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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 25, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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summer racer many beautiful races in different countries and the love of spectators, but he failed to gain world fame among professionals, but, as investigators believe, kartu was pulling off scams at the speed of a racing car. according to the prosecution, joshua kartu created an internet platform through which he and his brothers acquired binary options. these are virtual contracts, participants place bets.
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josh kartu and his brothers collected racing cars, hung out with celebrities and flew between luxury pitchforks on private jets, but behind their playboy images hid a dark secret, they had thousands of defrauded investors and an army of investigators on their tail. joshua cartoul, as if flirting with justice and bragging about luxury. business jets, sports cars, elite watches photos in the company of stars, they say: cartoul even acquired an apartment in the moscow city skyscraper. thanks to the work of russian police , the finest hour of the con pilot could have come to an end. according to american law, for large-scale fraud, cartoul faces up to 20 years in prison. but apparently, we'll have to do some more twisting and turning. as stated in the official statement, quote, the initiator of the search did not provide the russian authorities with an order to extradite the detainee, that is, the american and canadian police officers who initiated the case against the racer, for some reason.
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slowed down, now hartu will go free, there are no claims against him in russia, and foreign investigators, it seems, will have to go for a second round. well, this week , the police interrupted the tour of another outrageous fugitive, kuban blogger andrei sidoropoulou. it seems he's got a big head a follower of notorious info-scammers such as elena blinovskaya and ayas shabuddinov. sidaruplu sold subscribers a unique course. promised to make them rich, but showed off only his own method of deception. as it turned out, his pseudo-author's developments were copied from the internet, and the fake coach himself may be a dummy. so in whose pockets were millions of rubles misplaced and what does the scandalous blogger who set fire to mercedes have to do with this. only we have new details of the high-profile scam and the stories of the deceived people. disabled person of the first group anton basenko from krasnodar region is undergoing another course.
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kidneys failed, health worsened after for him this is the only chance to live , how anton took a loan of almost half a million rubles and gave the money to fashion blogger andrey sidaropole, the outrageous coach promised to teach how to profitably sell advertising on the internet, but deceived. curators did not help normally, did not teach you properly, when you ask questions, you almost there not in badoropole advertised his author's courses, the price of which reached 3000 rubles. but business coach, according to investigators, stole millions from several dozen students across the country. the blogger was charged with especially large-scale fraud, the court sent him to a pre-trial detention center. is the ruling clear? the blogger had been on the federal wanted list for almost 2 years, the investigation reached a new level only after the main investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for moscow took up the case. especially for the final issue.
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we will return later, for now about the story of the deception itself and its victims, elite office and business center on leningradsky prospekt in moscow, just 7 km from red square, here on the second floor, in one of the rooms , the self-proclaimed coach andrey sidaropolo held his classes, a fragment of one of these classes in the capital's business center in the auditorium, as at a lecture by a famous professor, there are no free seats, now other specialists are working in that room, here... a
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landscape design studio is located, they don't want to talk about sidaropolo: you took a seat, but no, we didn't, no need, listeners of sidaropolo's lecture admit, they were bribed by the face-to-face classes. but they very rarely met face to face with the guru. i am an adult, an accomplished person with a higher education, and for me it was not a money button, as we usually say, as many people think. what i saw on his page was an indicator of his financial solvency for me, accordingly, his business works, so i had a limit of trust in him. sedorupolu backed up his words with deeds, closed his mother's mortgage, gave his grandfather a car. what do you think? i can not to survive, well, the blogger was throwing money around, drowned a luxury watch worth 1.5 million rubles in the river , burned his old car live on air. what a guy, the subscribers admired, no one tried to find a catch in the words
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of the showy performances. emelya on the stove, nothing, i did nothing, i got the money, because i know, i have a magic pill, if you give me a little money, i will... there is this notorious magic pill, and you will also, you will have so much money that you will burn cars, you you will do whatever you want, if he is a businessman and he earned the money himself, it is dear to him, not because he is greedy, but because he earned it himself. sidoroupolu lit up together with his friend and business partner, the scandalous blogger mikhail litvin. the exposer of info scammers, musician and businessman andrey kovalev, followed the couple for a long time, he is sure that they cheated together, they worked as a pair, as a pair, he advertised and received his share from the deceived, therefore i believe that in this criminal case mikhail litvin should also go to jail, it is high time. litvin really, as if he was scared of something right after the arrest of sedoropolo, went into
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hiding, his phone is switched off, communication is only through personal assistants and pr people, who are now actively advertising the blogger, we call under the guise of clients, saying we want to order a performance by prankster litvin for an anniversary. the average price for his visit, so that he can congratulate someone on stage, is 10 million. 10 million, yes, yes, what surprises litvin as a host? you know, you could just indicate how you would like to see, but he is not basic some artist, not timothy there conditionally, officially mikhail litvin is involved in the case of fraud of sidarupolo as a witness, but investigators do not exclude that new defendants may appear, darupala was charged just before his detention on episode 40.
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is to be brought in as a civil suit, all the victims are perplexed, how will sidarupolo pay now, he burned the car, threw away expensive watches, and he is registered in this old krasnodar nine-story building, did the guru himself really turn out to be a dummy, like his fake courses, perhaps soon the investigator will find out who could be behind the kuban business coach with a school education, in whose pockets millions from...
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yes, andrey, usually in such cases they say, got burned on women, in our story on a woman, but what, a two-meter long-haired brunette with a lush chest, yes, even if not natural, who can be surprised by this now? a kind of naked party in tambov, as expected, such an event thundered with a bang, of course, because according to some information, obscenities were committed. right at the workplace of the head of the regional government motor depot. here are these shots from the logo of debauchery: the culprit of the scandal, a half-naked life-size doll lily, frivolously sits on the lap of the birthday boy andrei sileonov, the head of the motor depot of the government of the tambov region. he was celebrating his fifty
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-first birthday, seemingly an experienced manager, but suffered a fiasco with a foam madam. this puppet theater for adults caused a storm of delight among the audience, subordinates like ... the dance of the little swans, followed by a latin american macarena for warm-up, here it is, the cherry on the birthday cake, a passionate striptease was cast with the exposure of all her splendor. seleonov hugged the lady, pressed her to his heart, touched all the foam rubber bulges, swayed his hips in time, but to make it even more fun, the head of the motor depot took a whip very skillfully launched her entrance, surely not for the first time. they say that the woman is to blame for everything, the unbridled lily put an end to seleonov's career. the governor of the tambov
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region fired the head of the motor depot, did he really not play enough with the cars, reached for the dolls. he should have exclaimed, it's not his fault, she came herself, but it was too late. internet users reported that the foam brunette was planted on the boss's birthday, oh, his subordinates invited her, and then they probably leaked the dashing video online themselves, maybe that's how... they wanted to finally get rid of the boss, according to local media, sileonov managed the regional motor depot for almost 20 years. there is another version - revenge of offended women. take a closer look, the pawnbroker's round dance is full of beautiful ladies. suddenly one of them was offended that he was left without a gift. so what? the assortment of the tambov company for the rental of life-size dolls includes, for example, the prototype of artur pirzhkov or superzhorik. oh, beware, employees of the hr and accounting departments. oh, mom, who is this? judging by the number
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of scandals, there are many bright, gifted officials in the tambov government, take, for example, the former minister of health of the region alexey ovchinnikov, who was caught last winter on an illegal hunt. in a conversation with the police, he fully revealed his talent in the conversational genre: a speaker from god. yes, i i say this with a swear word, such complaints, i honestly say, and so do you. in the relationship. criminal cases were opened, closed and reopened. now there is no news about his fate, neither from the police, nor from the investigative court. apparently, the hunter got off with a slight fright, lost his comfortable chair in the office with a fake wolf. as for his colleague from the motor pool, with a fake woman, now he is also not at the helm. according to the law, such frivolous dances, of course, are not punishable, and there are no victims, it seems, both the actors and the viewers of this erotic interactive are happy. for love. their only wish is to be more modest, they say to officials of the tambov
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region, there is something to work on with both hands and head, because some dancers are always in the way. everything is as usual, look for a woman, but the official will have to look for a job. tasiana shazo told us about a foam rubber party in tambov. the head of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the north caucasus federal district, sergei bachurin , held a cordial meeting with the heads of regional departments and divisions of the department via videoconference, included in the north caucasus federal district. first of all , the meeting participants discussed the results of work to combat illegal arms trafficking , taking into account the special military operation. another important topic was the decriminalization of the fuel and energy complex. the head of the district police headquarters noted the insufficient measures to identify organized groups and criminal communities. in general, sergei bachurin demanded a qualitative increase
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in the efficiency of work and set tasks for the operational unit to strengthen control over operational situation in the district. new twist in the scandalous story about the murder of rapper andy cartwright. alexander yushko was known under this pseudonym in st. petersburg. 4 years ago, police found fragments of his body in the musician's apartment. the wife of the performer was accused of the cold-blooded massacre, but the court has not yet been able to sentence her. moreover, the alleged killer was released. my colleague alexandra mostovaya visited the northern capital and learned unexpected details of the investigation of this mysterious case. a favorable forecast for st. petersburg astrologer marina kokhal. she will be free in the near future. this short brinetka in black is accused of murdering her husband, rapper andy cartray. according to alexandra yushko's passport, the court recently released her from custody for the first time in a long time marina kokhal enters
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the courthouse without an escort, in the presence of reporters, the woman quickens her pace. marina, hello, how are you feeling? can i talk to you, how are you feeling, how are you? once upon a time, astrologer kokhal dreamed of people's love, hosted a block on the internet and taught married couples to forgive insults. even if you know her not only by sight. brought marina kokhal fame. she gained scandalous fame after the mysterious disappearance of her musician husband. alexander yushko disappeared without a trace in the summer of 2020. and soon investigators found fragments of his body in the apartment. it sounds monstrous, but his wife marina kokhal kept them in the refrigerator next to the food. according to one version, after a family quarrel, astrologer kokhal did not
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follow her advice from the videos. she introduced tried to inject her rapper husband with a lethal dose of an insulin analogue.
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here are the inscriptions and pictures with cartwright's image. according to the residents of the house, yushko's fans still bring flowers in memory of the deceased. about three weeks ago , there were three or four bouquets and it was even signed there, i think it was edi cartwright? yes, yes, there was something signed there. the housing that the couple rented is now empty. for the first time in our program, footage of an investigative experiment involving marina kokhal, accompanied by. guards, a woman enters the entrance of that the house itself on nevsky prospect. what happened in this apartment? i found the body of my wife. investigators are sure that the lover killed her husband out of jealousy. allegedly , yushko had an affair with a girl named nadezhda. they say that the rapper even wanted to leave the family. his wife was against it and threatened to forbid
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him from seeing the child. on that last day, when we met, he and his wife had a telephone conversation. emotionally, they were arguing about something, she gave the phone to the child, so that, well, according to the version investigators, the crime was planned down to the last detail, the body was deliberately cut into pieces, the internal organs were washed in a washing machine so that no examination would establish the cause of the rapper's death, and therefore the true culprit of his death, if there are no internal organs, then this will probably be, the cause of death has not been established. the trial of marina kokhal has already started for the second time, the previous judge has resigned and now a new servant of themis is delving into the nuances of this story: the rapper's widow is under a ban enjoys freedom for certain actions, which causes bewilderment among experienced operatives, a person is about to be released there for certain actions, that is, well, that is, they do not use the internet, phones, and so on, well, what
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will come into her head, after all, this was done with particular cruelty, well, if you don’t like it, find it. led one of the richest women in the region , galina sidorog. according to one version , illegal migrants helped her become a billionaire. is it true that the cabbage queen put together an organized crime group
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who else was in on the action - alena skachkova found out. at 6 a.m. , an overcrowded patik is creeping along a broken road on the outskirts of nizhny novgorod. inside, there are visitors from neighboring republics. foreign specialists, the main ones in preparing a traditional russian dish - sauerkraut, known in the city under the brand name beloruchka. this is the boss of beloruchka, one of the richest women in the region, galina sidorog. at 65, she first made the forbes list, and then came under investigation. the cabbage queen is considered the leader of a criminal group organizing illegal migration. what salary did migrants receive while you were shining on the fots lists? to get an answer to this, go and work not with your tongue, but with your hands, at least once, that's all. investigators believe that on a successful pensioner. for a long time
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, no one even guessed that behind this high fence there was a real ghost town, here at the cabbage factory illegals worked hard without documents and medical records, their very existence was a secret, and to preserve it, three security posts were placed along the perimeter, the migrants were monitored around the clock surveillance, they don't even care...
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in this dirty restroom the employees wash their hands, they wash their clothes right there, next to it is a canteen with flies, carriers of dangerous infections, right behind the wall is a vegetable shop, tuna cabbage, potatoes, carrots, all thanks to the work of illegals, the employees complain, they have recently been left without a roof over their heads, they were liquidated on a slab, perhaps such savings allowed the cabbage queen to become a billionaire, an illegal immigrant does not have to pay for insurance, pensions, sick leave... they won't complain either, apparently, that's how galina is petrovna saved up for her own palace, although she is now locked up in it, or rather, under house arrest. the small village of burtsevo, something like the nizhny novgorod ruble,
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is where businesswoman galina sedorog now spends her days in one of the mansions . the enterprising pensioner managed to chop up so much cabbage that it was enough for an entire two-story house in a gated community with security. here it is with panoramic windows, a fireplace, judging by the chimney, and a huge territory behind a blank fence. sedorog, like a fairy tale about cinderella, a manual for all sorts of trainers personal growth. before becoming a socialite, galina sedorog, like these grandmothers, stood behind the counter at the local market, selling cabbage, supposedly so delicious that even the residents of distant australia fell in love with it. things went uphill, and in just a couple of years , sedorog's own enterprise's revenue reached one and a half billion rubles. sidarok's colleagues from the local market had not heard of the dark side of the white-handed woman. it is understandable, ordinary people are far from cruel.
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including among the security forces, according to investigators, she was now delivering packages former deputy head of the department for with the growth of prosperity, connections with roads, migration issues of the city police department, elena vavilova. she allegedly turned a blind eye to employees of illegals, an employee of the migration department of the police provided general patronage to an employee of the personnel department, since she was on friendly terms with him patronage she carried out the activities of this enterprise, as for the registration of further illegal meada, just to understand, there is no bribe there, i can not give yet the final answer, since the investigation is not over, now elena vavilova is in pre-trial detention, it seems there is no trace left of the female friendship. why did you turn a blind eye to the organization of illegal migration to lawyers? it is known that six foreigners who chopped cabbage for the roads have already been expelled from the country, the rest are in line. nizhny novgorod cinderella faces up to ten years in prison, the court
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extended the house arrest of the influential pensioner. in a couple of minutes watch the investigation by eduard petrov, the film is not rescuers, our issue is over, more big legal news in telegram channels of the duty unit and honest detective, happily.
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restore order on the roads cope with the situation when some officials and businessmen drove cars with a siren symbolizing the ministry of emergency situations. flashing lights, quacks and paint of rescue services will no longer be distributed to anyone. the chaos on the roads of our country was stopped by changes in the decree of the president of russia, on streamlining the use of devices for giving special light and
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sound signals at. installed on vehicles, the document was published on january 22, 2019, from now on the beacon and the paint of the cars, rescuers can only use the ministry of emergency situations, all passenger cars of private rescuers are deprived of this right, the ministry of emergency situations of russia proposed to make such changes to the law and the head of state supported this initiative, because it became quite obvious that many ... cars with an orange-blue stripe and a flashing light, and these are often premium cars, do not go to any emergency are used for other purposes, they carry officials, security officials and businessmen. a flashing beacon on the roof, a siren and a bright blue and orange stripe. this is what emergency vehicles look like, and they are given the right of way without thinking.


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