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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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between the ministry of science and higher education of the russian federation and the ministry of education of the people's republic of china on support for cooperation in the field of fundamental research between higher. acting director of the joint institute for nuclear research vladimir dmitrievich kikilidze and minister of science and technology of the people's republic of china yin hejun.
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also during the twenty-ninth regular meeting of the heads of government of russia and china , the protocol of the eleventh meeting was signed intergovernmental russian-chinese commission on investment cooperation, the minutes of the twenty-first meeting of the intergovernmental russian-chinese commission on energy cooperation, the minutes of the fifth meeting of the intergovernmental russian-chinese
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commission on cooperation and development of the russian far east and the northeast of the people's republic of china, as well as the memorandum of understanding between the federal customs service and the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china on the issue cooperation in the field of the functioning of the single window mechanism, and the protocol on amending the memorandum between the federal customs service and the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china, the russian federation and the chinese people's customs statistics of foreign trade between the republic of november 26, 2021. ladies and gentlemen, the ceremony of signing joint documents. these were the shots of the ceremony of signing joint documents following the meeting between prime minister mikhail mishustin and head of the state council of the people's republic of china. andrei belousov awarded
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the distinguished participants of the special operation, the minister of defense presented them with gold star medals and personalized weapons. the ceremony was held at the national defense control center. dear comrades, today we honor and congratulate those who, with their military labors and successes, contribute to the achievement of the goals of the special military operation, make a significant contribution. to the defense capability of our country, today is a difficult, responsible time for the country, in a decisive contribution to strengthening the historical time, you are worthily fulfilling your military duty, show true courage and bravery, prove in practice your loyalty to the oath to the motherland, your readiness to reliably protect the sovereignty of our country, the safe life of our citizens, thank you for...
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fulfilling your official duties, your merits have been duly appreciated by the president of the russian federation. i congratulate you on your well-deserved awards, i am confident that you will continue to serve with honor and full dedication. i wish you good health, success in achieving our common victory. the said president of the russian federation, awarded the title of hero. of the russian federation colonel dzhubaliev mirlan andreevich. major zakharov egor aleksandrovich. mayor zakarov was awarded a makarov pistol. senior lieutenant muslimov, muslim dzhavidovich. petrov, nikita.
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the heroes thanked their comrades in arms and expressed confidence in victory. many of those who received the highest state awards today will soon be heading to the front lines again. i think i received the high state award, first of all, for my personnel, for my guys, who together with me side by side carried out the tasks of a special military operation. naturally, i want to say that the guy i will soon. i will return to you, the most important thing is to work as we worked before, our unit worked very harmoniously, there were fierce battles, but we still coped with it, pushed the enemy and ultimately captured this settlement, and the enemy had already fled. the personnel of our unit,
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including my route, our motorcycle battalion, he is very determined, bravely, every we are carrying out the task heroically, we are going to the end, this is not only my reward, it is... my guys, first of all my guys who carried out the combat mission, at the moment i will kill immediately to my unit, then continue to carry out the combat missions assigned, victory will be ours, now a live broadcast from the ministry of foreign affairs the world will develop in the future, it seems to me that these are excellent examples of how interaction between states can be built, either on the basis of mutual respect.
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in fact, the result of this the second track, the second ideology, has become the deepest crisis that we are seeing in ukraine. the kiev regime is looking for justification for its atheristic foray into the kursk region, finding new pseudo-arguments, one more absurd than the other, it does not matter that they contradict each other, it does not matter to them, they are trying, so to speak, to cover up all these horrors that the vsu members are committing with some of their own rantings. the kiev regime, although the question, apparently, they leave completely unanswered, who will negotiate with them after this, after those
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atrocities, the terror that they are committing against peaceful residents, civilians, civilian infrastructure and peaceful objects, this is an attempt by vysu to invade our territory a priori. i will emphasize once again what was said by the russian leadership, a priori cancels the possibility of any negotiations with the bandit junta, they are apparently still trying to impose their ideology on the international community, but this did not last long, then zelensky cynically declared ukraine's goal to create a certain buffer zone, and none of the western...
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does this by allocating and writing out even larger sums for tourist activities, so to speak, of the kiev regime, banking, all those who are now in charge in ukraine, someone openly applauds those terrorist
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acts that have already been committed, it is unclear how this fits in with the large number of laws, legislative... acts and regulations that prohibit sponsoring tourist activities, by sponsorship we mean everything, and financing, political information support, look, polish prime minister donald tusk on august 14 went so far as to call the kiev regime's criminal actions in the kursk region defensive in the media and recognized its right direct quotes to wage war in such a way as to paralyze russia as effectively as possible. how does this intersect and how is it consonant with the idea of ​​george bush jr., which he voiced in a conversation with pranker that the kiev regime's task is
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to use danish weapons to strike at russian territory. thus, these series other western leaders have actually approved the bloody crimes and terrorist acts committed by the kiev regime against civilians. moreover, the curators of the kiev regime do not stop. in their manic desire, as they say, at any cost, to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, according to western
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media, british ministers are trying to convince nato allies of the need to allow the kiev regime to strike russian territory with stormshadow cruise missiles, let me remind you, with a range of flight up to 250 km, it is reported that us president biden is open to sending the kiev regime rabbit missiles, joint air.
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was not aware at all of what zelensky was planning, it is obvious that all this, of course, is not true, fakes, whether it is fiction, lies or disinformation, call it what you want, the fact is that the invasion of the territory of the kursk region is taking place with the comprehensive support of the west, and was sanctioned by it, through such information operations in the western media, first of all the anglo-saxons are trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for the terrorist acts committed by the kiev regime.
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let me remind you once again that in their legal system, in the anglo-saxon legal system, there are entire legislative acts regarding the prohibition of sponsorship of terrorism, sponsorship, support, encouragement, and so on. all of this is prohibited, on an individual basis, collectively in relation to the state , and so on. moreover, it is precisely... this provision, these words, these definitions that westerners have used for decades in order to allow themselves to invade the territory of sovereign states, and i mean support for terrorism from anyone, and this was the factor that untied their hands allowed them to break the law, so as not to be directly associated with... the system, obviously having a terrorist character, the actions of the kiev
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regime, they, so to speak, through the media create a sense of non-involvement in everything that is happening there, but this is naturally not the case. in this context , attention was drawn to the fact that appeared at the end of july in the media, materials and data on the work being carried out by the ukrainian government on the draft law on international defense companies. in essence, this law legalizes private military companies with foreign participation. as mentioned, these proxy structures are planned to be registered exclusively on the territory of the regions bordering our country, the adoption of the document, in particular, allows nato countries to send f16 fighter pilots to ukraine without participating in the conflict directly, well , actually, the same story, first, they use the kiev regime and ukraine as a tool, then they do everything to change the laws
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of ukraine for their own cover, for the cover of the west. this is a new form of complicity of the west. the war crimes of the kiev regime, if implemented, will only increase the further escalation of the conflict and the terrorist activity of the zelensky regime. we do not exclude that ukrainian neo-nazis view the law as an indulgence for the use of private military companies in africa and other regions global south. we also warn that all foreign combatants who carry out terrorist attacks, accordingly become terrorists. against our regions, as well as the military equipment they control, are.
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confirmed and supported by facts, in particular, correspondents of the italian state television and radio company, were noticed in this, were caught and accordingly a criminal case was opened, so what's more, in their reports they literally created an information curtain for the terrorist
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activity of the kiev regime, they communicated with vysuushnik, who stood in front of them, in front of their cameras. with a uniform, in clothes, with ss stripes, not some symbolic or reminiscent ones, but those very direct ones. moreover, in these very reports, western journalists talked about the alleged concern shown by the ukrainian armed forces for the civilian population of russian regions, while for some reason these same western journalists did not mention the numerous facts of terrorists destroying residential buildings. with the help of anti-tank mines dropped from drones, or about attacks on those trying to leave for civilian cars, families with children, and the real goals of the interventionists' presence on russian soil, terrorism, also not a word was said by these very uninvited guests
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who broke into the territory of our country without the appropriate documents, accreditation, visas and so on and, by the way, this is not the only plot of such, allegedly journalists, as we have already mentioned, russian law enforcement agencies have opened criminal cases on the fact of illegal border crossing, assured that they will do so in the future. we would like warn foreign journalists that visiting russia on legal grounds is possible only upon receipt of the appropriate category of visa, if we are talking about a citizen of a foreign country, the kiev regime, international specialized institutions, the media ignore the atrocities of the ukrainbanderites, who literally launched a targeted hunt for peaceful residents of russian regions, including women, children, the abuse of relations with them, no one
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notices either, well, we will do everything to make this public knowledge worldwide. august 15. two ambulance crew members were injured as a result of a targeted attack by a ukrainian armed forces drone. on august 16, a missile attack by the ukrainian armed forces was launched on the galaktika shopping center in donetsk, which was full of visitors and children. as a result , a fire broke out, it was caused by targeted strikes, and 11 people were injured. the terrorists did not allow the firefighters to work normally, and they continued to fire at them deliberately. as a result of the complex work of our specialized services , we managed to avoid casualties, on the same day, from a strike by an unmanned aerial vehicle kamikaze on a civilian car in donetsk injured two civilians. residential buildings were damaged by shelling.
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they selflessly helped the local population evacuate that day. on august 18 , two women were seriously injured in the city of shibekina and the village of vizovoye in the belgorod region due to drone attacks. on august 19 , one civilian in the village of borisovka and two people in the village of malomikhaylovka were injured by drone strikes. the fact that ukrainian terrorists are deliberately trying to kill peaceful citizens of russia is evidenced by their a recent attack in sudzhi with the help of: an unmanned aerial vehicle on a civilian car, a man and a woman with two nephews were trying to evacuate in it, as a result the children were injured
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by a charge that was filled with metal balls, the boy has a severe skull injury due to the penetration of shrapnel, he underwent surgery, it lasted 8 hours, where are all these international non-governmental organizations, where are all the interstate structures that... deal with human rights, the protection of children's rights, the protection of their health, the girl received a knee injury from more serious consequences, possible death, she was saved by a soft toy, where is the entire international community, where are all those world, primarily western publications that literally decorated their covers with photographs of suffering children, for some reason they do not see the suffering of our children of russian,
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russian, other nationalities, what kind of segregation is this, what kind of inhuman division of people into classes, categories and subgroups is this. a man received multiple shrapnel wounds? yes, this is the neo-nazism of kiev regime, that's what it is. at the same time, neo-nazis have been committing atrocities against ukrainian citizens for a long time. recently, a video of russian military personnel recorded another cynical murder of two exhausted civilians from vovchansk by the ukrainian armed forces
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. the effect of the atrocity they committed needed to be enhanced, and they did, on the one hand, it's all monstrous, and i want this never to happen again, and especially not to be repeated, on the other hand, there in paris, london, rome, brussels... in washington, new york, ottawa, kanber, they still do not believe that we are talking about real murderers and
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terrorists, but those who have lost their human appearance, those who, deep down, profess everything that was previously called fascism and nazism, racism, xenophobia, namely...
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the destruction of residential buildings, the hijacking of captured russian citizens, beatings, abuse, looting, as well as terrorist attacks in other regions, attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, all of this is carefully recorded, all of this is in the work of russian investigative bodies, and those terrorists who do not suffer just retribution during the military action will be prosecuted without a statute of limitations until they suffer inevitable punishment. not all ukrainian military personnel carry out the criminal orders of the zelensky regime without complaint, it recently became known that another group of ukrainian prisoners expressed a desire to fight against the kiev regime as part of the bohdan khmelnytsky volunteer battalion. let me remind you that it was created from former ukrainian servicemen. such a desire to have nothing in common with the kiev criminals to stand on the right side of history, can only be welcomed. yes, this is a tragedy of the ukrainian people.
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strategic agreement with the united states regarding ukraine's rare earth minerals that the latter was determined to achieve minerals worth more than $ 1 trillion. they really did not mention what i will say. i do not even doubt that in return. those promises that were
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given to american senators, zelensky also received an offer that interested him, only those offers will be implemented at the expense of ukrainian citizens who simply will not return home. here is another story of the american political elite, corruption and the kiev regime. this is another demonstration of the true essence of the kiev junta, through whose efforts nothing remains of sovereignty and independence, practically of all natural resources of ukraine, and what is most interesting, at the same time the rada of ukraine is considering a bill on the release of corrupt officials
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from punishment. in the form of imprisonment in exchange for compensation for damages, what is being discussed, about legalization of the ransom for their crimes of plundering the state, powerfully, of course, and of course the kiev regime continues to rewrite history, a nist, i would say, rewriting of history. on august 13, in ivano-frankivsk, following poltava, a memorial plaque was opened in honor of, you won’t believe it, who? no, this time it’s not american figures, it’s not the elite alien to the history of ukraine, it’s dzhakhar dudayev, the same one whose hands, as we know, are stained with blood as a result of the armed conflict he unleashed on the territory of chechnya, and then
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large-scale terrorist activity. against the civilian population of russia, including women and children. what's next? now there is a plaque in ukraine in honor of dzhakhar dudayev. what can we expect after that? some park in a ukrainian city named after the banned isis, or an al-qaeda cafe, no less banned. what 's next? what's the next, so to speak , degree of immersion under the bottom? zelensky's team is feverishly looking for new bloody heroes to include in their pantheon of ruthless nazi killers. criterion for such a selection there is one: hatred of russia, hatred of...


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