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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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the german authorities do not consider the nord streams a legitimate target for ukraine to attack, this is how berlin responded to warsaw and prague's statement that the gas pipelines could have been blown up because it would have harmed russia. berlin insists on an investigation, but is in no hurry to name the culprits. about how the mountain of lies grew, maria
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petrashka. instead of looking for those really responsible for blowing up the nord streams , the west got confused about who to blame and started blaming each other. first, western propaganda suddenly began massively accusing the explosions of the northern streams of ukrainian divers, and self-taught divers, who allegedly even against the will of zelensky took and blew up one of the key infrastructure facilities of europe. this is a thick-walled iron pipe, plus it is concreted , covered with concrete, they lay a special trench, and then they fill it with stones on top, we saw footage of an underwater vehicle and there you can see that several sections of pipes are missing, that is, there are 50-70 m of simply torn apart pipe, they want to tell us that this was done by some amateurs - almost from improvised materials, no, that is , there must have been a huge amount of explosives there, which means again several trucks, large volumes. had to be transported across
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the entire territory of the european union, loaded unnoticed onto some ship. the version about the brave ukrainian guys who deceived all the intelligence services of the world seemed dubious to the german journalist of the berlinstein publication. they wondered how plausible it was, why this version was so persistently implanted in the information space of the west. separately it is noted that the wording in such publications clearly borrows terminology from law enforcement agencies. the question is which country? for example, the official representative of the german cabinet stefan hebestrei stated that the german government considers the incident with the pipelines as a crime that must be thoroughly investigated, and does it definitely not approve of these acts of sabotage, like poland and the czech republic? the polish and czech presidents recently stated that if the destruction of the nord streams was committed by ukraine, then it was a completely legitimate act, does the federal government specifically this position of its partners in the eu and nato? no, but why suddenly
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did the germans not support the flash mob to accuse the ukrainians of all sins? all in connection with the fact that in this case germany would have to admit that the destruction of important critical german infrastructure is a legitimate target for ukrainian strikes, that is , they would have put themselves in a very strange and awkward position, such an attack on critical infrastructure. is an act of declaring war, that is, in fact , admitting that ukraine declared war on germany and at the same time help ukraine with all its might. germany has no political will to oppose the washington regional committee's version, but apparently there is a fear that the truth will still be revealed later. there are many inconsistencies in western propaganda publications about ukrainian self-taught bombers, starting with organizational details, which make it clear that it is impossible to pull this off without cover and support from the special services. by the time
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the explosions occurred on the northern streams, men had already been banned from leaving ukraine, according to this version, there are at least two ukrainians citizens, men were laying the plant. dynamite, the second one is also the same, it turns out that they transported the explosives across europe, either to poland or germany, but they nevertheless brought quite a lot of explosives into the eu country. it is also strange how western propagandists recorded telephone conversations with the persons involved in the investigation, how they were able to find and persuade them, if even the german authorities sent a european arrest warrant for one of the suspects, ukrainian diving instructor vladimir zhuravlev, back in june. he was in poland, where... his not only did not detain, but also released in early july, a month after the arrest warrant was issued. and polish prime minister tusk, after berlin's warrant, even suggested that the germans apologize and shut their mouths. nord stream supporters should remain silent. why is tusk so desperately
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shutting their mouths? who is he defending? if you look at who benefits from this, who benefited from the terrorist attack, then, of course, everything, all the factors point absolutely to the united states, that is, firstly, to destabilize the european gas market, this is to occupy the same market with liquefied american gas and sell it at three times the price, according to some estimates, american suppliers of liquefied gas have already earned more than $ 100 billion in addition to what they would have had if these gas pipelines had not been blown up, the more western media shouted about not being involved.
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what will be interesting for you to remember what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings.
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in july, the growth of the retail loan portfolio was minimal since the beginning of the year, as experts explain, the key role here was played by the end of preferential mortgages on new building at 8%, as well as tightening. requirements of the central bank to banks borrowers. according to the bank of russia in july the growth of consumer loans amounted to 206 billion rubles. this is approximately five times less than the months before. before that , the minimum values ​​were in january, but experts explained this by seasonality. in addition, even then the figures were higher. the slowdown
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in retail lending is an expected story, it is associated with two factors. first of all, this is certainly an increase in accounting. the central bank, which made consumer lending extremely expensive, the second factor that influences , in fact, the reduction of consumer lending, is certainly the termination of preferential mortgage lending programs for a large number of participants in this process, not as fast as before, the issuance of consumer loans in some large banks is growing, so, according to kommersant, in sberbank the volume of loans to the population increased by 56 billion rubles. before this, the minimum indicator in february was 97 billion. at alfabank 62 billion rubles. this is also the smallest increase since february. analysts
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they say that the dynamics are expected, because on july 1 , the preferential mortgage on new buildings at 8% ended. let me remind you that the program was launched in 2020 as a temporary support measure. construction industry during the pandemic, then extended and changed the parameters several times. in total, the program accounted for about 60% of the issuance for the entire period of validity. now. in july, our growth in the bank's loan portfolio is very represents a very symbolic growth in the area of ​​​​statistical error, we see this in the behavior of developers, they now have with this, a very large area of ​​unsold housing has accumulated, in connection with which they are thinking quite actively about what to do with this housing, because the population is in no hurry to invest at such high rates, so they need
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to attach this housing somewhere so that it brings in at least some profit. and another reason is the tightening of the central bank's requirements for banks borrowers in the unsecured lending sector. however, as experts explain, the cooling of the consumer lending market will play an important role in containment of inflation. according to rosstat , the consumer price index in annual terms exceeded the 9% mark in july. at a meeting on august 26, president vladimir putin noted that despite the increase in the key rate, the growth of loans to both individuals and legal entities continues, and this situation significantly stimulates consumer demand. theoretically, yes, naturally, a decrease in the volume of consumer lending should affect the volume of consumer demand and, probably, in theory, should, at least slow down. with prices, as for the housing market,
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here everything, in my opinion, is a little more complicated, while the dynamics of issuing consumer loans has already begun to affect prices per square meter, as calculated in yandex real estate, in cities with a population of over a million we can already talk about stagnation, but in half of the megalopolises about some reduction in prices, as experts explain, the market is being rebuilt to new conditions.
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what is remembered about this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. on august 28 , 1850, the premiere of operas by richard wagner lohengrin. the conductor was a close friend of the author, the hungarian-german composer ferrens liszt. wagner himself in this. in dozens of cities in germany, in prague, vienna, türich, london. in munich
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, the future king of bavaria ludwig ii attended the premiere. according to the sketches of the scenery by lohengrin, he built his neuwenstein castle. lohengrin became the first opera by wagner, staged on the russian stage in 1868 in the mariinsky theatre. on august 28, 1910 , the kingdom of montenegro was proclaimed, gaining independence from the ottomans. since the 15th century montenegro was part of the ottoman empire, although the country's territory was smaller than it is today. for example, all the lands on the sea, including buddhva and kotor, were under the rule of the venetian republic. at the end of the eighteenth century, the montenegrins defeated the troops of mahmud pasha, their lands actually became independent, although...
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the red army helped liberate themselves, and the country became one of the six people's republics within yugoslavia. and since 2006, montenegro has been an independent state again. on august 28 , 1941, the ussr issued a decree on the resettlement of germans to volga region. the germans settled on the volga in the 18th century at the invitation of catherine ii. under the soviet union , they officially became an autonomous republic of half a million people, but two months after germany attacked the ussr, the authorities announced that among the volga germans -
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quote: there are thousands and tens of thousands of saboteurs and spies, and supposedly, on a signal from germany, they will start shooting and blowing things up. they promised, for the purposes of state security, to resettle all the germans from the volga to the novosibirsk and omsk regions, to altai in kazakhstan. but in reality, in nkvd troops entered the republic and, giving people 24 hours to pack, they were allowed to take only what they could carry in their hands. they were often forced off trains into the bare steppes. in total , hundreds of thousands of people were deported to remote areas of siberia, kazakhstan and central asia during the war, many of whom died en route.
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in 1998, after the denomination , the kopeck was returned. new restrictions were not introduced, but now such small money is used extremely rarely. back in 2008 , the central bank recommended that banks softly refuse the smallest coins, but one-kopeck and five-kopeck coins remain legal tender. they are no longer issued, but those who are obliged to accept them for payment, and there were times when prices were. completely different, in russia at different periods of history the ruble was a great wealth, even such units of payment as a coin of half a kopeck were used, it was called denga or denzhka. a coin of a quarter of a kopeck is a half-kopeck coin. during the time of ivan the terrible, one kopeck could buy a bucket of milk or 30 chicken eggs, in the late ussr a box
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of matches or a glass of soda cost a kopeck. well, now you can't buy anything for a kopeck. that's what this day in history was like.
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mom, what are these letters for? for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state. banks and microfinance organizations are now required to keep the history of their communication with debtors for at least 3 years, and if a creditor's representative behaves inappropriately, threatens or insults the borrower, you can get evidence. in this issue, in 5 minutes, we will tell you what new obligations
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appeared in banks and mfis. first, banks and microfinance organizations must purchase a turnover. and programs for recording and storing the history of communication with the client, and not just any, but one that meets the requirements established by the federal bailiff service . without equipment, an organization cannot engage in the return of overdue debt. if the equipment breaks down or other circumstances arise that prevent the entry of a record, the bank is obliged to stop the dialogue with debtors and notify about the failure no later than the next working day. the history of interactions must be stored, as we have already said. for at least 3 years, and the recording includes personal meetings, telephone conversations, automatic calls, as well as text voice and, in principle, any messages, including notifications via: public services and any other sites on the internet, as well as information systems or computer programs. collectors had to and have complied with this requirement since january 1
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, 2017, they had to store for 3 years, mfis, in accordance with the internal standard adopted in 2017, had to store for 6 months, well, if there is equipment, whether 6 months or 3 years, it does not pose any major technical difficulties, banks did not have this obligation, it is finally in effect, so yes, these are basically significant changes for banks, which now should not just kick back that we do not have this record, they must present it and have no right not to present it. communication with the borrower should not be too intrusive, since 2017 there has been a law that limits collectors, personal meetings no more than once once a week, telephone conversations once a day, twice a week, eight times a month, a message twice in court. four times a week, 16 times a month, notification through public services twice a month. it is forbidden to disclose personal data to an indefinite number of people, for example, write about the debt on
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social networks or hang announcements at the entrance to the entrance. it is also forbidden to put pressure on the debtor through family and friends. to involve third parties , it is necessary to obtain written consent from the debtor himself and the third party, and consent can be revoked at any time, any will do a method that allows you to confirm the fact from... the debtor himself has the right to refuse direct contact with the creditor 4 months after the occurrence of the delay in the same ways that we have just said. after the application is submitted, creditors or collectors.
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if bank employees or collectors violate the law, then they are primarily threatened with a serious fine or even a decision of the license in the twenty-third year , criminal liability appeared. article illegal implementation of activities for the return overdue debt of individuals is prohibited, firstly, by the threat of violence or... destruction or damage to property and secondly, the threat of dissemination of knowingly false information that discredits the honor and dignity of the debtor or his relatives.
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a phrase thrown by a collector, such as " i'll burn your car, you can lose your freedom for up to 5 years, and if several people come to you and beat you up, then they can go to jail for 10 years. the federal bailiff service has long been supervising collectors, in fact, legislators decided". change horses midstream and retained the supervisory function, including for information about banks, the federal bailiff service and its federal bodies, so you should contact them, and the federal service has the right to appoint an inspection in the event of violations being detected to bring to administrative responsibility. so, let's repeat the main thing, now banks and microfinance organizations are required to keep a history of communication with debtors for at least the last 3 years. this includes calls, letters, messages, personal meetings, etc. further. it will be easier to prove the fact that you are being threatened or harassed when collecting overdue debt. for collectors , restrictions on the number
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of calls, messages and other interactions have long been established, and threats to life and health or property are a criminal offense. if you want to know more about the rights of clients of credit institutions or about protecting the rights of investors, write to us in telegram, send your questions, we will ask them to experts. and we will tell you about everything in the next issues, instructions.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. in the pursuit of views, entire locations are changed, it is easy to make a defake, to change. we watch to know everything about russia. the best
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historical series. we watch, we watch, in the application or on the site, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they are tense inside america, beyond its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch now follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult. to understand.
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they found themselves in front of a wall of tanks of the ukrainian armed forces, they were fired upon. the story of the rescue of residents of the surzhansky district, how they pulled out those whose car was hit by a tank shell. the kursk region has its own bermuda triangle for the vasushniks. three settlements in the border area militants and their equipment disappear without a trace, but no mysticism, only russian heroism and strength. the hotel in krivoy rog was the location of western instructors.
2:01 am
after the exact.


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