrovsky district, on west of the city, a large residential area, we can see from the picture that this is a huge shopping center, you have already talked about this, but once again as a local resident, can you tell us how popular this shopping center is, today is also... friday before the weekend, most likely, well, there really were a lot of people, the shopping center is popular, and naturally, this is one of the popular shopping centers, i repeat, where you could buy everything, from food to building materials, various kinds of car accessories, that is people, regardless of whether it was a day off or a weekday, there was always a fairly large number of buyers
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who made their purchases there, and the ukrainian militants could not have been unaware of this, and taking into account that, according to eyewitnesses, the fire was adjusted from the air, that is, a copter was flying and several strikes were made with large-caliber shells, that is, the fire was adjusted from the air, they aimed at simply peaceful people, and taking into account that there are reports, that the shelling continues...
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places so that children could somehow have fun somewhere, while they are left there for a while under supervision. and naturally, people come there with their whole families, sometimes you know, well, in donetsk the situation does not allow visiting any kind of entertainment centers, sometimes a trip to such a shopping center for a family with children replaces it with something, that is, just walking around the shopping center to... look, that is, it is obvious that people were there with their whole families, and accordingly, as andrey reports lysenko, according to him, there were quite a large number of people there, if he heard screams, respectively, we can say that there were people there at the time of the shelling, well , the number of victims killed is still being clarified, yes vadim, do not disconnect, please, i now want to read an urgent message from the news agency feed that children were indeed inside the shopping center. at the time of the strike, tas
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is informed about this by the operational services of the donetsk people's republic, indeed in the galaxy there are people with families, with children, their fate it is specified, in the petrovsky district, hiking with children is not particularly popular, but sometimes people go out for a walk, here is a message from the news agency feed. vadim, well, we see in the picture such a dense residential area, many multi-story buildings, nine-story buildings in clouds of smoke, all this, probably, judging by the fact that the nine-story buildings are in smoke, probably i ...
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and accordingly, well, it must be said that they have already gotten used to such an environment, and it is not surprising that they are already in this kind of shopping center, well, not that they are not afraid. well, they we have already gotten used to the constant shelling and accordingly have already arrived there, it should also be said that i repeat that apartment buildings were also shelled, there was footage of a fire, accordingly i have not yet received information about the evacuation, but the fact that the nearest and surrounding residential buildings were damaged, this information, based on the video, which...
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i repeat, it flared up literally instantly, since there was a large amount of building materials and several, according to eyewitnesses, artillery strikes, the entire shopping center area caught fire, that is, the people who were inside, they were
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actually trapped, to leave it quickly, based on the fact that it caught fire, instantly, well, it is quite problematic, very difficult, taking into account that there are a large number of people there, respectively. new technical solutions that are used during the svo became the main topic of vladimir putin's meeting with the permanent composition of the security council, the president held it via videoconference, the minister defense minister andrey belousov connected via video link from one of the svo command posts, here is footage from the beginning of the meeting. let's talk
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today about new technical solutions used during the special military operation, defense minister. at one of the command posts, it will work via video conference, thank you, please, it's alfabank's time, it's time for everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with instant card delivery to thousands of cities, it's time for the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs, it's time for superkek and the best applications for tens of millions of people,
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application. now to the situation in the kursk region. russian troops have been repelling attempts by the vso to invade the kursk direction for a week. it was possible to stop the approach of ukrainian reserves, this is a statement from the ministry of defense. a group is operating in the region. aviation, drones, artillery. residents of the border areas have decided to evacuate, they are being accepted at temporary accommodation points. help for them comes from all over russia, from the kursk region. report by stanislav bernwald. russian marines from the 810th brigade, last night, eliminated a sabotage and reconnaissance group in the kursk region, which broke through into several settlements at once. the main thing. the target was flint, so our marines caught them at the most unexpected moment,
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there was no one left to surrender, there they are lying, come on, come on, carefully turn him over, well, have you come to our land, look, the head is full of holes, well, that's it, that's it, all 200, as before the situation in the kursk region is extremely difficult, there are fierce battles in several areas, our aviation and artillery are attacking the approaching reserves of the ukrainian army, they are unable to bring up reinforcements, meanwhile the guys are working on the ground, pushing the enemy back to the border with ukraine, in order to squeeze them out a little more, it is necessary to strain, well , the fighting spirit of the guys is very good, meanwhile the evacuation of residents of the border areas of the kursk region pvr continues, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, volunteers, well, and many, many other services, the military in...
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collects collects funds uh, well, here i am at my house at my residence behind us
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quickly welcomed 30 people, in the core desert, we have 60 people, a deployment point, then some, as they say, free apartments of parishioners were placed in our refugees, but we think that this is not enough, so with the help of our department, the patriarchate for charitable social service with the blessing of the patriarch, we are opening here in the center this... here nearby, here close, here, here, here convenient, humanitarian aid for migrants now send both the church and the laity, and commercial organizations,
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the theme of american production, on the footage of objective control explosions, detonation of ammunition fire are clearly visible. now let's return to the main topic of the release, in isu donetsk was shelled, the shopping center galaktika was hit, it is located in the petrovsky district, after the shelling a fire started, now there is an urgent message, the area of ​​the fire in donetsk
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is over 10 thousand km, the head of the dpr pushil says about this. in addition, according to him, seven people were preliminarily wounded after strike in iisa on the galaktika shopping center, this is also a message that refers to pushilin, i will emphasize again that this information is preliminary. according to the latest data, two people were killed, the ukrainian armed forces are not allowing anyone to approach the burning shopping center, the shelling continues, now we will show you the latest footage, they literally just arrived, footage of the aftermath. of a major fire in the shopping center on your screens, i will emphasize once again that we received these videos from the scene literally just now, here is how they report law enforcement agencies of the dpr, ukrainian drones have become active near the burning shopping center, and i will add that the shelling was powerful and concentrated,
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11 shells were fired at the ssu in 15 minutes, i will note that the petrovsky district of donetsk. the frontline position of ukrainian nationalists is literally a couple of dozen kilometers away, once again, no, we have already seen this video, and the previous one, yes, we received it literally just now, let's send another urgent message, information about victims as a result of the shelling of the petrovsky district continues to arrive, this is also the words of the head of the dpr pushilin, the area of ​​the fire exceeds 10,000 km, this is what eyewitnesses say, the fire has completely engulfed the shopping center, the situation. is complicated, says pushilin, well here is another urgent message, extinguishing the fire in the galaxy shopping center in donetsk is complicated by the operational situation, the ministry of emergency situations employees are forced to move to a safe distance, this is another message from an information agent with a link to pushilin.
2:19 pm
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2:23 pm
while some other topics in most of vladivostok and several municipalities of primorye restored electricity after a major accident on the networks, while the movement of trains is still stopped, traffic lights are not working, people are being pulled out of stuck elevators, about how the restoration is going? power engineers continue to connect homes and enterprises of the region to power supply, the light is already returning to the cities and towns of primorye. already restored power supply to part of vladivostok, nakhodka, part of artem. the government has an operational headquarters for civil defense and honor, which keeps the situation under control, that's how all the restoration and emergency work. a massive power outage occurred in vladivostok in primorsky krai. at first , reports of individual outages began to appear during the working day, but there were so many of them that it became clear that this was not just a household accident, but a truly massive local damage to equipment
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that occurred on an open section of the primorsky gray distribution device, the automatic system was triggered, switched off, the lines were disconnected, but now active restoration of power is already underway. at the moment, power supply has been restored consumers of pozharsky, lesozavodsky, spassky, kirovsky district territories in need of places, on command of the system operator , all personnel of the company are at work , power engineers will turn on the equipment of substations both in automatic and manual mode. let me remind you that the shutdown occurred as a result of local behavior of equipment on the open switchgear 500 kv primorsky gress according to the following standard operation of the system protection and counter-array automation in 500 kv networks. such an emergency the situation caused a problem for many residents
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of primorye, in elevators, for example, of apartment buildings, dozens, if not hundreds of people were stuck, the load on emergency services was quite high, it continues to remain so, so they simply could not evacuate everyone from the elevators, but when the energy returned, people were rescued from dark cabins, those who were locked in, in dark cabins ... are held by neighbors, they try to provide moral assistance to such people. by the way, vladivostok drivers today remembered the traffic rules, since the most problematic busy, busy areas, traffic police inspectors came out to help clear traffic jams and regulate traffic. this is how it happened. in general, today drivers have to remember the rules of the road, i hope that many have not forgotten them since driving school, thanks to the traffic controllers, they control the situation on the roads. i must say that the power engineers are working very quickly, they are redistributing units, trying to connect backup sources, as i already said, the light is actively returning to homes, electricity from backup sources
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starts feeding at home. and he rushed under the mattresses to save himself, our children were covered so that we would not see all this street, our days shot down this plane, leningrad children brought here, there was a grandfather's house, we were met by love and kindness, the children loved to pick blackberries in the rocks. and
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during these walks they began to talk about their family, this line separating life from death, it turns out to be so thin, peetsna, yes, peetsna, yes,
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and you want to open your eyes and wake up. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective. are you used to watching videos on the internet? stopped working, install, open, watch. russian channels, all tv series. movies and cartoons, educational programs and
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documentaries. watch, watch in the app or on the website. and now again to donetsk, where the galaktika shopping center is burning after a strike by ukrainian militants. according to the head of the dpr denis pushilin , seven people were preliminarily injured. the building is completely engulfed in flames. now our correspondent from donetsk, vadim topalov, is in touch.
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vadim, hello. have the fire-fighting operations begun? here is the information coming in that the shelling continued, the firefighters could not approach the shopping center. yes, roman, indeed, denis vladimirovich pushiliin, the leader of the republic, confirms the information that the firefighting is being prevented by the shelling that has started again from the ukrainian militants, who are not letting the rescuers approach. those who want to eliminate the source of the fire, they have to - first start extinguishing the fire, then leave again when danger occurs, that is, their work now is very serious and is accompanied by constant shelling by ukrainian armed forces, information from the ministry of healthcare about seven wounded, including one teenager, is confirmed, people continue to seek medical attention.


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