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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the kiev regime is preparing a provocation, an explosion of the so-called nuclear bomb. they plan to strike at the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel at the zaporizhia and kursk nuclear power plants. special warheads for this have already been delivered to the city of zhovti voda in the dnipropetrovsk region at the eastern mining and processing plant. the goal is to accuse russia of provocation. this was reported by law enforcement agencies , citing interrogations of prisoners. a large number of western journalists have already arrived in sumy and zaporizhia to cover the event. staged actions. this information is confirmed. other sources, according to them,
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the entire operation is coordinated by western intelligence services, mainly british intelligence. in donetsk, 13 civilians were injured as a result of the ukrainian armed forces' strike on the galaktika shopping center. nearby residential buildings and the central city hospital were also damaged. kiev militants continued their attacks even after the arrival of medics, using drones to prevent them from working. video footage from the scene of the tragedy, eyewitness accounts and experts were collected by anton potkovenko. this is what the moment of the strike in the ssu on the galaktika shopping center in the petrovsky district of donetsk looked and sounded like. galaktika, the creatures hit, right in the store, look, yes, galaxy, a direct hit on the galakt, exit, galaxy, right in the parking lot. the whole area is in thick smoke,
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the shopping center caught fire after the hit, high flames, this is the only large store in the area, the shopping center is always crowded with visitors, at the time of the strike there were about a hundred people in the galaxy, the ministry of emergency situations, doctors, volunteers, just residents of donetsk immediately rushed to help. many victims, including children, there are angry tears in the voice of volunteer andrey lysenko. friends, the mountain is burning, the galaxy, a huge number of people are sunburned alive, children, women are screaming, fighting with istyliks, because their children are there, we saved as many people as we could , it is difficult to pull out, it is dangerous to save, the ukrainian armed forces continued to shell the shopping center after the first strike, when
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they tried to get visitors out of it as much as possible, and these employees, i think it is right to present them with awards of the donetsk people's republics, because they really saved the lives of these visitors, in general , today only in the petrovsky district 16 enemy attacks were recorded, here at least 50 large-caliber shells were fired, this is not counting the drone,
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strike, which were also used during the day in this area. the vile attack of ukrainian militants on a shopping center in donetsk is a carefully planned act of terrorism together with the same despair. ssu against the backdrop of the confident advance of russian troops. this was stated by the official representative russian mfa maria zakharova. on air with my colleague alexander korievsky. western curators do not want to be associated with terrorist activity, they understand perfectly well that we are not talking about military operations, not about the actions of regular troops, and so on. we are talking specifically about terrorism. we are talking about the murder of civilians, we are talking about the use of various.
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swarms did not stand aside, they helped evacuate residents of border areas. another volunteer fyodor gerashchenko from krasnodar krai in the hospital. a shell from the armed forces of ukraine hit the car carrying the volunteers. ukrainian militants destroyed the bridge over the seim river with this strike to cut off access to safety for
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residents of several settlements. but the rescue operation continues. there are now more than 10,000 people in temporary accommodation centers. a third of them are children. report by alexander revunov. this camp was built for residents of the glushkovsky district of the kursk region who were forced to leave their homes. the beds are made, the kitchen sparkles with chrome, the washing machines and ironing boards are ready for work, the moscow government helped equip this temporary accommodation centre. i see there is enough of everything here, the guys asked to organise footballs. the weather is good, they want to go to the playground, now we will send them a coach, of course, sports equipment. i want to convey special words of gratitude to the leaders of all regions of russia who are helping. aid to refugees from the kursk borderland comes from all over the country. everyone is trying to support the victims as much as they can. the central bank recommends forgiving the mortgage, a grandmother from orenburg is sending knitted socks. around the clock heavy trucks are entering the city. the cossacks
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from the voronezh region themselves have only recently left the hospital, and here they are. they spent 2 weeks in the hospital. we were discharged, and the next day we were already on our way. the motherland, she takes care of them, and humanitarian aid is being distributed here, it is brought here from other spiritual centers of russia, many of the refugees come here not only for things, but for consolation, people cannot cope with what happened on their own, my mother is disabled and is lying there, my grandson is in intensive care, lies, went to pray some more, support is needed,
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what is needed, things, medicines, what yes, yes, diapers are needed for mom, here is humanitarian aid, diapers, as well as baby food and much more is in this warehouse, today here are people from the last wave of evacuation, they are helped to find clothes and shoes by size. among the volunteers there are also refugees from the border area, they sort clothes, distribute rations, search for missing people. here everyone is at the call of the heart - these are ordinary people, these are students, schoolchildren, teachers, these are people from evacuated areas. it is worth noting that here friends from sudzha, from korenev, simply said that they could not sit at home, they also want to help people. the grief of the people of the borderland united the kursk people, mutual aid has ceased to be just a word, there is.
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big soldatsky district, here is our brother kostya, also together, we are from the heart, everything that is needed in principle, there is a car, hello! there are products, whatever you want, whatever you need, there will be an electric stove, next time i will go, i will bring electric stoves, most of the settlements are empty, but there are old people who refuse to leave their home and farm, and he delivers food to them, while he was lucky, he didn’t get caught in the shelling, foreigners are shooting, this is impossible, civilians, peaceful, a woman, a child, no problems at all, i mean they don’t spare their lives, they shoot, this is... if i hadn’t seen it myself, i wouldn’t say it, but each such rescue mission can be
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the last, as happened today with the volunteers of the all-russian people’s front, the guys from donetsk, nikolai kovalev and david sokolov came to kursk land to take out civilians from under the fire of ukrainian artillery residents themselves were hit, a missile flew in as we approached the bridge, hit our car, our best guys died today, the guys died as heroes. defense minister andrei belouskov is at
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one of the control points, he will work via videoconference. thank you. russian military repelled attacks by attack aircraft in the armed forces of ukraine in the direction of the settlements of russkaya porechna and gordeyevka in the kursk region. this was reported by the ministry of defense. in addition, concentrations of manpower and equipment in the ssu were hit, including in the areas of alexandria, snagost, mirny, kazachya loknya, and pushkarny. high-precision strikes destroyed three haimers launchers, two transport and loading vehicles, and two escort vehicles. in total, during the fighting in the kurzhsky direction , zelensky's formations lost almost 2,900 servicemen and more than 300 armored vehicles. yegor grigoriev will continue the topic. a roar is heard in the pitch darkness, a night hunter flies out on a mission. with guided missiles, pilots strike at manpower and equipment in the ssu on course. its enemy has pulled together hundreds of units and is losing at a rapid pace. another armored car
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kazak could not withstand a meeting with our lancet. another american apc-striker has joined the ranks of trophies. our fighter boldly destroys the stalled ukrainian bmp, douses it with fuel and burns it in a square under fire. at this time, the owners of the armored car were fearfully peeping at what was happening from the window of a nearby house. later, they were taken in...
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oddly enough, our soldiers often have to save the lives of ukrainian militants, for the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine, the wounded are an extra burden, so thinking ukrainians surrender. how did you, girl, turn out to be kind here, came to the zsu, they try to take ideological ones alive , there are a lot of nazis, they do not hide their position, they complement the image with fascist symbols, the decisive coordinated actions of our units in the kursk region managed to stabilize the situation, active work will inevitably lead to squeezing out the enemy. yesterday it was possible to say that there were some torn pieces. some holes in the defense along the new front line, but gradually new reserves are entering, new units
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are being transferred here, strong guys who the main battles of the special military operation have passed, they are closing these holes, small and large aviation is also working, together with our missilemen it is striking reserves in the sumy region, the surviving composition of these reserves is forced to carry out a bloody order, to go to certain death. and you experience real euphoria, but ultimately a constant question arises: what is all this for, what is the ultimate goal of the game, and i am sure that deep down in these.
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externally political department, journalists illegally entered the territory of the russian federation together with ukrainian militants. correspondents filmed a report on a terrorist attack in the sssu in the kursk region. this material was used for propaganda support to justify the crimes of the kiev regime. thus , the italian film crew grossly violated russian legislation and elementary rules of journalistic ethics. the competent department is establishing the circumstances of this crime in order to take the necessary measures, the russian foreign ministry noted. in the belgorod region , entry to five will be closed from monday settlements in the graivronsky and voluysky districts. in addition, the entrance to the village of kolotilovka in the krasnoyarsk district will be temporarily closed. this was announced by governor vyacheslav glotkov. according to him, residents will be resettled, they will be helped to remove their property. the csto cobalt-2024 exercises have ended in novosibirsk. special forces of the participating countries worked out
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joint actions to neutralize terrorists, free hostages and fight on city streets. the participants used the entire arsenal of equipment, weapons and skills. the exercises were held under the leadership of the russian national guard. in they were attended by representatives of ministries and departments from russia, belarus, kazakhstan, tajikistan and kyrgyzstan. more and more us citizens who oppose the democrats' ultra-left liberal policies are moving to russia. while the number of migrants from the ocean is in the tens, here is a recent case - a large family from texas who settled in the moscow region. the authorities recently provided them with a temporary.
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home, we do not plan to return back to america, yes, when we were in texas, we lived there, we listened to putin, we listened to what he said, and we listened to what our government said, and we said, we would like putin to be our president, literally, i said it, putin for president, they haven't learned russian yet , but they've already successfully mastered public transport, from the moscow suburb of koshira, where the hare family has been renting a farm all this time, they get to moscow by train, as leo jokes. what he likes most in russia is lemonade-tarragon kvass. his wife chantel seriously adds. the main reason for moving is safety. despite the fact that they lived in america all their lives, with each passing year they had less and less in common with this country. children undergo
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gender reassignment procedures, their bodies are mutilated. without parental consent. yes, without even telling their parents. and this happens in schools. this. he does it, the liberal madness from the big democratic cities was able to reach the small texas town of abelin, neither the conservative views of its residents, nor the seemingly strong influence of local christian churches could stop the morkobrazie. news about the move, the three sons of the hares first took it as a joke, but the parents' decision was supported. on september 1, jeshua, noah and zakaria
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will start classes at a russian school . i think moscow is pretty cool in itself, a really cool capital, i don't know, i've never been to washington, but everything here looks cooler than there and much cleaner. after i moved to russia, i realized that it is not this huge communist space that everyone thinks of it in america, most americans i talked to, whether it was people on the internet or staff in restaurants and shopping malls, they represent russia as something completely different from what it really is, large families, commitment to faith and traditional values, everything that the official west disdainfully calls a relic of the past, is exactly what its inhabitants are increasingly striving for, after the change in american legislation that allowed children to change their gender, the schutzman couple from kansas, raising seven children, moved to russia, unable to accept the paradigm imposed by their government,
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to tie their future with russia, the father decided eight children, canadian arent feinstra, an appeal to the russian president with a request for citizenship was also recorded by bulgarian priest atanas stefanov. last year in sofia, having blocked traffic on the way of the motorcade of the ukrainian president and...
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orders, a 10-fold increase, this is a colossal result, once again joint teamwork, much has also been done to modernize the enterprise, today it is completely different, despite the fact that you are compact, but modernized modern production, and not only repair, but also production. the eleventh open russian plowing championship has started in the saratov region, agricultural workers from 50
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regions of russia and other countries have come to fight for the title of the best machine operator, they compete in the skill of tillage and tractor control, a large-scale exhibition of agricultural machinery has also opened as part of the championship, food and wine festivals have been prepared for the guests of the event, a fair has been launched, a very interesting program, for the first time this year we have presented...
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african countries experts believe that the real number of cases is higher, the swedish authorities reported the first confirmed case of the disease outside the african region. the infected person is currently undergoing treatment, and standard measures for such situations are also being taken, including isolating the patient and tracking contacts. however, since the beginning of the year , 537 people have died from monkey and smallpox worldwide, while at least one and a half thousand people die from malaria every day, according to the same who. that is, about 45 thousand deaths per month, as experts note, an increased interest in an exotic infection can now be lobbied by pharmaceutical companies, the state of emergency of international importance allows the vos to turn to sponsor countries, this already happened during the coronavirus pandemic, when the eu's purchases of billions of doses of covid vaccines resulted in a criminal investigation against the head of the european commission, ursula vonderlein. now she is testifying in the case
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of abuse. fiser, which later turned out to be generally harmful to health. manure is being promoted, this money will be used further, perhaps in that including and not for its intended purpose. politicians in the west are already discussing the need for mass vaccination, we are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars. monkeypox poses the greatest danger mainly to people with weakened immune systems. the main symptoms are fever, intoxication, enlarged lymph nodes and subsequent spread of the rash. rospotrebnadzor stated that in
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russia. there is no threat of spreading there are already means to combat this disease, the russian federation has developed a test system that allows you to identify pathogen when crossing the borders of the russian federation, when passing the state border in any pass, provides for research on 50 of the most significant infections, including osupa monkeys. a vaccine suitable for the prevention of osupa monkeys is available at the state scientific center vek. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the site, people who serve in intelligence are not even
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physically strong, but simply strong in spirit. maroon beret - a symbol, who wears it, i believe that there must be a model in everything, they must follow it, it is impossible to do worse, it is possible to do better, such a motto has always been with us in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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so he says. lighthouse, who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, ah, so we come out as tekstilts, what a fairy tale, without ivan, eh, what began? without deception and without flint. in the fires did you imprison me. pen, self-written magic ink, will you get it? the main thing is, van, hurry up, then i will get a horse? mechanically, but from myself hit your head, do you have a cell? where it needs to go, that's what they call me, because...


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