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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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then about the weather and more, detailed analytics from vadim zavodchenkov. summer is returning to the russian plain, how many more fine days will august give russians, we will tell you about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we will touch on. this august will go down in the history of meteorological observations as one of the wettest. mosses, lichens and more. vegetation has appeared in antarctica. what area
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white continent has now become green? you are watching the main weather program, i am vadim zavodchenkov, hello! the showers have retreated to the east, summer is returning to the russian plain, how long will the warm weather last, why were the first two weeks of august so rainy? we will tell you about everything right after the review of the most striking cataclysms of the week. come here, come here, come here, come here! a thundercloud covered tomsk in the middle of the day, when the air temperature reached its maximum values. in a matter of minutes, the city immediately got colder by 5°, due to sharp temperature contrasts , a storm wind arose. in some places, the sleet turned into quite large hail. meanwhile, in the chelyabinsk region , the consequences of the rain flood were eliminated. the showers stopped, the rivers began to return to their banks. while restoration work was underway on the closed section of the mias-karabash highway. also
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provided a large mushroom harvest. residents of magnitogorsk, for example, are now taking trunks full of honey mushrooms out of the forest. in the russian north , on the contrary, a deficit of precipitation has been noted in recent days. against the background of warm and dry weather, not wildfires are dying down in the murmansk region. recently, on the sredniy and rybachiy peninsulas, it was possible to extinguish the fires, but at the end of the work week , the fire broke out there again. volunteers came to the aid of rescuers and firefighters of the murmansk air base. strong winds hampered the extinguishing , we are, of course, fighting back areas, it has already started a fire again, we are fighting, fighting for territory so that the fire does not pass across the road, but with such a wind
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, visibility is difficult, heat, drought and careless handling of fire have led to an increase in the number landscape fires in the south of russia, for example, in the stavropol region, dry grass burned in a field near... in povolch, a completely different picture was observed: on wednesday , some samara drivers were forced to flee the flood on the roofs of their cars. a volley of rain turned the streets in the east of the city into rivers. precipitation fell with such speed that after going into a store for a few minutes, customers could no longer leave it, because the waves were already splashing at the porch. stints of buying up accumulated. no less vivid was the element in the svertlo. region, where a tornado was spotted near the city of kamyansko-uralsky, its trunk was spreading almost parallel to the ground, resembling a giant whip. fortunately, vihar did not leave any destruction behind. it must be said that the entire first half of august was distinguished by unprecedented
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cyclonic activity. as a result, in many areas of the urals and the volga region, the volume of moisture that fell significantly exceeded the norm, and moreover, long before the end of the last. summer month, the amount of precipitation, for example, in ulyanovsk and orenburg, exceeded historical maximums for almost a century and a half of instrumental observations, in the mountains of the southern urals, before the update of meteorological statistics, literally one step remained, but in the second half of the week the weather trend began to change, an anticyclone broke through to the west of the russian plain, and it pushed the rain clouds of the cyclone to the east of the region. therefore, the weather became very contrasting, for example, last thursday in murmansk nothing prevented the sun from warming the air to a record +25.9, here the dense cloud cover, which covered the sky for cycts in the dark, reflected back into space almost the entire flow
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solar energy and here the day turned out to be the coolest, at least in the entire era of global warming. in the coming days. european russia, along its northern periphery, cyclones will shift, carrying fields of rain clouds to the shores of the middle volga and the spurs of the urals. at the same time , inclement vortices will pump well-warmed air masses into the area of ​​the center of high pressure. in such a situation , southern russia will be at the epicenter of warming. here, at midday, the heat will increase to plus. from 33-38, in the urals, despite the left rains, the temperature regime will return to the climate framework, after midday up to +19:24, here in the middle volga and in the center of the country the thermometer readings will slightly exceed the level of long-term values ​​up to
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+22-27. for example, in moscow on the weekend local showers and thunderstorms are possible, the air at midday will warm up to +25. 26 the peak of warming at the beginning of next week during the day around +27 - this is more than 5° above the norm, but then thunderstorms will roar again in some places the warm anomaly will decrease slightly. on other topics, the kiev regime has made big bets on the attack of the russian border, confirmation of this, are involved. in the criminal adventure, samples of western equipment , in fact, the best of what was in the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, for example, british challenger tanks, which have not been seen in battle for a long time, how and what russian soldiers destroy the enemy, evgeny teshkovets will tell. evgeny, does heavy armor
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not help challengers? vadim, as experience shows against our drones , british turtles are defenseless? challenger 2 went to the wrong place. a country road in the kursk region became its final destination. on the way the tank turned out to be fighters from the legendary air reconnaissance brigade grom kaskad. no heavy armor helped. a precise strike by lance. led to the detonation of the ammunition, the box was blazing so that it was visible from a mile away. after last year's summer counteroffensive, british tanks disappeared from the front lines, apparently, the curators from foggy albion really did not like the footage of the burning challenger podrabotin, and the ukrainian nazis probably decided to save the surviving vehicles for a special occasion. zelensky has no choice of combat equipment, that is, everything that he has he has it, that's what he uses. most likely , without even thinking much about it. about whether this tank is effective in this case or not, we are not talking about hundreds of tanks,
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we are talking about, if i'm not mistaken, 14 units, of which, probably, most have already been destroyed, they will lose the remaining four, five or eight challengers, well, i don't think that it will seriously damage the prestige of great britain, they have more tanks out of order in accidents than they have delivered to the ukrainian armed forces. the reconnaissance forces of the north group continue to burn out ukrainian armed forces equipment in the border areas kursk region. in the following footage , the discovered kazak armored vehicle was successfully hit by a lancet. and in this video - the moment of the destruction of a hammers in the sumy region, from which the vysushniks were shelling the border regions of russia.
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iskander smashed the launcher itself, an additional package of six rockets, as well as two security vehicles. in the defense of russian land, the new product from the people's. vpk. fpd, named after the legendary prince, vandal novgorodsky, has already filled a lot of enemy equipment. attack drone equipped with 10 km long fiber optic cable reels. control signals are transmitted through it. this cable unravels in the air during the flight of the device. thus, electronic warfare systems aimed at suppressing it are ineffective. in addition, the drone has an excellent camera that can recognize even camouflaged. and much cheaper, like any technology, drones that are controlled via fiber optics have their pros and cons, of course, among the pros it is necessary to note that high quality of the signal directly video, and complete immunity to various rep systems, that is, to suppress control of this drone, well , by and large it is impossible. if it is not possible to destroy the armored vehicles the first, second, fifth time, but it has somehow
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lost mobility, then the operators will send dozens of these drones until they finally find a loophole, find this weak vulnerable spot that will allow this armored vehicle to be burned. the developers of vandal did not put it on the army 2024 forum, everything was sent to the front, but there is asaed, a system capable of resisting a vandal, as explained by the specialists of the npc ushkuynik. this is one of the principles of their work. each development is made in tandem with a means of counteracting it. in case the enemy wants to adopt a successful experience. by the way, another uav that attracted a lot of attention at the army 2024 forum. this is grom - a high-speed strike drone with underwing and intra-fuselage suspension points. it can carry air-to-earth missiles, for example x38 guided aerial bombs kap-250 and kap-500. range of 800 km, and speed up to 1.00 km/h. the criminal adventure with a terrorist
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raid on the kursk region will end for the ukrainian nazis with one thing - complete destruction. at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, they can dismantle the cooling tower damaged as a result of the attack of the armed forces of ukraine, after the kamikaze drone strikes, a fire broke out. the structure completely burned out from the inside. the fire was extinguished by the ministry of emergency situations. the press service of zaporizhzhya stated that the fire did not affect the operation of the station itself. all six power units are not working are in cold shutdown mode. this is a safe state of a nuclear reactor when it is shut down at low pressure and low temperature of the cooling water. the cooling tower is part of the cooling system of the nuclear power plant. water is fed into it... heated in the power units of the station in the tower by pumps it is pumped to a height
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of 10-15 m, from where it is sprayed downwards, through openings located around the entire circumference of the structure, air comes from the outside, thus an upward flow is formed inside, the higher the cooling tower itself, the stronger the draft, at contact with air, water gives it heat, which eventually dissipates in the atmosphere, and the cooled... water flows into the pool bowl, from where it is again fed into the cooling system of the npp reactor. rosat called the strike on the npp cooling tower a nuclear attack. from the kiev regime, here is the report of the iaea experts on the results of the inspection of the scene, it turned out to be vague, as usual, only general words about the threat to nuclear safety, reckless attacks that should be stopped, and not a word about who is organizing these reckless attacks. what
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achieve on the bank why the west is pouring nuclear terror, we will tell in our material. the footage of the burning pipe of the cooling tower of the nuclear power plant scared everyone who saw them. the ssu chose the most recognizable element of almost any nuclear power plant for a new attack. they hit it on purpose, and deliberately detonated drones inside the tower. therefore, the fire broke out over a very large area. rescuers extinguished it for 3 hours. if the reactors of the station had not been stopped, then the catastrophe would have been inevitable. damage to the cooling system would have led to overheating of the nuclear fuel, and this in turn. would have ended with the reactor exploding. it is also worth remembering that the cooling tower is located on the dam of the cooling pond. if the cooling tower had collapsed and destroyed or seriously damaged the dam, the water would have gone away, and this is a direct threat to today's, not tomorrow's, but today's level of safety of the stations. we regard the attack that took place not just as a provocation, but as a targeted attack on
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the security of the infrastructure. the cooling tower completely burned out from the inside. it is okay to say that western actors will pull themselves together, will finally admit that they raised a country of bandits, a country of terrorists. rusatom emphasizes that the attack behind the npp directly threatened the safety of the plant and the consequences could have been catastrophic, but not a single european capital condemned the kiev regime for nuclear terrorism. but they need a picture, you see, they have already resigned themselves to the fact that this
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is not their territory, they will never be there again. i am talking about energodar, about... about the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, because they do not treat their territory, their facility, like that. the city of sputnik of the zaporizhzhya npp is also under constant shelling, energodar. the other day, after another attack on the ukrainian armed forces, its residents sat without water and electricity for more than a day. and balloons launched by ukrainian militants began to regularly appear over energodar. most often, they fly at an altitude of one and a half to 3 km. the balloons are sent by the enemy to the area of ​​the nuclear power plant. most likely for reconnaissance. apparently, the kiev regime does not intend to abandon its plans to stage a nuclear provocation at the nuclear facility. scientists have compiled a map of the vegetation of the entire antarctica. the researchers used satellite data from remote sensing
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of the earth and conducted field measurements to identify the presence of lichen mosses. of the total area of ​​the continent. the results of the study, along with detailed maps, were published in the scientific journal nature geoscience. most of the vegetation is concentrated in the southern scottish. cryptogamic communities, including bryophytes, lichens, algae and cyanobacteria, predominate. coastal areas of the antarctic peninsula, where the snow cover melts in the summer months, also contain significant biomass in the form of microalgae. the vegetation of antarctica is extremely well
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adapted to survive in harsh conditions. ecological sensitivity of cryptog. nature conservation, among other things, the information collected will help in developing measures to preserve the unique ecosystems of the continent. and
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now our traditional column: the space weather forecast, which we are compiling together with our colleagues from the institute space research wounds. the sun has been storming for about a month, but now there has been a break in activity. the main event of the week was an exceptionally strong, prolonged magnetic storm that lasted for about a day and a half. its peak occurred on august 12. the storm was predicted, but the strength of the event was unexpected, reaching four points on a five-point scale. another feature of the magnetic storm was a large band of polar lights that formed in the european part on the night. from monday to tuesday, bright flashes in the night sky were observed in various parts of the country, it is noteworthy that the disturbances in the magnetosphere coincided with another
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picturesque astronomical event, residents of many regions admired both the northern lights and the persiid meteor shower. the second feature is the location of the flash, almost exactly on the line of the sun and the earth, that is, with such a location , in fact, any. any plasma thrown into space, they inevitably reach the planet, there were very high risks in this regard for the second, strong storm this week, but they did not materialize, the flare was localized to the sun and was not accompanied by emissions and at the moment all threats from it have been removed, next week the situation is expected to stabilize, in the continuous distribution of active centers on the solar disk, which was observed... the entire first half of august there was a gap, the side of the sun facing the earth was almost completely cleared of spots, all explosive activity
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is now temporarily concentrated on the back side of the star. the first trends of a decrease in hard radiation flows from sun, so everyone who has been tired of active events over the past 2-3 weeks will have a break in the series of magnetic storms, how long it will last is difficult to estimate, but at least one calm week is guaranteed to us, that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye, still think about the ideal home, it's time to switch to domclick to find housing for any, the most daring taste. with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or secondary housing, choose what everyone will like. on domclick, everyone will find housing for themselves. lead
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the application or on the website. and we begin with the footage that came into the possession of the ria novosti agency. in the kursk region , a column of the 82nd assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine with nato equipment was completely destroyed. this was reported by an officer of the marine unit, which defeated the neo-nazis. on these. confirm information about the preparation of large-scale terrorist attacks by the kiev regime with using a so-called dirty nuclear bomb, they plan to detonate it in spent fuel storage areas at...


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