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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, on... i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings.
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now let's return to vladimir putin's working trip to the north caucasus: the president arrived in beslan and honored the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack at school number one. the leader of the state visited the memorial complex of the city of angels, where the victims of the militants are buried, and laid flowers. my colleague elizaveta khramtsova, she is now. on the direct line with us, elizaveta, hello again, we are waiting for details. artem, hello, we will tell you about the details of this intense , eventful day. when we hear beslan, our hearts squeeze with pain and disbelief that such a thing could happen at all. this year marks 20 years since, perhaps, the most terrible tragedy in modern russia. vladimir putin met with those who survived those terrible first 3 days in september. lost
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the most precious thing with the beslan mothers committee, the head of state expressed words of condolence to the women who lost the most precious thing in life, their heads and hands, and the moral, moral, terrible terrorist act that took the lives of 334 people, including 136 children, it is difficult to even imagine, our people sometimes say, you know such words, you would not wish it on your enemy. but our enemy is different, he is not like us, although they seem to have heads and hands, but we know very well that from abroad they tried not only to justify this terrible crime, but provided the terrorists with all kinds of assistance, and moral, political, and informational, and financial, and military, but when... in real current life, and these
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people have only their interests. the president recalled what was done to restore beslan and to help the families of the victims, asked a resident of ossetia to tell about what else should be done in the city and in the republic. the inhuman criminal action in beslamn 20 years ago showed that sometimes, for the sake of political interests, the world can turn a blind eye to crimes against peaceful people, too is happening today. as for those opponents, our enemies, whom i mentioned, they continue this work with an attempt to destabilize our country, this is obvious, and since we fought terrorists, but...
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there was a cemetery where so many people could be buried at once, so the city of angels memorial appeared, the head of state laid a wreath and roses at the foot of the monument to the victims of the terrorist attack at school number one, and this did not look like an ordinary ceremony, but rather like a prayer. the president stood on kolenin in front of the tree of sorrow monument. among the dead 186 were children, and three dozen people also became victims with their chests, covering the hostages, and vladimir putin laid flowers at the monument to the special forces fighters of the alpha and
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vympel units, who died during the storming of the first school in beslan. the president visited the school itself. the building was badly damaged during the storming, but they did not demolish it. the former gymnasium, where the criminals held more than a thousand hostages for 3 days, is today the same place of grief as the city of angels, it is never empty here, people often light candles here, bring toys and water here, the first days of september in beslan are almost always hot, and the bandits did not allow the hostages to drink on the walls portraits of the dead. vladimir putin laid lights at the orthodox cross installed in the center of the hall heard the stories of people who freed the hostages, he was our boiler maker.
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liberated by russian troops, the defense ministry said. it is of great strategic importance for a special military operation. let me remind you that fighting in this direction in the gorlovka area has been going on since last year. the population of donetsk new york for the twentieth year is about 10,000 people. today, according to the media, a little more than a thousand. so, let's remember where the name new york, so original for the donbass settlement, came from. according to one of the most popular versions, it was founded by protestants. settlers, empress catherine ii tried to attract her fellow countrymen to the russian empire with the fertile lands of novorossiya. many of them were from the small town of york in lower saxony, and they called their new city new york. it was first mentioned in the 1850s.
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the village retained the name new york until the middle of the 20th century, when during the cold war the relations of the ussr with the west began to deteriorate, then you decided to get rid of the anglicism in the name by decree of the verkhovna rada of the ukrainian ussr the village was renamed novgorodskoye, however, in the twenty-first year the ukrainian authorities decided to return the previous name. new york and neighboring toretsk are of strategic importance for the success of the svo. it is behind them that the konstantinovka avdeevka highway passes, which supplies the ukrainian armed forces with ammunition. in addition , new york is located on a hill with... 14 years it was constantly used by the ukrainian regime to shell gorlovka and donetsk, so its liberation will improve security. well, after our army takes the village, the ukrainian armed forces will lose the ability to replenish losses in the entire southern donetsk direction, and
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the russian armed forces will take control along the kramatorsk-slavyansk line, which will subsequently allow the liberation of the territory of the entire dpr. the attack. kiev nakursk region does not affect the process of ukraine's accession to the eu, this was stated by a representative of the european foreign service of peterstan. between meanwhile, western military personnel continue to wonder why the ukrainian armed forces decided to carry out such a risky operation. according to the former military adviser to angela merkel, the media is paying little attention to the desperate situation of the ukrainian armed forces in donbass against the backdrop of this attack. anna voronina will continue the topic. while they were loudly shouting about success in the kursk border area, they lost much more. the western press openly doubts zelensky’s plan. as the financial times writes, kiev not only failed to distract the russian military and weaken the offensive, but rather contributed to the advance of the russian army
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eastern ukraine. one of the commanders of a ukrainian artillery brigade in eastern ukraine told the financial times that one of the reasons for the russian offensive was kiev shifting its scarce resources north, his troops had to ration shells for their guns again for the first time since congress suspended u.s. aid to ukraine because ammunition was being diverted for the invasion of russia's kursk region. the washington post reports on the russian army's successful advance into the donetsk region, pointing to a possible weakness in ukraine's strategy, by moving forces to attack kursk, kiev left pokrovsk, a logistics hub at the intersection of two major roads in the east of the country, uncovered. the picture in the donbas looks rather alarming to me, what reserves are now unavailable in pokrovsk, but could have been there if the attack in the kursk region had not happened. is it the right choice to send forces to expand the front line, or would it have been wiser to hold back? röbke described the situation in
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the donbas for ukraine as catastrophic and sending soldiers to attack a neighboring country instead of conducting a counteroffensive is at least risky. this operation, of course, has political and media significance, since now everyone is talking about this ukrainian operation in the kursk region, and not about the desperate situation on the front in donbas, where the russians are also advancing. the sponsors, apparently in despair, are throwing in attempts to intimidate moscow with shelling through the mouth of the former british defense minister. ben
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wallace called for allowing the ukrainian armed forces to strike at russian territory with the help of western weapons, the current minister of defense of the kingdom limited himself to clumsy justifications of the kiev regime, to which he immediately received a response from russian diplomats. by publicly approving of kiev's criminal adventure in the kursk region, the current british authorities, like their predecessors, the conservatives, are indulging in the kiev regime's line of escalation, which sharply increases the scale of risks. healy's statement about pride in connection with british support for ukraine, primarily in relation to peaceful residents of russian regions, is deeply immoral, against which the kiev regime uses the very weapons that the head of the defense department is so proud of. and if the west is still ready to send weapons to kiev, then there is apparently no talk about ukrainian citizens, as bloomberg writes, despite zelensky's appeal, the european countries that hosted...
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fertilizers were mainly transported in the northwest direction. tat-neft's net profit by international standards increased by 2.5% in the first half of the year, amounting to 151 billion rubles. pre-tax profit also increased companies. it exceeded 194 billion. this is 6% more than a year earlier. sales of oil and oil products increased by about one and a half times. russian banks are reducing the number of branches in 7 months. as part of the optimization , there were 600 fewer of them. a third of them are sberbank offices, kommersant reports with
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reference to the central bank. more and more clients prefer to apply for services online. thus , 82 million people use the sber app every month. at the same time, the bank is increasing its presence in new regions. 47 branches were opened there. renewable energy sources may take up 2% of russia's energy consumption structure by 2030, and 3% by 2035, according to a report by the renewable energy development association. the forecast takes into account solar, wind, and small hydroelectric power plants, as well as biogas-based facilities and geothermal power plants. last year, the share of renewable energy exceeded 1%, with production amounting to more than 13 billion kwh. these were economic news. briefly. mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on the national industrial project.
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in the context of unprecedented sanctions pressure, it is possible to qualitatively update the existing fleet of equipment. modern domestic developments will help to reliably connect the territory of our large country, which will contribute to the growth of the quality of life of citizens and the increase in the sustainability of the russian economy as a whole. baku has officially submitted an application to join brics. this
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was reported today by the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs of azerbaijan. let me remind you that in early july, within the framework of the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, azerbaijan and china adopted a joint declaration on the establishment of a strategic partnership. at that time, the azerbaijani country expressed its desire to join brics, and the chinese welcomed baku's participation in the association. in addition, the fact that azerbaijan seeks to strengthen cooperation in brics was stated in the joint statement of president vladimir putin and ilham aliyev published a little earlier. the document emphasizes that moscow supports this aspiration of baku. also. the russian president invited aliyev to a meeting in the outreach format, which will be held within the framework of the brics summit in kazan in october of this year. years. children from the belgorod region, who are currently vacationing in the lesnaya polyana camp near moscow, were visited by the leader of the just russia for truth party, sergei mironov. 100 teenagers from shchebekino came for 21 days.
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if necessary, as the politician noted, their stay will be extended. anxiety and thoughts about when they will return home and whether it will be possible to return so that there is peace there, of course, worry them very much, as, by the way, worries all of us. the development of sports throughout the country and maximum accessibility regardless of place of residence and social status status, was discussed today in tula, where
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a meeting of the state council commission on physical culture and sport was held. it was chaired by the chairman of the commission. infrastructure. the successful experience of the regions in the paralympic direction will also be taken into account. the development of physical culture and sport is a strategically important area that contributes to achieving the national goal of increasing life expectancy. the task of the sports commission is to become a permanent, effective platform
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for developing proposals for initiatives in the field physical culture and sports in the country. for the exchange of opinions between. federal authorities, a serious emphasis is placed on the subjects of the russian federation and, of course, the sports expert community. t-bank joined the alliance in the field of artificial intelligence, together with its other participants will engage in new research and education in this area. among the immediate plans is the preparation of the russian school team in artificial intelligence to participate in international competitions. joint training of teachers. the alliance participants also presented the results of the first set of students in the glass of the central university of the first stem university in russia, the peculiarity of which is the unification of science, technology, engineering, mathematics to create a unified approach to training. if we as employers understand that the mechanism is correct, but there are not enough personnel, then we need
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to try to get involved in the education system, starting from school at ... it is quite possible that i think the next stage will be to somehow form some more already such state standards of that, there what specialties are there, what skills need to be developed, how from what classes or from what courses, the bank itself is the fruit of competition, it is competition that sets the development of the product, there processes, well, in general , there business, in the end , only the consumer benefits from this, therefore we are definitely closed in this part of competition the artificial intelligence platform is just that. a platform where we can strengthen each other as competitors, it is very cool that the alliance has appeared - another very strong, very powerful, very cool financial. the institute, of course, a very important topic was raised today by tebank, this is everything that is connected with education. a monument to stalin
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was erected in the siberian village of kureika. the sculpture appeared on the initiative of local residents. the place for it was not chosen by chance. evgeny nipyt attended the opening ceremony, now he will tell all the details. the village of kureika in the krasnoyarsk territory on the high bank of the yenisei a new monument to stalin 110 years ago iosifuga. sent here for 2 s2 years, when he was in his fifth last turukhansk link, the place where the kureika river flows into the great yenisei. at the beginning of the 20th century, it was here that the arctic circle began, in honor of which a stele was installed here. now the border of the arctic circle is 60 km north due to global changes, the settlement of kureika is in the polar region. to take part in the opening of this monument, the writer alexander prokhanov overcame more.
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movement, the house of the revolutionary spandaryan, where stalin often visited, was preserved, he came here as a revolutionary marxist, westerner, in fact, he left here as a russian patriot, almost an imperialist, because he had a complete rethinking, it was here that he fell in love with the deep russian life, the life of hunters, the life of fishermen, the life of peasants, from torukhansk to kureika is about 140 km, now this route by motorboat takes about... at the time when joseph stalin was here in exile, this road could take from 3 to 5 days, both by land and by water.
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alexander prokhanov makes this route to the places of stalin's trukhan exile for the first time. i will seek answers from him to many questions that torment me, and all of us. because we live in very painful times, and it seems to me that at this moment i... apparently some simple and powerful word that would revive people in this hour of anxiety. during stalin's reign, kureyka became, one might say, a real place of pilgrimage, a 13-meter-high pantheon was erected on the hut where the leader of the people lived. people came here from all over the country. this is all that remains of the pantheon dedicated to stalin. here the building was built over his hut where he lived, in sixties were closed in the nineties. there was a big fire here, that's all that's left of this once grandiose building. the first sculpture was drowned in the yenisei during the fight against the personality cult. the second
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monument, erected in the early 2000s but not approved, was demolished, and now a new monument has been erected at the initiative of local residents. i was born here, i've been living here for 63 years, my father took part, built this museum, and we are proud of it, since i live in setlogorsk and communicate with many, here here many people go. pantheon local authorities laid a wooden path, the appearance of a new object convinced in the district administration will attract more tourists here, that is, i am absolutely sure that this object, the monument to stalin, this
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pedestrian road along which people can walk, it will be in demand by guests of our region, those who travel along the yenisei, i am sure that one of the stops now for tour operators will be the village of kureika visiting this ... object he would say that very terrible times, terrible cruel times for homeland, in these times it is not the time to settle any internal scores, to divide into reds and whites, to say which nation is smarter and nobler, he would say that now is the time of unity, the time of merging, that we must turn into a nation, an ingot, into a steel ingot, i think that today's saying could sound like such a secret sacred triad: one nation, one destiny, one victory. as soon as the
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opening ceremony ended. on the high bank of the yenisei a downpour began, but even in the rain many of those who arrived remained for some time at the monument. evgeniy nepot alexander merkuriev, mikhail mirzayents, anastasia makarova and victoria dadoyan vesti turukhansky district of krasnoyarsk krai. well, in italy, the operation to search for those missing in the wreck of the yacht of multimillionaire lynch continues. the steamship , which had 22 people on board, sank on monday morning, near the city of palermo. suppose. at a distance of 800 m from the shore, the larger the ship, the more difficult it is to capsize it and the more difficult it is to rock it, here you go, two
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examples, 300 m. on board was, now listed as missing mike lynch himself and his daughter, a multimillionaire, he is called the british bill gates. lynch is one of the founders of a technology company for image recognition, which was sold in 2011 to the american giant hewlett packard for 11 billion dollars. lynch earned 800 million on the sale, however, after the deal , the multimillionaire began litigation. in the us, lynch was accused of fraud. the trial lasted several years, lynch more than a year.
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spent under house arrest, in june he was acquitted by a jury. in his first interview after the acquittal, lynch told the times that he feared he would not survive his prison sentence due to health problems. i had to say goodbye to everything, everyone, because i didn't know if i would ever come back. if things had gone wrong, it would have been the end of my life as i knew it. also missing is the chairman of the american investment bank morgan stanley, jonathan bloomer, and his wife. they are also looking for lynch's lawyer, who was also on the yacht with his wife. the search for the missing is complicated by the depth of 50 m, a confined space, in which he has to work as a rescuer. well , a few more interesting moments connected with the wreck of this yacht, or rather with mike lynch, as already mentioned, in the case of fraud, lynch was acquitted and, in fact, on the yacht with his family and friends he celebrated this
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victory. together with lynch , the former financial director of the company stephen chemerlin was also involved in the fraud case. so, 2 days before the shipwreck, he was hit by a car in the east of england and eventually died.
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vladimir putin today visited the school in beslan for the first time, which was seized in 2004 terrorists, victims of those terrible events. 334 people, 186 of them are children, the president visited the memorial in which the school gym has now been turned into, and also laid flowers at the foot of the monument to the victims of the terrorist attack, the tree of sorrow. all the details are in elizaveta khramtsova. when we hear besslan, the heart squeezes with pain.


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