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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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in the belgorod region, over the past 24 hours , ukrainian forces have attacked more than thirty settlements, fired artillery and drones, there are wounded. missile dangers have been declared throughout the region this sunday morning. how do belgorod residents live and work in such difficult conditions? watch the interview of our correspondent olga kurlaeva with the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov. good day, vyacheslav
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vladimirovich, thank you very much for finding the time, well, in such working conditions, for a long time in such a tough regime? yes, it seems to me, always, why couldn't we implement our plans today, go to that village, where residents were offered to leave their homes for a while, yes, we closed.
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houses for their property, for their animals, there are chickens, geese, rams, sheep, but on the other hand, the main value of human life, it is under threat, how often does the operational situation change, it can change several times in a day, even in the territory of one village, even in the territory of a part of a village, that is, we just left this morning, it was fine, but the military arrived and said, i don’t recommend it now. i have long ago, to be honest, stopped
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warning the heads of rural areas of the district that i was going to come, well, because i would like me to see the situation in which they live, yes, people, and not so that they would prepare for my arrival, and therefore, uh, well , for nopetrovka it was very important today to tell her about... the decisions made at our operational headquarters within the framework of the federal emergency situation, but i hope that when we now gather every resident, homeowner and formulate a proposal for the construction or acquisition of new housing in another territory, we will have such an opportunity, where the forced migrants go, well , the geography is very large.
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there were 500,000, now it is 6,000, so of course this is a higher level of assistance to the affected people. many people ask the question, what will happen to the lost or damaged car, because there is no insurance, and according to federal law, according to
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federal payments, it is somehow provided for, or is it still extra-budgetary funds, as it was here, if we talk within the framework of an honest situation, then the payment there is of course extremely insignificant, conditionally, there is about 10,000 for damaged and 20 thousand for destroyed, therefore we believe that it is unacceptable to provide assistance in such a volume, it will be, and we will not even think about this topic, now within the framework of existing regulatory legal acts, in ours, within the framework our subject powers, we will try to leave the same form of support that was. how often do you travel along the border? almost every day. and where is the most difficult situation now? i 'll tell you honestly, i don't see any difference here, why? because here are 300, what, 350 km of combat
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contact with the enemy, we have a high density everywhere, and where there is at least one person, for me, well, it's... i can't do it any other way, it means it's very dangerous there, so the value of human life is incomparable with anything, so if we again for some reason the person was not convinced, not persuaded, then we must carefully monitor the situation from the point of view of possible deterioration, in order to warn the person and provide him with assistance in removal. although there is a very extremely difficult situation , for example, the same kazinka, that the first time, that the second, when the enemy entered, to our persuasion, we cannot do it by force, no, forcibly, it is impossible, yes, but
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people reacted extremely harshly to our calls, when the enemy enters, they already start calling children, relatives start calling, the government is doing a bad job, urgently evacuating my, and my loved ones, always, well, i respect everyone, but in such cases the first question i want to ask these people is: why didn't you do this earlier, why didn't you help the government convince your loved ones to leave temporarily in order to save lives, because what's happening, we are forced to send military personnel, we are forced to send...
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tanks couldn't get through, yes, we did this work, quite a long time ago, therefore, if honestly, i wouldn't like to talk much about it, because after all, this is what ensures security, this is the authority of the ministry of defense, we have done our job, i hope that on how...
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it simply does not exist, why? because, remember, in 22, refugees from the kharkov region came to us, refugees from the donetsk and lugansk regions arrived to us, we clearly understood that we had already become a border region, temporary accommodation points are what is extremely necessary, then there were various forms of transformation, there were tents in at the beginning there were large canvas towns, which in various municipalities... were, well, for example, in the city of belgorod, when we
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accepted refugees from ukraine, they were there for a short time, then we moved them to other regions, together with the ministry of emergency situations, then the events of the same zhuravlevka, nekhoteyevka, residents and villages, i myself began to evacuate on february 26, 2022, this is still. of course, if we had not, in advance,
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we had not deployed there, at large sports facilities with several thousand beds, provided with bed linen, nutrition, yes, interaction between authorities, the volunteer community, yes, of course we would not have coped with this situation, not physically, after each such incident. scared, well, this and we in no way - condemn anyone, because this is
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a person's life and he makes the decision himself, someone, on the contrary, showed absolutely heroic qualities, saving e with his skillful actions, in an extremely difficult situation, under constant explosions, do not forget about your life, although everyone has families, everyone has children, but he saved not 1. man, we analyze each situation. in order to improve our interaction, to reduce the time for decision-making, so that everyone has regulations, yes, and checkpoints when we could get information in order to assess the situation, and if we do not have enough of our own efforts, yes, to contact either neighboring regions, yes or the federal government, where do those contact, where should those who want to go now to the border area in the administration, in the administration in the regional government, people
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they leave the region, they come, for example, to voronezh, they come to the administration, the regional government there, they say, we left the belgorod region, help us, that's why in others, in the kaluga region, well, in many regions they left, they came and asked, i am grateful to our colleagues that we have never heard that someone... inattentively or carelessly treating our residents, someone met someone, there an individual decision is made on providing assistance, i know that schools are being repaired, but again, what is the current situation with education? if i'm not mistaken, out of 554 schools we only have about 140, here in the figure i can now in the last a be mistaken by a little. there will be distance education, in most schools we have full-time
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education, for example, in schools in the city of belgorod there are combined full-time distance education, yeah, but these decisions are very remote, we make together with parents, if the situation is urgent, like in shibekina it's difficult, we don't ask permission from parents, why is it impossible to leave, we understand that... the density of shelling and frequency, that is, it is not discussed, or what happened in belgrade from december 30, and there until april, it was, well, 12 rocket attacks on...
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for several months we had two flights on the city of belgorod, but they were, they were, and a person died, and a lot of destruction, therefore the danger, as it was, remains, will ensure security and state authorities, subjects, we physically cannot, we can create a set of measures that allows us to adequately help save the lives of teachers' children, and we, together with the parents, have developed these mechanisms. we have very many simply invented them ourselves, based on the situation, but the decision, the decision to make, must still be made by parents, we give several options, and some say, the government is afraid, you should tell us, no, from our side this is honesty, descriptions of the situation, it was dangerous
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remains dangerous, but the situation compared to december 30 has changed dramatically for the better. but again the danger remains, what are we doing, here we are engaged in medicine, we are engaged in shelters, we are engaged in training with children, we are shortening lessons, we cover it with film, that's it, a lot, a lot , we tell a lot, if you think that this is not enough, please make a decision, distance education, yeah, if you think that this is enough, then please, we are ready for the child to be in our schools, some say, there, there, but what about the time to go outside, yes, that's also dangerous, of course it's dangerous, and why are we sitting at home, look, you say, you really raised the issue that it is dangerous to go outside, i know that the enemy is now using fpv and is being shelled, well
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even garbage collectors, cars that garbage... since april of this year, we have seen a sharp increase in the number, many dead, many injured, a lot of destruction, so for us today this is one of the most serious problems, so it continues to remain, yes, we are taking some measures, that is, we have been dealing
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with them for a long time, but the level of threat, yes, it is growing proportionally. action have the residents of belgorod learned to separate fakes from the truth? from my point of view, yes, well, because all this is obvious, that is, it is clear that as they call it, as they say, it's all clear, you just understand, often, why sometimes people are sensitive to this aggression of the country in terms of information
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from the enemy and sometimes react, because drones, fpv drones, of course, bring us a lot of harm, anyway, i see that mass events are not being held now, yes, but i see how people walk in...
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everything is on the border, now, if for the first 3 months of this year the missile threat belgorod hid to cover, that is, now, when there are fewer of them, then you walk through the city, yes we have learned, first you hear air defense, that is , there is a missile danger, but in order to run or not to run, we still have to hear, uh, the sound of an explosion overhead, that is, the air defense worked, a missile shot down a missile, if that's all. trouble, we ran, if that's not it, because that is , we already determined by the sound, that is, our own , yes, right, it seems to me, wrong, of course, ideally we should all cover them,
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the most important thing is that we still built our own system of shelter, and fbs block, and sandbags, and opening doors and keys to basement, that is, there are many of them, and well, the most effective, of course, are protective structures that are left all over. if we talk about enterprises, this is an agricultural region, yes, we can say that central russia feeds the belgorod region, some compensation, i know that they deliberately burn fields, yes, they dump, destroy skod, destroy equipment, something is being done for entrepreneurs, for farmers first of all, of course, we will pogranich, thanks to there personal decision of the russian president, and on behalf of the president of the russian federation of vladimir vladimirovich putin we received money from the federal budget to compensate for the damage that our
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agricultural enterprise received. to date , we have made payments in full, but the damage, you are right, it is formed, because the fields were burning, there are fields that we were not able to enter with the assembly, according to the results of the agricultural year at the end, that is, for october to ... november we will collect all the losses and i will again go for federal assistance, that is, we have such a plan, and we either the end of the year or the beginning of the next year, i i am sure that having received assistance we will distribute it to ours, you said now that you will go for federal assistance, we saw a meeting with the president, yes vks, when you did not report, asked for what was needed, how quickly the issue was resolved on the same, let's say, mortgage, the next day, the next day was about... he
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called me, we talked with him, he was already working with the central bank, at first the first instructions came out in a day, which, well, those provisions that existed earlier on the relationship between victims and banks. then another 2 days later the central bank has already issued a recommendation to pay off the debt of those residents whose housing was completely destroyed and who have mortgage loans. now we are working with the banks in detail, in detail, so far not a single loan has been written off, but this is also too little time, but the command has been given, we need to work out the regulations and then report to the people that. the president's decision has been made by our leader, the president, that his order has been fulfilled, how does your team work, how do you rate it? but
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honestly, i still think that the work of the authorities people should evaluate, because well, we all want inside for the evaluation to be positive, but we, but this is our internal opinion, therefore, how... we have the leader of the country who evaluate us, we have people who evaluate us, this is the main thing, probably, we still need to ask people, people who live in difficult, frontline conditions, border conditions, i saw how they help the front, even in the temporary accommodation centers they weave nets, how the belgorod region helps the front, well, i... i don’t know, but i think that the way do the region's residents relate to the military, from the first days it does not relate to any region, but
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the simplest thing is that the soldiers' halts, where residents, volunteers give everything to everyone for free, feed, are there any wishes for fellow citizens, for fellow belgorod residents? i would like us to have fewer incidents related to the war, so that we, having won this war, return as quickly as possible to peaceful life, probably this is a desire, it is in everyone... not only the life of the belgorod region, but the whole country, after all, confidence in that, that this victory is just around the corner, it, i have it. thank you very much for taking us with you, it's very nice, i hope we will now calmly get to belgorod, because the section now begins tense roads, as far as, i am sure that this is not the last time when we are together with you on belgo, we do not say goodbye, of course, in this situation, thank you.
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9:00 pm
we install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries movies, watch, watch in the app or on the website. this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. so, vladimir putin arrived in azerbaijan on a two-day state visit for talks with the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev.


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