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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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have grown up. your first smartphones, with children's sim cards. when the children have grown up to the first sim card, connect them to a beeline children's sim card with protection from spam and fraudsters. beline is the safest operator. sale. where did you buy it? megamarket, school style. buy merci candies for 299 rubles. megamarket, school style. with a credit card. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand, hello, there are less than 3 months left until the elections of the president of the united states.
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less than five months until the inauguration of the forty-seventh head of the white house. what will be the foreign policy of the united states in the era of total dominance in washington of the hawks, and from both parties? should we expect new crises and is there even the slightest chance to resolve any of the existing crises, who else but the main hawk, as they call john bolton, should we ask about this. but first let's move to chicago, where the democratic party's pre-election convention was held and where joe biden, in a speech that was supposed to be a pre-election speech but was essentially a farewell speech, took credit for both nato expansion at the expense of finland and sweden and the fact that the ukrainian conflict has been going on for three years now, what are they trying to achieve, we ask those who vote in congress and vote for military aid to the kiev regime.
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are tuned exclusively to this wave, because they are so interested in no changes happening in washington, so whether to wait for them, this is where we begin the promised conversation with john bolton. i think that at least until the us elections there will be no big changes, neither on the battlefield nor in american politics. i think that strategically nato has failed to cope with the supply of military aid to ukraine, and this is one of the main reasons for the deadlock on the front line.
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sanctions, threats, unilateral bans, all this is a very shaky building material with which the us, by inertia, is trying to strengthen the eroded soil on which the notorious city on the hill stands, will it stand? i i don't think we're on the brink of a new world war, but what i do see is a new axis forming between china and russia, as opposed to the sino-soviet alliance of the cold war, i think china is the dominant partner now. i think that's very dangerous for russia in the long run. most americans in general , people in the west, dreamed that in the 30 years since the collapse of the communist party and the soviet union, russia would move toward
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the west. instead, it's moved in the opposite direction. it's it's not so much that it's bad for the west, although it is, but that it's bad for... russia is under china's influence, but the axis hasn't fully formed yet, there are still serious contradictions between china and russia, but you can see the direction it's moving in, it's not moving towards global security and stability, that's for sure. in fact, russia is where it was, it's the states, together with its satellites, have been moving the alliance closer to our borders all these years. part isolationist republicans like jd. we don't know much about kamala harris's foreign policy views, she hasn't said much on the subject as a senator, she doesn't have much experience in foreign policy. it's clear that
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her public statements have followed president biden's policy line for the past 3.5 years as vice president. my prediction is that if harris is elected, she will continue to pursue biden's policies for a good year or two and will not change the foreign policy course she took on 24 february 2022. trump will be completely different. he said that if he wins, he will gather zelensky and putin in one room and resolve the ukrainian crisis in 24 hours. this is, of course, ridiculous, but trump believes that he has a good personal relationship with putin. and i think that putin believes that he knows trump well enough and will try to manipulate him. about manipulation - this is a long echo, a cover story about alleged russian interference, however, you should not expect leniency from bolton towards trump, they quarreled to smithereens, there is a version that bolton in the apparatus battle, secretary of state mike pompeo, who recently tried
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to remind people of himself again, ate him up. together with lobbyist david urban, pompeo published a so-called peace plan for ukraine in a column for the wall street journal. which , naturally, categorically does not suit russia, and it also includes a $500 billion land list for kiev for joining nato and the eu and reparations. and what does bolton think? there were many interesting proposals regarding what us policy towards ukraine should be, and i supported many of these proposals. it was not about a peace plan for ukraine as such. and i think the main problem with such a plan is that there is no guarantee that trump will agree to it. you can call it trump's peace plan, but in fact, it is a plan proposed by mike pompeo and david urban, i know both of them very well. i generally agree with their proposals, but i am not at all sure that the trump administration will ultimately agree to them.
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donald trump has never given any direct assessments or comments on the so-called peace plan of mike pompeo. but in in his recent lengthy interview with elon musk, he spoke in some detail about the state of affairs around the ukrainian conflict, and most importantly about its causes, about its actions. a large fighting force, it is very powerful. ukraine is currently short of people, they
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are using young and old people for war, and because of this we are in a very bad position. and it is not only the united states, the whole world is in a bad position, according to trump. the biggest threat to it is not global warming, but nuclear warming, as the republican put it, although, perhaps, nuclear winter would be more appropriate here. the former american president is concerned that because of people like biden.
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during the cold war in the ussr, america understood that we were living in a bipolar nuclear world, other countries, china, britain, france, had small arsenals. today , russia and the united states are undoubtedly the two largest nuclear powers, but china is very quickly increasing its potential and refusing to participate. in nuclear weapons negotiations. from the us point of view, china is becoming not today, not tomorrow, but it can to be, very soon, a very serious adversary with a large nuclear arsenal. this will greatly change all the alignments. therefore, it seems to me that it is in the interests of both russia and the united states to involve china in negotiations on this issue. like any american yastrib, bolton cannot calmly talk about china, paradoxically, but it is a fact. washington's foreign policy, which bolton largely formed under trump, namely in the chinese direction, essentially did not undergo major changes even after
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the republicans were replaced by democrats in the white house. america is firmly rooted in taiwan, various kinds of props, bilateral at the level of allied relations with japan or south korea, or attempts by the anglo-saxons to portray something like a pacific nato, with the participation of the united states, great britain and australia, like aucus, in reality turned out to be unable to throw. i think that china is definitely the largest economy in the world, which has quite clearly outlined its desire to become a hegemon not only on its periphery in the indochina region, but in the world as a whole, and this is cause for serious concern. this concern is growing as the alliance between russia and china develops. russia is a nuclear power, it still has plenty of mineral resources of opportunity.
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publishes the council on foreign relations, recently published an article called "what is the biden doctrine." at the end of the biden presidency, the author jessica mattheus, a person of the establishment, arranges an audit of the foreign policy successes and failures of the democratic president. the main failure is this is the middle east. the results are disappointing. the courage that biden showed in pulling out of afghanistan was absent from his response to the war in gaza, where his outdated understanding of...
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now that iran is planning some kind of retaliation for israel's assassination of hamas leader ismail haniyeh in tehran. that in itself was a very audacious operation, which i think massad is behind. although they have not yet claimed responsibility. iran is clearly seeking to become a nuclear power. i think it could easily get weapons from north korea. but every time a country that dreams of having nuclear weapons puts pressure on israel, which has nuclear weapons, it is potentially very dangerous. i think both russia and china support iran in this
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endeavor, which makes the situation even more dangerous. i see all this as part of the global cooperation of russia. china and their allies, but iran itself has long been the most serious threat to peace and security in the middle east. but it is because of american movements in the middle east that even the streets have become unsafe these days. chicago. pro-palestinian protesters are holding placards like these during the convention. stop supporting israel with weapons and bombs. they are killing palestinians, they have already killed 2,000 people. can i ask you?
11:47 pm
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laws and regulations, to find out, regulatory organizations conduct inspections and preventive visits. what is the difference between them, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of the program instructions. let's start with the fact that from january 1, the twenty-fifth year , the approach to such events will change. the president announced that the moratorium from january 1 on all business inspections is lifted and replaced by a risk-oriented approach, then there are checks will be appointed only when a high degree of risk is identified, life, health, there and on a number of other parameters, everything else will be replaced by preventive work with enterprises with entrepreneurs. all inspection agencies and regulations are listed in federal law number 200. 48, where preventive measures are also described. they can be carried out by inspectors personally or via conference call. in addition, control and supervisory authorities have their own systems for tracking risk indicators without
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direct contact with entrepreneurs. based on the results of preventive measures, they identify, among other things, risk levels and decide whether to appoint a business inspection. the number of inspections, since only a risk-oriented approach will be used, that is, it will be. then, based on its results , a fine cannot be imposed, and if violations are found, then everything depends on how serious they are, a warning can be issued to eliminate them, deadlines are set, then
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preventive measures are already on control for compliance with the regulations, but if a clear immediate threat of harm is identified, or such harm has already been caused, the inspector has the right to immediately initiate control and supervisory measures, including an inspection, as for the company itself... another point: the entrepreneur is required
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to notify 5 days in advance, and he can refuse a preventive visit no later than 3 days in advance. but if you refuse without explaining anything, for example, without providing a certificate of illness or vacation of responsible persons, the inspector will show increased attention. the employer or director refuses such events, it means there is something to hide, and of course, an inspection should be scheduled, and the inspection will be carried out forcibly, an unscheduled inspection can be carried out not only if the entrepreneurs of the enterprise refuse preventive measures, but in the event that the inspectors become aware of some serious violations, for example, the prosecutor's office receives a statement from two employees of the enterprise that: that there are serious violations then it will be an inspection by the prosecutor's office has already been scheduled, or the prosecutor's office will involve other regulatory agencies in this. the application may also be submitted to rospotrebnadzor in other
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regulatory authorities. let's take another look at when an unscheduled inspection of a business can be carried out. the law notes the following grounds: if the deadline for complying with the order has expired, violations remain, another reason: an entrepreneur must obtain a license to work, and it is impossible to issue one without an inspection. an inspection may be scheduled based on the results of observation without contact by the entrepreneur himself or at the request of citizens in the following cases, if there is a threat of causing or has already caused harm to the health and life of citizens, harm to animals, plants, the environment, cultural heritage sites, if a signal has been received about a violation of consumer rights, product labeling requirements, or risk indicators have been triggered, according to which control and supervisory authorities remotely monitor violations, finally, the basis for ... control and supervisory
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activities is changing and becoming risk-oriented, that is, planned inspections are carried out only at high-risk enterprises. in other cases , preventive measures are used, their main difference: as a result of a preventive visit, they cannot bring to administrative responsibility, but the order issued by the inspector must be fulfilled within the appointed time, otherwise the control and supervisory authority will initiate an unscheduled inspection and its, the consequences can be much more serious, questions arose about how to interact with control and supervisory authorities, we found out, how it works on the state services portal and what applications have been created for this, we will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next issues of the instruction program, don't miss it!
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings.
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japan's capture of manchuria certainly created a threat to the soviet far east and at the same time to mongolia. the river area khalkhin gol was subjected to heavy bombing strikes.
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all statehood, i still remember the first phrase that stalin told us in the kremlin: a friend in need is known, at the beginning of the hour, the situation in the border area, our military continues to squeeze out. beyond the kursk region. according to the ministry of defense , the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 400 of their fighters and 17 armored vehicles in 24 hours. in total, during the fighting in this area, the enemy has already lost more than 5,000 servicemen and 69 tanks. today, on the instructions of the president , deputy prime minister morat arrived in the region khusnulin. he inspected temporary accommodation points where border residents who were forced to leave their homes are currently located. together with governor alexei smirnov, the deputy prime minister also
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discussed. restoration of the destroyed.


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