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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 18, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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household goods in pharmacies at gas stations everywhere, as usual, save up greetings and exchange them for cashback real money, and we are going to your concert tomorrow, me too, the consequences of the destruction of the kokhovskaya dam a year later, a forest has grown on the bottom of the former reservoir, on the fields of the kherson region. the harvest is dying from drought from february to june 14 there was absolutely no sediment, that is, the wheat harvest that we grew was practically without rain where farmers take water to at least collect something this year is our faith that this channel will work because without the kokhovskaya plant system there has long been there was a desert, then 5-6 years of drought.
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at the moment, hydrogeologists are investigating, we have observation and production wells, we are checking the data. in the kherson region , the harvest of what was grown in the fields has been completed. farmers call this period the harvest. because of the drought and the decline of the former kokhovsky reservoir, this year it brought them only
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suffering, well, that's it, now in the kherson region there is a harvest, azima, of course they are not so rich this year. for the harvest, you see, the holos barely filled up, today's the situation is probably suffering, when you get a good harvest, you see the results of your work for the year, and these results are noisy in the bunker, you understand that the year was not lived in vain, that with benefit, now it seems like you have put all your efforts, fed, fought mice there, protected from diseases. but the result is still very, very deplorable, and you understand that you have done, if not everything, then a lot, but there is no dacha, maybe you did not need to sow, although the peasant streak does not allow, well, how can you not sow, you have to sow,
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of course, over the past 20 years this will be, probably the lowest harvest in our farm, but such natural conditions, ourselves in the farm. always, when i just started and said, the worse, the stronger we are, because only difficulties educate character allow us to determine, really, in our conditions, in the zone of risky farming, which has been since the soviet union, to determine who can really work on this land who is worthy of it, right, we have wheat, already russian herring, three varieties of wheat for ... sowing for testing and precisely in our conditions, to understand which wheat will show better in our conditions, to sow for the future, while the bulk of our wheat is sown with odessa selection wheat, unfortunately already
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the third reproduction, so we will switch. the sun-burnt grass crunches underfoot, the earth is covered with cracks, it has not seen rain for six months, farmers save on irrigation literally every drop. we need to adapt a little, because now we are extracting water from a well not in the volumes we would like or as necessary, or as we are used to say more precisely, here the drippers are every 20 cm, pouring out a liter of drops per linear meter. here we calculate how much we water, it slowly drips water and watering occurs, it takes a lot of water, plus no, water here with such irrigation is obtained, we spend less than with sprinkling irrigation, and the effect is greater, but the only thing is that it
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turns out to be more expensive, since a drop is expensive, the leflats are expensive, the pipelines that need to be laid out, it is advisable to change a drop every year. that is, well, this is a little and it turns out that the cost price of the meadow itself naturally also naturally grows for you well of course of course last year's onion harvest farmer valery cherkashin sent to moscow, st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod and mineralnye vody. he doesn't guess how many tons he will be able to collect this year: one well, which runs on a diesel generator, does not allow him to count on large volumes, and here are sand filters, here gravel, gravel, screenings.
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we are now, as i understand it, in this field, right, yes, right here in the upper corner, in the right pink square, which is marked that here the vegetable crop is sown, and did i understand correctly from your story that this is the only place where irrigation is currently taking place, those areas where irrigation could be, approximately 3,200 hectares, unfortunately, we only water 30 hectares, earlier these fields were watered from the kokhovskiy plant channel, which became shallow after the reservoir. valery cherkashin is going to build four ponds next year, which will be filled with water from an artesian well, so he will be able to launch four watering machines on an area of ​​1. even here in this place there will be a pond,
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here are the rain machines, they move in a circle, here are the so-called corners and worms, where the machines get out. it is possible to create, in agreement with the owners of the land, storage ponds, make temporary ones, lay a waterproofing film so that there is no water loss. use it for local irrigation. the measure is temporary and risky, the water at great depths is mineralized, which means there is a danger salinize the soil and thereby spoil it, prevent the correction of the water basin of the kherson region. if we look at the map closer to sevash, to the azov spillway, our water quality is worse. water is higher in mineralization, it is higher in salt, and the first two. cost parameters for water quality, they are essentially off the charts. we have developed, are considering, or rather the development
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of special water use, with low-salt water irrigation taking into account the gypsum of the soil, dilution of the flowing part of the water, because if water with slightly salted, medium-salted water, even two seasons we can destroy our soil. finding quality water is a large-scale ambitious task that is now facing water engineers of the kherson region, this region has been supplied with water for the last decades by the north crimean and kokhovsky canals, but after june 6 , 23, when the armed forces of ukraine blew up the kokhovskaya dam and emptied the reservoir, there was no water in the canals. today, due to the destruction of the kokhovskaya hes, the canal is not fully operational, since there is no of the current backwater. if we consider the north crimean channel, which begins in the city of tavriysk. at the moment for the zero mark.
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days came out, the flow rate was about 27 m / second we began, unfortunately, naturally. the destruction of the dam turned into. logical and ecological catastrophe, more than 30 settlements were flooded, where about 40
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thousand people lived, as a result of dozens of deaths, hundreds of people left homeless. it's a pity, 59 people died in the explosion of the kokhovskaya gs and the main task was our guys who are on the front line, so that they survive, so that they can quickly be informed of assistance in evacuation, displacement of the population. the disappearance of the reservoir had negative consequences for the cooling system of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. but the situation was stabilized, however , 94% of the irrigation systems of the kherson region, 74% of the zaporizhzhya region and crimea were left without water. on an area of ​​584. it became impossible to conduct agriculture, where up to 4 million tons of grain crops were previously grown. irrigation was carried out in the north of the crimean canal more than 100 thousand lands, from the kokhovsky main canal by... irrigated, yes, that is, in total, they lost irrigation by
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35,000 hectares, the area for vegetable crops, soybeans, corn, well , where water was needed, has greatly decreased, that is, these crops have practically ceased to be cultivated, before the explosion of the dam they collected 1,300.5 million tons of vegetables there. today this figure has dropped to 100-150 thousand. the threat of shelling of the infrastructure still remains. these structures are of strategic importance the enemy knows about it, that's why it hits pumping stations with artillery and drones. the war is so destructive for the population, that is, for the most part, we have fast vehicles being fired upon, civilian cars being fired upon, drones have become very active now, our colleagues from
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moscow and novosibirsk are actively helping us with advanced technologies, crimea is actively helping in this regard, that is, personal protective equipment, anti-drone. well, not everyone has it, but it is there. we are heading to one from the sections of the kokhovsky channel, this is the main channel of the plant system of the kherson zaporizhia regions. its length is 130 km. previously, water from the kokhovsky reservoir was raised by pumps to 25 and then flowed by gravity through these two regions. and now the main task is to restore this hydraulic system. and what drives it is actually engineering experience. i understand that this system was built by geniuses, professionals. in the soviet union only. with a level and a cap from the sun people were saved, thus such an interesting route was found, described, substantiated the feasibility of using this system. the first section of the main canal was put into operation in 1973, the canal construction was fully completed in 1979, the width is up to 100 m, the depth is up to 18, so that the water does not seep into the ground,
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the canal was lined with concrete slabs over a film insulation screen. from 140 million cubic meters of steel-plowed earth, this blue road to future bread was created. the main pumping station has a capacity of 165 mw, it is the largest in europe. the kochovsky canal gave 2 billion cubic meters per year water, although the capacity of its equipment allows for large volumes. i myself come from the city of donetsk. and gratitude to russia for the fact that we joined the composition. it, well, probably, it cannot be measured in words, it can only be proven by actions, one. reasons why i am here, well , this is my state, but now the channels are separated from the dnieper riverbed by several hundred meters of sandy bottom, a dried-up reservoir, the station does not work, without water there is a risk that the canal slabs will shift and disrupt the waterproofing, some slabs are starting to slide like lithospheric plates, the principle is the same, when the plates are compressed, respectively , we have a violation of the waterproofing and integrity
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of the channel itself, that is, in other words, if the water is launched again, it will flow. through these cracks, ultimately , it will not reach the distant consumer, yes, well , it will reach the consumer, the nearby consumer, say, the nearby village, this will then result in flooding, say, of the void and the destruction of the integrity of the channel, that is, this is essentially a living mechanism, the state of which must be monitored on its entire, let's say, perimeter of action. the kokhovsky main canal can accommodate 49 million cubic meters of water up to under the moratorium, so that... the destruction of the hydraulic structure and the death of fish along the canal do not begin , we have, among other things, the supply of hos-pyat water supply on one of the sites, i will not name it either for ethical reasons, daily consumption from 2 to 3 cubic meters per day, at the moment we have water for hospitable water supply of specific sites for a year and a half, however, the water intake for the arshen is currently under
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moratorium, that is, 25 million cubic meters of water for irrigation - this is ... a meager volume, the harm will be much greater than the useful cultivation of certain crops. pumping stations, although they do not work, are maintained in working order. good afternoon, well, let's see what condition our farm is in, we colleagues will show you now, this is one of 250 pumping stations, which is located along the kokhovsky main canal, the power equipment, as you can see, is all whitewashed, painted, unfortunately, in full now not works, due to the lack of backwater in the channel, well, let's go. pumping station pumping and power equipment we have in good condition, as you can see, we have working rings, are not constantly lubricated, valves, shut-off and control valves, drives, well , here specifically the station - these are high-voltage electric motors, a certain temperature regime is maintained, well, here we have, let's say, there are no particularly big frosts, but nevertheless, at the moment the station
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is 52 years old, you know, i have seen stations that are 20 years old, but they look much worse. then they are all under supervision, she has about 25-300 ge she solved, about 100 farms, of course, we have up to 20 farms we connected only in april, for example, we have infrastructure, you can pay attention, there is a transformer substation nearby, we currently have power equipment, there is a well nearby, we can issue him temporary technical conditions for the use of our energy, water engineers are ready to close off some sections of the canal behind... shushki to make local ones out of them reservoirs for irrigation fill them with groundwater in those areas where such water has already been found, in soviet times even a system for its collection was built. so that it does not flood the houses of settlements near the dnieper. now this system can become a life-saving source of water. the task of the drainage system in principle is the removal of winter water from the horizons of the surface to
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a meter to two - the horizon of the location of water removal to a level of 6 7 8 10 m. and we decide in drainage wells is it located there? in drainage wells it is located. for the sake of engineering, let's say, excitement, took this water, gave it to the chemical. salt analysis showed 0.3-0.2 grams per liter, that is, according to the dph, this is hospital water, we managed to find such a vortex-bearing layer, we will not name the settlements where it is located for ethical reasons, but this water can solve the problem of high-quality hospital water supply from 60% of the territory of the kherson region, so you can collect 2,000 cubic meters of water per day with one billion cubic meters. which previously flowed through the canal, of course, not compare, however, temporarily, until the front has moved away from the dnieper, this can partially save the situation, the country
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has one global goal now - having achieved all the goals set by itself, the result of these goals specifically for us will be the movement of the movement of the front line, the opportunity to begin full-fledged work, unlike the enemy, we are the successors of the soviet union, we built the federation, created, it is the enemy who simply destroys everything, that is, i have no doubt that the system will be ... but we will build it all back, the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station or the dam, it is necessary justification, do we need a power plant or a dam, a faster method of construction of the gravity type, platinum will be restored to 2 years plus the filling stage, well, according to my estimates, also one and a half to 2 years, and the current level of the dnieper, for example, 300-400 cubic meters per second, we have a dnieper runoff, even during low water periods it is available, this completely covers the needs of three regions. the agroholding of the ropilevsky family did not stop working after the start of the svo, all employees remained on their native land, doing their favorite
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thing, we tried to plant these there plants in the park in the village, this pre-park area, two stadiums, the entrances to the village, all this was done by us for the residents of the village, so that people understand that the village is... in the farm 11. sown with wheat, soybeans, corn. the land is leased to the decliners, who, despite force majeure, continue to receive money. well, force majeure for the decliners, yes, that is, we are all located on the same territory, so everything is paid, according to the contracts, the amounts, the rent amounts, we also kind of raised them. because we understand situation, yes it is hard for us, well and for people it may be even harder in some situations, because we have shareholders who are located there directly near the dnieper,
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that is lyubimovka, kokhovka, and as if people suffer more there, we had 40 goats, they grew little by little, at the present moment there are about 800 pigeons, milking milking now there are 400 in the plan. we have to develop from milk, braids of alpine breeds here they make different types of cheese, for good milk yields, animals need succulent feed, which means the grasses need intensive watering. this machine works from wells, the well is located, well, one and a half kilometers away. on each cart, an electric motor runs a generator, from the generator, a drive to the electric motor for the movement of the cart, here is the cart. went, the speed of the cart is set from the irrigation rate, the percentage of movement to the degrees
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of rotation of the machine is set on the control panel, it gets there, turns around the next strip and moves along moves along the next strip, now a hectare will pass a new generation machine, which moves across the field with the help of electric motors and does not need high pressure water, but such all... we have 706 machines, practically 50 would work at the same time, now we can have 9-10 from five wells working at the same time. but the truth
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is that wells will not solve this problem completely, yes, such a number of wells and that is, you need to create pressure, that is, technically , practically it is very difficult, practically impossible, that is, we have the only way out - to launch the main channel of the gas pumping station to supply water from the dnieper and the quality of water, accordingly, the dnieper water is an order of magnitude better, wells are ... gives us the opportunity survive there plus or minus 3-4-5 years, until irrigation is finally restored. restoring irrigation will make it possible to get a larger harvest of the same vegetables, fruits, there were many enterprises that were engaged in, enterprises are idle due to lack of raw materials, that is, of course, this will give a strong impetus, if irrigation is restored, restore those production volumes
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that ... were before the dam was blown up, that is , this will give a very good boost to the kherson region , we also built it ourselves, we have a warehouse here, we store vegetables, grain is stored here, here we have an onion packaging line, here at 5.00 a.m. a vegetable refrigerator, storage, vegetable storage, grain threshing floor, tractors and combines, farmer valery cherkashin managed to save all this, because the military actions did not affect this area. next year he is going to build a new grain storage in the hope of a good harvest, which should come with water, victory at the front.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. self-written magic ink, you will get it, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, then i'll get a horse? in those old days,
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when... processions are coming soon.
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