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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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the situation at the kursk and zaporizhia npps continues to deteriorate due to the increased shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the number of signals about kiev preparing new provocations against the plant has increased several times in a day, this was stated by rosatom. the situation was discussed in a telephone conversation between the head of the state corporation alexey likhachev and the director general of the magate rafael grossi. lekhachev invited him to come and personally assess the consequences of the attacks on the kurdish region. let me remind you that a ukrainian drone attacked the kursk npp in the middle of the week, and the shelling of energodar and the surrounding area, where the zaporizhia npp is located, records almost every day. today , a drone of the ukrainian armed forces dropped ammunition on the road near.
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station. in the event of a strike by the ukrainian armed forces on the kursk npp, russia will take tough, retaliatory military and military-technical measures. this is how the ministry of defense commented on the data that kiev is preparing attacks using a dirty bomb, and ukraine plans to blame russia for this shelling, which allegedly needs grounds to strike at ukrainian nuclear power facilities. the ministry of defense also stated that the plans to strike kursk violate the international convention on the suppression of nuclear weapons. nuclear terrorism. "the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 300 servicemen and more than thirty armored vehicles, including three tanks, in the kurdish direction in one day, according to new data from the defense ministry. russian troops repelled attacks by assault groups of three kiev brigades in the area of ​​the settlements of korenevo, russkoye, cherkasskoye, and porechnaya. in the forests near the border , a search and elimination of ukrainian mobile groups that tried to penetrate deep into russian territory is underway. in total, since the beginning of the fighting in the kurdish direction , zelensky's formations have lost up to 1,000 personnel." btr, in the region
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russian military group north, as well as the russian national guard. the first group of children from the border areas of the kursk region was received in st. petersburg. they arrived together with their teachers. about how the children were met and what program was prepared for them ksenia yakubina. to send the children to st. petersburg from the kursk region. four special carriages were attached to this train, the children spent the whole night on the way, but they will have lunch already on the territory of the northern capital in various health camps. 200 children from 7 to 17 years old arrived without parents, accompanied by teachers , the dispatch of the children, according to eyewitnesses , was accompanied by an air raid alarm. in kursk , the situation was certainly difficult, but i will repeat once again, thanks to colleagues from the federal passenger company from the ministry of emergency situations, all the children were safely loaded ... everyone is going to the city
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of st. petersburg, i hope that at night they were able to rest to the sound of the wheels. the passengers left a little tired, but inspired, many of the children are in st. petersburg for the first time, they are looking forward to meeting the city. for guests from the kursk region, they have prepared exciting programs with excursions to places of interest. the organizers hope that this will help the children to take a break from the events they have experienced. we are assigned to one place of residence for two weeks until september 1 , we organize indosug. we plan to visit various museums, a sightseeing tour of st. petersburg, a master class at their place of residence, and if necessary, we will hold a master class on haircuts, we will tidy everyone up if someone did not have time to do it at home, yes, when arriving in the northern capital, and we will show films about st. petersburg, and also at the end of august we are planning a big event, a festival, which will be called the city of good, where we will invite all the children, the children will be provided with proper nutrition and medical care, the day before the governor of the city alexander beglov said that the children... from
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kursk will be here as long as the situation in their home region requires. if necessary, they will be assigned to local schools, provided with pens, notebooks, textbooks and uniforms. moreover, that st. petersburg already has experience in hosting young guests. last spring , more than 700 children from the belgorod region came here, where they quickly found housing, kindergartens, schools and additional education organizations. ksenia kubina, sergey fodeyev, vesti, st. petersburg. the all-ukrainian council of churches and religious organizations supported the bill allowing the canonical ukrainian orthodox church to be banned. vladimir zelensky had previously called for this. the russian foreign ministry criticized international human rights institutions for inaction. the statement appeared on the website of the foreign ministry. maria zakharova called this bill barbaric. now advertising, and after our broadcast will continue with a documentary film, the vedonov method, a famous soviet criminal lawyer whose work is appreciated all over the world. he created a manual. helps to identify and catch serial
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criminals and maniacs. in fact, this is a technique that is now called profiling. alfabank is the best bank for business, we give 3 months of free acquiring, and also a terminal and a cash register, open free business account, sale, where kupel, megamarket, school style, choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on me wanted to open a deposit at 19%? it turns out, you can at 201. i thought to open a deposit in one bank, it turns out, you can at once in different ones, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open
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ruthless, bloody murders, leaving no trace. and it seems that it is impossible to find the monster. nine murdered women. autozade in phone booths, autozavod really was on the verge of zavostovka, the prosecutor's office investigator, who challenged absolute evil, calculated a certain portrait, a psychological portrait, this portrait was built up, they came to ivanov, created a unique system, thanks to which it became possible to solve the most intricate crimes. we had the soviet union, it worked absolutely everywhere, the murder detection rate increased 10 times. leonid vedonov and...
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the police department, the prosecutor's office of the left-bank district of voronezh received a message: in one of the apartments on leninsky prospekt, a message was found
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body. the girl's body was wrapped in a blanket, it was located in the living room, on the floor. during her examination, about 13-14 stab wounds were found in the chest area. the girl's clothes were - well, it was obvious that they had been cut off , apparently by the knife that had inflicted the stab wounds on her. and it seemed that it had either been thrown off or that they were looking for something in it, her
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school supplies, notebooks, textbooks, rulers, were scattered right next to this backpack, investigator pavel shitykh, one of those who worked at the scene crime, the inspection was carried out thoroughly, it was impossible to miss a single clue, upon arrival at the scene we realized that the crime... is not, let's say, ordinary, standard in terms of what, that this is not a family conflict, directly some, let's say, street showdown, but the crime was committed in conditions of non-obviousness, for a more detailed inspection of the scene, including the entrance group to the entrance, a decision was made to use video filming as a recording of the inspection of the scene of the crime,
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jewelry was found on the girl's body, actually gold,
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that is, of some value, they remained, no one took them off, and the jewelry that was in the apartment was not stolen either. experts examined every centimeter of the crime scene in an attempt to find traces of the killer. significant, so to speak, traces that allowed us to identify the persons involved in the crime while it was still hot were not found, there were fragments of fabric with a splotchy pattern, ordinary construction gloves indicated that the person who committed the crime was preparing to commit it, he tried to hide his tracks, because we did not find any traces of shoes or any other foreign objects, but in the girl's room, the investigative team... came across a suspicious note, an inscription was found, at the initial stage we
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assumed that the killer had left this inscription at the crime scene. the evidence had to be studied in detail, even a small piece of paper could be a clue if there was a fingerprint or dna sample of the author remained. the text of the note, one might say, shocked us all. it was written there verbatim. you will not find the killer, that is, the word killer was written with an error. this trail led to a friend of yulia kopytina, but the girl had nothing to do with the murder. the note at ... expressive content was just part of the game, the dead girl and her friend, they were into crime series, series about the investigation of crimes, they were just playing the game. we identified the friend the girl who wrote this note, the examination of her handwriting, as well as
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the pen she wrote with, confirmed this. the investigation continued, the investigator... had a number of theories, each of which had to be worked out in detail in order to exclude the untenable ones. the first was related to the work of the father, the family, who was engaged in entrepreneurial activity, could have committed this crime out of deception. the second group of versions is that the crimes could have been committed by people from among the acquaintances of the victim, peers, or slightly older, it could have been unrequited love, another version that required mandatory verification of a sexual crime. at that time , a maniac rapist was operating in the region. he committed two murders of girls of the same age in the city of rossage, and committed an attack murder
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of a young woman in our region, but somewhat suddenly. place about 2 km away, the criminal had a characteristic style: he cut the victims' clothes with a knife, one of these signs, well, in my opinion, a number of others allowed draw a conclusion to the investigator who investigated this case that the crimes are serial, combine these criminal cases into one proceeding. despite the fact that telelia also had knife wounds, the examination showed that she was dead. definitely not the work of a syrian rapist and murderer, the forensic examination did not find any traces of rape, the version that yulia was a victim of profit hunters became a priority. the father of the murdered girl, having recovered a little from the shock, realized that something had disappeared from the apartment. and then sergei's subordinates came under suspicion kopytina. literally, not so long ago, the day before
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he received a large sum of money by cashing out what he was buying. and built a new apartment in the same microdistrict, that is, naturally, the version, the versions were built taking into account that the persons who could, or should know that there were funds in the apartment, they really were, the father explained that he brought this money home in a suitcase, after cashing out funds by selling bills, that is, these are employees of his organization and persons who were informed. on the day of the murder, a man with a briefcase similar in description was seen by the residents of the house and dvornichekha. they presumably saw a person who walked quickly with a briefcase in his hands out of this entrance. at the same time, the grandmothers could not describe the face in detail, they did not attach any importance to it. the absence of a verbal portrait of the suspect, not a single trace or
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fingerprint, for the average person the case looks hopeless. however, the investigators know.
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he was delighted that cases that seemed hopeless, leonid georgievich sometimes solved in one day. that's exactly what happened, for example, with the murder of an elderly woman. the murdered woman had a friend, they were going to get married, then the grandmother started saying: you have minus eight, she has minus 7, what kind of children will you have, completely blind, well, and
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she really wanted to get married, so she decided to eliminate, and one of the obstacles to a happy family life. it was not a miracle or a sixth sense that helped prosecutor vidonov to unravel the motive for finding the killer. he analyzed each crime using a special one. lenid georgievich is a hereditary officer, as a boy he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and serve his country, and
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he also dreamed of the sea, so when the time came to decide, he chose to serve in the navy, when he was called up, i think it was the tikhotersk fleet, he was injured during a storm, so his... he knows the theory, but how to apply it in practice, which versions should be considered as priorities, how to check them? an experienced colleague came to the rescue, he says:
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well, what are you saying, what did you write in this protocol, yes, where are you? he he says: well, there's a path there in the park, yes, well , that is, what i see, that's what i wrote, he says, okay, and this path, where does it lead? well, in the park, where? he says, look. you see there, and it turns out that behind the foliage not far away you can see a dance floor, so he says: this is the path to the dance floor, and today he says, what, what day of the week, well, sunday, and what does murder and the day of the week have to do with it, well , on saturdays we always have dancing, and on sundays in the morning there's always a corpse, because of fights, because of stabbings, in a simple logical chain... the weapon fits in murder, it turned out to be a sharpening knife, a popular weapon among prisoners, this could mean that the killer had previously been convicted, then
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they compared the time of the murder, the place, questioned the witnesses, which helped to identify the main suspect, they come to this comrade, he is hungover to wash his bloody trousers, the sharpening knife is lying nearby.
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working on criminal cases in this position, leonid georgievich analyzed the connection between the place, time, method of committing the crime, the personality, the victims and the circumstances that characterized criminal. this systematic approach made the investigation more efficient and effective. the algorithm was improved, and the number of solved murders increased. leonid vedonov worked hard to systematize the information so that his methodology would become a full-fledged tool for investigators across the country. just imagine calculating a thousand murder cases, that is, how much personal time he spent
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on this. he followed in the footsteps of his legendary parent, worked in the prosecutor's office, and once, while investigating a crime, he helped father. five-year-old girls, working with experts, i suddenly hear a familiar voice. raise your eyes leonid georgievich, an operational meeting was held, which was held by leonid georgievich, at this meeting he oriented the police officers, well, as if to search for a portrait of a certain person, the officers were oriented that it should be a man under 30 years old, previously convicted of robbery, rape, but the most ...
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another striking example of the application of vedonov's method is the disclosure of a series of murders in 1989 in nizhny novgorod, the gorky maniac kept the entire region in fear. nine murdered women at the car factory, in telephone booths. the car factory was really on the verge of a strike, this is naturally under the personal control of the then prosecutor general. the criminal
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acted cruelly. he killed and robbed men, raped women, took everything from his victims, from jewelry and money to shoes, committed crime after crime, while remaining elusive, the city residents refused to leave their homes until the maniac was caught, leonid vedonov took up the case, he carefully studied the available materials to establish the identity of the criminal, calculated a certain portrait, a psychological portrait, first, naturally, then who was there, who could provide the amount of information and shook the police, shook the district police officers, who at that time were the main source of information, as my father said, in order to simply create a psychological portrait first, this portrait was built, they went to ivanov, took him in chebaksary, where he also committed two murders, upon closer examination
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it turned out that he had been convicted of murder. to improve the methodology, analyzed all these solved criminal cases and where , compiling according to certain parameters, the characteristics of these alleged criminals, when a certain array had already formed, a certain pattern was also revealed, it was completed, the analytical work began, that under such and such conditions,
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this is how it is, under such and such conditions, gennady ivanov, a veteran of the investigation, senior justice adviser. for more than 40 years, he investigated the most complex criminal cases, and often turned to to the vedony method. the investigator goes to the scene of the incident, taking into account that at the initial stage he receives what information he receives from the inspection of the scene of the incident, according to the testimony of the witnesses established at that time.


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