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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to tell you about the main issues of today. vladimir putin arrived in azerbaijan on a two-day state visit. during the talks with azerbaijani president ilham aliyev, the issues of further development of russian-azerbaijani relations, strategic partnership and alliance, as well as current international and regional problems will be discussed. following the visit, it is planned to adopt a joint statement by the heads of state, sign intergovernmental and other documents. russian units grouping of troops center, liberated the village, sviredonovka in the donetsk people's republic, about this. west,
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south and east. in these areas, kiev formations lost more than 1,100 militants a large amount of military equipment. russian aviation and missile forces destroyed two american jet systems of splash fire and a production workshop.
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on french national television , they drew attention to the fact that the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine are direct followers of the nationalists of the third reich. on the air of the information show on the lci channel, experts, discussing the ukrainian invasion of the kursk region, noticed the sss runes depicted on the helmet of one of the ukrainian radicals. i would pay attention to the helmet, a rather curious helmet, it looks like it has the symbols of the ss troops, maybe it is modified.
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in the vicinity of the city, seeing it, ukrainians in ss uniform began to parody german speech insult. the investigative committee of russia recognized this as a rehabilitation of nazism and opened a criminal case. the su will not be able to hold on to the positions it occupied in the kursk region for long. the british writes about this today times. the publication believes that kiev's invasion was needed to strengthen zelensky's political position. in general, for the sake
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of the will probably have to pay a heavy price for the good feelings that they managed to generate, i mean the inspiration and strengthening of the fighting spirit in ukraine, in the western media, you will have to pay for this. the germanbild journalist emphasizes that ukrainian forces are increasingly forced to act without artillery support, the haiers systems, which tried to cover the offensive in the armed forces of ukraine, one after another are being destroyed by russian drones. another hymers that supported the kursk offensive has been lost, this time a german m-270 40 km from the border. i hope it is now clear to the ukrainian army that it will have to move its guided missiles even further after the shelling in the sumy region. drones are monitoring the entire fire support zone. british guardian observers remind us that ukraine, generally speaking, has long suffered from a shortage of personnel and it is unlikely that the fresh forces that were collected with difficulty and sent to the kursk region will last long, they will still have to dig in, but as soon as the front ceases to be dynamic,
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the russian side will immediately pull up artillery, rap complexes, fresh troops. garden notes that moscow has enough forces to fight there, in donbass. kiev cannot afford such luxury. this could be expected, ukraine has a lot of forces, now tied to the kursk and, apparently, belgorod regions, as a result, their units in donbass do not receive any support or ammunition at all, the russians again have an artillery superiority of 10 to one, many were afraid, that if ukraine tries to hold its position in the kursk region, it will not be able to.
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cars in the accident area are blocked for 3 km, there is no information about victims yet.
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600 million rubles have been allocated from the government's reserve fund to provide one-time financial assistance to victims in the kursk region, taking into account one-time financial assistance of 10,000 rubles. the total amount of payments is 25,000 rubles. it is important to provide support in the most convenient format for people, without unnecessary delays promptly. to ensure residents of the kursk region , federal specialists and doctors from neighboring regions provide medical care in the region. there are also temporary accommodation points . residents of the kursk region can get reference information or advice by calling 122. payments can be made through the state services portal for calling emergency services; number 112 continues to operate. residents of six regions of the far east, in whose families a third child or subsequent
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children were born in 2024, will be able to receive 1 million rubles to pay off mortgages. we are talking about the kamchad and khabarovsk territories, the amur, magadan, sakhalin regions and the jewish autonomous region, about 3 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes , a quarter of which is for the current year. this decision will help the regions to provide the payment in full to everyone who has the right to it, which will be the most serious help for parents who want to start a large family with many children. mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on the national project international. people's cooperation and export, it will allow develop a set of measures aimed at ensuring russia's technological sovereignty and leadership, build a framework for the formation of sustainable chains of cooperation with partners from friendly states. by the end of 2030
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, it is planned to increase the volume of non -raw materials, non-energy exports by 2/3 compared to the 2023 level and reach a target value of about 21.2. it is also necessary to increase the supply of agricultural products by at least one and a half times compared to the 2021 figure, their volume should exceed 4.7 trillion rubles. a strategy session on the national project development of space activities of the russian federation for the period up to 2030 and prospects up to 2036 was held in the government coordination center. it is designed to increase the availability of communication services to a wide range of consumers, regardless of the region of their location, to ensure the transition to a qualitatively new level of manned space exploration and fundamental research. among the main tasks is the expansion of the orbital group of spacecraft, which
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will significantly improve the quality of services for the state, citizens and business. also in the plans for the creation of promising means of launching into orbit, the transition to reusable launch vehicles and more environmentally friendly fuel, the development of fundamental scientific projects and the improvement of human resources. alpha investments are for money. we give up to 5.0 rubles to everyone. open a free account for investments in alfabank and get a gift. not just profitable, alpha is profitable. i help with liver problems. i, essentiali forte nн. verified! tov to action in 24 hours, available on yandex market, need money,
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hearing aids, orthopedic shoes, pretranslation may not be a binomial theorem, but still an irreplaceable thing, it was important to find occupy this most important social niche, which removes the communication barrier. the cash prize from the mayor was directed to increasing the staff of sign language interpreters. however, the main role, according to according to the author of the project, it was not the material support that played a role, but the new contacts that the developers received. business is increasingly acquiring this model, since using this format of interaction with a certain client segment, the company's profits directly increase. we managed to provide more than 300 organizations with urdo translation, make them accessible to the deaf, not only in russia, but in uzbekistan and kazakhstan, that is, we have already become an international project, we help in different life situations, this can be a clinic, a bank, these can be educational institutions, we have such experience, that is, we do it so that in all
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city places it is conveniently accessible to the deaf, this project in... innovations, this is one of the directions of the innovators competition, which has been held in moscow for the fifth year, a working business that needs more popularization, the second nomination - changing reality for those who are just getting ready to enter the market, and a project of the future, where the authors present their projects at the idea level, such can be take the skin from the mushrooms. we have mushroom spores, then the spore settles in some environment, for example, in the ground it begins to grow. when it grows, it just grows with the help of this mycel into the mycelium, we do not need to grow this to the stage of the fruiting body, to the stage of the mushroom, we need this very root system, this is a piece of mycel, which you can do anything with it, although it is not even processed yet, and this is a piece that
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we took out of the container and simply pressed. an alternative to the traditional textile leather, as angelina assures, is several times cheaper and faster to produce, but the quality of the area of ​​use is the same, one of the main goals is to make a reliable sustainable material available to everyone, from mycelium, the root system of the mycelium, it will be possible to sew a bag with pants, upholstery for a sofa, but first it is necessary to develop a method for processing the resulting eco-fabric and create an industrial base for launching production, this is climatic. our own production, here we run in a temperature mode, all the designs that we produce, electronics, complex prefabricated materials, we run at temperatures from minus 30 to +50, we look at how the structure behaves when the temperature changes when passing the dew point of zero, and over time. such temperature checks for devices that will
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operate on city streets all year round are necessary, charging stations for personal electric scooters are produced here, the production cycle is closed, everything starts with rolled metal, then cutting, welding, painting, the stages of large and small-unit assembly take place in different workshops: in one prepare external cases, in the other so -called brains, electronics with individual software and batteries. in general, a scooter parking lot is made in about a week, we launch them not one at a time, of course, so it is a conveyor, that is, at each stage we can see in each. workshop at some stage the scooter parking lot made, drives up on his own scooter, installs the scooter in the port, and scans the qr code of this parking lot with his phone, selects the stall number , turns on the charger, respectively, after that, as soon as the scooter is charged, the charger will automatically turn off, to pick it up you need to go into the application again and press the button to release
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the scooter, the charging stations and the mobile application for users were created by ourselves. the rough edges of the project were polished over the course of 3 months with the moderators of the academy of innovators, this is another project of the capital's innovation agency. as part of the stream, the guys get access to the educational program, to expert and mentoring support, to a large number of different events, customers, with city sites, and during this time more than 18 thousand people have already joined the system of the academy of innovators. the first product is a charger directly for scooters, the second product is a two-tier. bicycle security system with the ability to charge electric bicycles, and the third product is large indoor boxes for long-term storage of personal mobility equipment, we have passed the mandatory certification. accordingly, we are now applying for a grant for our development. and also moscow inventors create unique systems that can
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be used in the oil and gas industry, in the city housing and communal services. this is an in-pipe robot, tracks along the perimeter allow this device to move inside pipes over long distances, but of course, not for idle wandering around endless steel tunnels, but for diagnostics, the condition of pipes and for transporting various units along them, for example, for repairs. our development consists in the fact that we made a device that pulls the customer's module along the pipe, and allows to overcome turns, branch installed inside pipeline fittings, here existing devices on the markets do not allow to do this due to the fact that they work under natural pressure inside the pipe, our system is self-propelled, works on a cable plus it is protected by technology by ... 0, which allows to work in residual oil and gas environments. the company has two main models: heavy with tracks, which changes the size for pipes
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with a diameter of 450 to 750 mm, and wheeled for smaller cross-section, from 190 to 320 mm. now we see in moscow how many different interchanges, overpasses are being built, and underneath them lie housing and communal services pipes. so if an interchange occurs, you have a piece of pipe there 500-700. it is very difficult to diagnose, but this is a task that can only be solved with the help of robots, in one place the robot entered the pipe, took a diagnostic device with it, at the exit it came out, and you see a picture absolutely in digital form with different diagnostic methods, in which sauce your pipes are, and you can preventively repair them. the highest level of localization of production from idea to implementation, as the authors assure, the development is definitely not worse than foreign analogues, spare parts, no matter what happens, are always at hand, this is how import substitution works. technologies go further, robots that are capable of not only helping industry, but also creating art objects. this mechanism is like a brush in the hands of the creator. the robot is a frame along
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which the carriage moves. the robot clings to the wall, is attached in different ways, on the wall with the help of a print head, you can print absolutely any image. with the help of ultraviolet ink, you get a photorealistic picture that instantly hardens. the wall printer was developed by a student team of engineers; the device differs from manual application of an image by an incredible speed of 8 km/h. now the guys are at the stage of developing a business project. the company's goal is not only to make money, but to make the urban environment even brighter and more individual. the wall painting market is quite large, and it includes both painting of interior walls, yes, these are offices, cafes, shops, hospitals.
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in the competition for children under 14, this year we attracted more science-intensive projects and those who work in research laboratories or centers, so that they could tell us what developments are being created in moscow, well, our task as organizers is to help them find their first customers. yesterday's students, today employees of the research laboratory of radio engineering systems of the moscow power engineering institute have developed a multi-channel control system for bionic prostheses, usually designed for 6-8 movements. everything necessary is already loaded on my hand, all the necessary indicators are left for me to do only some movements,
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by and large, for a person who has no hand, but a preserved forearm, all muscles are able to make the bionic prosthesis move. each movement of the prosthesis is programmed for a separate muscle movement. and with a special control algorithm, usually like this: if a person wants, for example, to start the fourth movement from the memory of the prosthesis, let's say a fist, and then the sixth - extended index finger, then first it is necessary to make four contractions with one muscle, then four cancellations to point zero, then six contractions with another muscle to the desired gesture, not just and not only in words, but in practice, the development of moscow scientists allows you to start any movement by using ... the desired muscle once, we are moving away from the typical idea of ​​​​muscle activity, when a person makes a gesture, and a signal comes to a specific sensor, we look at the total muscle activity on
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all channels. that is, if a person has two different gestures that differ in the movement of conditionally one muscle, that is, in some gesture there are three muscles involved in some two, then we can absolutely calmly detect and for us these will be different gestures, and this is not maximalism or a desire to monopolize the market, the thoughts of the guys are deeper, they dream of simplifying the life of the owners of the prosthesis so much that it was enough to take it out of the box, hope to use it immediately with a pre-installed operating ... moscow is generally a real forge of ideas and solutions of young people, the new generation has all the opportunities and the main desire to become successful and develop the country. they do not create copies, but produce unique devices. for example, here is another one, a 3d printer, which is different from many similar ones. the printer has a source of ultraviolet light, which is called a matrix. actually, we make it ourselves, it is our
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own development. it is more powerful than analogues, accordingly, the more powerful this device is, the faster the printer works, the faster the layer hardens, the model grows, actively interested in the development of clients in the field of medicine, this is dentistry, we had a very interesting case, a man approached, just at the final of the competition, we exchanged contacts, who asked whether we can print heart valves, the high precision of the parts manufactured on this printer does not require additional processing, no ...
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with experts and potential clients. you can take part in the innovators' competition in any of the areas, from transport medicine to ecology and improvement. the city is open ideas and this should be used. sale, where did you buy it? megamarket , school style. choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on the megamarket. megamarket, school style. pash, look, what magic. yes, 35% cashback for everyone. how did you find out? the most important thing is that it won't work for me. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything important. gazprombank. appetite anywhere. only dad will steal it. protects the engine,
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