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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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the day when trump was supposed to debate biden, it is clear how the republican is pining for his withdrawn rival, he even started spreading some kind of conspiracy theory that during the democratic convention in chicago biden will allegedly ask to come back again, ask to participate in the presidential race, this of course will not happen, it is clear that the convention in chicago will be another triumph for harris, she will continue... until labor day, when, according to tradition, in the united states, the presidential campaigns really begin. it was america, all the best to you.
5:31 pm
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5:32 pm
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's true, so what happened from may to now? the attempted coup, that's one, the olympics, that was the most turbulent period in history. america, but we've already managed to forget about it, something like that. it's really incredible, it's really, it's incredible, it's like when you and i, when i interviewed you? i don't remember exactly when, but it was a few months before my appearance here, and we both talked then, and we talked about how it's hard to make predictions for 2024, but what 's for sure is that it's going to be a crazy year, that there's going to be something incredible, you could just feel it , and now you're like, where to?
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everyone, everyone, even the corporate media at that moment when they admitted that the emperor has no clothes, after that debate, even they were all speculating, yes, that's right, even they were speculating about who it would be if joe biden dropped out of the race, and kamala harris wasn't even considered, so how she's just awful and so unpopular, and now they've gone into a new king's table mode where... without any explanation, kamala harris has gone from being the most unpopular vice president to a cultural phenomenon. look, no matter how you feel about these people, people i despise as politicians, i can't stand bernie sanders as a politician. i hate socialists or whatever he is, he's a socialist, but whoever he
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is, i hate it, but he actually has popular support. yes, that's right, dozens millions of americans supported sanders. donald trump, as it were. and you did not relate to him, have the support of the population, barack obama had the support of the population, you know what unites them all, they did not leave the race before the first competition, because no one with real support of the population leaves before the first competition, and kamala harris, she is not like bernie sanders or, say, ron paul, she had major sponsors behind her, she recruited employees from the clinton company when she was announced as a candidate in the nineteenth year, then the corporate media, she was supported, and yet she didn't live up to aiowa. in other words, i think everything about kamala haris is fake. it's an image creation. i think if we had a real election, i don't see her beating donald trump, but if we
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're talking about a real election, i'm not sure we'll have one. what amazes me is that neither donald trump, nor all his surrogates, nor anyone on trump's side, can't seem to hit kamala haris where it's most obvious where to hit her. it's the biggest scandal in american history. you yourself said, we don't have a president. the president of the united states, and that's basically already recognized by everyone as too decrepit to participate in the election race, but he'll still be president until january. we have a proxy war going on here itself.
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the only reason they took out joe biden is because it became obvious that he couldn't win, but if he could win, they would happily keep him there, they like it that way, instead of some guy who might decide that he is the president of the united. it pisses me off so much that donald trump got shot in the head, he did it, that's why he survived, if he hadn't done it, they would have blown his brains out right on tv, i saw someone reporting that it's not just the government that's monitoring your phones, there's a million of them, every app is monitoring your phone, of course, and geolocation data. you can buy it, yeah, so they had a phone found in the shooter's house with data that he
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had been to washington in the exact place that the fbi is known to meet with their informants and right across from fbi headquarters, yeah, what's going on here, and of course, you know, look, let's say there's a serial killer in a certain neighborhood, and he's killed 11 people, there's a twelfth body, and you see on video this serial killer leaving the house... the victims, okay, i'm not saying that maybe that 's not enough evidence to say in court that this particular person killed all the others, but well, i mean, if we just see that, we're going to decide, i think my first guess would be that this particular guy killed all of them, you know, because all the data, look, you predicted it yourself a year ago, that we were definitely moving in the direction of assassinating presidential candidates, yeah, i was just following the trend, then when it happened, it became pretty... hard not to start thinking, because if that's not it, then the question arises: what was this guy
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doing a block away from the fbi building, how do you even explain that this was allowed to happen, because now it's pretty hard to come to any other conclusions. the biden administration itself laid the foundation, or allowed it to be laid, i i believe that they were the ones who planted all those bombs on the morning of january 6 right in front of the party headquarters, that morning kamala harris was.
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with a penny budget came out and with the help of social networks and his bright charisma was able to conquer all the news feeds and push out the bushes and clintons, the two most powerful political clans in modern american history. with his incredible appearance, he pushed them to the sidelines. and one of the ways he was able to do this was that he spoke about the problems that interested the entire nation, but no one wanted to.
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i think george bush, by the end of it, he was like, no, i listen to this guy way too much, i think by year seven he finally realized that it was time to stop listening to crazy chenie, because yeah, but it was the military, something about logistics, they were like, guys, we don't have that much of an advantage over iran, yeah, we're not going to lose the war, but they could attack so many american bases
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that are there, it would be a bloodbath, it wasn't just one green beret who told me... off the record, that it would even be not 10 times harder than fighting iraq, fighting iran will be a thousand times harder, it will be a completely different war, maybe it was this moment that stopped the war then, but even just even just the rhetoric about how we need to be tougher with cheese, why, why are we even talking about this, why are we constantly escalating, it's so simple, american...
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democracy, and this will put pressure on iran, saddam hussein, then in this region
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whoever wins will have less influence in the region. and many of these neocons, apparently, believed in this. i don't know how much. it is, some of them seem to believe, and this is the dumbest thing in the world to believe, we have iraq, where the shia majority is oppressed in every way by the sunni minority, and that if you overthrow this government and establish democracy, which means that the shias, who make up 60% of the country, that if they win, it will hurt iran, that 's crazy, that's what happened in the end of the war in iraq, after we overthrew saddam hussein, iran in this region is significantly increased its influence and yes, maybe people like dick cheney, benjamin netanyahu, basically knew that this was going to happen and thought that iran was next anyway , so it was okay, i don't know, maybe, but i do remember that there was an article, i think it was in the new yorker called
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reorientation, it came out in 2006 or 2007, where it was said that because... in iraq, things didn't go according to plan, and iran now had so much influence in the region that it was decided to go and displace the shiites this time, and that was the real reason for this attempts to overthrow bashar al-assad, by the way, that's exactly it, not the threat to our democracy, not the bounties on the heads of us soldiers in afghanistan, and not all the other nonsense and lies they've been telling. vladimir putin's real crime was opposing the us in their attempt at regime change in syria, and you can even look at the way vladimir spoke. putin before syria and after syria, there's such a difference. george bush said he looked vladimir putin in the eye and saw a christian. hillary
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clinton with that reset button, that's not it. was before putin stood in the way of the american military machine to change the regime. putin saved assad. here's what i don't understand. for 2 years we've been told that the front line of the fight for democracy is in eastern ukraine, and it means much more than all our stupid and ridiculous lives in the united states. and
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that the united states of america is leading the process, we can stop this war at any time we need, because we can play our main trump card, which is that we
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are leaving nato. look, we don't have any reasons anyway, this doesn't matter anymore meaning, you yourself have said this many times, it started after the second world war because europe was completely destroyed, america was the only developed one. europe can't defend itself, so we need to work through this point, we can't let you invade western europe, we will stand up for them, but now europe is rich, and america has 35 trillion in debt, and the soviet union is gone, what is the point of all this then, and vladimir putin will do almost anything to make... this happen, to make america left nato, it will only benefit us, we will not finance the defense of other rich countries, he will be able to declare a grand victory, you know what
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i mean, you can have whatever you want, if you are so worried about the ukrainians, and the ukrainians are dying en masse, then why not, why not make such a deal, we can do it right now, yes, we will not be able to return crimea back to ukraine, that will definitely not happen, so what, you know what i mean, you can end this war right now if you do so do you know how many jobs are taken? that's why we don't get rid of the department of energy or the department of education, they are only useful to themselves, but they are also very harmful to their industries, it's just awful, the state of education in america, has it gotten better since jimmy carter, when they created the department. that's right, yes , yes, of course, but that model doesn't work, that's the lesson of the twentieth century, that model doesn't
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work, centralized control doesn't work, that's why all those countries fell and it happens everywhere where they try it, and now we do it and we will go too, thank you, my friend, thank you, but... hit yourself on the head, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, what kindles interest, uh, uh, what started, and makes life brighter, could you slander me, sharpened, of course, flint, sham, ivan, ah, so we go out teski, soon, dear friends, i suggest you watch the reruns.
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i'm waiting for you at these screenings.
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we'll translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. mom, why
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do you need these letters for a fairy tale, in three ninth kingdom, the 30th state.
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breaking news coming from donetsk. a woman and a man were killed in the petrovsky district of the city during shelling by ukrainian troops. this was reported by the head of the city, alexey kulemzin. it is specified that the man was born in 1970 and the woman was born in 1972. ukrainian troops also struck the church of st. seraphim of sarov in donetsk. it is also located in the petrovsky district of the city. breaking news that is now.


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