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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 18, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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you come in, there is no fear, there are only thoughts about how you, how it works, yes, before that you didn’t sleep the night before, you were worried or preparing, well, we came in at night, when it was just dawning, so there was no desire to lie down, here we are for adrenaline, yes, yes, we prepared, the guys are experienced or also just not, yes, they have been here longer than me, well, as a commander, it’s normal, you are doing well, what did you do, i was starting the column.
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it doesn’t make it much more difficult, because you have, well, the angle of a completely different job, that is, you don’t rotate the guns anymore, we do training, that’s it the crew is training, at the expense of the corps. what a wonderful creation? have you finished it yourself? finished it, yes, little by little, welded it, somewhere somehow we came up with it ourselves, somewhere we suggested something, here is our fantasy, we came to the welders, so we talked, somewhere they themselves will suggest, somewhere no, somewhere somewhere there may be an inconvenience, that is, there you raised it so that they could land with you again, yes guys, that is, how do you have a landing otk working.
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tasks, here and also from the terrain, all this is initially discussed, here just armor for happiness, yes, because at least you lie on it with your belly, well of course, somewhere there are bumps or not, so men, no, there is something to hold on to , only the main thing, yes, and there are handles yes, that is, oops p but at least here they didn’t climb a lot, here are these faces we close everything they grabbed them here like this, everything was grabbed along the side and lay down and that ’s it and they lie, that is, it holds srelkatne yes 762 762 it didn’t pierce it and fpv fpv also didn’t pierce it , that is, how many flew here oh a lot, to be honest, with shrapnel, too, as if it didn’t cut me i see you also have a red sticking out from above
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, that is, you have a spray here on the don, yes, everything with fuses, we check the rap with the front task, the guys come, they somehow finish something somewhere, comrades who are doing exactly that, they add something somewhere, remove something, they show us, explain, that's it, we continue working the same way, so what do you have there, so here is the thirtieth for as long as you need, two belts of 150, the upper 150, the lower 150, well, alternating. we load the bt fz, we work, well, belts, a machine gun, so the ammunition is 1.00, oh, 1. more precisely 2.000, well if you are not nervous, then yes, you can work a little, it is enough, because on hysterics 5 minutes and naked, 5 minutes naked, we do not work, saving the bull, transfer of fire, that is, i have already got used to everything, we work on targets , we no longer water, already so consciously, on targets only yes, with the harvest he was, yes, he was, everything was, we worked, that lucky one who has already completed the combat. which
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unlucky one where did it fly, which unlucky one, i ran into a mine, well, the mine itself, yeah, the anti-tank was blown up, the second once i was hit by an anti-tank, yes, of course, the wheel immediately flew off along with the gearbox, well, and the second time, the second time, it’s still yours, if your wheel flies off, it can continue to move, the armored personnel carrier can be on four wheels, the most important thing is that it still pulls you out, i was really overwhelmed, well , honestly, yes, i didn’t even understand what happened , some shrapnel or something, sparks, so they ran before my eyes, i opened my eyes, everything was in dust, well, when they hit you, another armored personnel carrier pulled you out, yes, they were standing there waiting for me, waving at me right away that's all as far as possible so that i could see them , the guys were far away, how much did i have to run, but in principle it wasn't long, he started to press as close as possible, press when he hurried the group, that's all and he ran, yes , all this was of course under fire because the forest , that's it, roughly speaking, 5-10 m.
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there a fight started, and against the background of this fight, the fact that they didn't pay so much attention to us, under adrenaline you don't understand what distance, everything seems fast to you, fast legs, well... thank god it's not a scratch, right? slava god, just a concussion. a great machine, i say, and the mine doesn't stop, there's speed, there's mobility, there's firepower, there's a stabilizer, there's an effective gun, a thirty, it knocks out the ukrop's desire to get out, and why did he get out here after he was shot down, well, he could have said, guys, that's it, to me, how can i say that, i'm there, i know these guys, i couldn't just put it like that, i brought in the first group, the second, the third, i understand. the fact that they somehow needed support there, so i couldn't just say no and not go, you don't even need that it never occurred to me, no, how old are you yourself, 23, you are 25, that is, very young, yes , contract soldiers, volunteers, like contract soldiers,
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conscription remained, or well, i served in general in a mobile communications center, i have already transferred here to the svo to the 40th marine brigade, now a marine, yes, now a marine, and where are you from, from kamchatka? and that is, directly a location, and you are the republic of buryatia, that is , a combat buryat, that is, this is your battalion, which never sits in occupation, yes, we, as in december, i immediately said that initially there was talking about the fact that there will be a mixed type of staffing, i immediately said, guys, throw away your illusions, to the reality that the second echelon becomes the first in one day, it all started on december 24 and well, with breaks of 2-3 weeks of exhalation, everyone drove inhalation, some are specialists, some are grenade launchers, mortar
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men, support workers, sizers, in principle, everything is standard, well, it happens somewhere around three hundred, he will go out for evacuation, the main staff, namely the infantry, they well... change and now there is already a rollback, people from the first staff are already leaving communication, and they say, we want to go back, well , that is, it is addictive, people understand everything, the system works, somewhere they went on a mission, the mission was completed, positively, negatively, this is also experience, everyone and then returned, that is, everyone knows that he is needed in this unit, ryazansky himself, ryazan, yes, well, he was born in leningrad, in leningrad, how did he end up in the marines? i come, the battalion commander calls me, says: go get your black uniform, i say, i don’t understand, well, that’s it, you’re going to the navy, i say, what navy, i say, what am i saying, where should i issue it, no, don’t issue it, that’s it, i arrive in vladivostok, a kodrovik comes out, well , already so old, moose-like, says that you will go with me to the kamchatka, i stand there,
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i don’t understand what the catch is, i was called up by the elzovsky military registration and enlistment office in kamchatka, i say, how can this happen, i say, of course i will go , well, that’s it, i went like that, until now... basically i didn’t change a unit or anything in the brigade, where did i go? i went here already, i went to lugansk, literally a week and moved to the dpr, we’ve been standing there for about a month, maybe since the first day, yes, well, not since the first, somewhere since july, they’ve counted on the harvest here now, they’ve counted their capabilities, considered as if they were an enemy, bled him dry, dehydrated him, taught him to walk, that's it, he stopped, that is, it was a deeply thought-out...
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quite a lot, it was necessary to pull a company commander from another company to put him on training, namely, so that he would manage them, and command the training himself, of course, he manages everything independently, and that each run, each roll is for a specific bird, that is, well, there is no such thing as a mass withdrawal and there until the day after tomorrow a task, no, it goes specifically from point a to point, our books are correct it is written, and they wrote about them correctly, it is just difficult to implement it in time. the chief of the general staff awarded in battle, yes, what did he award, like courage, like courage for novodonetskoye, for the counteroffensive, a medal for bravery, how much
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a motorcycle can withstand, two people, fully loaded in equipment, but without a backpack, yes, well, one with a backpack, one without, one is buzzing, yes, because of course. not all at once, i just graduated from engineering school, let's say so, that is, they offend you, that is, they say you are a jacket, they say, everything is not allowed, i immediately got into intelligence, 9 years served in intelligence, so it's normal, and how did he deserve it? i 've only been moving to captain for 2 years, that is, it's not critical, i'm not particularly striving, as if my experience allows me to command companies and i like it quite well, i'm quite comfortable, it suits me, that is, your company stormed in?
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well, 3 weeks, 2 weeks, it happened that well, a couple of weeks a person, as if in general in the army, and the main thing is to talk to them competently, set them up morally, yes, explain each task, well, and some small classes, as far as what they were preparing, worked in an expressive manner, to the maximum, that is, everyone knew, it was a very convenient training ground, and we practiced every day, well, first , single, let's say, training to shoot
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there, they dropped in somewhere on the left, and the guys there on the right are going around the river, that's it, guys, hold on,
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hors, right, why? i don't know, but oh well, spill the beans, and this is the nickname of the far eastern leopard that vladimir vladimirovich putin brought and gave to the land of leopards zoo, i think, well, i'll be hors, i like it, i don't know, yes, how old are you, 47, how long have you been in the army, i'm like this my first contract, i just... the germans were tearing it up there, the spanish were, well the flags were so small, and so, so it turns out, they took apart the nato team, how old are you? that is, you were directly mobilized, such an analysis , the contrast is normal, so normal, yes
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, just right, yes, by age, adults do not offend children , no, not at all, on the contrary, that is, you served, you were immediately mobilized, so age does not matter, well, the pronunciation is big, that was my period , squad commanders, i had guys left, one was 20 years old the second one is also 21. they were squad leaders and led guys there over 40 already, why are you a honey badger, well by nature such a bear, no, you just love honey, no, because a honey expert is quite an animal, can take away from everyone, from everyone everything, well, to choose such a call sign, it's not... simple, and what kind of cat do you have, childhood is how uncle calls
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the name kosta, and how did you end up with this product of a miracle of heroes, you came as volunteers, accordingly underwent retraining appointed, and before that you served, sit down, before that you served where, yes in the army, studied a little, kicked out, no, he left on his own, yes, then... 25 years served in the police, and what did he rise to lieutenant colonel, now a private, senior sergeant, that is, he retired. all sergeant and he is a lieutenant colonel, that's right, besides, he did not want to go to the military police, no, i think this job is the most worthy, in the police, what did he do, well, all his life as an operative, then the head of criminal investigation, then the chief of police ended up as the head of the territorial department, well, a really serious career,
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he should have given in the country, but then i thought that little, therefore... decided 2 months spent on pension, i think, it is necessary to go to help, what the family said, at first, of course, everyone was worried , cried, then now they are proud, my son was not so long ago, well, as a little boy, still 12 years old, they did a kind of military training camp, even took my call sign, it's nice, well, love arose for the product. well, as if we became related to a certain extent, together with him we went through the harvest, the task was security, not so much security, fire control, the advancement of assault groups, they take the territory, we begin to guard them so that no one comes up, then you just isolated, yes, manpower,
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well, somewhere lightly armored vehicles could work as a sniper. well , i got into the window of the oppressor, that is, you begin to feel it, yes, at some point in time, that is, you just get used to them, well, like yes, your own system of work is developed, yes , the classics are classics, but here you begin to foresee in advance, somewhere you set up landmarks, goals in advance, well, it turned out that way, there was a case that this rap began, well, the enemy's rap worked so that nothing happened to anyone i did it, well, according to the guidelines in advance, we, as they say, gave them a hard time, when the harvesters were working, how many snails did it take? oh, i'm honestly counting, well , it probably took 1.3, day and night, sometimes it happened like that for three days without sleep, only the head would rest, and then they would attack, run, well
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, reload here, accordingly, because if you start there, they'll hit, that's it, they'll fly away, that's it, of course, here, reloaded, that's enough, 15 kg each, two pieces, another number, the calculation ran back, ran, loaded, shot, again ran away and so here and there, there sport, so it is better not to count how much the rear passes to run, yes, yes, yes, yes, as he says, motivation, so as not to disappear, mortar 2b11, 120 mm, a good machine,
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it was due to artillery that he received his first general's, having calculated how it was necessary to place the batteries of the battle for toulon, thereby not allowing them to land, having captured the base ports of the fortress, by the way, he could have been an officer of the russian army, i heard, yes, he refused to sign the contract, because that year the russian tsar was greedy, and did not give the name above, and how did you end up in the mortar men, like everyone else, probably, the motherland is in danger, someone has to go, protect, got ready, left, or rather not alone, with a comrade, asked, yes, he was safely wounded, now he is being treated, well, and i still went as a volunteer, yes as a volunteer, yes, so i served, yes, well there in our other unit. that
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is, signed a contract and went? no, i studied at a school, and a military one, yes, a military one, that is , an officer, became a marine by accident, and so an artilleryman? not quite, well almost, yes, you could say so, an artilleryman, and which school, naval, naval, naval, that is, the other way around, that is, you accidentally became an artilleryman, well, from a naval artilleryman you moved to a land artilleryman, the profile is not very strong. it's just that you got small stuff, well , not quite small stuff, as if the enemy would not let you lie, a good thing, it is given, and it gives off a lot of heat when there is a harvest. you worked on it, but the battery of such 120 tasks is to support our assault detachments, well , i threw them behind their backs or somehow no, i, on the contrary,
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threw them forward, if ours are advancing, so that the enemy from the strongpoints would shut up, there stopped fire, that is, on ours, when i went into the assault, they worked at the rate of maximum fire, yes, of course, of course, there are guys there, they need help in any case and had to work, so there was something to work with and ... move the gun, anyway, we also can not be constantly invisible, we did not stand in one place, so we have to move the gun accordingly, how old are you, i'm already 40, you are 29, well, it's not scary that the young one is in command, i've been a marine for 13 years. so it's nothing, it's not scary anymore, it's not the first move, but who were you before the marines? i was a marine all the way, that is, a rewind? yes, first i went to sea on civilian ships, and then
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i went to the marine corps, now this is a calling, well, i found myself, awards, there will be, we are not here for awards, let's say, we are here for everything, mobilized or contract soldiers, contract soldiers, right from... the time has come for alfa bank, the time of benefit for
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from death, it turns out she's so thin.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to tell you about the main thing for today.


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