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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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demanded an immediate response from magat. the head of the agency, rafael grossi, plans to personally visit the station in the coming weeks. anastasia efimova has the details. this photo was taken literally 100 m from the spent nuclear fuel storage facility, the very drone with which ukraine tried to attack the kursk nuclear power plant was shot down by electronic warfare, in the immediate vicinity of the nuclear power plant. on the night of august 22, 2024, the kiev regime attempted to commit an act of nuclear terrorism with a kamikaze drone on a nuclear power plant, located in kurchatov, kursk region. the ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down in the immediate vicinity of the kurchatov npp by russian electronic warfare equipment. the president also spoke about this attack the day before during a meeting on the situation in the border regions, specifying that the iaea was informed of the offenders, and they confirmed the receipt of the data. the enemy tried.
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the trip to kursk, if nothing disrupts rafael grossi's plans, will not be the first visit of the head of the iaea to the ukrainian conflict zone. together with the mission staff, he has visited the zaporizhzhya station more than once, the last time in february. the situation around zaes, by the way , is also far from calm. on august 11 , a fire broke out at the cooling tower, the cause was targeted. strikes by two ukrainian drones, a little less than a week ago, a drone of the armed forces of ukraine dropped a charge on the road running along the power units, and today the high-voltage power line has been disconnected, and it was disconnected by the ukrainian side. at the zaporizhzhya npp on august 23, 2024, the action of the automatic the high-voltage power supply line ferosplavnaya 1 is disconnected . the npp's own needs are supplied from the dneprovskaya line. no violations of safety limits and conditions
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have been recorded, the personnel are ready to respond. the attack on the kursk station, the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova called an act of nuclear terrorism. ukraine is systematically, purposefully and recklessly striking npps. the drones discovered in kurchatov are marked army of drones. this is a special project of the ukrainian general staff, the ministry of defense and a number of departments, with the help of which kiev promised to deliver to the front no more, no less than a million uavs this year alone. money. generously transferred by sponsors, formally private individuals, not indifferent to ukrainian independence, if it was written on the drone that it was part of the army of drones project or whatever the project is called, well, that means that the purchased drone was built by some design bureaus in small assembly shops for this money, and there is a lot of money there, therefore, of course, it is certainly possible to launch thousands at nuclear power plants until some of them fly and this project is very... germany,
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britain, sweden, the netherlands. in february, the head of european diplomacy barel personally visited the uav production facility as part of his ukrainian tour. judging by the photos, he was impressed. and therefore, the inspectors' visit to the station is unlikely to change anything, not to understand who is shooting and from where, and most importantly, what threat this poses to the entire continent.
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the danger is that now the same kursk npp, it is possible - already within reach of enemy artillery. this is the atmosphere around nuclear power plants, which does not seem to bother nimagata, especially, although, mr. grossi is ready to come, and he again does not understand where the shooting is coming from, then why is he going to the kursk station to see how our guys are doing at the controls. are they sitting there or something? what is the point of this trip? well, and i have recently again, unfortunately, caught a lot of critical arrows - i caught them on various internet resources, information resources
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addressed to grossi, addressed to the magate mission, your question is clear to me and not just clear, well, purely from a human perspective. if you approach this story, the question is absolutely legitimate, on the one hand hand, but on the other hand, we must understand the following, the magat was, is and remains the largest organization on a global scale, whose core competence, whose core competence includes control over the movement of fissile materials, well, compliance with the norms, rules and standards of nuclear safety, in this sense, you understand, on the one hand, we ask ourselves why he is going, on the other hand, in the west , such a powerful hysteria has already been unleashed in connection with his trip, because they are simply killed by it itself
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the idea that well, russia will ultimately not just be listened to, russia. to demonstrate once again a high level of means of ensuring nuclear safety, for them this is well, as if the story there in the west is generally some kind of death-like, so let's do it this way, in any case, in any case, another other institute today, although there is vano, well, this is in english abbreviation, in russian abbreviation it is you. but basically yes, as if it dominates today as such a main regulator, and therefore the iaea, so i like it whether we like it or not, but thanks to these trips, thanks to this exchange of information
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, we have the opportunity to demonstrate a high level of compliance with nuclear safety, is this worth a lot, how much? is the participation of the iaea in this process ultimately effective? yes, there are questions here, but again, these questions rest on the lack of real mechanisms of influence, plus the iaea is a un institution dominated by, well, to put it mildly, countries friendly to us, determining the political situation, plus the reluctance to do the same rafael. grossiya to enter some conflict fields, all this together , well, and leads to the fact that we did not hear , did not see, do not understand, we are not ballistic missiles, so it is difficult for us to understand where it came from, well, either
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it is a projectile, or it is a drone, well , such a thing arises, well, as if, partly, a sly , incessant one.
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there is no, as there is no, in the standards and norms of nuclear for ensuring nuclear safety, let's assume, and such a provision of the clause. paragraph, which would provide for the actions of the personnel of any nuclear facility at the time there are no artillery strikes, no missile systems, no salvo fire, no drones, you know, wait, how is it not there, god forbid, and if there is a nuclear conflict, which was considered globally at such a dangerous facility , all situations should be taken into account, it doesn’t matter at all, initially, when they are being built, but what should be done in these? what should the personnel do when, god forbid, it starts, it doesn’t matter somewhere, how is it not there, why? well, i
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repeat, it’s one thing, that is, you take a situation when, which can be, well, yes, it could happen there, i don't know, a nuclear war has started in the end, a global nuclear war has started, but if a nuclear war has started, then...
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all the reactors are in a state of cold shutdown today, then two are working at kursk, some reactors, these are rbmk reactors, a high-power reactor, a channel reactor, so, that means, the thing is that after chernobyl , a colossal amount of work was done to modernize and improve safety mechanisms in terms of these.
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there is such a thing, it is on a professional level in the language it is called contentment, it is a reinforced concrete shell, which is designed to keep steam inside the reactor room in the event of a de...metization, and this is a super-reliable story, so to speak, on
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the rbmk - there is none of this, this reinforced concrete shell, it is not there, but there is a casing made of rolled metal, the thickness of this casing is only 16 mm, therefore, it is difficult for me now, i am not a military expert, to assume - what a drone attacking this power unit at the kurdish nuclear power plant can do, but artillery - and - well, especially there these multiple launch rocket systems, this reactor is vulnerable to them, and vulnerable, here you need to keep one more thing in mind: the internal, that is, the so-called active zone. and it is a graphite masonry,
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which consists of graphite columns, therefore, even if, even if the reactor is in cold shutdown, the impact and penetration of this metal casing will in any case lead to radioactive contamination, yes, it will be local, yes, it will not be chernobyl, but that's all. it will be very serious nuclear incident, that 's the story, so to speak, connected with dangers of various kinds, directly today.
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taking into account that the beneficiaries of this war , in fact, the directors, scriptwriters, well , or as we sometimes simply call them, the masters of the kiev regime, are today primarily the americans, who, well , how deep, probably, i suppose, don't care about the story connected with radioactive contamination in this part of the planet. then - we we really have every reason to strain ourselves to signal a serious the anxiety that today, in fact, well , they imagine, or rather, they don’t imagine, but this kiev regime is shaping, they are the main threat to nuclear safety at both
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the zaporozhye station and the kursk station, these are people, they love, they love... when they are called nazis, nazis, they are very offended, they say that no, they are not like that, they are, they are good, they are right, but only the nazis had goals that were permissible to achieve by walking over corpses, they, in principle, without definition, they do exactly this, without looking back at consequences. renat ivanovich, just two minutes, does it make sense, i'll ask you straight out. should we shut down the kursk npp now, like the zaporizhzhya one has already been shut down, for safety reasons, or does it not make sense? in my opinion, it makes no sense, it makes no sense, but you know, the situation is changing very dynamically, really, well, today, and the main task is to ensure safety, well, using the example of this downed drone, we can talk about
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the effective operation of our electronic warfare systems. so we have a fairly professional air defense system, so i think, yes, as if i count on the fact that the forces of our armed forces will be able, in fact, to keep these nuclear reactors at the kurdish nuclear power plant safe, but nevertheless , i will repeat once again, we are dealing with people, with forces a... with a really deformed psyche - well, yes, anything can be expected from them , we see from their actions that, unfortunately, they are moving in this direction, and i simply meant to ask this question from a purely technical point of view, that is, more simply - it would be better, if i may say so, if the reactors are shut down, or they are operating, i meant that too, that is, it is impossible, i
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said, i even said that even if even if. rbmk will be in a state of cold shutdown, it will still be vulnerable and a hit, then, of an artillery shell or some cluster munition will penetrate this casing there yes, that is exactly what i wanted to clarify once again yes, i remember you talked about this, but in order for everyone to clearly emphasize this understanding, i really hope that this is not the case will happen. by nuclear energy expert renat karcha. well, dear friends, now is the time of economics, we
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have a few minutes to talk about what is happening in the global financial markets. still have great importance for us, primarily through energy, here came the latest news that all the powers that be, who probably consider themselves gods on this earth, have introduced another sanction against us, or rather even sanctions against both individuals and legal entities, there were and the structures of the naril nickel, the shares are falling by 5%, against this background, the reports came out today , it is clear that the sanctions are affecting our sales, this is evident from the same naril nickel, today there was... the account under ifrs, in my opinion, yes, today, and this indicates that while we are integrated into the global dollar system, we are forced to talk with you, dear friends, about what is happening in this very dollar system. and why are we still dependent on it and forced to work with it, but nevertheless, you know, i want to say a little, here's what to touch on the topic in connection with sanctions, i will now
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return to the main topic, what we wanted to talk about with you today, and the us allowed , meanwhile, that they imposed sanctions against our and other companies, and metallurgical companies, meanwhile they allowed the import of a number of categories of russian-made diamonds until september 1, twenty-five, i will remind you that recently they banned everything for us and sales, there were always some reservations, true at the same time, but nevertheless, you know, what is curious here, the american department set deadlines, yes, here it concerns the import of stones until march of the twenty-fourth year, but but you know, the reasons why the american authorities postponed the introduction of these very tough sanctions, and here is an interesting thing, they softened these bans on russian diamonds. approved, by the way, let me remind you, back at the end of the twenty-third year, by the g7. writers linked this change in position with further quote is very important, with
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the opposition from african countries, indian gem cutters , and india, as is known, is one of the largest platforms for this business, and new york jewelers, that is, we see that if market participants, so to speak, unite against... dimon, you can talk to him on equal terms, at least. and this is about the topic we talked about today, about the fear of regional chinese banks when uncle sam shakes his finger and says: oh-oh-oh, you can't trade with the russians, you can, if everyone unites and, roughly speaking, send this hegemon away, then everything will be fine, maybe this sounds harsh, but the fact remains a fact, this impudent. behavior can't be described any other way, when they don't notice the shelling of the zaporizhzhya npp, the kursk npp, they really don't care, this is somewhere in europe, something will explode there
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, a beautiful garden in america will not suffer, they think so, but nevertheless, america at one time created this dollar system, it was supported by the soviet union even in 1944, it worked for a very long time, and what we see now is the consequences of bretton woods, meaning that system of exchanging dollars for gold. the jamaican system of floating exchange rates, the most important thing depends on these floating exchange rates, probably, these are the production of those exchange goods that are traded on world exchanges, these are energy and food, these are the two most important groups of goods, and from which everything is made, it is clear that without energy we would not be talking now, without food the same, so we are looking, i will remind you again, all these goods are traded in us dollars, all settlements that are made in national currencies, this is a big step in in the direction of abandoning the dollar, but this is only the first step, why, because until we
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find a new unit of account that will be tied to something, a kilowatt-hour, to gold, to anything, only for this the main participants must agree, who do not want to be told who to trade with, who to sell what to, and so on and so forth, that is, if we are talking about financial sovereignty, without a new unit of account there can be no sovereignty in principle, what we are doing now, we we are working in this direction, there is a lot of talk now, it is clear that the same chinese authorities, they can be partly understood, they are in the same dollar system, no matter what we say, they trade with america, with europe and so on, their banks interact on the world market in the dollar system, because the yuan is essentially tied to the dollar, there are very small fluctuations, therefore...
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there will be a meeting of representatives of central banks in the so-called jackson hole forum, every august at the end of august the powers that be in this financial market, all sorts of top managers of this thing, are gathering , they are discussing what to do with the global dollar system, to weaken the dollar, to strengthen it, i am speaking very simply, the bankers will probably forgive me a little for this, but nevertheless we are talking about what they will do, i will remind you that in jackson hole in the early 2010s, already in the 2010s...
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an injection of dollars into the global financial system, and life got better, they lasted until covid on this money, then the money began to run out, and after covid there was a sharp injection a huge amount of dollars also supported the world dollar system, now these dollars are running out and the central bank of america, or rather the acting central bank, needs to do something, now the main conversation is about when the federal reserve system will start to lower interest rates. why is this important for us, because the rates that we see now, our central bank actually mirrors the actions of the fed, they turned on the dollar vacuum cleaner, it sucks in liquidity, that is, sucks dollars into america, and so that we need to keep the money here, we need to, this is one of the reasons of course why in our country, by the way, all over the world, there are high interest rates in the so-called developing countries, now i think that all market participants are waiting for what will be said there, they of course do not say anything directly
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after these meetings. there will be some general things, but nevertheless, it will be clear in the next few weeks what they decided there, whether they will weaken the dollar now or will weaken it later, the value of our stock exchange will depend on this goods, oil, gold, everything else, while the dollar is at its lowest level in the last year, precisely in anticipation of the us federal reserve lowering the interest rate, and look, we'll see a reduction in interest rates, which, in fact , are too high and... a lot is already being said about this now, and we've said it, but next time there's no opportunity to talk about it now, we'll continue the topic of high interest rates, which are already slowing down our economy and this is very noticeable, well, that's all for now, thank you, i let me remind you that this program is ending, i , aleksandrevsky, say goodbye to you, all the best to you, and after a short commercial, our broadcast will continue with the vesti program, duty part.
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