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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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vladimir putin has a busy schedule for his working trip to the north caucasus. kabordina balkaria, north ossetia and, in the evening , the chechen republic. in grozny, the president met with the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov , and said that he would do everything to support the chechen people in implementing plans to develop the republic. in addition, vladimir putin visited the russian special forces university and met with volunteers who are preparing to be sent to the special operation zone. we will find out the details from anastasia efimova. anastasia, good evening.
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you have the floor. good evening, dmitry, i'll try to sum it all up. as long as there are men like you, we are absolutely invincible. the president's words addressed to the volunteers who will soon be sent to the special military operation zone. vladimir putin spoke with them in gudyrmes at the special forces university, where more than 19.00 people have been trained since february 2022 alone. special courses have been developed for them here: moving on the battlefield, storming a strong point, fire training, all of this was demonstrated to the head of state, and also showed samples of foreign small arms, including those seized, as they say, on the ground during military operations. many here are going to the front not for the first time, there are even those who are going for the fifth time, they made a difficult decision for themselves, they remain faithful to it, to their duty and to their homeland. at different times, even in the most difficult times, there were people like you, who... do not
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wish you for the sake of your homeland and for the sake of our future, and it is very pleasant that we are meeting with you now, you make difficult decisions for yourself, it is one thing for you to be here, and another thing - to expose your life and health, but you... have an inner need to protect and the courage to make such a decision, if you made such a decision, then you have already won. russia is a multinational, multi-confessional country, but all peoples at all times were united by love for the fatherland. the president also recalled this during his trip to the chechen republic, which he began in kurchulo. district in the ancestral village of the first head
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of the region, vladimir putin laid flowers at the grave of akhmat khadzhi kadyrov shared personal memories of the man, quote, very decent, very devoted to his homeland. very talented, very decent, devoted person, devoted to his small homeland, big homeland, and of course, a real man, very courageous, very courageous. very real steam, did a lot for the chechen people, i think that to a significant degree and saved the chechen people, including sacrificing himself, this is his great merit and before the big one, before russia and before chechnya and before the chechen, a huge rest, peace of death.
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last time in chechnya vladimir putin came in 2011, and the head of the republic repeatedly invited him to see how the region is developing today, even complained that the elders were scolding him, saying that he was not inviting him persistently enough, so the program of the current visit is as full as possible. late in the evening, the president inspected a new mosque in grozny. it bears the name of the prophet isa and will be able to accommodate 5,000 believers. the construction is literally complete. yesterday
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, vladimir putin also presented a significant gift, a canonical koran, decorated with gilded ornaments and inlaid with jewelry stones, work of zlatoustin masters. and also the head of state. was shown a model of the new district of grozny, here are the shots that our colleague, host of the program moscow, the kremlin putin, pavel zarubin published in his telegram channel. it was decided to name the quarter putin in honor of the president. journalists asked what impressions they had from what they saw? and they turned out to be very vivid. razlan mikhanovich recalled that there was once here, right? there were only ruins here, and generally menacing ruins. i don’t remember saying this publicly.
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meeting of the president with ramzan kadyrov. vladimir putin drew attention to the reduction in unemployment and plans to make it even lower by the end of the year. and, of course, chechnya, together with the entire country, is doing everything possible to ensure that the goals of the special military operation are achieved. the republic is actively participating in the special military operation. from the very beginning, we have sent more than 47 thousand fighters to the sfv zone, including about 1,900 volunteers, all of whom have undergone training at a russian university and special forces, at the expense of the akhmat khadzhi kadyrov foundation, the fighters are fully equipped with all necessary ammunition and special equipment, we also have a reserve of several tens of thousands of trained and equipped
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fighters ready to leave for the svo zone at your first order. a lot has been done, this has been done primarily thanks to. i will remove and the talent of the chechen people, and of course, the federal center moscow, and i, as president, will do everything to support the chechen people, the residents of the republic. and the president also met with the widow of akhmat khadzhi kadyrov, reminded that august 23 is his birthday, the first head of the republic would have turned 73, the continuation of his work for the regions is an important task. which the president spoke about today, at a bilateral meeting with ramzan kadyrov at the university in gudermes, the conversation often focused on the main thing, on faith as a unifying force for the people, on decisions that can be difficult and on the victory that lies ahead? yes, thank you, about
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vladimir putin's trip to chechnya, anastasia efimova said. earlier, vladimir putin laid flowers at the memorial. cemetery of the city of angels in beslain, also the president visited school number one, where on september 1, 2004, terrorists took hostages during a ceremonial assembly, more than a thousand schoolchildren, their parents teachers, remained in captivity for 3 days, then 334 people died. on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the terrible tragedy, the head of state met with the mothers who lost their children in beslan. details in the report by alexey golovko. this place. this is known to every resident of north ossetia and all of russia. the city of angels, the cemetery where the victims of the most bloodiest terrorist act in the history of our country. the attack on the beslan school. vladimir putin is not here for the first time. at the memorial he is accompanied by the head of the republic of allania sergei minyaila, the ambassador to the north caucasus yuri
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chaiko. the president with a bouquet of scarlet dew stops at the monument of the tree of sorrow. these are the hands of women who hold angels, dead children. each grave here has different dates of birth, but almost always one date of death - september 3, 2004. then an improvised explosive device went off and the militants began to torture the tortured hostages, adults and children, simply kill. special forces from the alpha and vimpel units came to the aid of the people. the monument to the fallen soldiers is made in the form of a child's toy, covered. with a bulletproof vest. and this building became a symbol of the suffering and courage of the hostages. it was here that the terrorists drove everyone who came to the ceremonial assembly at the school on september 1. the gym of beslan
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school no. 1 almost 20 years later, here you can physically feel how much pain and suffering these walls absorbed during those terrible 3 days. the terrorists took more than a thousand people hostage, killed. hundreds, including 186 children, a crime that will never be forgotten or forgiven in north ossetia or in our entire large country. all exits were mined here, explosives were hanging on basketball hoops and under the ceiling in a small area, people spent 3 days without water or fresh air under the barrels of machine guns, the youngest hostage was barely one year old. in memory of those terrible days , people always bring water here and, of course, remember the heroes who saved the hostages at the cost of their lives.
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sees, a physical education teacher, a good man, such, they also made a boarding school about football in his name now. every day not only residents of beslan come here, to honor the memory of the victims, people from all over the country come here. when i just entered, it immediately felt like these walls of tears were pressing on you, it was very scary, especially when you have your own children. vladimir putin met with the mothers of beslan on this day, this is the name of the organization that unites relatives.
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terrorists all kinds of help, both moral and ethical, political, and informational, and financial and military, but when i talk about the moral and ethical side, these people of course have no morals or ethics, yes, we are seeing this now, in my opinion, in real current life, we see from the outside what they themselves are doing there, but - these people have no... in fact, no morals or ethics, there are only their interests, we seem to have known about this
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for decades and centuries, but it is impossible to get used to this, of course, this tragedy will certainly remain an unhealed wound in the historical memory of all of russia, well, and for those who suffered, for you and for yours... shadows for those who lost the most precious thing a person has, children, these will be crows bleeding all their lives, so first of all i want to express my condolences once again, i will say about myself, my friends, i did not think that we would survive these long 20 years, but then as it turned out, life is stronger, and there are children, and there is responsibility that must be taken. for others, for those who are alive. in beslan itself, over the past years , old schools have been renovated and new ones have been opened,
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among them is the altair center for continuing education. young technicians here are developing robots, drones and other flying devices. we have our largest flaneur, four-meter span, carbon, completely carbon. yes, it has a motor, the propeller folds out. this. this young man's hobby is already growing into a profession, he was accepted to a flight school. the main thing for me is to study now so that i can be considered a pilot, and then it's a matter of luck, maybe they'll assign me to the 235th air squadron, or maybe they'll tell me to go work in the north, i don't know for now, but i'm ready for anything, yes, in another class young naturalists learn to breed various biocultures and plants at any time of the year, we work with nipotagens, microbes, interesting. very interesting, here they see them, how they grow on nutrient media and can also look at a micro microscope. the training
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center was created on the instructions of the president and is financed by the development program of the north caucasian federal district. at a meeting with the head of north ossetia, the conversation again turns to helping solve scientific problems relatives, victims of the terrorist attack. we - we saw each other in moscow quite recently, i am glad we saw each other without cameras, without a public meeting, but nevertheless. a lot, if there is something that has arisen during this time, please, today you gave a receipt, when you met with the materials of slan on the rehabilitation of victims in skerge in which there are children, such a good topic, therefore, in fulfillment of your instructions, an appeal, everything is calculated there,
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good, and there are still funds needed for the museum, the first stage would be given such a receipt of 250.
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so, north ossetia received the president. alexey golovko, yana streblyanskaya, maria radimova, nikita korneev and semyon shabchenko. vesti beslan, vladikavkaz, republic, north ossetia. at a meeting with the beslan matter, the president once again reminded that...
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the center of the people's front in kursk has already received over 650 tons of mixed cargo from different parts of russia, things, medicines, everything that is most necessary for the victims of the invasion of the armed forces of ukraine are delivered to the region daily. large enterprises are joining the charity events. details from anastasia ponko. for tver resident nina, kursk is a city
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childhood, worries about every resident of the region. together with neighbors, she collected several boxes of things for them, which are definitely there now... "we do not abandon, we do not remain indifferent to the trouble that our people will face. i want this to end as soon as possible, so that peace will come and we do not need to collect this aid, but while there is an opportunity, we will collect and send. small parcels from each eventually fill entire trucks. this is the second collection of aid from the dver volunteer headquarters. last week, volunteers already took away kursk region more than 20 tons of necessary things products. humanitarian aid is handed out at temporary accommodation points.
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chemicals, personal hygiene products, antiseptics and medicines, all this was collected in 3 days by residents of novosibirsk region, volunteers and businesses of the region. no one needs to be motivated, people all show their initiative, because the situation today requires unification. another 27 tons of humanitarian aid will soon arrive in kursk region, so much was collected by the crimean diocese: inside the boxes, bed linen, products hygiene, water, and also sweets, this is for children, because we feel pain. for what is happening there, and well, no one can stay away, it is necessary to help now, also large enterprises
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of crimea, the polytechnic college and the international children's center artek participate in the collection of humanitarian aid, if there is an opportunity to help, then you need to help, one person will help, another will help, and this wave will grow with great force, medicines and medical supplies are an important part of humanitarian aid, all of these are just volunteers of united russia and the young guard transferred to the hospital. kursk region temporary accommodation points. now our guys have already unloaded this truck now we are starting to pack all the medicine and deliver it to medical institutions in the city of kursk. trucks with humanitarian aid from all over russia are heading here to the distribution center in kursk. it was opened by the people's front together with other public organizations. almost 1,500 volunteers are working in the warehouse in three shifts. it's already past two in the morning, now. we are packing humanitarian aid in the warehouse and also doing some small work order, we divide the products on the pallets into categories so that tomorrow the shift that will be there in the morning will be able to work more conveniently.
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volunteers of the people's front have already formed and distributed almost 50,000 food and hygiene kits. there are almost 7.00 people in temporary accommodation centers in the kursk region, including 1,400 children. the volunteers still have a lot of work ahead. anastasia panko, elena larionova, victoria talberg, elena vlasova, news! the russian army has liberated the settlement of novgorodskaya in the dpr, aka new york, and now, thanks to the fighters of the center, the flag of russia flies over it. they defeated a powerful group of the enemy and liberated one of the largest settlements of the toretsk agglomeration. active fighting in this direction, by the way, has not ceased since last year. the capture of novgorodskoye in itself is of great strategic importance. behind it, behind neighboring toretsk, there is the konstantinovka-ovdeyevka highway, which will provide the ukrainian armed forces with ammunition and provisions, and it is also a commanding height from where the whole of gorlovka is observed and from where the road to kramatorsk. denis alekseev has the details.
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this is not even a crack, but a real hole in the ukrainian defense near toretsk. the offensive of our center group from two sides is yielding positive results. tyrikony and mines in the east of toretsk, which served as a fortified area for the vsushniks for a long time, are now under our control. the militants there have abandoned their positions, just like in novgorodskoye, which is now the name of the village again, which the kiev authorities , to please western sponsors, once gave the name new york. back in the middle of summer, our military came close to novgorodskoye, the ukrainian army found itself in a stalemate then. leaving the group in the settlement means getting into a cauldron, and the militants always have one way out of it, as history shows, to withdraw the troops, which is what was done, means giving our central group the opportunity to advance to toretsk itself. control over novgorodskoye and the development of the offensive to the north, at a minimum, will greatly weaken the ukrainian army group here, morally, including. as a result
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, the direction to kramatorsk opens up for us, and the formation of militants will lose important logistics supply hubs in this area. as a result of active actions by units of the center group of forces, a large group of enemy troops was routed. and one of the largest populated areas of the agglomeration was liberated. and a strategically important logistics hub, novgorodskoye. the formation of the twenty-fifth airborne, hundredth mechanized brigade and 120th territorial defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the guard of ukraine, was defeated in the areas of taretsk and kalinov. the center group is actively approaching to pokrovsk, clearing the nearest suburbs. in the mirnograd administration, for example, residents were given only 2-3 days to evacuate. no matter what bravura speeches she made. pokrovsk is extremely high, our military plans to completely take control of the pokrovsk-konstantinovka highway, which serves as an important artery for the delivery
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of reserves of equipment and ammunition of the armed forces of ukraine, and this is footage of the work of servicemen of the north group in the kharkov region, with the help of an observer drone, the position of the m37 artillery system was revealed, the howitzer was a loitering lancet was launched. our military carried out a comprehensive strike on the rear facilities of the ukrainian army the day before with geran-2 unmanned vehicles. explosions were heard in the dnepropetrovsk, khmelnytskyi, and kiev regions in the suburbs of kiev. there, by the way, the strike hit the location of foreign mercenaries, at the training ground they were conducting combat coordination, recruits, mobilized. denis alekseyev, olga rebrova, vesti. on tuesday, the russian foreign ministry summoned us chargé d'affaires stephanie holmes, who declared decisive protest over the involvement of american mercenaries in the attempted invasion of the ukrainian armed forces into the kursk region. the relevant evidence has already been collected, so it would
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be pointless for washington to go into denial mode. but not only citizens of the united states were caught among the participants in the raid. who else will tell margarita semenyuk? the boys in kursk. this is how american mercenaries signed a photo in the profile of a social network banned in russia. derrick bales, founder of the pmc foc in the center. the soldiers pose against the background of a humvee armored vehicle and indicated the location for greater clarity media. kursk region, as if signaling, we are not standing on ceremony, we are participating in the occupation of russian land. indeed, there are all sorts of. a horde of all the pmcs in the world, which ukraine americans were able to collect with their own money to organize this offensive, yes, this is unambiguous, that is, we saw from the first days that all territorial battalions are there, all these ukrainian strange nationalist pmcs. the publication had a public effect the attack on kursk region, including american mercenaries - this is the participation of the united states in armed conflict, and the foreigners themselves on
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russian soil. a legitimate military target, this was stated by the russian foreign ministry and personally announced by the us chargé d'affaires, she was also protested because of american journalists in the russian region. criminal cases have already been opened against a number of such representatives of foreign media for illegally crossing the state borders of the russian federation. all such incidents are carefully recorded , and appropriate measures will be taken against violators. militants from georgia are also thirsty for media coverage, publishing videos and trenches of the russian region, an attack on the kursk region for them is like a safari, they also pay money, and here is a vicious circle, ukraine pays mercenaries with funds that it receives from western partners. there were mercenaries, there are no mercenaries. but how with european equipment in usoushniki they allegedly protect their independent. a german marder is non -stop pounding a residential building in the yard with a twenty-millimeter cannon. an infantry fighting vehicle from germany on russian soil. residents
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of the kursk border say it saves. either a trial, or it will be some very long link exile attempt somewhere in the world of everyone sooner or later or will find there the gallows to hide, well, as if in this case i say again, nothing will work out for them, in belarus in the twentieth year such separatists were given a harsh answer, now they,
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who was able to escape? justice here are trying to fight against russia russians, now not on the streets of minsk, but now on kursk land. and on russian soil for mercenaries scenarios, development of events are few, they assure military experts, tribunal or death. margarita semenyuk, victoria dadoyan, evgeniya zemtsova, news. august 20 was the second anniversary of the death of darya dugina. the journalist, philosopher, political scientist, patriot of her country was killed as a result of a terrorist attack organized by the ukrainian special services. darya's father , alexander dugin, admitted that 2 years after the death of his daughter he does not feel peace and is having a hard time coping with the loss. however, the philosopher noted that he feels like he is continuing his child's work. in an interview with our tv channel, he said that the family analyzes darya's work notes and finds many discoveries in her notes. in her notes, when she was generally in a very good condition, nothing foreshadowed.


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