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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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well, now to the breaking news that is currently coming to news agencies: the presidents of russia and kazakhstan had a telephone conversation, during which, during which they discussed current issues of cooperation, including in the energy sector. the kremlin press service is now reporting this, and we will return to this news with slightly more details later on our broadcast. but now we will discuss the latest news and legislative initiatives live on air with the deputy head.
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the number of crimes committed has increased migrants, last year investigators reviewed 3,100 cases, these are quite serious figures, but what is even more frightening is that in the first 6 months of this year the number of indecent acts against children has increased by 25%... to say that the number of criminal acts of an extremist nature has increased by 55%, all of this, of course, worries us, society is worried, people demand that the federal legislator take some measures, and of course, when we put forward the initiative that it is necessary to expel migrants from the country who previously were condemned, then in numerous comments, in messages and in general in reactions to this...
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of course, we need to look at it individually, they should not fall under the effect of this law, our legislative initiatives, and the discussion continues, but i also hope that colleagues will still allow our legislative initiative to be considered in the first reading, in the second reading mode, everyone can already make amendments and finalize it in such a way that it really meets the interests of our society, because first of all, it is it is about protecting our russian citizens.
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exit will be closed for all those who have, including a spent, removed conviction, for life without a statute of limitations, the state duma adopted, the federation council approved, and the president of our country signed amendments to the migration legislation on august 8, the concept of expulsion of persons whose presence in our country is recognized as undesirable was introduced, this is a new instrument, it will be introduced will be put into effect from february 5 of next year, and this gives us the opportunity, accordingly, and to expand the number, well, of those persons who we believe should not, should not be in our country, a special register will be created, in which controlled persons are entered, from the moment they are included in this register, they cannot drive a vehicle, they cannot get married, they cannot perform any banking operations, and so on and so forth and so forth, this is a novelty, so there are certain mechanisms for how this will all work. the situation with people
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who have a criminal record that has been expunged, who are currently serving sentences, it is really heating up on the territory of russia, on friday there was a hostage taking in the penal colony of the 19th region, what do you think needs to be done to prevent similar situations in the future, to normalize the situation in the penal colonies, because even now a message is coming in, i see, literally a few minutes ago on the fsb news agency feed they reported that an illegal casino was operating in a penal colony in the rostov region, well, do you remember that when a similar terrible event occurred in the rostov region, we also sent our parliamentary inquiries, so this issue has been in our area of ​​​​attention for a long time, this is not an emotional decision now, moreover, i will tell you that when i was the mayor of the city of yakutsk in 2019, a terrible crime occurred against a resident of the city of yakutsk, which caused outrage among residents,
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and i had to answer to the people, then for the first time already as the mayor of the city, i considered this issue not only from an economic point of view, as we now they always try to present it. but in general, from the point of view of the safety of our own citizens, as far as colonies and places of imprisonment in general, i believe that we need to be extremely careful about the hybrid colonies that are being created, when people who have committed some light, well, not serious crimes, are kept, will be kept in the same premises in the same building with those who have committed serious, serious crimes, including those of an extremist nature.
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first place, this is india and then about a billion other people, and russia is not on countries, therefore the fact that the administration of telegram still wants to defend both the secrecy
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of our correspondence with you, and what is openly discussed on political channels, i believe that this is worthy of support, therefore... we organized such an action and we support the fact that, after all, the freedom of our communication, it must be preserved, it must be defended, defended including outside the territory of russia, since i repeat, this is a large-scale story, this is a billion on the entire planet, yeah, the situation in the russian borderland, kursk and belgorod region, members of the new people party are taking the initiative to remove from residents. it seems strange that we are now discussing the issuance of fines for speeding to those people who evacuated in panic, fled there from the border areas of the kursk region, but
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this is really so, this issue needs to be discussed, and what needs to be done now to help residents of the kursk and belgorod regions, of course, so that such formal moments with a fine do not arise. because of speeding, but really, in the very first moments, as it all happened, our regional branch in the kursk region, the party new people organized the collection of humanitarian aid, the collection of funds. and the deputy chairman of the state duma vladislav davankov, also a member of our party, immediately went to the scene, and indeed this initiative about not fining for speeding and so on, it arose right there on the spot, when he simply drove along these roads, took people out, took them out, helped people evacuate directly, fortunately we have mutual understanding here - with the departments, the work is moving in a positive direction, i will not disclose all the nuances, since this is still such a zone now...
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also a huge amount of medicines of everything that residents need, so we do not stand aside, this is our common misfortune, and this huge number of people have united, and this is very pleasing, here is maxim sosoev, he is in his telegram channel, this is the head of our regional branch in the kursk region, he constantly talks about the fact that done, what are the funds that people from all over the country send invoices spent on, and the aid that is collected is also absolutely targeted - it goes to those people who suffered. yeah. another event that
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will be throughout russia, in almost 83 regions at the end of next week, a single voting day, september 6-8. how is the new people party preparing for a single voting day, how many candidates are you pushing back and are you planning to participate in all gubernatorial elections? 21 regions are electing governors. and for us, these are the largest elections in terms of elections of senior officials. in the regions of our country, we are participating in 10 companies, in ten regions we have nominated our candidates for the positions of governors, heads of subjects, so this is the first time for our party, so, of course, we are extremely responsible about this, the companies are interesting, the companies are highly competitive and we are glad that people have a great interest, after all, this is the most important thing, that people participate, people express their opinion, position, therefore... we are looking positively at the growth of recognition, the growth of our efficiency, and
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of course, separately for municipal companies, if we talk about, and this is a municipal company in st. petersburg, yeah, we are also entering the municipal level for the first time, why are municipal elections so important for us, because after all, in our country there is a municipal filter for nominating senior officials, heads of regions, therefore, of course... the presence of deputies from the new people party in municipalities is extremely important for us in yakutia there will be a very interesting company in one of the districts, where i am leaving soon, this week i am literally flying tomorrow to gorno-altaisk, from there to irkutsk, from there to yakutia and then to vladivostok for the eastern economic forum, so the program is very busy, we work everywhere, we find understanding , response and support from people, this is the most important thing, and of course the municipal level is directly working with people on the ground, of course. of course, because we are now building a very good effective vertical, when municipal deputies
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work in conjunction with deputies who work at the regional level, our faction in the state duma is perhaps one of the most open factions, when we work directly in conjunction with our municipal deputies and deputies who are in regional dumas, legislative assemblies, regions, this, since we are young, we are growing, we are energetic, our communication is very simple and very fast. therefore, we would like to preserve this real democracy within their ranks, well, the opportunity to hear the opportunity to then put forward initiatives, you already said that after communicating with voters in gornoaltaisk, in the cities of yakutia, you will go to vladivostok, to the eastern economic forum, as far as i know, the new people party plans to raise at the forum such a topic as the secrets of permafrost, it seems, of course, that the topic is alien. to the residents of the central zone of russia, perhaps the southern regions, explain why this is not so, why is
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the topic of permafrost really, it it is relevant now, it is relevant for residents of all regions, you are absolutely right, because despite the popular opinion that the eternal world of evil is somewhere there in the arctic and so on, more than 65% of the territory of our country, the russian federation, is in the zone, as scientists ask us to call it, 5% of the country's territory, this is not only the arctic zone and the north, and the consequences that may be if we do not take emergency measures right now, they, of course, can be very, very deplorable, but at the eastern economic forum at the session dedicated to this issue, we, together with the ministry of development of the far east,
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thank them very much for involving us in the consideration of this issue, we intend to consider approaches to... the bill, and the secrets of the eternal world of zloty, so here , after all, this is not only an economic issue, but this is also an issue, excuse me, this is also an issue concerning the natural landscape in general, the situation with the animal world, the preservation of forests, this is a change in the life of the cities and towns of the many located on this territory, pay attention to the train wreck in a coma, everything seems to be russian railways there, they don't go behind the tracks and so on, but scientists warned in advance that it was in this area that there could be problems with the railway track due to melting , what they were talking about, eternal golden peace, that is, it was predictable, now
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background monitoring has been deployed in the country, background monitoring has been deployed, this is of course better than... what, but it is imperative to conduct geotechnical monitoring, we are talking about this scientists and researchers say, that's why this is the number one task that is currently being addressed, because it concerns our public utilities, which are all pipes, that is, on the ground, it concerns energy, it concerns mining, it concerns everything that is located on this territory and directly the settlements themselves, yes , the ministry for the development of the russian far east has calculated that only in the arctic zone... an industrial civil construction project can cause damage in the amount of 7 trillion rubles by 2050, that's why the question very serious, which should have been dealt with yesterday. we will follow how this topic will be disclosed at the eastern economic forum and what statements will be made, whether it will be possible to move, so to speak, this
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problem, permafrost, from a dead point, the secret of permafrost. here is another initiative, which concerns more financial issues. it is imperative to use this self-prohibition function, in particular, i will definitely do this so that personal data leaked to the network, the world wide web, does not become, therefore, the object of some criminal encroachments, it is necessary to do this, improve your financial literacy, read and be interested, not from me to my mother
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and mother-in-law said: "don't answer calls from unknown numbers, if necessary, we will call you back and..." in order to put this question point-blank to force banks to more actively develop their freezing systems, this means that any transaction requires a certain freezing for a certain period so that a person can soberly assess what is happening and not immediately receive money that will flow away to fraudsters with small transfers already works,
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the next one is still droppers, but this is such a term in the banking sector, in fact, these are dummy. to which, therefore, bank accounts are issued, money flows out, these are ordinary citizens of the russian federation, who to one degree or another are involved in criminal schemes. the first step has been taken, and the state duma in the first reading considered the bill that a minor aged 14 to 18, when opening a bank account, still present the consent of his parents, because that very often it is the youth. young people aged 14 to 18 who become unwitting droppers when they hand over their bank card to someone who begins to receive transfers on their behalf, meaning to transfer them further, where it is not necessary, therefore work in this...
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let me remind you that about the bills that will be thank you very much for the interview, but also i will be discussed in the coming months in the state duma, as well as about the upcoming single voting day, we talked live, in the studio with the deputy head of the duma faction new people, thank you very much, goodbye, thank you, three events aimed at strengthening ties with russia took place in argentina at once. the russian house in buenos aires showed the paintings of the russian itinerant artist vasily polenov come to life. the performance was accompanied by music written by the artist. the exhibition was helped by the artist's great-grandson vasily ermakov polenov. our colleague sergey brilyov collected the impressions of the guests of the event. this allows you to raise the volume, as if you were there where the artist painted, it seems wonderful to me. it is felt that every student is different,
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some like more statics, some , on the contrary, add movement, others show what is not on the canvas, but the canvas is there. such events are always like a refuge from everything else, embraced by some kind of chaos, just a holiday for the soul. and in slavic. the latin american premiere of the recent film novy svet forgotten wave by sergei brilev took place at the belinsky club in san martin, argentina. about how in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century , residents fled to argentina, paraguay and uruguay western belarus, fled from the poles. there , the argentine settlers were presented with a memorial plaque stalingrad buenos aires, in gratitude for the solidarity campaign during the great patriotic war. the plaque was made by the center for personal diplomacy of the volgograd state university, with the support of our holding, similar plaques in latin america have already been installed in venezuela, nicaragua and uruguay. megamarket,
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12:59 pm
in ukraine, there is an emergency power outage, disrupted power supply in the lviv, odessa, zhitomir and khmelnytsky regions, a strike with high-precision weapons in response to the attack on the kursk region, which is also reported in our. ministry of defense. in russia , two dozen drones were shot down overnight. four people were injured in saratov, one woman is in the hospital. another house was damaged in neighboring engels, what is known about the consequences. the russian economy has grown by more than 4.5% in six months. key statements at the meeting the president. what figures have been announced and what has been said about unemployment and inflation. pavel
1:00 pm
durov's arrest has been extended for 48 hours, this is the decision of a french court. the german bundestag is talking about an attack on freedom of speech. the wall street journal calls durov a valuable asset for western intelligence agencies. what do they want from the founder of telegram. a resident of omsk has been detained on suspicion of treason. he collaborated with the ukrainian intelligence services and transmitted data on the work of one of the defense enterprises. what else is the fsb reporting and what testimony is the detainee giving? and to the capital the july heat has returned to the region, they are predicting up to 30°, in crimea there is a fire near feodosia, the fire is spreading rapidly, when will it be extinguished. russian military personnel today used high-precision naval air -launched weapons, as well as drones, to strike ukraine. this is stated in a statement by the ministry of defense. the military department emphasized.


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