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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 26, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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a very powerful explosion, such that even the windows and glass shook, the houses shook, and some people even evacuated from apartment buildings, well, and we have just now gone to the plant itself, the oil refinery, its territory is huge, so it is quite difficult to examine the area where the fire occurred, so we have already driven around it from all sides, the press service of the oil... refinery gave an official comment, yes, they really confirmed that the incident occurred on their territory, they reported a fire in one of installations, but the automatic fire extinguishing systems were immediately activated, fire brigades arrived, seven vehicles and 27 people, and it is also known about two victims who were on the territory of the plant, they are now receiving all the assistance, but for now this is the information,
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the season of joint work, we saw positive results, we basically had another year left so that we could think, but since we are satisfied and tebank is satisfied with the joint interaction, partnership, we decided not to postpone this in long box, and already now sign the next 5 years, among new initiatives, the launch of a city tour, within the framework of which every month in different cities of russia... among them yaroslavl,
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chelyabinsk, yekaterinburg, nizhny novgorod, kazan, novosibirsk and omsk, a special program with exclusive offers for fans, both in the arenas and in the city, will be presented. a wonderful picture. we have come up with many quite interesting initiatives, and some of them, which i will not say in advance, so that it remains a surprise, so follow news, but, for example, we have planned every month, and quite a large one. tour of the cities of the presence of the continental hockey league, and where there will be a lot of activity on the ground. russian programmers based on the neural network have developed a special application for doctors, with its help they can identify serious problems with the spine in unborn babies. maria valieva with details. you see it yourself? three-year-old iulya quickly runs around the playground, climbs the slide, to the swing and ...
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the doctors' minds made a decision, urgently needed intrauterine surgery, it was performed in the twenty-first week of pregnancy, we must close the defect - the spine as early as possible, because with time the duration of pregnancy the spinal cord is damaged more and more by amniotic fluid, from the 19th to the twenty-sixth week, the most optimal period for this operation, spina befida. the pathology is rare,
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according to statistics it occurs in one out of a thousand newborns, and it is not always possible to detect it during the first screening, this is only possible for those doctors who already have an idea of ​​this disease and the features of the anatomical structures of the central nervous system. now, unfortunately, the diagnosis of this syndrome is still possible only in the second screening, in the second trimester, this is 20 weeks, 21 weeks, these terms, as if they still allow us to perform the operation. but if literally there is one week, two weeks more, then we cannot perform a full examination, we cannot prepare the patient, she misses this opportunity to perform intrauterine correction of spinobid. solution to the problem found, to identify pathology at the end of the first trimester, now the neural network will help. the project , initiated by the spina bifeda charity foundation, was developed by yandex cloud specialists together with doctors from the kulakov obstetrics and gynecology center. red. the zone
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is tinted, those zones that the model paid attention to are tinted, that is, the doctor can open the original image, pay attention to these same zones, and already make some... decision the application is available to the entire medical community, especially effective its application will be in the regions so that obstetricians and gynecologists can make a diagnosis as soon as possible and send the patient for intrauterine surgery, such are mainly done only in moscow, at the kulakov obstetrics and gynecology center. this is a very important program, a personal program for the family, for this child, but it is also important in such a political, i would say, plan, as ... it is important that this is a high level of surgery, neonatology, obstetrics, science, and in this regard, we are in no way inferior to ours colleagues, again there in western europe, north america, here we need to support,
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develop and transfer these technologies to all federal districts. a patient from another city needs to pack her things, documents, buy tickets as quickly as possible. you can't delay every day. the spina bifida charity foundation helps pregnant women with these issues. we already have more than fifty such patients under our care, who underwent surgery here at the center. right now we have two pregnant women under our care, and who have already undergone intrauterine surgery, and one of them is from the komi republic, the other from chelyabinsk, and they are now expecting the birth of their babies in a hotel at the kulakov center, in this case, we from the fund organize this accommodation, pay for it, well, actually, we help in anticipation of the child. in such a difficult situation in an unfamiliar city, in addition to medical care, the expectant mother also needs psychological
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support, the attitude is important so that the woman does not think about the bad, but prepares after the operation for the birth of the light of the most precious to her person. maria valieva, dmitry korsykov, mikhail vikulin and... anaasiya makarova, what other channel should we broadcast on? well, now there's a message from the russian defense ministry, which specifies that this morning our country's armed forces launched a massive strike with long-range precision weapons, air and sea- based, operational-tactical aviation of the russian aerospace forces, and strike unmanned aerial vehicles on critical energy infrastructure facilities that ensure the operation of ukraine's military-industrial complex. specific targets are named as objects of the strike, our defense ministry emphasizes , including electrical substations in the kyiv, vinnytsia, zhytomyr, khmelnytskyi, dnipropetrovsk, poltava, mykolaiv, kirovograd and odessa regions. gas compressor stations in the lviv,
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ivano-frankivsk and kharkiv regions were also damaged. these are stations that ensure the functioning of the gas transportation system of ukraine. the defense ministry also notes that storage sites for aircraft were subjected to strikes . in the damage, we are talking about airfields in the kiev and dnepropetrovsk regions, this is the equipment that was transferred to the kiev regime by western countries. all designated targets were hit, resulting in power outages , disrupted rail transport , and ammunition to the line of combat contact. let me remind you again, this is a message from the russian defense ministry. more than twenty victims of mass poisoning of food that they received from a ready-made food delivery service want to file class action lawsuits against the company, people do not agree with the volume compensations that the company began to pay, what else can be found in food, what the consumer does not know and how to control the quality of dishes, a special report by vera moroz, watch after the advertisement, one purchase,
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buy a steam generator for 13,999 rubles. apply for a credit card at vtb, everything will work out. rosselkhoznadzor laboratory, more than 6,000 studies are conducted here per month. senior researcher kristina bakai is now checking cottage cheese. enzyme immunoassay, it is widespread, used in many areas, and veterinary science in biology, in medicine, that is, with its help, various substances are determined. antibiotics, infectious diseases, some samples begin turn blue, the test
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is positive, which means there is a prohibited admixture transglutaminase, the so-called meat glue, it makes a homogeneous mixture from any products at all, meat, fish, dairy, this is a cheaper way to get a large amount of dairy products, transglutaminase when interacting with food proteins can create glutenopods. found e. coli in raw meat for over the past few months, lab technicians have been shashlik, some samples of butter were a mixture of palm oil and beef fat. the use of additives with palm fat. it often drags behind it a tail of such toxic components as
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glycidol or trimonochloropropanediol. if we are talking about beef fat additives, then here we are not insured, antibiotics, e hormones, pesticides, mycotoxins that could have accumulated - in the animal's body, and this is sometimes not easy to detect even in laboratory conditions, what can we say? about the ordinary consumer. products in their pure form. we know what they should taste like meat or vegetables, but the more complex the composition of the product, and the more stages of processing it goes through, the more difficult it is for a person to recognize each ingredient separately. the main categories are meat, dairy products and canned goods. roskachestvo examined buckwheat in july. for some manufacturers, the labeling data differed from the actual ones in terms of the mass fraction of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. honey was also checked; about 30% of the products examined were not honey, but sugar syrup,
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which is sold to us under the guise of honey, the rest can be sold to us as expensive honey variety, in fact, be a mix of cheap varieties, that is, such a hodgepodge, which are really blended and passed off to us as expensive, and sometimes expensive geographical, such as bashkir and altai honey, sell garbage in packaging instead of pure. cereals make freezing with a thick layer of ice so that the consumer pays for water or replace the composition of the product with cheaper ingredients. all this is the handwriting of an unscrupulous business. one raw material is declared on the packaging, but in fact it is another, well, for example, we buy some berry juice, it is written there cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries and so on, upon inspection it turns out that various flavoring substances are added there, which make it similar to berries, in fact this makes the production process cheaper, and the difference due to the use of, let's say, other
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cheaper raw materials can reach 10 times, that is, it is 10 times cheaper to produce a counterfeit product than the original. this, for example, concerns in particular fish, canned fish, the notorious saury, according to estimates from the russian agricultural surveillance service up to 60% of saury, on the shelves it is counterfeit, there is a different type fish is located, that is, they write saury, in fact it is a cheaper type of herring, they replace one animal protein with another, this is probably in the best case, in the worst case just add some soy protein, which , well, due to the flavorings there, the same sodium glutamate, tastes very similar to beef, to beef meat, but nevertheless, it is a fairly cheap alternative, a cheap source of protein, such a substitution can reduce the cost of production by 10 times. at the institute for the development of entrepreneurship and economics made a calculation for us on a simple example of butter and margarine, spread. butter contains, perhaps, the most expensive component of all dairy products, this is
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milk fat, when butter is 100% natural, it cannot be cheap a priori. if we take spread, we will see that here the list is very large, we see there and vegetable fats, these can be some palm, sunflower oil, some other types of fats, here are emulsifiers, antioxidants, preservatives, and thus we understand, where does such a difference in price come from, among other things, that is why the government has introduced systems for tracking all stages of production, from the farm to the counter, one of them is the honest sign marking, about 8000 the consumer scans the code, in a suspicious case, he can complain to the regulatory authorities directly in the application. now there is access to dairy products, caviar, water drinks, in the near future they will add vegetable oils, glass and canned goods. for each code, the cash register contacts the marking system online
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honest sign, checks for compliance and if something is wrong, the cash register simply will not sell, there for 2-3 months. and 35 million liters of dairy products are illegal, expired, with violations of some documents, the sale of 35 million liters has been stopped, in water 33 million liters, our level of counterfeit in dairy products has decreased from 30% to 0.22, 150 times. on september 1, labeling of dairy products becomes mandatory for farmers, now veterinarians monitor the quality of goods that end up on the shelves of the market, if ... the consumer has doubts, then he can come to any point from the seller to request a conclusion on the sale of food products, the products have already passed the examination, which is necessary for this type of product, and accordingly it is released by a veterinarian for sale. supervisory authorities have their own network of electronic systems, including mercury rosselkhoznadzor. to see how it
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works. we bring a package of milk cottage cheese to the chief inspector, here we can see all the raw materials that they received, we can see each position, that is, you see, this there was a derzhinsky breeding farm, where the milk was obtained from, which is confirmed by this document. it turns out that not everything is so transparent, we also cannot say when the date of production was, yes, production exists, but what kind of tvorok is this, who pasted it on, when we cannot confirm, they are tracking it now, including with the help of artificial intelligence in the mercury system, which can find more than 30 thousand
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discrepancies per day, but only in the event of violations, the powers of the regulatory authorities are limited now, we see falsification, we see the lack of veterinary expertise, the lack of tests for the types of antibiotics that are used in the products, we see this, then we must act strictly according to the plan, we must contact the prosecutor's office, we must issue a warning, make a preventive visit. in march 2022, the government imposed a ban on scheduled inspections of businesses to reduce the administrative burden of protection. from sanctions. now the moratorium applies to inspections carried out by rospotrebnadzor and rosselkhoznadzor. exclusion of enterprises with extremely high and high risk category. in other companies, for example, like this one, they won't come for scheduled inspections, but they can offer to organize a preventive visit. as a rule, inspectors are invited for consultation and
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there are no questions for such conscientious manufacturers. every day after each shift, in the morning, when people come to work, everything is sterile here with us, it is either in the evening or at night, but in the morning with a new shift everything is always sterile already in this state, like now? well, this is very nice to see, actually there is only one recommendation, and further. maintains such cleanliness, both the premises and the equipment. meat processing plant in moscow. here they make sausages and hot dogs, prepare delicacies and produce meat snacks, the shelf life of which is no more than 4 months, this is below average. the quality is especially strict approach. at the meat acceptance there is a whole group of veterinarians, they measure the temperature of the carcasses, look at the cut. compare the documents with the marking, that's how we can determine the limas and look in the systemarium already the whole history
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of this half-meat, here we compare and accordingly look, so that everything has already been entered, everything was researched, now we are launching into production, then the system enters a list of products that were obtained from this meat, at this meat processing plant from 17 tons of raw materials it is obtained practically. according to rosselkhoznadzor, in some cases the delay can affect the health of the consumer. will he say, does this pose a health threat today? no, it is just a substitution. beef for chicken, pork for chicken, chicken for soy protein and so on, that is, there is no threat to health,
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until some kind of poisoning occurs, which already brings completely different understandings, we see falsification, which means that today we need to automatically block at the checkout, and consumer protection should collect these products, and while the procedure for everything that i said is underway, at this time already... salt dishes were prepared in a food delivery service that was not registered in the registry. such a number of people falling ill at the same time in connection with one source, i want to say again, we have not seen since 1999, and even then there
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were a little more than 180 victims. now in catering points, the only tool quality control of ingredients and products is the mercury system, but food courts, restaurants, burger joints are not required by law to use it.
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this is counterfeit dairy products, in a number of regions the figure even reaches 20%, the statistics are disappointing, the industry union and rosselkhoznadzor propose to make uniform
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rules. throughout russia and track products for catering through the mercury system, for violators to introduce turnover fines, in conjunction with the digital control system, cash production will be it is simply unprofitable to sell low-quality products, to change, not to report or to hide secret ingredients in the product that the consumer does not even suspect. megamarket, cosmetics, palette, reviews juicy color lays down evenly, it will definitely last us a long time, like colors, there are any, olynut shofrany pesh, and we will also take blush, foundation for me, mom and perhaps, buy perfume, megamarket is cool, sale, where did you buy megamarket, school style, we got our daughter ready for university, you are happy, that's for sure, buy the act gift set
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3:00 pm
so, the russian military used today high-precision naval air -launched weapons, as well as drones for strikes on ukraine. according to the defense ministry, they struck critically important facilities. power engineers, which ensure the operation of the country's military-industrial complex. the strikes were carried out on electrical substations in the kyiv, vinnytsia, zhitomir, khmelnytskyi, dnipropetrovsk, poltava, mykolaiv, kirovohrad and odessa regions. gas compressor stations in the lviv, ivanofrankivsk and kharkiv regions were also damaged. they, as the defense ministry emphasized, ensure the functioning of the gas transportation system of ukraine. in addition, they were subjected to attacks.


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